To all Community Pharmacies dispensing prescriptions issued by South Manchester CCG GP Practices Medicines Management Team 2nd Floor Parkway 3 Princess Rd Manchester M14 7LU January 2014 Dear Colleague Re: Pharmacy Repeat Prescription Ordering Schemes South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group (SMCCG) has requested that practices liaise with community pharmacy contractors to help address the issue of waste medicines in the NHS. Medicines Management is a key and important part of patient care. If medicines are ordered unnecessarily this is not only costly to the NHS, but most importantly, it can be unsafe to patients and others. Patients may dispose of medicines inappropriately or they may be available for others to use. SMCCG has historically received numerous complaints about these schemes, including instances where pharmacies have ordered repeat medication for deceased patients patients who are in hospital patients who have been discharged from hospital on new medication regimes but their pharmacy has ordered discontinued medicines patients whose medication has recently been changed by their GP but their pharmacy has ordered discontinued medicines patients who already have sufficient supplies of medication and have already informed the pharmacist South Manchester CCG believes that wherever possible patients should be encouraged to take responsibility for the ordering of their own repeat prescriptions. South Manchester practices are at liberty to refuse to accept pharmacy requests for repeat medication unless there are exceptional circumstances e.g. the patient or their carer is unable to order their own medicines. SMCCG is aware that if a practice chooses to withdraw this facility, this needs to be done for all contractors regardless of the ordering system used. Failure to do so could be seen as prescription direction which is against NHS regulations. However, South Manchester practices may choose to accept orders for medication on patients’ behalf but will only do so if the following process is adhered to: The pharmacy must only submit requests using the right hand side of prescription. The pharmacy must ask the patient/carer which individual medicines are required and clearly specify only those that are needed. ‘When required’ items can be clearly added on by the pharmacy but will be provided at the discretion of the GP. The pharmacy must stamp, sign and date the request form indicating when they contacted the patient/ carer to confirm which drugs are needed. The practice will not accept requests if patients have not been contacted within the previous 7 working days. The pharmacy must provide a contact number/name in case of queries. The pharmacy to establish a mechanism to inform practices if an item/s has not been issued to a patient. The practice can then amend their clinical records. Practices reserve the right to refuse any requests that do not follow the above protocol. On the odd occasion where it has not been possible to contact a patient/carer, the pharmacy must clearly state this. The practice will then review the individual prescription request and decide if it is appropriate. If prescriptions are falsely stamped to indicate that patients/carers have been contacted and this is not the case, and the patient does not require the medication, this could be considered as fraudulent. This process will be implemented fully across all 25 South Manchester practices from February 2014 in conjunction with a local waste medicines campaign. We appreciate your support in helping to minimise waste medicines and maximise our limited NHS resources. Yours sincerely Dr Bill Tamkin Chair Dr Helen Burgess Clinical Lead for Medicines Optimisation South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group Medicines Management Team 0161 765 6223/2 Letter adapted from Bury CCG Aneet Kapoor Chair Manchester LPC