Meet Me in the Garden

Meet Me
In the Garden
A Small Standard Flower Show
September 6, 2014
9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Darlington, South Carolina
Kalmia Garden Study Club
The City of Darlington Beautification Board
“Meet Me in the Garden”
A Small Standard Flower Show
Trinity United Methodist Church Youth Building
115 Orange Street, Darlington, South Carolina
Saturday, September 6
9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Free and Open to the Public
Entries will be accepted on Thursday, September 4, 2:00 – 6:00 P.M.
and Friday, September 5, 8:30 – 10:30 A.M.
No Entry Fee Required
Member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc.
South Atlantic Region
East Sandhills District
Table of Contents
Title Page…………………………………………………………..…………….……………1
Table of Contents………………………………………………………..……………………2
Committees & Chairmen…………………………………………………..……..…………2-4
General Rules……………………………………………………………….……………....4-5
Horticulture Rules………………………………………………………………….……….7-8
Horticulture Division I…………………………………………………………….….…...9-13
Design Rules………………………………………………………………………….…..14-15
Design Division II…………………………………………………………………….……..16
Special Exhibits Rules……………………………………………………………………….17
Special Exhibits III…………………………………………………………….……….……17
GCSC Conservation List of Endangered Plants……………………………………….….....18
Flower Show Committees and Chairmen
Flower Show Chairman:
Linda Howle, 843-616-2561,
Flower Show Co-chairman:
Brigette Lawson, 843-393-9888,
Awards and Clerks:
Sue Kilgo, 843-393-8650,
Carolyn Abbott, 843-393-1852,
DeLette Jordan, 843-393-5689,
Design Consultants:
Linda Howle, 843-616-2561,
Brigette Lawson, 843-393-9888,
Diane Langston, 843-968-8335,
Design & Special Exhibit Reservations:
Diane Langston, 843-968-8335,
Karen Sprott, 843-393-8540,
Ronda Brown, 843-968-8264,
Julie Culbertson, 843-395-0792,
Educational/Special Exhibits:
Echo MacDonald, 843-968-8397,
Cathy Bailey, 843-393-5021,
Gail Milling, 843-393-7853,
Jean Donald, 843-618-4545,
DeLette Jordan, 843-393-5689,
Horticulture Classification/Consultants/Entries:
Cathy Bailey, 843-393-5021,
Echo MacDonald, 843-968-8397,
Marie Ross, 843-393-4435
Lynnette Moody, 843-393-7433,
Suzanne Muldrow, 843-393-4607,
Horticulture Placement:
Ronda Brown, 843-968-8264,
Karen Sprott, 843-393-8540,
Gail Milling, 843-393-7853,
Macqueline Baggett, 843-393-5174,
Myra Bumgarner, 843-393-7302,
Laura Burns, 843-944-5072
Donnie Bryant, 843-395-6822,
Doris Mims, 843-393-1563
Sally Psillos, 843-393-4541
Eleanor Bonnoitt, 843-393-3504
Mary Margaret Edwards, 843-616-4832,
Julie Culbertson, 843-395-0792,
Carolyn Abbott, 843-393-1852,
Linda Howle, 843-616-2561,
Myra Bumgarner, 843-393-7302,
Mary Margaret Edwards, 843-616-4832,
Macqueline Baggett, 843-393-5174,
Jean Donald, 843-618-4545
Linda Howle, 843-616-2561,
This is a Small Standard Flower Show, conforming to the requirements for a Standard
Flower Show as established by the National Garden Clubs, Inc.(NGC) and published as The
Handbook for Flower Shows, 2007 Edition (HB), hereafter referred to simply as “HB”, and
including all updates from The National Gardener magazine. These shall be the authority for
all rules, regulations and scales of points.
The show is open to any amateur gardener or designer, provided they adhere to the schedule
Due to space limitations, all Design Entries and Education Entries must be reserved in
advance with the Design Entries and Special Exhibit Chairman. Educational Exhibits are by
invitation only.
Entries will be accepted on Thursday, September 4, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. and Friday,
September 5, 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Entry cards may be obtained in advance from any of the listed Horticulture Committee
members. A fully completed Entry Card must accompany each entry. Late entries will not be
Designers and Special Exhibitors must check in with the respective Reservation Coordinator
prior to exhibit placement to receive a confirmed entry card.
All exhibits and properties must be removed by 4:00 p.m., Saturday, September 6. Any
unclaimed entry cards and horticulture will be destroyed.
The Classification Chairmen are responsible for checking conformity to the schedule and
advising the exhibitors as necessary. The Classification Committee shall have the authority to
disqualify any entry not conforming to the schedule and/or not of flower show quality.
Consultants in other divisions have the same authority in their designated sections. The Design
Classification Chair must clear all designers after design completion to assure requirements are
All Student Judges are to notify the General Chairman of their status when entering.
Judging will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, September 5, 2014. The show will be open to
the public from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday, September 6. Only required personnel
will be allowed in the show area during judging: Judges, Clerks, Show Chairman and Cochairman, Design Consultant, Horticulture Classification Chairman, and Judges’ Chairman.
An accredited judge (Accredited, Life, or Master) must sign and date all blue ribbons, all
ribbons scoring 90+, and Top Award Ribbons. Judges are asked to write comments on all
design entries.
The NGC Standard System of Awarding will be used to judge each class or sub-class, and
ribbons will be awarded at the discretion of the judges. Judges’ decisions are final. Only one
blue, one red, and one yellow ribbon may be awarded in each class or sub-class. One or
more white ribbons may be awarded per class or sub-class if merited.
One (1)
Blue Ribbon
First Place
90+ points
One (1)
Red Ribbon
Second Place
85+ points
One (1)
Yellow Ribbon
Third Place
80+ points
Honorable Mention
One or more White Ribbons
Awards may be withheld if not merited (HB p.5, F.b.).
Although reasonable care will be taken with each exhibit, the Show Committee cannot be
responsible for containers or other properties.
Once a reservation is made in any Division, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to fill that
reservation or furnish a substitute for the exhibit with prior notice and approval by the
reservation coordinator.
Additional Rules for Horticulture, Design and Special Exhibits precede each Division and
should be read.
National Garden Clubs, Inc. prohibits the use of all living members of the animal kingdom
and taxidermal representations of the same in any design or horticultural exhibit.
The use of plants in the SC State Conservation List is prohibited (see end of schedule for
list). Other native plant material may be exhibited in the Horticulture Division if grown by
the exhibitor. Such specimens may be exhibited in the Design or Special Exhibits Divisions
provided the native plant material was grown or legally acquired by the exhibitor.
No cut fruits and/or vegetables are allowed in any division.
The American flag and other national flags must be displayed in a respectful manner and may
not be incorporated in to any competitive design, nor used as underlays, backdrops, swags,
etc. in any division of a flower show.
Fresh plant material is emphasized. No artificial plant material may be used in any
The Classification Chairmen in each Division will check entries for conformity to schedule.
The Placement Committee will place exhibits in the proper class. In the Design Division,
the Design Committee will provide entry cards and an index card for the exhibitor to list
most plant materials used (common names accepted).
Statement of Awards
Top Exhibitor Awards – Division I - Horticulture
In order to offer NGC Top Awards in the Horticulture Division, there must be a minimum of three (3)
classes in each designated section listed in the schedule and at least 20 horticultural exhibits total (HB,
NGC Award of Horticultural Excellence: (HB p.42-43) Represented by a rosette of green,
orange and blue ribbons may be awarded to only one (1) highest scoring exhibit in the entire
Horticulture Division. This includes any section not offering Top Exhibitor Awards. In sections
where Top Exhibitor Awards have been placed, only those blue ribbon winners are eligible. A
plant must be identified by its binomial name or currently accepted scientific identification to
be eligible for this Top Exhibitor Award. Only one Award of Horticulture Excellence is
awarded per flower show.
NGC Award of Merit: (HB p.43, B.2, The National Gardener, Winter 2013, p.31, 2.c) Section award
represented by a rosette of orange ribbons maybe awarded to a correctly named (as above) blue ribbon
winner scoring 95+or the highest scoring exhibit in the designated Sections A, B, C, D, and E. No
more than five (5) Awards of Merit will be offered in this show.
Grower’s Choice Award: (HB, p.44, 4. d.5) Section Award for container grown plants and
combination plantings. Represented by a rosette of dark green ribbons, may be awarded to the correctly
named (as above) blue ribbon winner scoring 95+ or the highest scoring exhibit in the designated
Sections J. and K. No more than two (2) Grower’s Choice Awards will be offered in this show.
NGC Arboreal Award: (HB pp.43-44, N.3) R e p r e s e n t e d by a rosette of two shades of green
ribbons may be awarded to one correctly named (as above) blue ribbon winnerscoring 95+ or the highest
scoring exhibit in S ection H. Shrubs and one aw a rd e d i n Section I. Trees. Two (2) Arboreal
Awards maybe offered in this flower show.
Top Exhibitor Awards - Division II - Design
In order to offer NGC Top Awards in the Design Division, there must be at least three (3)
classes with a minimum of four (4) exhibits in each for a total of twelve (12) design exhibits.
(HB p.45)
NGC Award of Design Excellence (HB pp.45-46, B.1.) Represented by a rosette of gold
ribbons. May be awarded to the highest scoring design in Section A, provided that all general
rules and design award requirements have been met. Only one Award of Design Excellence is
awarded per Flower Show.
NGC Designer’s Choice Award (HB pp. 47-48, B.5.) Represented by a rosette of purple
ribbons may be offered to the highest scoring blue ribbon winning exhibit scoring 95 +
points in Design Division II, Section A. Only one award will be offered in this show.
Additional Local Awards
Kalmia Garden Study Club Award, represented by a rosette of pink ribbons, to be awarded to the
design that best exemplifies the Flower Show Theme.
Darlington Beautification Award, represented by a rosette of lemon yellow ribbons, to be awarded to
the Most Outstanding Design for Beauty.
NGC Educational Top Exhibitor Award (HB pp.49-52) Represented by a rosette of brown
and white ribbons may be awarded to the blue ribbon winner scoring 95 +or highest scoring
exhibit in Section A. Only one Educational Award will be offered.
Division I - Horticulture
Horticulture Rules
All horticulture entries may be submitted at the Trinity United Methodist Church Youth Building, 115
Orange Street, on Thursday, September 4, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. or Friday, September 5, from
8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Please use the right side door entrance. The Dismantling Committee will discard
all horticultural exhibits unless picked up by 4 p.m., Saturday, September 6.
This competition is for non-commercial growers only.
All plant material must be fresh and exhibits must have been in the possession of the exhibitor for no
fewer than 90 days. Cut specimens of annuals, biennials and perennials must have been in exhibitor’s
possession from seeds, cuttings or immature plants and grown to maturity. Combination container
grown plants must have been in the possession of the exhibitor and growing together for at least six (6)
weeks (HB, p. 84, II. C.2.). Bulbous blooms must have been in exhibitor’s possession from planting of
bulb, corm, rhizome or it must have been cared for as a mature plant at least 90 days.
A plant must be identified by its binomial name or its currently accepted scientific identification
to be eligible for a Top Exhibitor Award.
An exhibitor may enter as many specimens as desired, provided each entry is a different variety,
cultivar, type, size, species or color.
Exhibitors must submit only those entries that are clean, without dead leaves, spent blooms, or spray
residue and are free of insects/disease (thrips, scale, fungus, mildews, etc.). NO WIRING,
Cut specimens will be staged in transparent glass containers supplied by the Exhibitor or the Show
Committee. Only one plant per container and only one stem per container, unless otherwise stated
in the schedule. Wedging with a small inconspicuous material (clear plastic wrap or plant material)
is permitted.
Cut specimens may not have any foliage below the waterline.
Plants grown PRIMARILY for bloom CANNOT be entered in foliage classes.
Exhibitors should strive to correctly identify horticulture specimens and research the botanical/cultivar
name prior to the show. The use of the common name may be used for education but is NOT an
acceptable substitute for required labeling.
Double potting is accepted in Container Grown Plants, but inner pot must not be visible. Plant
should be clean and free of disease or insects; dried leaves and flowers removed. Foliage may be
judiciously trimmed following a leaf’s natural outline to eliminate dry tips or edges. Mulch, rocks, or
other soil coverings are not allowed.
All entries must be received and checked by the Classification Committee, which shall have
theauthority to disqualify any entry not conforming to the schedule and/or not of flower show
quality, due to pests, grooming, or disease. The Committee may subdivide according to genus,
species, variety, cultivar, type, size or color.
To shorten Horticulture check-in time, entry cards may be picked up from any of the listed
Horticulture Committee members or at the Darlington Chamber of Commerce, 38 Public Square, or
the City Administration Building, 400 Pearl Street. Please use a pencil, waterproof ink, or preprinted
labels for a no-smear card, should it get wet. Entry cards should be filled out in advance (if possible).
No late entries will be placed or judged.
Judging will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, September 5, 2014.
The show will be open to the public on Saturday, September 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
All specimens will be judged, including classes containing only one.
Judges will sign and date all blue ribbons, 90+ ribbons, and Top Award Ribbons.
Due to time and space limitations, only staging and placement committees may be on the floor in the
horticulture section during t h e placement of exhibits.
Division I - Horticulture Point Scoring
Horticulture Scale of Points in detail may be found in HB pp.297-302
Plant Identification
Cultural perfection
Condition, Grooming, Staging
Division I: ‘Through the Garden Gate’ – Horticulture
All horticulture entries are eligible for the Award of Horticulture Excellence.
Section A. ‘Garden Glories’ – Rosa – Roses - Eligible for the Award of Merit
Natural foliage attached, must be exhibited with a minimum of two leaf sets. Unless noted, stem length
may vary. Maximum stem length is 24”. Varieties and cultivars will be entered alphabetically by first
name and each is to be considered as a sub-class under its respective class.
Class 1. Hybrid Tea/Grandiflora
a. Single
b. Spray
Class 2. Floribunda
a. Single
b. Spray
Class 3. Shrub Roses
a. Single
b. Spray
Class 4. Old Garden Roses – those grown before 1867
a. Single
b. Spray
Class 5. Any other not listed above
a. Single
b. Spray
.Section B. ‘Beautiful Blooms’- Blooming Cut Plant Material – Annuals
Eligible for the Award of Merit
Each variety constitutes a sub-class. Where only genus name is given, please give species name and
cultivar or variety, if known. All classes will be sub-divided by species and/or cultivar, variety, or color
to be judged accordingly. Cut specimen, one spray or stem. Include foliage if attached to stem.
Class 6. Angelonia
Class 7. Euphorbia, Diamond Frost
Class 8. Impatients - Impatiens
Class 9. Marigolds - Tagetes
Class 10. Pentas
Class 11. Petunias
Class 12. Zinnias
Class 13. Any other flowering annual not listed above (to be divided).
Section C. ‘Flowering Favorites’ – Blooming Cut Plant Material – Perennials
Eligible for the Award of Merit
Each variety constitutes a sub-class. Where only genus name is given, please give species name and
cultivar or variety, if known. All classes will be sub-divided by species and/or cultivar, variety, or color
to be judged accordingly. Cut specimen, one spray or stem. Include foliage if attached to stem.
Class 14. Aster
Class 15. Coreopsis
Class 16. Goldenrod - Solidago
Class 17. Hibiscus
Class 18. Japanese Anemones
Class 19. Phlox
Class 20. Sunflower - Helianthus
Class 21. Verbena
Class 22. Any other flowering perennial not listed above (to be divided)
Section D. ‘Bountiful Bulbs’ - Blooming Cut Plant Material – Bulbous
Eligible for the Award of Merit
Each variety constitutes a sub-class. Where only genus name is given, please give species name and
cultivar or variety, if known. All classes will be sub-divided by species and/or cultivar, variety, or color
to be judged accordingly. Cut specimen, one spray or stem. Include foliage if attached to stem.
Class 23. Lily – Lilium
Class 24. Dahlia
Class 25. Caladium
Section E. ‘Shades of Green’ - Decorative Cut Foliage
Eligible for Award of Merit
Only one (1) frond, leaf, or stem required. Total length must not exceed 30” from tip to cut end. Where
only genus is given, please give species name and cultivar or variety if known.
Class 26. Autumn Fern - Monrovia
Class 27. Boston Fern - Nephrolepis
Class 28. Holly Fern – Cyrtomium falcatum
Class 29. Kimberly Queen Fern – Nephrolepis obliterata
Class 30. Any other frond not listed above (to be divided)
Class 31. Caladium
Class 32. Cast Iron Plant - Aspidistra
Class 33. Elephant Ear - Alocasia
Class 34. Fatsia japonica
Class 35. Mother-in-law’s Tongue - Sansevieria
Class 36. Any other leaf not listed above (to be divided)
Class 37. Asparagus (Fern) - Densiflorus
Class 38. Coleus – Solenostemon scutellarioides
Class 39. Dusty Miller – Senecio cineraria
Class 40. Purple Heart – Tradescantia pallida ‘purpurea’
Class 41. Umbrella Plant - Alternifolius
Class 42. Any other stem not listed above (to be divided)
Section F. ‘Seasonal Scents’ - Herbs
Cut specimen should not exceed 30” from tip to cut end.
Class 43. Basil – Ocimum basilicum
Class 44. Oregano – Origannum vulgari
Class 45. Rosemary – Rosmarinus
Class 46. Sage – Salvia
Class 47. Any other herb not listed above (to be subdivided).
Section G. ‘Tender Tendrils’ - Ground Covers/Vines
Total length must not exceed 30” from cut end to tip; and an apical tip must be present.
Class 48. Flowering
Class 49. Foliage
Class 50 . Fruited and/or Berried (including berries, seed pods, etc.)
Section H. ‘Border Beauties’ - Shrubs - Eligible for the Arboreal Award
Standard Shrubs – Cut branch must not exceed 30” in length from tip to cut end. To be subdivided by
variety/cultivar. Must have several nodes and an apical tip.
Class 51. Aucuba
Class 52. Boxwood - Buxus
Class 53. Holly - Ilex
Class 54. Hydrangea
Class 55. Juniper - Juniperus
Class 56. Privet - Ligustrum
Class 57. Heavenly Bamboo - Nandina
Class 58. Any other shrub not listed above (to be subdivided)
Section I. ‘Towers of Strength’ – Trees - Eligible for the Arboreal Award
Entries should measure no less than 12 inches, with a maximum length of 30 inches; must include
several nodes and an apical tip.
Class 59. Cedar - Cedrus
Class 60. Eucalyptus
Class 61. Leland Cypress – Cupressocyparis leylandii
Class 62. Loquat - Eriobotrya
Class 63. Magnolia
Class 64. Pine
Class 65. Any other tree not listed above (to be subdivided)
Section J. ‘Small Selections’ - Small Container Grown Plants
Eligible for Grower’s Choice Award
Diameter of container should not exceed 8” or the perimeter should not exceed 30“. One species,
cultivar, or variety per container in this section
Class 66. Foliage Plants
Class 67. Flowering Plants
Class 68. Herbs
Class 69. Succulents, including Cacti
Section K. ‘Convenient Companions’ – Standard Size Container Grown Plants
Eligible for Grower’s Choice Award
Diameter of container should be between 9” and 14”, or the perimeter should not to exceed 44”.
Class 70. Flowering Plants
a. One species, cultivar, or variety, single specimen
b. One species, cultivar, or variety, multiple plants
Class 71. Foliage Plants
a. One species, cultivar, or variety, single specimen
b. One species, cultivar, or variety, multiple plants
Class 72. Combination Plantings
a. Foliage
b. Flowering
Division II - Design
Design Rules (HB pp. 187-190)
1. Entries must be made by reservation only with Design Entries Chairman, Diane Langston.
2. All entries must be created and placed by one exhibitor. Exception: Companion Class, Section
B, Class 1. Exhibitor is responsible for obtaining a substitute if unable to exhibit and must notify
Diane Langston , Reservation Chairman, at 843-968-8335, of changes prior to the show.
3. Competition is open to all adult non-professional designers. An exhibitor may enter only one
design per class but may enter more than one class.
4. Designers must check in with the respective Reservation Chairman prior to exhibit placement to
receive a confirmed entry card. Enter by way of the front door. All designs must be checked
and approved by one of the Design Consultants, before the exhibitor leaves.
5. Removal time will be Saturday, September 6, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
6. Fresh plant material is emphasized in the All Sections. All designs must contain some fresh
plant material. The designer need not grow the plant material. Fresh plant material may not
ever be treated (dye, paint, stain, bleach, etc.) in any manner. Fresh plant material may be
abstracted (clipping, wiring, stripping, bending, tying, folding, etc.) in Creative Designs.
7. No artificial flowers, foliage, fruit or vegetables will be permitted. No cut fruit or vegetables
will be permitted.
8. Treated (dye, paint, stain, bleach, etc.) dried plant material is allowed in all Standard Flower
Shows. Materials such as copper tubing, aluminum sheeting, plastic wire or mesh, etc. may be
incorporated into Creative Designs (Section A. Class 2).
9. Most plant material used in a design must be listed on 3 x 5 cards (common names accepted).
10. The official American flags or other national flags are not permitted to be used within any design
in this show. The use of any official national flag as an underlay, background, skirting, or
draping is also prohibited in a Standard Flower Show. Religious symbols, if used, must be
displayed in a respectful manner and in accordance with policies of local religious organizations.
11. Accessories and bases are allowed. Backboards and underlays, if required in classes, will be
provided prior to the show and must be covered by the exhibitor. Please contact Reservation
Chairman for pick-up information. No South Carolina conservation plant material is permitted in
any designs (please see list attached).
12. Living members of the Animal kingdom, e.g., mammals, birds, fish, etc., and taxidermal
representation of the same are not permitted in competitive designs in the Standard Show
13. Landscapes and scenes will not be permitted in the Design Division.
14. Judges are requested to make constructive comments on cards provided for all entries.
15. Judging will be in accordance with the NGC Design Scale of Points.
(National Garden Clubs Handbook for Flower Shows, 2007, revised, p.303, NGM, Fall 2012)
Conformance to Schedule Requirements
Design (Principles and Elements)
Artistic Concept (Selection and Organization)
Expression (Interpretation of Class)
(National Garden Clubs Handbook for Flower Shows, 2007, revised, p.303, NGM, Fall 2012)
Conformance to Schedule Requirements
Artistic Concept
Division II – ‘Garden Inspirations’ – Design
Section A. ‘A Day in the Garden’
Designs for this Section are eligible for the Award of Design Excellence, the Designer’s Choice
Award, the Kalmia Garden Study Club Award and the Darlington Beautification Award. There
will be a minimum of 4 exhibits in each class. Reservations for this section must be made by calling
Diane Langston at 843-968-8335.
Designer will include a 3 x 5 card listing most plant materials used (common names accepted).
Class 1. ‘My Grandmother’s Garden’
The traditional designs in this class are to be staged with a 40 in. x 32 in. backboard. Baseboards are to
be 30 in. x 32 in. The Show Committee will furnish backboards and baseboards, to be covered by the
designer. Designer has complete freedom to choose plant materials or other components. Staged on a
table against the wall.
Class 2. ‘A Winding Garden Path’
The creative designs in this class are to be staged with a 40 in. x 32 in. backboard. Baseboards are to be
30 in. x 32 in. The designer will furnish a covered backboard and baseboard. Designer has complete
freedom to choose plant materials or other components. Staged on a table against the wall.
Class 3. ‘Breakfast under the Arbor’
Functional tray for one. Trays are natural bamboo (17” x 11”) and provided by the Show Committee.
Staged on a 6’ tables with a cream covers, against the wall. Walls are bright blue. Designer has
complete freedom to choose plant materials and accessories. Flatware is not to be used.
Section B. ‘A View of the Garden’
Designs in this section are eligible for the Kalmia Garden Study Club Award and the Darlington
Beautification Award. Reservations for this section must be made by calling Diane Langston at 843968-8335.
Class 1. ‘A Garden Cottage Luncheon’ - Companion Class (at least 4 Exhibits). Each Companion pair
must include one member of the Kalmia Garden Study Club.
Functional tables for two, staged on standard card tables 32” square, provided by the Show Committee.
Tables will have cream covers. Table topper/placemats may be used by the exhibitor. All plant material
used in this design must be fresh. Flatware is not to be used.
Division III – Special Exhibits – Educational
Special Exhibits Rules – Educational Exhibits
1.Educational exhibits are by invitation only, and pre-registration is required. (Diane Langston, Reservation
Chairman, 843-968-8335,
2. Section A, Educational Exhibits, must each occupy at least 18 square feet, using table and background.
3. Exhibitor will place exhibit title on the background.
5. Handouts add to the quality of the exhibit but are not required.
6. Educational Exhibits are competitive.
7. Plant Material is not required, but adds more interest to the exhibit when included.
Special Exhibits – Educational
Eligible for the Educational Top Exhibitor Award
To be considered eligible, exhibit must be a blue ribbon winner scoring 95 +. Exhibits will be staged on
tables 8 feet long and 30” deep, against a wall. Walls are bright blue. Tables will have cream coverings.
Exhibitor is to provide an attractive backdrop. Exhibit must occupy at least 18 square feet (includes
table and background/or front. (HB, pp. 223-225). No part of the exhibit may be placed on the floor.
Only one Educational Award will be awarded. See pages 223-225 in the HB for additional information.
Section A –‘A Garden of Learning’
Class 1. ‘What’s So Special about Herbs?’
Class 2. ‘All About the Darlington Oak’
Class 3. ‘Growing and Propagating Roses’