COUNCIL POLICY Mosquito Management Responsible Officer: General Manager, Community Services Authorising Officer: Document No: CPL310.4 Approval Date: 23 March 2010 Approved By: Council Review Date: 31 December 2013 Expiry Date: N/A Version No: 01 Chief Executive Officer 1 PURPOSE Whilst mosquitoes can have serious effects of health and well being affecting humans, animals, recreational activities outdoor enterprises and local economies, the prevalence of disease in this area is relatively low. Despite this, the risk of disease can rise significantly with an increased level of exposure and in accordance with its responsibilities under the Health Act 1958/Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, Council will provide a mosquito management program focused on realistic controls and based on prevention, intervention, education and awareness and emergency response. In doing so Council will; Council will recognise the importance of adopting a collective approach to mosquito control by implementing a combination of aerial and ground based control methods and engaging the community through education and action processes. Overall effectiveness may be impacted if the above measures are applied in isolation. Continue to lobby State Government for financial support to conduct mosquito control activity on lands managed/owned by the State. Adopt a balanced approach taking into account health and well being and environmental considerations; Aim to limit mosquito populations through the implementation of best practice methods, materials and established scientific techniques; Enforce the provisions of the Health Act 1958 and Infectious Disease Regulations 2001 which states “that an authorised officer of the Department (DHS) or of a Council may give written directions to the owner or occupier or person in charge of any premises to remove any condition on those premises conducive to the breeding of mosquitoes.”; Demonstrate environmental responsibility by utilising products and techniques that will maximise efforts to control infestations and minimise environmental effects by having no effect on non target species; Monitor, record, measure, verify and report its program activities and outcomes in a transparent and accountable manner to Parks Victoria, the Department of Sustainability Victoria, the Commonwealth Department of Environment and Heritage and the community. 2 SCOPE The scope of this procedure relates to all council, private and crown land within the municipality and also relates to lands within the Borough of Queenscliff and Surfcoast Shire that are subject to service agreements with the City of Greater Geelong for mosquito control activities. Mosquito Management Version No: 01 3 REFERENCES Health and Well Being Policy 310.1 Health Act 1958 incorporating Infectious Diseases Regulations 2001 Framework for Mosquito Management in Victoria – DS&E Port Philip Bay Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan 2002 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 4 DEFINITIONS EPBC Act 1999 – Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Ramsar Wetlands – Wetlands of International Importance listed under the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971). Larvicides – biological or chemical agent to kill mosquitoes in the innocuous larval stage before the adults develop and disperse. ‘Research Permit’ – an annual permit required to conduct monitoring activities on Parks Victoria land under the National Parks Act 1975. 5 PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION The procedure establishes the processes Council will undertake and issues it will consider in delivering its mosquito management activities. These will be in accordance with best industry practice and in accordance with the EPBC Act 1999 approval conditions, service agreements between Parks Victoria, the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts and Council and community expectations. 6 PROCEDURES 6.1 Authorities & Responsibilities Manager of Health and Local Laws is responsible for the Mosquito Management Program. Health Services Coordinator is responsible for the management and delivery of the Mosquito Management Program. Contract Manager is responsible to supervise Council’s mosquito management contractors and to record, evaluate and report program data in accordance with the EPBC Act 1999 approval. 6.2 Procedure Instructions Council will undertake monitoring and treatment controls to minimise mosquito breeding in wetlands and marshes in both salt water and fresh water environments and in doing so will; Adopt a preventative approach to controlling mosquito breeding by effectively treating known sites and where possible, in artificial wetlands/waterways, to reduce breeding by engineering modifications. Random monitoring will commence prior to known mosquito breeding period with treatment commencing with the first onset of larval activity in breeding sites. Page 2 of 4 Mosquito Management Version No: 01 Regularly communicate to the community general information about mosquitoes and their habitats and details about Council mosquito management activities and outcomes for all affected areas; Ensure compliance with the EPBC Act 1999 approval (2132/2005); The methods used in applying larvicides by aerial means will be done so in accordance with Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) guidelines and procedures using approved and certified suppliers; Use environmentally sensitive mosquito larvicides as approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority; Establish partnerships with Parks Victoria, the Department of Sustainability Victoria, the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts, the Mosquito Arbovirus Research Council of Australia (MARC) and private landowners; On an annual basis, obtain a ‘Research Permit’ from Parks Victoria to enable monitoring and treatments to proceed on known mosquito breeding sites on Parks Victoria owned land; Liaise with Parks Victoria by distributing information and providing details Victoria about forthcoming treatments; Liaise with and where appropriate assist the relevant authorities in sampling and testing for the presence of arbo-viruses; When necessary, seek the assistance of the Department of Primary Industries entomologists for the proper identification of mosquito species and the associated biology/habitat of that species; Undertake risk assessments of Ramsar listed sites in conjunction with Parks Victoria for the purpose of identifying sensitive environmental issues within an area and the respective and appropriate treatment/application method for that area; Assist private landowners to identify and control mosquito breeding sites on such properties including open drains, wheel ruts, cattle/stock hoof-prints, tanks, discarded receptacles and ground depressions; At times, Council may direct residents to remedy any mosquito breeding site/situation that is creating a nuisance through its statutory monitoring and enforcement role; Control the abovementioned mosquito breeding sites on its own lands and develop a work maintenance program to appropriately maintain various reserves, drains and water bodies in such a manner not to be conducive to mosquito breeding; Protect non target species and flora and fauna by using appropriate products, equipment, techniques and application methods; Protect indigenous vegetation and only communities of introduced plants will be slashed or burnt to reduce mosquito refuge/harbourage areas; As required conduct ecological studies in the Ramsar wetlands as part of the EPBC Act approval requirements to verify no impact to the environment; Implement a schedule of “fogging” using approved products during periods when the level of airborne mosquitoes is very high to extreme. “Fogging” is the treatment of airborne mosquitoes in drains, easements and other gathering points for mosquitoes with a pyrethrum insecticide; Adopt performance measurement criteria based on scientific data reflecting environmental conditions (tides, rainfall, larvae levels, temperature etc) and the level of mosquito infestation through the conduct of mosquito light trapping at various townships. Due to the subjective nature of this issue amongst many in the community, light trapping to Parks Page 3 of 4 Mosquito Management Version No: 01 provides a clinical and objective analysis of the current situation and of the potential situation in the absence of any treatments; Develop and formalise service agreements between all contractors, sub contractors and other stakeholders; Implement emergency procedures after periods of wide spread and prolonged rainfall and/or flooding so as to prevent mass infestations of mosquitoes. Realistically, Council will be limited in effectively controlling the problem other than at known or observed mosquito breeding sites and the community may need to be informed about the likelihood of expecting higher than normal mosquito numbers at such times as mosquito breeding sites would be widespread including tree hollows, wheel ruts, hoof prints, irrigation ditches, excavations, roadside drains, water tanks and discarded receptacles. Council will increase its community education and awareness during this period and promote personal protection as the preventative strategy; Implement in a transparent manner, a range of a processes to record and communicate monitoring and treatment activities throughout the municipality, including treatment dates, locations, application methods and rates, total time taken and verification of application success and environmental protection; Maintain current information on the City’s website with details of program outcomes and general trends with respect to mosquito control; Increase the level of communication to the community during periods of escalated activity and liaise with Parks Victoria on introducing widespread control measures for both larvae and adult mosquitoes to during this period; Implement a public education program that informs the community about where mosquitoes live and seek refuge, how to control the around the home and how to avoid mosquitoes and their effects. Public education may take place through a number of forums including; Media (newspapers, community newsletters) Council pamphlets/literature School information sessions Community forums A Mosquito Control Focus Group Educational strategies would include visual presentations, leaflets, brochures, display of samples and other general information. Seek external/additional funding for its monitoring, research, treatment and educational activities. 7 QUALITY RECORDS Quality Records shall be retained for at least the period shown below. Record Mosquito Management Plan EPBC Approval 2132/2005 Health Act/Public Health and Well Being Act 2008 and regulations Retention/Disposal Responsibility Health Services Health Services Health Services Retention Period Location On going 2020 On going Gheringhap St Gheringhap St Gheringhap St 8 ATTACHMENTS – Nil Page 4 of 4