Technical Specification Long Baseline Neutrino Facility & CERN Neutrino Platform Document EDMS identifier: Created: 25-Jul-15 1543254 Last Modified: 14-Sep-15 Rev. No.: 1.0 EHN1-Cold Cryostats Technical Requirements Abstract This report describes the current understanding of the EHN1 cryostats cold structure. Prepared by: Checked by: To be approved by: D. Mladenov PH/DT M. Nessi DG/DI-DI M. Nessi DG/DI-DI M. Nessi DG/DI-DI +++ +++ D. Smargianaki EN/MEF +++ Distribution List Page: 2 of 14 EDMS : 1543254 DocDB : xxx History of Changes Date 25 July 2015 Version Changes/Comments 1 First draft Authors Marzio Nessi EDMS : 1543254 Page: 3 of 14 DocDB : xxx Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4 2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... 5 3 GTT LICENCE AND AGREEMENT ....................................................................................... 5 4 OVERALL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 5 5 FE WARM CRYOSTAT DESIGN AND LAYOUT ................................................................... 9 5.1 Design concept and main characteristics .......................................................................................................................... 10 6 COLD GTT VESSEL ............................................................................................................ 10 7 GTT DELIVERABLES FOR THIS STUDY ........................................................................... 13 8 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 14 EDMS : 1543254 Page: 4 of 14 DocDB : xxx 1 Introduction The Project’s purpose of this document is to define the requirements, necessary to the firm GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz, 1 route de Versailles, 78470 St-Remy-lesChevreuse, France) to perform an engineering study for the implementation of two membrane cryostats inside the support structure proposed by CERN. The two tanks will contain liquid Argon (LAr) and two different Neutrino detectors. The overall dimension of the cold vessel and the Fe support structure (warm vessel) will be the same for the two cases. The two cryostats will be mostly identical, except for the penetrations needed to bring in signal, power, detector supports, detector elements and cryogenics. The two detectors, WA105 double phase TPC (here labelled WA105) and DUNE single phase TPC (here labelled protoDune) will be very different and based on two different technical approaches. If successful these two technologies will be cloned on a much larger size for the final LBNF/DUNE experiment. In both cases the technology is based on Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC). The neutrinos interact with the nucleus of an Argon atom, the ionizing particles which will result will be detected when traversing the active liquid argon contained in the dewar. One requirement is that the purity of the liquid argon be very high, with (electronegative) contaminants below the ppb (part-per-billion) level. Compared to a standard storage tank, the application for CERN also demands that many thousands of electrical signals be extracted from the dewar and brought outside of the vessel via leak-tight feedthroughs. This requires a specific set of penetrations through the vessel as “chimneys” interspersed by thermal insulation. After the detailed investigation of various solution and in view of the large scale extrapolation to thousands of m3 storages, the GST® (GazStorage & Technigaz) technology has been chosen: in addition to being adapted to cryogenic conditions it ensures that the Argon (liquid or gas) is in contact only with stainless steel metal surfaces. GST technology is strictly under licence by the GTT company. A cooperation agreement between CERN and GTT for engineering studies has been signed in the summer of 2015. This document contains the general requirements for the project. In section x we outline the deliverables we expect from this design study. EDMS : 1543254 Page: 5 of 14 DocDB : xxx 2 Acronyms and Abbreviations BOG : Boil-Off Gas BOR : Boil-Off Rate GST® : GazStorage & Technigaz GTT : Gaztransport & Technigaz company : LAH : High Level Alarm LAHH : High High Level Alarm LAL : Low Level Alarm LALL : Low Low Level Alarm LNG : Liquefied Natural Gas MDLL : Maximum Design Liquid Level DOL : Design Operating Level LAr : Liquefied Argon ArG : Argon Gas PAH : High Pressure Alarm PAHH : High High Pressure Alarm PAL : Low Pressure Alarm 3 GTT Licence and Agreement This document might contain information from testing, experience and know-how of GTT, which are protected under the legal regime of undisclosed information, trade secret and Copyright law. This document is strictly confidential and can not be copied or used improperly. The Cooperation Agreement, signed between GTT and CERN, contains all details of the way the two partners will interact for the purpose of this study. 4 Overall Project Requirements As mentioned above, the expected function is to store LAr under its liquid form at atmospheric pressure or just above. The tank will be placed inside an existing CERN experimental hall (CERN EHN1 building). This will require to store the LAr at a temperature between 86.7 K and 87.7 K, at a pressure inside the tank of 950 < P < 1100 mbar. A special emphasis has been made on the thermal fluxes. They have to be controlled and have to be kept under 5 W/m2 on the walls/floor in contact with liquid. The penetration have been arranged by positions and diameters. (see Section 6). Most of the penetrations are placed on the ceiling of the cryostat. They have been differentiated into two main groups according to their function and the thermal stresses they will be submitted to: whether they can be used to support the weight of the detector or not. EDMS : 1543254 Page: 6 of 14 DocDB : xxx For the detector installation purposes, an opening of limited dimension needs to be foreseen (see section 6.1 and 6.4). For WA105, the opening is on the side wall, for protoDUNE - on the cryostat ceiling. Once the detectors are installed both openings will be permanently closed. On one side wall, as low as possible, a special penetration has to be foreseen to connect the extraction liquid argon pumps that will allow the liquid recirculation to an external filtering system. For both solutions the penetration will be the same but placed in different locations (see section 6.2). Both detectors will be exposed at CERN to ionizing beams for calibration purposes. To minimize the interaction of such particle beams with the dead material of the cryostat structure and of the liquid argon external to the active volume of the detector, a special beam pipe will be installed. Its position will be different for both detectors (see section 6.3). Figure 1.1 : WA105 overall cryostat layout EDMS : 1543254 Page: 7 of 14 DocDB : xxx Figure 1.2 : protoDUNE overall cryostat layout Both cryostats will be operational in the experimental hall (EHN1). Figure 1.3 : experimental hall EHN1 layout 4.1. Storage characteristics The dimensions have been adapted in order to ensure that all crossing penetrations are arranged, as requested and that there is enough space for maintenance. a) The final inner volume is 8.500*8.548*8.548 (height*length*width): ~620 m3. b) Tank capacity (liquid volume = ~0.96%) : ~600 m3 c) Residual Heat Input (RHI) : 5 W/m2 EDMS : 1543254 Page: 8 of 14 DocDB : xxx d) Insulation density : 70 kg/m2 (PU Aged HFC245) e) Insulation thickness (all included) : <=1 m (to be computed by GTT in order to fulfil the required RHI) f) Design pressure: Max 1350 mbar / Min 950 mbar. 1350 mbar for the case of a cryogenics accidental condition. g) Operating temperature : 86K-89K 4.2. Vessels dimensions The dimensions requirements are dictated by the need to provide to the detector an active volume in excess of the 485 m3 of Lar, for the WA105 case. This means a transversal internal dimension of the liquid/gas volume of width = 8548 mm, length = 8548 mm and height = 8500 mm. As the cold vessel is based on the GTT membrane technology, the initial thermal requirements call for an insulation thickness of 1002 mm, including the primary and secondary membrane. The GTT membrane technology will provide a first and a second level of containment. There is no requirement at this point to have an additional liquid containment at the level of the warm steel structure. A stainless steel skin of 6 mm thickness just behind the insulation will provide an effective gas enclosure, which will allow controlling the argon atmosphere inside the insulation volume. The exact properties and dimensions of the cold vessel + insulation are part of this design study. Figure 2 : Overall dimensions Page: 9 of 14 EDMS : 1543254 DocDB : xxx Taking into account that the thickness of the insulation is ~1000 mm, and the thickness of the primary membrane is 2 mm, then the required internal dimensions between the 6 mm stainless steel plates shall be 10552 mm x 10552 mm x 10504 mm (L x W x H). The stainless steel plates are directly welded to the IPE600 beams. Therefore the total external dimensions of the structure are 11764 mm x 11764 mm x 11716 mm (L x W x H). The dimensions are also presented in the table below: Length [mm] Width [mm] Height [mm] 8548 8548 8500 SS Plate Internal Dimensions 10552 10552 10504 External Dimensions of the Structure 11764 11764 11716 Membrane Flat Internal dimensions In Figure 2, a front cut of the structure with the dimensions shown on it is presented. The membrane flat internal dimension do not include the space used by the SS cold membrane corrugation. In case GTT proves with this study that more than 1000mm of insulation are needed to reach 5W/m2, the external dimension of the structure will be adapted, keeping the membrane internal dimension the same. 5 Fe warm cryostat design and layout Figure 3 : Warm vessel layout, showing the various major components EDMS : 1543254 Page: 10 of 14 DocDB : xxx 5.1 Design concept and main characteristics The steel warm structure represents the mechanical support of the inner membrane cold cryostat and its insulation. It consists of vertical beams alternated with a web of metal frames, capable to stand the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid argon, the pressure of the gas volumes and all possible external constraints. Inside the steel structure, a skin of stainless plates is TIG-welded, such to provide a gas barrier to the outside. The main requirement is that this mechanical structure just sits on top of the concrete floor of the building without bolting it to the floor, with no additional point of contact or requirements to the building side walls. The top of the cryostat metallic structure will be accessible for installation of the detectors, the electrical/signal feed-through, the detector supports and other cryogenics services. The design and structural analysis of the warm support structure including the 6 mm SS gas containment membrane is not a part of this study and has to be treated as a CERN deliverable. All necessary information can be found in The 3d detailed cad model is visible in Prior to installation of the GTT insulation and cold liquid membranes, the gas tightness of the SS 6m membrane will be qualified by CERN through: - Dye penetrant analysis Local vacuum bags techniques He leaks sniffing detection at the level of the natural He present in the atmosphere (~2-3 10-6 mbar/l/sec) and a report will be presented to GTT. 6 Cold GTT Vessel Inside the warm support structure, which includes the Stainless Steel gas enclosure membrane, the GTT cold vessel will be installed. It consists of a thermal insulation, a primary corrugated Stainless Steel membrane, as well as a secondary thin membrane, to provide primary and secondary liquid containment. The insulation is instrumented with gas inlets, outlets, temperature and pressure sensors. EDMS : 1543254 Page: 11 of 14 DocDB : xxx Specific penetrations required by the Neutrino application: 6.1. TCO (Technical Construction Opening) A dedicated access window will be necessary to install the detector in the WA105 case. This means that no insulation of membrane can be installed at the beginning in this location. Once the installation has been finished, the opening should be definitively closed, insulation and membranes should be installed and welded in place. The dimension to consider is an opening of 1340mm x 3830mm on a side wall for WA105, compatible with the layout of the existing structural external beams (see figure 4). Figure 4 : front view of the TCO for the WA105 cryostat 6.2. LAr pump penetration To keep the high level of purity required, an external pump is connected one side to the bottom of the liquid, through a dedicated system of valves. This penetration requires a local modification of the insulation and the SS primary membrane, and will be a crossing tube with diameter mm. on the safety panels of 168 Page: 12 of 14 EDMS : 1543254 DocDB : xxx 6.3. Beam pipe penetration Once constructed, these detectors will be exposed to ionizing particle beams at CERN in the SPS accelerator. To avoid an important absorption of the energy of these particles in the dead material of the cryostat and its insulation, we need to insert a beam pipe which will remove a large fraction of this unnecessary material. In both cases, the beam pipe will be placed in different positions. Such a penetration requires a local modification of the insulation panels and the SS primary membrane. Pipe dimension : 250 mm in diameter 6.4. Roof signal, services and supports penetrations The penetrations on the roof of the cryostat will be different for the two cases. Two 3D cad models will describe in detail the number, position and diameter of each penetration. WA105: see 3D CAD model to identify all positions: Penetrations: Anode Suspension FTs: Field cage suspension FTs: Signal chimney FTs: Slow control chimneys: HV FT: Manhole: Cryogenic pipes - roof Cryogenic pipes – side N. N. N. N. N. N. 12, crossing 16, crossing 12, crossing 4, crossing 1, crossing 1, crossing tube tube tube tube tube tube diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter 40 mm 80 mm 277 mm 80 mm 156 mm 609 mm N. 4, crossing tube diameter N. 7, crossing tube diameter N. 5, crossing tube diameter 304 mm 152 mm 76 mm N. 2, crossing tube diameter 168 mm ProtoDUNE: see 3D cad model to identify all positions: Penetrations: West TPC translation suspension: N. 3, crossing tube diameter Center TPC translation suspension: N. 3, crossing tube diameter East TPC translation suspension: N. 3, crossing tube diameter 200 mm 150 mm 150 mm Page: 13 of 14 EDMS : 1543254 DocDB : xxx Signal cable chimney FTs: Spare on Signal cable row FTs: Laser FTs: Calibration Fiber CPA FT: Spare on CPA line FTs: HV FT: Manhole: Cryogenic pipes - roof N. N. N. N. N. N. N. 8, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, crossing crossing crossing crossing crossing crossing crossing tube tube tube tube tube tube tube diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter 250 250 100 150 150 156 609 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm N. N. N. N. 5, 5, 1, 3, crossing crossing crossing crossing tube tube tube tube diameter diameter diameter diameter 304 152 125 250 mm mm mm mm Cryogenic pipes – north side N. 1, crossing tube diameter Angled beam windows – west side N. 3, crossing tube diameter 7 168 mm 300 mm GTT deliverables for this study 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.8. 7.9. 7.10. 7.11. 7.12. 7.13. 7.14. Insulation and membranes material layout and budgets, including all fixations and installation mechanisms A reference to the design codes used and justifying the mechanical integrity of the setup An installation procedure A thermal analysis, justifying the 5W/m2 CERN requirements and defining the thickness and properties (density, ..) of the insulation A detailed study of the TCO closure, once the detector installation is over A detailed study of the installation top cap for the protoDUNE solution A detailed study of the implementation of the LAr pump penetration A detailed study of the implementation of the beam pipe penetration for both cases (WA105 and protoDUNE) A detailed study of the implementation of the roof penetrations for the WA105 case A detailed study of the implementation of the roof penetrations for the protoDUNE case A proposal for the implementation of inlets and instrumentation of the insulation volume A schedule for the GTT deliverables (from 7.1 to 7.11) to be presented, while presenting the commercial offer for this engineering study A cost estimation of the GTT hardware deliverables (from 7.1 to 7.11) A list of licensees from GTT, capable to execute this project, to be contacted by CERN for the execution of the project EDMS : 1543254 Page: 14 of 14 DocDB : xxx 8 Summary With this technical description we lay down the engineering work to be done to define the cold membrane project. The timescale is : 1. In the week of the 13th September, submission of a draft of this document to GTT in order to get an offer for the engineering investigation. 2. Following the offer, we expect to issue a CERN contract for such engineering work in the week of the 5th October 2015. At that moment all details, which are part of this document will be frozen. 3. A schedule for the GTT engineering deliverables (from 7.1. to 7.11) should be presented with the submission of the offer. 4. We expect to have the full engineering study ready for the end of February 2016, such to be able to prepare the contract for construction up to May 2016. 5. The membrane installation can then start in September 2016, at CERN.