Tillett 1 Carrie Tillett Dr. Simmons LBST 110-14 10 November 2009 Word Count 1084 A Disentanglement of Puzzle Pieces that Cannot Occur Many societies inadvertently make use of science and religion or philosophy as one in the same, while trying to keep control and order. This combination seems bonded and hard to disentangle especially when focusing on truths. One difference comes while discussing truth. Science truths are focused on data, experiments, and evaluations. Although this seems exactly like religion or philosophy, the difference occurs in the framework of each word. Science is narrow and only reveals scientific truth. In order to understand or recognize complete truth, one must view life through a religious point of view as well as a scientific one. If a society were to attempt to view happenings as solely scientific, one would have to completely dissolve the idea of thoughts, religion, and opinions. This would result in restricted societies without much truth. This is the opposite case if one were only looking at religion working alone in a society. These trials would weaken truths and make them confined. Using religion and scientific ideas or thoughts strengthens all truths and overall makes the society stronger. Although science and philosophy both start and end with wonder many differences keep them separated as well as help them to fulfill communities and make them well rounded in a sense. Science offers a more data driven way of life as was the case for Charles Darwin while Islam and Augustine's Confessions Tillett 2 focus on pleasing a God through a religious and philosophical aspect. Each of these offerings work together like puzzle pieces to create a society where the individual pieces are confusing and weak until placed together in the puzzle life. The scientific method plays a large, underlying piece in how a society functions. This method allows for a main question or hypothesis to arise and experimentation to occur which provides data and results. Much like an experimental project, people run through their busy lives focusing and portraying this exact method. In Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, the philosophy aspect slides to the back only revealing solid data that can be interpreted by the reader. Science provides a more systematic, data driven way of life. It affects the way people interact and communicate and can make a person think they are an individual element, acting alone. However, that is not the case even though people characterize science as a process of seeking truth which is similar to philosophy and religion. Darwin references a creator, "having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity" (Schmidt 122), shows that science and religion have to work together and cannot be completely separated from one another. Religion solves the moral problem that science cannot answer since science focuses solely on facts. Together they solve a problem and work towards truth seeking, using morals and ethics as a platform to further engage oneself or society. Many people think science and religion are polar opposites; however, it can be noted that they must work together to achieve a fulfilled society. Life cannot function without complete knowledge of each branch whether science, religion, or philosophy. Science and religion can work together to explain two different aspects of the same event. For example, the second before the Big Bang Theory relies on religion to explain everything. On the other hand, the second after is explained Tillett 3 using science because there is physical proof and data in a scientific form. With every life event this is true. Working together, science and religion show different aspects which must be looked at in order to truly understand a life happening. A purely religious society would have the capability of answering only part of the question mentioned earlier. Religion can be viewed as a single puzzle piece which can attempt to gain control or focus over a society. From an Islamic viewpoint, the Qur'an guides a person through the procedures which one should follow in order to portray a fulfilled life. "The answer to this question lies in the totality of meaning bestowed by Islam as a religion on life in general" (Schmidt 74). This shows that religion is the basis of everything Muslims do. They live life purely for God and according to God's satisfaction. Science is not innately combined in their work of living, or at least it does not seem part of the piece. Similar to the Qur'an's point of listen and recite, Augustine makes a point of take and read. Augustine's Confessions focus on religion and philosophy working independently in a society as well. For Augustine, God is more personal and present. He/she is intimately part of each person's life in a society causing religion to truly take over and become the sole viewpoint of the people. God alone is what a person can desire infinitely which allows him/her to rest with him. Religion supports a society as well as it can as a single puzzle piece, yet missing the other part of the picture. In a well ordered and functional society, every puzzle piece must come together to form a complete picture or community. Science, religion, and philosophy cannot ever be disentangled and sorted into single entities. Separating these interdependent domains would cause failure and result in controversy of a higher extent. As noted above, science and religion cannot act individually in a well functioning society and can never create a fulfilled person. Although philosophy and science are two different domains of human inquiry, they must work together in Tillett 4 order to achieve a more complete community and set of life answers. Though each different realm: science, philosophy, and religion, contain data they all define the term somewhat differently while still containing evidence from their domain. A society without all three would collapse and would not lead to a fulfilled person. Using Darwin, Augustine's Confessions, and Islamic views, a society can be created which utilizes every puzzle piece and; therefore, it creates a complete picture and a thriving society. Also, truth recognizes each aspect or puzzle piece and utilizes them to define events or topics which occur. Understanding makes use of each aspect and without the partnership, a stable society will crumble and break to pieces. History has shown that without all the puzzle pieces a society cannot thrive and grow. Tillett 5 Works Cited Schmidt, Lawrence K., ed. Journeys: Selected Readings. Acton: Copley Custom Textbooks, 2009. Print.