GUIDELINES FOR NORWEGIAN CITIZENS IN SOUTH KOREA DURING A CRISIS SITUATION Updated as of 12 March 2013 Table of Contents GENERAL _______________________________________________________________ 3 GUIDELINE APPLICABILITY ______________________________________________ 3 ACTION THAT INDIVIDUALS CAN TAKE ___________________________________ 4 REGISTRATION______________________________________________________________ 4 CONTACT WITH THE EMBASSY ______________________________________________ 4 CRISIS HANDLING AND EVACUATION _____________________________________ 5 CRISIS HANDLING IN GENERAL ______________________________________________ 5 THE EVACUATION PROCESS _________________________________________________ 6 APPENDIX 1 – PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL PREPARATIONS ________________ 8 BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS _____________________________________ 9 APPENDIX 2 - LOCATIONS AND FREQUENCIES OF AFN IN KOREA __________ 10 APPENDIX 3 NORWEGIAN RENDEZVOUS/ RALLYING POINTS ______________ 13 LIST OF CONTACT POINTS __________________________________________________ 14 APPENDIX 4 - SIRENE WARNING SIGNALS ________________________________ 18 APPENDIX 5 - KOREAN EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS - IN CASE OF A CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL ATTACK ____________________________________ 19 2 GENERAL A crisis situation can be the result of a natural catastrophe, such as a flood or an earthquake, civil unrest, armed conflict, or an accident of sizeable magnitude, such as an explosion in a nuclear facility or petrochemical plant. The following guidelines contain suggestions for what individuals should do during a crisis, including preparations in connection with a possible evacuation. These guidelines have been compiled in conjunction with the embassies of the EU countries and the Swiss embassy. Each country has compiled its own guidelines, however, for the most part, all embassies will be giving the same information. In the event of an evacuation, we have therefore listed gathering places where Norwegians, Swiss, and EU citizens are encouraged to congregate for possible further evacuation. In the event that a crisis of some kind does happen, one must try to obtain as much information as possible. Listen to Korean or American radio. The embassy will also try to collect information through American (AFN) or local (TBSeFM/ KBS/MBC) radio and TV. It is recommended to have a portable radio (with extra batteries) available, as well as a list of pertinent radio frequencies. GUIDELINE APPLICABILITY These guidelines are applicable for Norwegian citizens and their family members (of any nationality) who either live or are traveling in Korea. The same applies for non-Norwegains working for Norwegian companies. If these people are registered with other embassies, they can then choose which embassy’s guidelines to follow. It must be expected that in the case of a crisis situation, the South Korean authorities will effectuate plans for their own citizens. All the same, family members with South Korean citizenship will be able to follow the Norwegian guidelines. People employed in the home are not considered family members, but the guidelines can also be followed by them. It would be appreciated if Norwegians who have recently come to Korea, or others who may not be familiar with these guidelines, are informed. 3 ACTION THAT INDIVIDUALS CAN TAKE These efforts are described in more depth in the chapter “Crisis Handling and Evacuation” and in the appendix. - Make the necessary lists of personal possessions, make necessary purchases, and make all preparations suggested in Appendix 1. Have a list of radio frequencies readily available, see Appendix 2. Find out where the nearest gathering place is, see Appendix 3. Learn the different siren signals, see Appendix 4. Keep yourself generally well informed of the situation on the Korean peninsula. Korean Emergency telephone numbers in case of a chemical or biological attack, see Appendix 5 REGISTRATION It is encouraged that those who have not already registered themselves, or need to make changes, send in the necessary information to update the embassy’s database. Registration is done on a voluntary basis, but it would greatly aid the embassy and consulate in the event of a crisis situation. Registration forms are found on the Embassy’s website: The forms can be returned to the Embassy by e-mail or fax. CONTACT WITH THE EMBASSY The embassy will be available for consultation if you are unsure about what should be done. The JW Marriott Hotel Seoul next to the Express Bus Terminal in Gangnam-gu will function as a Rendezvous/ preparation center in case of a Crisis Situation and/ or Evacuation. Other Norwegian Rendezvous/ Rallying Points are listed together with other nations contact points listed in Appendix 3. Embassy telephone…………………………………….. Embassy fax……………………………………………. (02) 727-7100 (02) 727-7199 In the event of an acute situation, incoming calls must be kept to a minimum, as to keep the lines open. If the phones are not working, Norwegians living in the vicinity can meet at the JW Marriott Hotel Seoul. Norwegian citizens living in the southern part of the country can make contact with the Honorary Consulate in Busan (co/Det Norske Veritas). If needed a assembly point can be set up at a predefined hotel in the cities of Busan, Ulsan and Koje (Okpo). See Appendix 3 for the telephone numbers and addresses. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Oslo)….…………. +47 22 24 36 00 4 Other Nordic Embassies: Swedish Embassy………………………….. Danish Embassy……………………………. Finnish Embassy…………………………… (02) 3703-3700 (02) 785 4187 (02) 732 6737/6223/4421 It is possible that communication problems may make it difficult, if not impossible, for information to reach every individual. In such a case, everyone is encouraged to do everything in his or her power to make contact with the embassy or another gathering place. In a crisis situation, it is also possible to establish contact through one of the American gathering places, despite the fact that this does not guarantee assistance. Therefore, the radio can be one of the best sources of information. CRISIS HANDLING AND EVACUATION CRISIS HANDLING IN GENERAL A situation can arise over time without it being called a crisis. In this case, one will have time to move to another location in Korea or leave the country by plane in a normal manner. An acute situation can sometimes work itself out, such that evacuation is not necessary. It is still advised that the suggestions in Appendix 1 be followed. A crisis usually occurs unexpectedly and leaves little time for individual planning and organization. This is true with both natural catastrophes and larger accidents. One unique aspect of life in Korea is the political and military situation on the peninsula. It has been more than fifty years since the Korean War. During this time it has been relative peaceful (with the exception of a few, isolated incidents) on the peninsula. Several efforts have been undertaken to normalize the relationship between North and South Korea. The risk of having to implement an evacuation is therefore minimal. On the other hand, one can never dismiss the fact that military actions might make it necessary to begin the evacuation process. Evacuation can consist of either an organized transfer to another place in Korea or to another country. In the event that an evacuation to another place in Korea is advised, an eventual evacuation out of the country might follow. An evacuation will need to be done quickly. Exactly because a crisis can occur without warning, it is important that one makes careful consideration of the suggestions in Appendix 1, in order to make the situation as easy as possible. 5 In the case of the embassy advising evacuation either to a safer part of Korea or out of the country, make note of the following: - The participation in such an evacuation is totally voluntary and at one’s own risk - The costs associated with an evacuation must be covered by the individual. If it proves necessary, the embassy can loan to associated costs. In this case, a written statement must be signed attesting to the fact that these costs will be refunded to the embassy later. - The embassy will not be held responsible for personal damage or loss. - Children, ill, and pregnant women will be handled first. THE EVACUATION PROCESS In the event that an evacuation is decided, it is good to be aware of the four stages of the Evacuation process: 1. First, gather information. Stay at home until the message about evacuation is given. 2. The message about evacuation will be given over the radio or TV. You should go to the nearest Norwegian gathering place. 3. People in the northern and middle regions of South Korea, including Seoul, will be transported further to the southern part of the country. 4. The trip out of the country itself will take place by ship or plane to a neighboring country. These individual points are described in further detail below. Stay at home, listen to the radio, and wait for instructions In the case of a crisis in which there is little or no warning, it is recommended that you do not evacuate on your own. In Seoul and the surrounding area, it can be advantageous to stay at home and listen to the radio during the first phase. Advice from the embassy can also be obtained. This also goes for natural catastrophes and large accidents. If you live in an area in which there is civil unrest, you need to consider moving to a safer part of Korea or leaving the country altogether. In such a case, the embassy should, if possible, be informed of your decision. Announcement of evacuation The message about evacuation will be given via the TV, radio, telephone, and/or any other possible way (for example, via e-mail if it is functioning). As a general rule, you should not go to the gathering places without the message being given first. The message about evacuation will be given by the embassy and broadcast over AFN radio (see Appendix 2 for list of frequencies). The telephone lines can easily be full or destroyed, thereby making contact with the embassy difficult. 6 The message about evacuation can also be broadcast in English in the form of a common communiqué from the embassies of the EU countries. Such an announcement will also be valid for Norwegian citizens. If you have children in school, teaching may be suspended in the case of an escalating situation. However, it should not be discounted that an evacuation might begin while the children are at school. Each school has its own evacuation plans. Parents should be familiar with the school’s plans. Gathering places and contact points When the message has been given over the TV, radio, etc. and the evacuation begun, one should gather family members, crisis provisions, and important documents as soon as possible. One should, thereafter, go to the nearest gathering place. At these gathering points you will be asked to show the proper documentation for registration. We distinguish between gathering places and contact points. “Gathering places” are predefined sites where Norwegians should meet official representatives from the Embassy and/or the Honorary Consulate. All Norwegian gathering places are listed in appendix 3. On the other side “Contact points” are official persons and/or predefined sites according to the EU countries’ emergency guidelines. Some of the points also act as a gathering place and can be used by Norwegians if it proves difficult to get to a Norwegian rendezvous. A list of “rendezvous” and “contact points” is in appendix 3. Norwegians who cannot reach any of these gathering places can also try to get to one of the American bases. However, the military situation could make it difficult to gain entrance. Evacuation will mainly be towards the south. Therefore, those who live south of the Han River should not try to come to the northern side if not specifically advised by the embassy. It is strongly encouraged that you become familiar with the location of these gathering places, both the close and the far. Do not wait until a crisis occurs. 7 APPENDIX 1 – PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL PREPARATIONS The below advice should be followed long before a crisis situation arises. Therefore, go through the list and see what should be done for your own preparations. In the event of a military evacuation, only the absolute necessities will be able to be taken along. Personal documents, possessions, and valuables - Check your insurance policy and make a list of private possessions and valuables that will be left in your home. Deposit a copy, if possible, with a person or an insurance company in your home country. - Check to make sure that the following documents are readily available: passports and residence permits for yourself, your family and any employees in your home, insurance policies, vaccination information, and other important personal documents. Money - Keep some local and foreign currency (USD), and make sure that your credit card (and/or checkbook) is readily accessible. Credit cards will be especially useful during a stay in a foreign country. Necessary items and foodstuffs - Get a battery powered radio. Buy extra batteries - Get first aid items and personal medicines - Have a sleeping bag, wool blanket and possibly an air mattress readily available - Buy water and non-perishable food items to last one week (canned food, emergency provisions, dried fruit/meat, etc.). Refrigerators, freezers, and ovens may be unusable due to lack of electricity. - Have toiletries, hygiene articles, infant necessities, insect repellant, toilet paper, etc. - Check to make sure you have extra candles and a flashlight (with extra batteries). - Have readily available kitchen supplies for food preparation, possibly a camping set and burner, forks and knives. - Have a small backpack available for every adult family member. In the bag you can put the necessary documents, water and dried food provisions, a radio and a flashlight, first aid kit, toiletries, etc. enough for a few days. A backpack can be practical especially since an evacuation could possibly entail some walking. Use of a car - As mentioned, it is not recommended that you try to use your car to get to a gathering place during an evacuation. In a state of emergency, the use of cars will be strictly controlled or forbidden. It is still recommended that your car remain in working order, with the gas tank filled up. You might also consider a small reserve of gasoline. Other efforts - Consider collecting water in buckets or a bathtub; get extra reserves of drinking water. - Get extra gas for the stove. 8 BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS It is assumed that North Korea is in possession of biological and chemical weapons that can be used in a conflict on the Korean peninsula. In such a situation, it is expected that the vast majority of Norwegian citizens will leave the country by commercial flight and will not be affected by the use of chemical and/or biological weapons. There are many forms of such weapons. Some would be effective in a targeted area for a limited period of time; others would be effective for several days. In order to protect yourself against such a threat and reduce your risk, you may consider the purchase of a gasmask and protection gear. This kind of equipment does, however, require constant maintenance, even when not in use. The embassy cannot stock such gear for Norwegian citizens in South Korea. These purchases must be made privately from commercial sources. One other way to protect yourself against chemical and biological weapons is to close all windows and doors and to seal all openings with tape or wet towels. 9 APPENDIX 2 - LOCATIONS AND FREQUENCIES OF AFN IN KOREA 작전 지역 (Area) 위치 (주요 송출대상) major place of broadcasting 지국소재 여부 (기지명) TV(Ch) (송신출력) 할당(MHz) assignment FM(MHz) (송신출력) AM(KHz) (송신출력) 102.7 1,530 (5k) (5k) 88.5 1,161 (100) (250) 88.5 1,440 (50) (5k) 88.5 1,440 88.3 1,197 (250) (1k) 88.5 1,440 (50) (250) 영상(MHz) video station 음성(MHz) audio II I SEOUL 서울 (Youngsan Cp., Hannam Village, Cp. Market 외) ○ (Youngsan Cp.) Uijongbu 의정부 (Cps. Red Cloud, Falling Water, Assayons, Sears, Stanley, LaGuardia 외) ○ (Camp Falling Water) Munsan 문산 (Cp. Pelham 외) - 34(UHF) (30k) 590596(593) 591.25 595.75 58(UHF) (100) 734740(737) 735.25 739.75 49(UHF) (5k) 680686(683) 681.25 685.75 파주리 (Pajuri Area) - 19(UHF) 500506(503) 501.25 505.75 Tongduchon 동두천 (Cps. Casey, Castle, Nimble, Hovey, Mobile 외) - Chunchon 춘천 (Cp. Page) - 49(UHF) (1k) 680686(683) 681.25 685.75 2(VHF) (100) 662668(665) 54-60(57) 55.25 10 59.75 III OSAN 오산 공군기지 (Osan Air Base) ○ (Osan AB) 49(UHF) (100) 680686(683) 88.5 1,359 (30) (1k) 88.3 1,440 (50) (1k) 88.3 1,440 (50) (250) 88.5 1,440 (250) (1k) 88.5 - 681.25 685.75 Pyongtaek - 평택 (Cp. Humphreys 외) 58(UHF) (100) 734740(737) 735.25 739.75 Wonju 원주 (Cps. Long, Eagle 외) - 58(UHF) (100) 734740(737) 735.25 739.75 IV 군산 공군기지 (Kunsan Air Base) ○ (Kunsan AB) 49(UHF) (2.5k) 680686(683) 681.25 685.75 광주 (Kwangju) - - - (50) DAEGU 대구 (Cps. Walker, Henry, George 외) ○ (Camp Walker) 12(VHF) (1k) 204210(207) 88.5 1,080 (1k) (5k) 88.5 1,080 205.25 209.75 Waegwan 왜관 (Cp. Carroll) - 49(UHF) (100) 680686(683) (250) 681.25 685.75 Chinhae 진해 (Chinhae NS 외) - 2(VHF) (100) 54-60(57) 55.25 88.5 1,512 (50) (250) 59.75 11 Pohang 포항 (Cp. Libby 외) - - - - 1,512 (250) - BUSAN 부산 (Cp. Hialeah 외) - - - 88.1 1,260 (250) (5k) - 1,512 CHEJU 제주 (Chejudo Recreation Area) - - - (50) - 12 APPENDIX 3 NORWEGIAN RENDEZVOUS/ RALLYING POINTS NB! These places are only to be used when evacuation is ordered by Norwegian authorities. SEOUL JW Marriot Hotel Seoul Tel: + 82 2 6282 6262 19-3 Banpo-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul, Korea Fax: +82 2 6282 6225 E-mail: To get there : Subway line 3 or 7 to Gangnam Express Bus Terminal. Contact : Royal Norwegian Embassy Duty Officer – call 02-795-6850 BUSAN Hotel Novotel Tel : 051-743-1234 1405-16, Jung-Dong, Haeundae-gu, 612-010 Busan, Korea Fax : 51-743-1250 E-mail: Contact : Honorary Consul Mr. Axel Stang Lund (DNV) Cell phone : 010-5005-0676 ULSAN Hyundai Hotel 283 Chunha-1dong, Dong-gu, Ulsan 682-813, Korea Tel: 052-251-2233 E-mail: Fax : 052-232-7170 Contact : Honorary Consul Mr. Axel Stang Lund (DNV) Cell phone : 010-5005-0676 OKPO Admiral Hotel 330-4 Okpo 1-dong, Geoje, Gyeongsangnam-do, 656-904 Tel: 055-687- 3761 E-mail: Fax : 055-687-3934 Contact: Knut-Magne Halvorsen (Country Manager Akersolution)Cell phone : 010-2681- 3019 13 LIST OF CONTACT POINTS A. Seoul North of the Han River I. SONGBUK-GU 1. Residence Ambassador of Norway Tel: 766 3628 220-323, Songbuk-dong 2. Residence Ambassador of Germany 330-198, Songbuk-dong Tel : 762-1757 3. Residence Ambassador of Portugal 314-5, Songbuk-dong (opposite Gilsang-sa) Tel : 744-6632 4. Residence Ambassador of Sweden 2-7, Songbuk-dong Tel : 745-0541 website: 5. Residence Ambassador of Greece 1-145, Songbuk-dong Tel: 3672-1080 6. Residence Ambassador of Finland 15-217, Songbuk-dong Tel 744-1290/1 7. Residence Ambassador of Ireland 15-131, Songbuk-dong Tel : 762-1777 8. Residence Ambassador of Austria 330-102, Songbuk-dong-2 Tel: 744-0170 II. JONGNO-GU 1. Embassy of Switzerland 32-10, Songwol-dong Tel: 739-9511~14 2. Embassy of Finland (1602 Kyobo Building, 1 Jongo 1-ga, Jongno-gu) Tel : 732-6737 Fax : 723-4969 3. Austrian Embassy Tel: 7329071 (Kyobo Bldg. 1 Jongno 1-ga, Jongno-gu) 4. Royal Netherlands Embassy Tel: 7379514 14 (Kyobo Bldg. 1 Jongno 1-ga, Jongno-gu) website: III. SEODAEMUN-GU 1. Embassy of France 30, Hap-dong 2. Seoul Foreign School 55, Yonhee-dong Tel: 3149-4400 Tel: 3149-4300 Tel: 330-3100 IV. YONGSAN-GU 1. German Contact Point German Cultural Institute (Goethe Institute) 339-1, Huam-dong 2. German Contact Point German School 4-13, Hannam-dong 3. Residence Ambassador of the Netherlands 1-85, Dongbinggo-dong 4. Residence Ambassador of Spain 726-52, Hannam-dong 5. Embassy of Italy 1-398, Hannam-dong 6. Italian Contact Point Franciscan Church 707 Hannam-dong 7. Residence Ambassador of Denmark 1-86 Dongbinggo-dong 8. Residence Ambassador of Belgium 102-1, Itaewon 1-dong 9. Embassy of Bulgaria 723-42, Hannam 2-dong 11 Residence Ambassador of Bulgaria 258-66, Itaewon-dong Tel: 754-9831~ 3 Tel: 792-0797 Tel: 795-8255 Tel: 793-5703 Tel: 796-0491 ~ 5 Tel: 793-2070 Tel: 796-0411 Tel: 797-7527 Tel: 794-8625/6 Tel: 796-8627 V. JUNG-GU 1. Embassy of Norway 13 fl. Jeongdong Building, 15-5 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, 100-784 Tel: 727-7100 2. Embassy of the United Kingdom Taepyeongno 40, 4 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, 100-120 Tel: 3210-5500 15 Β. Seoul South of the Han River VI. SEOCHO-GU 1. French Contact Point 83, Banpo 4-dong French School Tel : 535-1158 VII. KANGNAM-GU 1. Renaissance Hotel 676, Yeoksam-dong 2. German Contact Point C. Tel : 555-0501 BMW Plant (Garage in Kangnam) Tel: 586-3331 Outside Seoul 1. BUSAN Royal Norwegian Honorary Consulate Tel : 051-610-7700 9th Floor, Kolon Bldg., Namchong 1-dong, Syuong-gu Fax : 051-611-7172 Busan – 613-011 Contact: Honorary Consul Mr. Axel Stang Lund (DNV) Cell phone : 010-5005-0676 Honorary Consulate of Belgium 105-5 Yeonsan-Dong, Yeonje-Gu Busan 611-811 Tel : 051-861-8141 Fax : 051-863-727 Honorary Consulate of Germany 12th Floor, Korean Express Bldg., 83-5-4-ga, Jungang-dong, Jung-gu Busan 600-816 Tel: 051-441-4112 Fax: 051-441-4113 Alliance Francaise Tel : 051-465-0306 Dongsung bid, 1st floor, 1145-11 Choryang 3-dong, Dong-gu, Busan 601-836 Mr. Kim Hyung-Soo (point de contact: M. Hubert Sévin, directeur d l'Alliance Francaise) United Kingdom Honorary Vice Consul Hyopsung Shipping Corporation 12th floor Yoochang Building 25-2, 4-ka Chumgdang-dong Chung-Ku, 600-600 Tel : 051-463-4630 16 2. ULSAN Det Norske Veritas DNV Tel : 052-232-2907, 052-232-7018 Contact: Local Manager Fax : 052-232-4166 C/o Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. 1, Cheonha-dong, Dong-ku, Ulsan - 682-060 Gathering place: Hyundai Hotel, 283 Chunha-1dong, Dong-gu, Ulsan 682-813 Italian Contact Point: HYUNDAI MIPO DOCKYARD 1381 Bangeo-dong Dong-gu ULSAN 682-712 Tel. 052 250-6842 / 6845 Fax 052-6842-6721 3. KYUNGNAM/KOJE Akers Solutions Contact: Country Manager Korea/Knut-Magne Halvorsen Tel: +82 (0)1026813019 N-tel: +47 91148234 Gathering place: Admiral Hotel, 330-4 Okpo 1-dong, Geoje, Gyeongsangnam-do, 656-904 4. WAEGWAN Germany; Bonedictine Monastery Waegwan 134-1, Waegwan-dong, Waegwan-Eub Chilogok-gun, Kyoung-buk Tel : 0545-971-0622 17 APPENDIX 4 - SIRENE WARNING SIGNALS 3 MINUTES CONSTANT SOUND = WARNING / SEEK SHELTER 1 MINUTE CHANGING SOUND = AIR ATTACK WILL START / STAY IN SHELTER After attack sirens, if there is a 1 minute constant sound, it will be safe in 5 minutes. 18 APPENDIX 5 - KOREAN EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS - IN CASE OF A CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL ATTACK Police general telephone numbers : 112 Fire rescue team: 119 National Police Agency 209, Migeun-dong Sudaemun-gu Seoul, 120-020 Tel : 363-0112 Anti-terrorist division : Mr HWANG Se-Woong Tel : 313-0684 National Health Institute (Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) 5, Nokbeon-dong Unpyong-gu Seoul Tel: 380-1420 Department of infectious disease control Division of communicable disease control: Tel: 380-1573~4 Emergency room bio-chemical anti-terrorism (24 hrs): Tel: 352-6995/6 19