Design of Distributed Systems Melinda Tóth, Zoltán Horváth Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Design of Distributed Systems Melinda Tóth, Zoltán Horváth Publication date 2014 Copyright © 2014 Melinda Tóth, Zoltán Horváth Supported by TÁMOP-4.1.2.A/1-11/1-2011-0052. Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Table of Contents 1. Lecture 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Syllabus ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Syllabus .................................................................................................................... 1 2. Motivation ............................................................................................................................. 1 2.1. Motivation ................................................................................................................ 1 3. Literature ............................................................................................................................... 1 3.1. Literature 1. .............................................................................................................. 1 4. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2 4.1. Properties of the formal model 1. ............................................................................. 2 4.2. Properties of the formal model 2. ............................................................................. 2 4.3. Dining philosophers .................................................................................................. 2 4.4. Problem specification (requirements) ....................................................................... 3 4.5. Execution model ....................................................................................................... 4 4.6. Program, Solution ..................................................................................................... 4 4.7. Example .................................................................................................................... 4 4.8. .................................................................................................................................. 4 2. Lecture 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Example ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.1. An Example: sorting ................................................................................................. 5 1.2. An Implementation: Sorting ..................................................................................... 5 1.3. An Implementation: Sorting ..................................................................................... 5 2. Basic Concepts of the Relational Model ............................................................................... 5 2.1. Concepts ................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. Relations ................................................................................................................... 6 2.3. State Space ................................................................................................................ 6 2.4. Statements and Effect Relation ................................................................................. 6 2.5. Example .................................................................................................................... 6 2.6. Partial Function and Logical Relation ...................................................................... 6 2.7. Truth Set ................................................................................................................... 7 2.8. Transitive Disjunctive Closure ................................................................................. 7 2.9. Example TDC Relation ............................................................................................ 8 3. Lecture 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Problem ................................................................................................................................. 9 1.1. Problem ..................................................................................................................... 9 1.2. Specification Relations ............................................................................................. 9 1.3. Example .................................................................................................................... 9 1.4. Problem Definition ................................................................................................. 10 1.5. Notation .................................................................................................................. 10 1.6. Notation .................................................................................................................. 10 1.7. Example – Value of a Function .............................................................................. 11 2. Abstract Parallel Program ................................................................................................... 11 2.1. Abstract parallel program ....................................................................................... 11 2.2. General Assignment ............................................................................................... 11 2.3. Example .................................................................................................................. 12 2.4. Extension ................................................................................................................ 12 2.5. Conditional Assignment ......................................................................................... 12 2.6. Example – Abstract Program .................................................................................. 12 4. Lecture 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 14 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 14 1.1. Problem ................................................................................................................... 14 1.2. Abstract Parallel Program ....................................................................................... 14 1.3. Example .................................................................................................................. 14 2. Semantics of the Abstract Program ..................................................................................... 14 2.1. State Transition Trees ............................................................................................. 14 2.2. State Transition Trees ............................................................................................. 14 2.3. Abstract Parallel Program – Definition .................................................................. 15 iii Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Design of Distributed Systems 2.4. Abstract Parallel Program – Notation ..................................................................... 2.5. Execution ................................................................................................................ 2.6. Reachable States ..................................................................................................... 2.7. Unconditionally Fair Scheduling ............................................................................ 3. Program Properties of the Abstract Program ...................................................................... 3.1. Weakest Precondition ............................................................................................. 3.2. Weakest Precondition ............................................................................................. 3.3. Strongest Postcondition .......................................................................................... 5. Lecture 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Abstract Parallel Program and Scheduling ............................................................. 1.2. Weakest Precondition and Strongest Postcondition ............................................... 2. Program Properties of the Abstract Program ...................................................................... 2.1. Invariant Properties, Definition .............................................................................. 2.2. Strongest Invariant .................................................................................................. 2.3. Always True Properties, Definition ........................................................................ 6. Lecture 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Invariant Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Program Properties of the Abstract Program ...................................................................... 2.1. Unless Properties, Definition .................................................................................. 2.2. Unless and Invariant Property ................................................................................ 2.3. Ensures Property, Definition .................................................................................. 2.4. Leads-to Property, Definition ................................................................................. 7. Lecture 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Program Properties of the Abstract Program ...................................................................... 2.1. Inevitability ............................................................................................................. 2.2. Fixed Point Properties ............................................................................................ 2.3. Definitions .............................................................................................................. 2.4. Example .................................................................................................................. 2.5. Weakening of fixed point property ......................................................................... 2.6. Termination properties ........................................................................................... 2.7. Behaviour relation of abstract program .................................................................. 8. Lecture 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Solution ............................................................................................................................... 2.1. Solution ................................................................................................................... 2.2. Reachable states ...................................................................................................... 2.3. Satisfies a specification property ............................................................................ 2.4. Satisfies a specification property ............................................................................ 2.5. Satisfies a specification property ............................................................................ 2.6. Satisfies a specification property ............................................................................ 2.7. Satisfies a specification property ............................................................................ 2.8. Satisfies a specification property ............................................................................ 2.9. Solved by a program ............................................................................................... 2.10. Set of solutions ..................................................................................................... 9. Lecture 9 ....................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Solution ................................................................................................................... 1.2. Solved by a Program ............................................................................................... 2. Derivation Rules ................................................................................................................. 2.1. Refinement of a Problem ........................................................................................ 2.2. Refinement of Invariant Specification Property ..................................................... 2.3. Refinement of Inevitable Specification Property in Finite Steps ............................ 2.4. Variant Function ..................................................................................................... 2.5. Application of a Variant Function .......................................................................... 2.6. and Variant Function .................................................................................... iv Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 Design of Distributed Systems 2.7. Termination ............................................................................................................ 2.8. Refinement of fixed point requirement ................................................................... 10. Lecture 10 ................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Reminder ................................................................................................................ 2. Program Constructions ........................................................................................................ 2.1. Union ...................................................................................................................... 2.2. Behaviour Relation of Union .................................................................................. 2.3. Behaviour Relation of Union .................................................................................. 2.4. Derivation Rule of Union ....................................................................................... 2.5. Union and Subset of the State Spaces (1) ............................................................... 2.6. Union and Subset of the State Spaces (2) ............................................................... 2.7. General Locality Theorem ...................................................................................... 11. Lecture 11 ................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Union ...................................................................................................................... 2. Program Constructions ........................................................................................................ 2.1. Superposition .......................................................................................................... 2.2. Behaviour Relation of Superposition ...................................................................... 2.3. Weak Extension of a Problem ................................................................................ 2.4. Derivation Rule of Superposition ........................................................................... 2.5. Sequence of Programs ............................................................................................ 2.6. Sequence of Programs (cont.) ................................................................................. 2.7. Sequence of Programs (cont.) ................................................................................. 2.8. Behaviour Relation of Sequence ............................................................................ 2.9. Behaviour Relation of Sequence (cont.) ................................................................. 2.10. Derivation Rule of Program Sequencing .............................................................. 2.11. Derivation Rule of Program Sequencing (cont.) ................................................... 12. Lecture 12 ................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Constructions ........................................................................................... 2. Computation of the Value of an Associative Function ....................................................... 2.1. Notations ................................................................................................................. 2.2. Notations ................................................................................................................. 2.3. Notations – The Problem ........................................................................................ 2.4. The Formal Specification of the Problem ............................................................... 2.5. The Formal Specification of the Problem ............................................................... 2.6. Properties of Associative Operators ....................................................................... 2.7. Auxiliary Function .................................................................................................. 2.8. Auxiliary Function .................................................................................................. 2.9. Substitution of a Function by a Variable ................................................................ 2.10. Substitution of a Function by a Variable .............................................................. 2.11. Variant Function ................................................................................................... 2.12. Refining the Specification of the Problem ............................................................ 2.13. Refining the Specification of the Problem ............................................................ 2.14. Refining the Specification of the Problem ............................................................ 2.15. Refining the Specification of the Problem ............................................................ 13. Lecture 13 ................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Computation of the Value of an Associative Function ........................................... 1.2. The Formal Specification of the Problem ............................................................... 1.3. Refined Specification of the Problem ..................................................................... 1.4. Refined Specification of the Problem ..................................................................... 2. Solution of the Problem ...................................................................................................... 2.1. Solution of the Problem .......................................................................................... 2.2. Solution of the Problem .......................................................................................... 2.3. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 2.4. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 2.5. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 2.6. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... v Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 33 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 38 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 Design of Distributed Systems 2.7. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 2.8. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 2.9. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 2.10. The Program Solves the Problem ......................................................................... 2.11. The Program Solves the Problem ......................................................................... 14. Lecture 14 ................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Computation of the Value of an Associative Function ........................................... 2. Channels .............................................................................................................................. 2.1. Channels ................................................................................................................. 2.2. Semantics of Operations ......................................................................................... 3. Natural Number Generator .................................................................................................. 3.1. Example – Natural Number Generator (NNG) ....................................................... 3.2. NNG –Refinement of the Problem ......................................................................... 3.3. NNG –Solution ....................................................................................................... 3.4. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 3.5. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 3.6. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 4. Pipeline ............................................................................................................................... 4.1. Pipeline ................................................................................................................... 4.2. Specification of Pipeline ......................................................................................... 4.3. Refinement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 4.4. Refinement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 4.5. Solution ................................................................................................................... 15. Practice 1 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 1.1. Relations ................................................................................................................. 1.2. State Space .............................................................................................................. 1.3. Statements and Effect Relation ............................................................................... 1.4. Partial Function and Logical Relation .................................................................... 1.5. Truth Set ................................................................................................................. 1.6. General Assignment ............................................................................................... 1.7. Conditional Assignment ......................................................................................... 1.8. Abstract Parallel Program ....................................................................................... 1.9. Weakest precondition ............................................................................................. 1.10. Strongest Postcondition ........................................................................................ 1.11. WP of the Abstract Parallel Program .................................................................... 1.12. Properties of WP ................................................................................................... 1.13. Properties of WP ................................................................................................... 1.14. Calculating the WP ............................................................................................... 2. Calculating the WP ............................................................................................................. 2.1. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 2.2. Exercise 1.(cont.) .................................................................................................... 2.3. Exercise 2. .............................................................................................................. 2.4. Exercise 3. .............................................................................................................. 2.5. Exercises ................................................................................................................. 16. Practice 2 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Effect Relation ........................................................................................................ 1.2. Weakest precondition ............................................................................................. 1.3. WP of the Abstract Parallel Program ...................................................................... 1.4. Properties of WP ..................................................................................................... 1.5. Properties of WP ..................................................................................................... 1.6. Calculating the WP ................................................................................................. 2. Calculating WP(S, R) .......................................................................................................... 2.1. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 2.2. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 2.3. Exercises ................................................................................................................. 3. Unless Program Property .................................................................................................... 3.1. Definition ................................................................................................................ vi Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 Design of Distributed Systems 3.2. Properties ................................................................................................................ 3.3. Proof 1. ................................................................................................................... 3.4. Proof 2. ................................................................................................................... 3.5. Stable Properties ..................................................................................................... 4. Calculating Unless .............................................................................................................. 4.1. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 4.2. Exercise 1. (solution) .............................................................................................. 4.3. Exercise 1. (solution) .............................................................................................. 4.4. Simplified Solution ................................................................................................. 4.5. Simplified Solution ................................................................................................. 4.6. Simplified Solution ................................................................................................. 4.7. Exercise 1. (simplified solution) ............................................................................. 4.8. Exercise 1. (simplified solution) ............................................................................. 4.9. Exercise 2. .............................................................................................................. 17. Practice 3 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Properties of Unless ............................................................................................................ 2.1. Unless and Stable Property ..................................................................................... 2.2. Unless and Stable Property ..................................................................................... 2.3. Unless Is Disjunctive and Conjunctive ................................................................... 2.4. Unless Is NOT Transitive ....................................................................................... 2.5. Consequence Weakening ........................................................................................ 2.6. Condition Narrowing .............................................................................................. 2.7. Cancellation ............................................................................................................ 3. Exercises ............................................................................................................................. 3.1. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 3.2. Exercise 2. .............................................................................................................. 18. Practice 4 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Ensures ................................................................................................................................ 2.1. Ensures Property, Definition .................................................................................. 2.2. Properties ................................................................................................................ 2.3. Proof 1. ................................................................................................................... 2.4. Properties ................................................................................................................ 2.5. Properties ................................................................................................................ 2.6. Properties ................................................................................................................ 3. Calculating Ensures ............................................................................................................. 3.1. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 3.2. Exercise 1. (solution) .............................................................................................. 4. Properties ............................................................................................................................ 4.1. Ensures and Stable Property ................................................................................... 4.2. Ensures and Stable Property ................................................................................... 4.3. Ensures Is NOT Transitive ..................................................................................... 4.4. Ensures Is NOT Disjunctive ................................................................................... 4.5. Consequence Weakening ........................................................................................ 4.6. Corollario ................................................................................................................ 4.7. Impossibility ........................................................................................................... 19. Practice 5 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Ensures ................................................................................................................................ 2.1. Exercise .................................................................................................................. 3. Leads-to ............................................................................................................................... 3.1. Leads-to Property, Definition ................................................................................. 3.2. Exercise .................................................................................................................. 4. Properties ............................................................................................................................ 4.1. Basic Properties ...................................................................................................... 4.2. Implication Property ............................................................................................... vii Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 Design of Distributed Systems 4.3. Consequence Weakening ........................................................................................ 4.4. Condition Narrowing .............................................................................................. 5. Proof Strategy ..................................................................................................................... 5.1. Structural Induction ................................................................................................ 5.2. Impossibility ........................................................................................................... 5.3. Impossibility ........................................................................................................... 5.4. Impossibility ........................................................................................................... 20. Practice 6 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 1.2. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 1.3. Structural Induction ................................................................................................ 2. Leads-to Properties .............................................................................................................. 2.1. Leads-to and Stable Property .................................................................................. 2.2. PSP Theorem .......................................................................................................... 3. Exercises ............................................................................................................................. 3.1. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 3.2. Exercise 2. .............................................................................................................. 3.3. Exercise 3. .............................................................................................................. 3.4. Exercise 3. .............................................................................................................. 4. Inevitability ......................................................................................................................... 4.1. Inevitability ............................................................................................................. 4.2. Inevitability ............................................................................................................. 5. Exercises ............................................................................................................................. 5.1. Exercise 3. (cont.) ................................................................................................... 5.2. Exercise 4. .............................................................................................................. 5.3. Exercise 4. .............................................................................................................. 5.4. Exercise 5. .............................................................................................................. 5.5. Exercise 6. .............................................................................................................. 5.6. Exercise 6. .............................................................................................................. 21. Practice 7 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 1.2. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Fixed Point Properties ......................................................................................................... 2.1. Fixed Point Properties ............................................................................................ 2.2. Definitions .............................................................................................................. 2.3. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 2.4. Exercise 1. .............................................................................................................. 3. Invariant .............................................................................................................................. 3.1. Invariant Properties, Definition .............................................................................. 3.2. Exercise 2. .............................................................................................................. 4. Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 4.1. Calculate the Properties of the Program 1. ............................................................. 4.2. Calculate the Properties of the Program 1. ............................................................. 4.3. Calculate the Properties of the Program 2. ............................................................. 4.4. Calculate the Properties of the Program 2. ............................................................. 22. Practice 8 .................................................................................................................................... 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 1.1. Program Properties ................................................................................................. 2. Problem ............................................................................................................................... 2.1. Problem ................................................................................................................... 2.2. Specification Relations ........................................................................................... 2.3. Problem Definition ................................................................................................. 2.4. Notation .................................................................................................................. 2.5. Example: Greatest Common Divisor – GCD .......................................................... 3. Solution ............................................................................................................................... 3.1. Solution ................................................................................................................... 3.2. Solved by a Program ............................................................................................... 3.3. Solution ................................................................................................................... viii Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 Design of Distributed Systems 3.4. Refinement of fixed point requirement ................................................................... 85 4. Exercise ............................................................................................................................... 86 4.1. Greatest Common Divisor – GCD .......................................................................... 86 4.2. Refinement of fixed point requirement ................................................................... 86 4.3. Solution ................................................................................................................... 87 4.4. Refinement of fixed point requirement ................................................................... 87 4.5. S Solves the Problem .............................................................................................. 87 4.6. Step 1. ..................................................................................................................... 87 4.7. Step 2. ..................................................................................................................... 88 4.8. Step 3. ..................................................................................................................... 88 4.9. Step 4. ..................................................................................................................... 88 4.10. Step 4. ................................................................................................................... 88 4.11. Sorting .................................................................................................................. 88 4.12. Refinement of fixed point requirement ................................................................. 89 4.13. Solution ................................................................................................................. 89 23. Practice 9 .................................................................................................................................... 91 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 91 1.1. Test Scope .............................................................................................................. 91 2. Test Examples ..................................................................................................................... 91 2.1. Does it hold? ........................................................................................................... 91 2.2. Check the Properties! .............................................................................................. 91 2.3. Check the Properties! .............................................................................................. 91 2.4. Does S Satisfy the Properties? ................................................................................ 92 2.5. Does S Satisfy the Properties? ................................................................................ 92 24. Practice 10 .................................................................................................................................. 94 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 94 1.1. Where we are now? ................................................................................................ 94 2. Channels .............................................................................................................................. 94 2.1. Channels ................................................................................................................. 94 2.2. Semantics of Operations ......................................................................................... 94 3. FORK .................................................................................................................................. 94 3.1. FORK ..................................................................................................................... 95 3.2. The function “split” ................................................................................................ 95 3.3. Specification ........................................................................................................... 95 3.4. Solution ................................................................................................................... 95 3.5. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 96 3.6. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 96 3.7. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 97 3.8. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 97 3.9. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 97 3.10. The Program Solves the Problem ......................................................................... 97 25. Practice 11 .................................................................................................................................. 98 1. Reminder ............................................................................................................................. 98 1.1. Channels ................................................................................................................. 98 1.2. The function “split” ................................................................................................ 98 2. Multiplexer .......................................................................................................................... 98 2.1. MUX ....................................................................................................................... 98 2.2. Specification ........................................................................................................... 99 2.3. Solution ................................................................................................................... 99 2.4. The Program Solves the Problem ........................................................................... 99 2.5. The Program Solves the Problem ......................................................................... 100 2.6. The Program Solves the Problem ......................................................................... 100 2.7. The Program Solves the Problem ......................................................................... 100 2.8. The Program Solves the Problem ......................................................................... 101 3. Exercise ............................................................................................................................. 101 3.1. Specification ......................................................................................................... 101 3.2. Solution ................................................................................................................. 101 3.3. Check the properties of the program! ................................................................... 101 3.4. Check the properties of the program! ................................................................... 102 26. Practice 12 ................................................................................................................................ 103 ix Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Design of Distributed Systems 1. Reminder ........................................................................................................................... 1.1. Channels ............................................................................................................... 2. Pipeline ............................................................................................................................. 2.1. Pipeline ................................................................................................................. 2.2. Specification of Pipeline ....................................................................................... 2.3. Refinement of the Problem ................................................................................... 2.4. Solution ................................................................................................................. 3. Exercise ............................................................................................................................. 3.1. Reduction to Pipeline Theorem ............................................................................ 3.2. Example: Approximation of Square Root ............................................................. 3.3. Specification of the Problem ................................................................................ 3.4. Refinement of the Problem ................................................................................... 3.5. Refinement of the Problem ................................................................................... 3.6. Solution ................................................................................................................. 3.7. Exercise 1. ............................................................................................................ 3.8. Exercise 2. ............................................................................................................ 27. Practice 13 ................................................................................................................................ 1. Reminder ........................................................................................................................... 1.1. Reminder .............................................................................................................. 2. Union ................................................................................................................................. 2.1. Union .................................................................................................................... 2.2. Behaviour Relation of Union ................................................................................ 2.3. Properties Based on the Definition ....................................................................... 2.4. Counterexample of ..................................................................................... 2.5. Counterexample of ..................................................................................... 3. Exercises ........................................................................................................................... 3.1. Check the property! (1) ......................................................................................... 3.2. Check the property!(1) .......................................................................................... 3.3. Check the property! (2) ......................................................................................... 3.4. Check the property! (2) ......................................................................................... 3.5. Check the property! (3) ......................................................................................... 3.6. Check the property! (3) ......................................................................................... 3.7. Check the property! (4) ......................................................................................... 3.8. Check the property! (4) ......................................................................................... 3.9. Check the property! (5) ......................................................................................... 3.10. Check the property! (5) ....................................................................................... 3.11. Check the property! (6) ....................................................................................... 3.12. Check the property! (7) ....................................................................................... 28. Practice 14 ................................................................................................................................ 1. Reminder ........................................................................................................................... 1.1. Test Scope ............................................................................................................ 2. Test Examples ................................................................................................................... 2.1. Does it hold? ......................................................................................................... 2.2. Check the Properties! ............................................................................................ 2.3. Check the Properties! ............................................................................................ 2.4. Check the Properties! ............................................................................................ 2.5. Check the Properties! ............................................................................................ 2.6. Reduction .............................................................................................................. 2.7. Reduction .............................................................................................................. x Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. 103 103 103 103 103 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 109 109 110 110 110 110 110 111 111 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 113 113 113 113 Chapter 1. Lecture 1 1. Syllabus 1.1. Syllabus • Dining/drinking philosophers • Distributed problems • Formal specification and properties of distributed systems • Safety and progress properties of distributed programs • Verification of safety critical properties • Program compositions from components with proved properties • Computing the value of an associative function • Computing the value of an associative function 2. Motivation 2.1. Motivation Motivation for using formal methods: • safety critical applications • safe application of software components • primary goal: sound concepts about distributed and parallel programs 3. Literature 3.1. Literature 1. • Chandy, K.M., Misra, J.: Parallel Program Design - A Foundation. Addison-Wesley, 1989. • Misra, J.: A Discipline of Multiprogramming - Programming Theory for Distributed Applications. Springer, 2001. • Horváth Z.: Parallel asynchronous computation of the values of an associative function. Acta Cybernetica, Vol.12, No. 1, Szeged (1995) 83-94. • Horváth Z.: The Formal Specification of a Problem Solved by a Parallel Program – a Relational Model. • Fóthi Á.- Horváth Z.- Kozsik T.: Parallel Elementwise Processing – A Novel Version. Annales Uni. Sci. Budapest de R. Eötvös Nom. Sectio Computatorica (1996). • Horváth Z.- Kozsik T.- Venczel T.: On Composing Problems and Parallel Programs. In: Paakki J., ed., Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 7-8, 1997 (1997) Report C-1997-37, University of Helsinki, 1-12. • Horváth Z.- Kozsik T.- Venczel T.: Parallel Programs Implementing Abstract Data Type Operations. Pure Mathematics and Applications (PU.M.A.)., Volume 11 (2000), Number 2. pp. 293-308. 1 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 1 4. Introduction 4.1. Properties of the formal model 1. We need a formal model, which is appropriate for specification of problems and developing the solutions of problems in case of parallel and distributed systems. 4.2. Properties of the formal model 2. The introduced model • is an extension of a relational model of nondeterministic sequential programs, • provides tools for stepwise refinement of problems, in a functional approach, • uses the concept of iterative abstract program of UNITY, • the concept of solution is based on the comparison of the problem as a relation and the behaviour relation of the program. 4.3. Dining philosophers States: • thinking: t 2 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 1 • forks in hands: f • eating: e • at home: h 4.4. Problem specification (requirements) : • unless: • unless: • ensures: • inevitable leads-to: • invariant: • fixed point: • termination: 3 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 1 Help: thinking: t, forks in hands: f, eating: e, at home: h 4.5. Execution model , if . Abstract execution model • No control flow, free processors select assignments asynchronously 4.6. Program, Solution , if . Program • scheduling, processes, location, communication infrastructure, language Solution • Specification requirements are satisfied by program properties 4.7. Example , if . Example • C/PVM PC-cluster (Parallel Virtual Machine) • Erlang VM cluster 4.8. • The notion of the state space makes it possible to define the semantical meaning of a problem independently of any program. • The generalized concept of a problem is applicable for cases in which termination is not required but the behaviour of the specified system is restricted by safety and progress properties. • The solution of a problem may be a sequential program, a parallel one, or even a program built up from both sequential and parallel components. 4 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 2. Lecture 2 1. Example 1.1. An Example: sorting 1.2. An Implementation: Sorting A valid implementation: the code for the i-th processor: loop < lock a(i) and a(i+1) > x := a(i); y := a(i+1); if x > y then a(i+1):=x; a(i):= y; end if; < unlock a(i) and a(i+1) > end loop; processes. 1.3. An Implementation: Sorting A sequential program: loop for i=1 to n-1 do x := a(i); y := a(i+1); if x > y then a(i+1):=x; a(i):= y; end if; end for end loop 2. Basic Concepts of the Relational Model 2.1. Concepts A programming model defines • the semantics of problems and programs • operations for problem and program constructions • when a program solves a program. Relational model: • the elements of the semantic domain are relations 5 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 2 2.2. Relations • An arbitrary subset of a direct product of sets is called a relation. • Let where and are arbitrary sets. The domain of the relation is defined by 2.3. State Space • Let • The set is a finite or numerable set. is called state space, the sets • The projections • are called type value sets. are called variables. is the set of the finite sequences of the points of the state space and sequences. • Let . • A statement is a subset of the direct product . 2.4. Statements and Effect Relation • A statement is a subset of the direct product . • The effect relation of a statement . is denoted by • The effect relation expresses the functionality of the statement. • . 2.5. Example var i,j : integer; j:=2; while i <> 5 loop i:=i+j end loop • State space: , • variables: , • seq. program: , , etc. • effect relation: . 2.6. Partial Function and Logical Relation 6 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. the set of the infinite Lecture 2 • A relation is called a partial function, if for all then the set has at most one element. If is a function. • If is a relation, where called a logical relation. is an arbitrary set and is the set of the logical values, then is 2.7. Truth Set • The truth set of the logical function • The logical is defined as functions are sets. defined by their truth . 2.8. Transitive Disjunctive Closure • The power-set (set of subsets) of set • is denoted by . relation is the transitive disjunctive closure of relation is the smallest relation, for which holds: 7 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. , if Lecture 2 • • if and • for any numerable set , then : . 2.9. Example TDC Relation , , , 8 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 3. Lecture 3 1. Problem 1.1. Problem • The problem is defined as a set of specification relations. • Every specification relation is defined over the powerset of the state space. • Let be logical functions. • We define • and • 1.2. Specification Relations • -( stable unless • -( • -( • , • ensures -( • -t), is inevitable from ), - (fixed point is inevitable from -( • ), ), holds in any fixed point), is invariant), ( initially). 1.3. Example • , . • According to state specification requirement the program is enabled to change state only. • According to the specification relation the variable is non-decreasing and can be increased one by one. 9 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. to Lecture 3 1.4. Problem Definition • Let be a state space and let • The relation be a finite or numerable set. , where is called a problem defined over the state space . • is called the parameter space of the problem. Two relations expressing boundary properties and five relations expressing transition properties are associated to every point of set . 1.5. Notation • Let • Let denote an arbitrary element of the domain of the problem. denote an element of • The components of respectively. • If . are denoted by then we use instead of and by in the indices for the sake of simplicity. 1.6. Notation • 10 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 3 1.7. Example – Value of a Function , . 2. Abstract Parallel Program 2.1. Abstract parallel program The abstract program is a relation • generated by a set of conditional assignments; • assignments are selected nondeterministically, • executions of different processors are fairly interleaved. • a fixed point is said to be reached in a state, if any statement in that state leaves the state unchanged. 2.2. General Assignment • A statement over the state space is called empty and . • Let • The statement , , where is a general assignment defined by . , if • 11 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. termed , if Lecture 3 . 2.3. Example • x,y : N, • x,y := x+y, x-y, • , • , • F(2,3)=?, F(3,2)=? 2.4. Extension • We extend the domain of a relation for the whole state space in the following way: • , • , • , • where . • Let . • The relation is the extension of • , if • , otherwise. for the truth set of condition , i.e., and • . 2.5. Conditional Assignment • Let be an assignment, for which . • This kind of (simultaneous, nondeterministic) assignment is called a conditional assignment, if . • We denote the conditional assignment the following way: • Simultaneous, conditional nondeterministic, , if assignment: . • Abbreviation: 2.6. Example – Abstract Program 12 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. , if . , if Lecture 3 , if • Atomicity: • if no atomicity: • there is no state, when is 6. 13 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 4. Lecture 4 1. Reminder 1.1. Problem • The problem is defined as a set of specification relations. • Every specification relation is defined over the powerset of the state space. • Let be logical functions. • We define • and • 1.2. Abstract Parallel Program The abstract program is a relation • generated by a set of conditional assignments; • assignments are selected nondeterministically, • executions of different processors are fairly interleaved. • a fixed point is said to be reached in a state, if any statement in that state leaves the state unchanged. 1.3. Example , if 2. Semantics of the Abstract Program 2.1. State Transition Trees • Let be an ordered pair of a conditional assignment and of a nonempty, finite set of conditional assignments, such that • • where , , . • The semantics of the abstract program is defined as a binary relation which associates equivalence classes of correctly labeled state transition trees to the points of the state space. 2.2. State Transition Trees • The labeled state transition trees are generated by the ordered pair 14 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 4 • of the effect relation of the initial assignment and • of the UP(S) disjoint union of the effect relations of the elements of the abstract program. 2.3. Abstract Parallel Program – Definition • The relation is called an abstract parallel program, if • it associates equivalence classes of labelled transition trees to the element • which trees are generated at by the ordered pairs of relations , and • have a correct labelling. 2.4. Abstract Parallel Program – Notation • The abstract parallel program following. • The conditional assignment • generated by is abbreviated by is called the initialization in is said to be an element of the program and . 2.5. Execution 15 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. in the Lecture 4 • Any path of a representative of the equivalence class parallel program starting in the state . is called an execution path of the abstract • Any concurrent execution of conditional assignments should satisfy the requirement of serializibility. • Every execution path of the abstract parallel program represents a possible sequential execution sequence of the assignments. • The introduced semantics is an interleaving semantics of parallel programs. 2.6. Reachable States • The labels (states) along the execution paths of set • is denoted by is the set of reachable states from state . . 2.7. Unconditionally Fair Scheduling • An execution path corresponds to the requirement of unconditionally fair scheduling, • if every statement is selected infinitely times along the path, i.e. • every label from index set is associated infinitely often to the vertices of the path. 3. Program Properties of the Abstract Program 3.1. Weakest Precondition • The program properties are defined in terms of the weakest precondition of the element statements of the abstract program. • The logical function respect to the statement is called the weakest precondition of the postcondition . • We define . 3.2. Weakest Precondition • • . . 16 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. in Lecture 4 3.3. Strongest Postcondition • The logical function • is called the strongest postcondition of . 17 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. in respect to . Chapter 5. Lecture 5 1. Reminder 1.1. Abstract Parallel Program and Scheduling • The abstract parallel program following. generated by • The conditional assignment • is abbreviated by is called the initialization in is said to be an element of the program in the and . • An execution path corresponds to the requirement of unconditionally fair scheduling, if every statement is selected infinitely times along the path, i.e. every label from index set is associated infinitely often to the vertices of the path. 1.2. Weakest Precondition and Strongest Postcondition • . • . • . 2. Program Properties of the Abstract Program 2.1. Invariant Properties, Definition • is the set of logical functions of which truth are preserved by the elements of started from a state satisfying • • • . . . and . 18 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. if the program is Lecture 5 2.2. Strongest Invariant Lemma 1 (Conjunction of invariants). is closed for the conjunction operation. • is the conjunction of the elements of the set • is the strongest invariant. Theorem 1. The truth set of is the set of reachable states from 2.3. Always True Properties, Definition • • . . • • Always true is not invariant. 19 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. . Lecture 5 20 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 6. Lecture 6 1. Reminder 1.1. Invariant Properties • is the set of logical functions of which truth are preserved by the elements of started from a state satisfying . • is the conjunction of the elements of the set • is the strongest invariant. if the program is 2. Program Properties of the Abstract Program 2.1. Unless Properties, Definition • is stable while . • . Unless. 2.2. Unless and Invariant Property Theorem 2. If Theorem 3. and , then If . and . 21 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. , then Lecture 6 2.3. Ensures Property, Definition • is stable while to in and there is a conditional assignment which ensures the transition from . • . Ensures. Theorem 4. If and , . 2.4. Leads-to Property, Definition • is the transitive disjunctive closure of relation 22 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. . then Lecture 6 is the smallest binary relation satisfying the conditions: • . • if • Let and , then . denote a countable set. If , then . Theorem 5. If and . 23 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. , then Chapter 7. Lecture 7 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • • • is the smallest binary relation satisfying the conditions: • . • if • Let and denote , then an countable . set. If , then . 2. Program Properties of the Abstract Program 2.1. Inevitability Inevitability. , if and only if when on all execution paths leading from and satisfying the axiom of the unconditionally fair scheduling there is a node at a finite unbounded distance from of which label is an element of the truth set of , i.e., the program inevitable reaches the truth set of started from . Theorem 6 ( sound and complete). = 2.2. Fixed Point Properties • A fixed point is said to be reached in a state of the state space • and : • , if none of the statements changes the state. is a simultaneous, non deterministic conditional assignment, i.e. , if denotes the logical function, which characterizes the set of states over which the relation deterministic, i.e., . 2.3. Definitions Set of fixed point. Set of fixed point with deterministic assignments. 24 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. is Lecture 7 Fixed point properties. Let us denote by the set . 2.4. Example • , ha . • . 2.5. Weakening of fixed point property Theorem 7. If and , then . 2.6. Termination properties Termination properties. denotes the set 2.7. Behaviour relation of abstract program Behaviour relation. Let be a program over the state space . The system of relations is called the behaviour relation of the parallel program . 25 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 8. Lecture 8 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • Invariant • Unless • Ensures • Leads-to • Fixed point • Termination 2. Solution 2.1. Solution Definition. The abstract parallel program is a solution of the problem , • if , such that • the program satisfies all the specification properties given in the , , components , , , of • assuming that the program starts from a state satisfying all the elements of . 2.2. Reachable states • The truth set of an invariant property may be regarded as a characterization of a subset of reachable states. • It is sufficient for us, if the program satisfies all properties over the truth set of an invariant property. 2.3. Satisfies a specification property Definition. The program satisfies the specification property • there exists an invariant property respect to , i.e., • , if and only if such that the program satisfies and . 26 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. with Lecture 8 Theorem 8. The program satisfies the specification property , if it satisfies with respect to the strongest invariant, i.e. is an always true program property: ( ). 2.4. Satisfies a specification property Definition. The program satisfies the specification property • there exists an invariant property respect to , i.e., • , if and only if such that the program satisfies and with . Theorem 9. The program satisfies the specification property with respect to the strongest invariant, i.e. , if it satisfies . 2.5. Satisfies a specification property Definition. The program satisfies the specification property • there exists an invariant i.e., • , if and only if such that the program satisfies with respect to , and Theorem 10. The program satisfies the specification property with respect to the strongest invariant, i.e. , if it satisfies . 2.6. Satisfies a specification property Definition. The program satisfies the specification property • there exists an invariant i.e., • , if and only if such that the program satisfies with respect to , and Theorem 11. The program satisfies the specification property with respect to the strongest invariant, i.e. , if it satisfies . 27 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 8 2.7. Satisfies a specification property Definition. The program satisfies the specification property , if and only if • there exists an invariant , i.e., such that the program satisfies • and with respect to . Theorem 12. The program satisfies the specification property satisfies with respect to the strongest invariant, i.e. , if it . 2.8. Satisfies a specification property Definition. The program satisfies the specification property • there exists an invariant , i.e., • , if and only if such that the program satisfies ( and ) with respect to . Theorem 13. The program satisfies the specification property with respect to the strongest invariant, i.e. , if it satisfies . 2.9. Solved by a program Definition. The problem is said to be solved by the program with respect to an invariant property , if such that the specification properties given in with respect to . and satisfies all and the initial conditions 2.10. Set of solutions Definition. We define as the set of all abstract parallel programs that solve the problem 28 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. . Chapter 9. Lecture 9 1. Reminder 1.1. Solution Definition. The abstract parallel program is a solution of the problem , • if , such that • the program satisfies all the specification properties given in the , , components , , , of • assuming that the program starts from a state satisfying all the elements of . 1.2. Solved by a Program Definition. The problem is said to be solved by the program with respect to an invariant property , if such that the specification properties given in with respect to and satisfies all and the initial conditions . 2. Derivation Rules 2.1. Refinement of a Problem Definition. Let be problems defined over the state space If problem . : solves solves . , then the problem is a refinement of the 2.2. Refinement of Invariant Specification Property Theorem 14. If the abstract program satisfies the specification properties , then satisfies the specification property and too. 2.3. Refinement of Inevitable Specification Property in Finite Steps Theorem 15. satisfies to the specification property finite number of application of the following rules: 1. 29 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. , if it can be derived by Lecture 9 if satisfies , then satisfies too. 2. Transitivity: if satisfies and satisfies , then satisfies too. 3. Disjunctivity: for all W , then numerable set: if satisfies satisfies too. 2.4. Variant Function Definition. • is a variant function. • are logical functions: • , • . 2.5. Application of a Variant Function Theorem 16. which logical functions, . If satisfies 2.6. is a variant function, for satisfies too. , then and Variant Function Theorem 17. logical functions, which is a variant function, for . If satisfies satisfies too. , then 2.7. Termination Theorem 18. and . is a variant function, for which If satisfies for all , then satisfies . 2.8. Refinement of fixed point requirement Theorem 19. satisfies If satisfies and , and . 30 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. , then Chapter 10. Lecture 10 1. Reminder 1.1. Reminder • Problem • Parallel Abstract Program • Properties of the Programs • Solution • Derivation Rules 2. Program Constructions 2.1. Union Definition. • Let and • Let denote the largest common subspace of • Let extensions to • If all be two subspaces of the state space of two programs on variables belonging to (i.e. and and . and . be the respectively. get the same value in the assignments and ), then the program that is defined on called the union of and . 2.2. Behaviour Relation of Union Theorem 20. Let . Then: 1. 2. 3. 4. 31 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. , is Lecture 10 for which : 5. 6. 7. . 2.3. Behaviour Relation of Union Theorem 21. Let and be two problems over a common state space and parameter space 1. 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. , 6. , 7. . 2.4. Derivation Rule of Union Theorem 22. 1. 32 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 10 Let and be two problems over a common state space and parameter space . 2. Let and be two programs extended to state space programs exist. , and let the union of this 3. If is a solution of and with respect to and is a solution of with respect to 4. , 5. then is a solution of . 2.5. Union and Subset of the State Spaces (1) Theorem 23. Let , a logical function on state space that case: in such a way, and • if , then • if , then • if , then . In this , , . 2.6. Union and Subset of the State Spaces (2) Theorem 24. Let , a logical function on state space , • if , then • if , then • if in such a way that . In this case , , and , then . 2.7. General Locality Theorem Theorem 25. and variables in abstract program are programs on the same state space. . . If • , then 1 , • 1 33 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. denotes the Lecture 10 • • és . 34 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 11. Lecture 11 1. Reminder 1.1. Union Definition. • Let and • Let denote the largest common subspace of • Let extensions to • If all be two subspaces of the state space variables belonging to (i.e. and and and of two programs on . . be the respectively. get the same value in the assignments and ), then the program that is defined on called the union of and , is . 2. Program Constructions 2.1. Superposition Definition. • Let be a subspace of and let be a program over • Let be a conditional assignment defined over variables of appear on the left hand side in . • Let denote the superposition of • Let and . in such a way, that none of the . be the extension of to . The a) and the b) , where programs are called superpositions of the program and the assignment. 2.2. Behaviour Relation of Superposition Theorem 26. Let the program over state space and the statement the subspace of be a superposition of the program , if . Let denote the extension of and and to , where be two logical functions over . is a program over and let and is the extension of the logical function and . 35 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 11 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. , 6. , 2.3. Weak Extension of a Problem Definition. is the weak extension of the problem , by leaving out the " if it is derived from the extension of , from " type specification conditions. 2.4. Derivation Rule of Superposition Theorem 27. Let be a problem over the subspace of state space parameter space . If is a solution of then any superposition of the the statement is a solution of the weak extension of . and over the program and 2.5. Sequence of Programs Definition. • Let , be two subspaces of state space • Let be a be a program over • Let denote the extension of to program . over . . • Let be a logical variable, where the state space component of nor to . 2.6. Sequence of Programs (cont.) Definition (cont.) 36 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. neither belongs to , Lecture 11 • Let denote the where program defined on state space • , • , if • Let , ). denote the program defined on state space , where • , if • , if ). . 2.7. Sequence of Programs (cont.) Definition (cont.) The and is denoted as program is called the sequence of . 2.8. Behaviour Relation of Sequence Theorem 28. In the following we suppose that the predicates the variable . and respectively. Let , , etc. are independent of are the extensions of the logical functions of . Then: 1. if , then , 2. if , then if , then , 3. , 4. if , then if , then if , then , 5. , 6. , 37 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. and Lecture 11 7. , 8. if then , 2.9. Behaviour Relation of Sequence (cont.) Theorem 29. In the following we suppose that the predicates the variable . and respectively. Let , , etc. are independent of are the extensions of the logical functions of and . Then: 1. iff , iff , 2. and iff , 3. if then if and , 4. then . 2.10. Derivation Rule of Program Sequencing Theorem 30. • Let and subspaces of state space • Let . and deterministic problems over • Let ; be the sequence of • For any with . . (defined over we mark the components of and resp. and over parameter space ) and (defined over with ). , the components of 2.11. Derivation Rule of Program Sequencing (cont.) Theorem 31. • If satisfies and conditions under precondition , • satisfies and conditions under , and 38 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. precondition Lecture 11 • , then . satisfies and precondition. 39 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. conditions under Chapter 12. Lecture 12 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Constructions • Union • Superposition • Sequence 2. Computation of the Value of an Associative Function 2.1. Notations • Let be a set. • Let denote an arbitrary associative binary operator over • . is a function describing the single or multiple application of the operator . 2.2. Notations • Since is associative, for any arbitrary sequence • We write • We extend of length at least three: instead of the infix notation for sequences of length one: in the following. . 2.3. Notations – The Problem • Let a finite sequence of the elements of • be given. . • Let us compute the value of the function for all , where and . 2.4. The Formal Specification of the Problem • We represent the sequences and the values of function by arrays. • We specify that the program inevitably reaches a fixed point and the array fixed point. 40 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. contains the values of in any Lecture 12 • . 2.5. The Formal Specification of the Problem 2.6. Properties of Associative Operators • The computation of the values of at place subsequences is made easier with the knowledge of the value of indexed by the elements of an arbitrary for interval. • The result computed for a subsequence is useful in the computation of the value of includes the subsequence. for any sequence which 2.7. Auxiliary Function • Let us introduce the auxiliary function • Let denote the value of the last element is , if . for the sequence of which the first element is and its length is . Definition. The precise definition of the partial function is: 2.8. Auxiliary Function Lemma 2. If , then . 2.9. Substitution of a Function by a Variable • The two-dimensional array is introduced to store the known values of . • This method is called the substitution of a function by a variable. • The lines on the next Figure illustrate the connections among the elements of the matrix • In fixed points and , 41 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. . or Lecture 12 i.e. is the value of for an at most length prefix. 2.10. Substitution of a Function by a Variable 2.11. Variant Function • Let us choose the variant function in the following way: . • The variant function depends on the number of elements of the matrix which elements are different from the value of function at the corresponding place and on the number of places where the value of the array is different from the value of function . 2.12. Refining the Specification of the Problem • We extend the state space and refine the specification of the problem. 2.13. Refining the Specification of the Problem 42 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 12 2.14. Refining the Specification of the Problem • The connection between the variables and the function is given by the invariants (6)-(8). 2.15. Refining the Specification of the Problem Lemma 3. The given specification ((4)-(9)) is a refinement of the original specification ((1)(3)). Proof. and in fixed point according to (6). Using (7) it follows that the equation fixed point. Since , after the holds in application of the definition of , which is the same as property (3). 43 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. we get Chapter 13. Lecture 13 1. Reminder 1.1. Computation of the Value of an Associative Function 1.2. The Formal Specification of the Problem 1.3. Refined Specification of the Problem 1.4. Refined Specification of the Problem 44 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 13 2. Solution of the Problem 2.1. Solution of the Problem 2.2. Solution of the Problem Theorem 32. The abstract program below is a solution for the problem specified by (4)-(9), i.e., a solution for the problem of the computation of the values of an associative function. 2.3. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (6): using the definition of : We use invariant properties and apply mathematical induction on satisfies in fixed points. 2.4. The Program Solves the Problem 45 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. to prove that the program Lecture 13 Base Case. . From (7) and follows Inductive hypothesis. . . 2.5. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. • Since , contradicts the hypothesis. • This means (12) can be simplified to • If . , then , else (11) does not hold. • Using the inductive hypothesis and i.e., we get , . 2.6. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. • The last statement contradicts the initial condition: . • This means . • , else (12) does not hold. • . • Using the invariant (7) we get . • Based on (10) . 2.7. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (5): • Every statement of the program decreases the variant function by 1 or does not cause state transition. • If the program is not in one of its fixed points, then there exists an and a corresponding conditional assignment, which assignment increases the value of there exists an for which and the value of , or is different from the value of 2.8. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (8): • Since initially. implies and , the • All the assignments change the value of and simultaneously. 46 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. equality holds Lecture 13 2.9. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (7): • Since • Since , is initially . , . • After calculating the weakest preconditions of the assignments it is sufficient to show that ... 2.10. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. • After calculating the weakest preconditions of the assignments it is sufficient to show that • and implies the equality for , i.e., and , • and implies the equality for , i.e., and . 2.11. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. • . • n the first case implies and implies • In the second . case implies and implies . • We use the Lemma: If , . • In both of the cases the application of the Lemma leads to the statement. 47 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. then Chapter 14. Lecture 14 1. Reminder 1.1. Computation of the Value of an Associative Function 2. Channels 2.1. Channels • – queue, buffer for one directional communication • Error-free, unbounded or bounded • – the history of the channel • Operations: • • (P1) (P2) • • • 2.2. Semantics of Operations • 48 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 14 • . • . • Locality: any property P of P1 is stable in the other process(es), if outgoing channels variables of P1 only. • For any property , if and , then contains local variables and is stable in the system. 3. Natural Number Generator 3.1. Example – Natural Number Generator (NNG) 3.2. NNG –Refinement of the Problem 3.3. NNG –Solution 49 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 14 3.4. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (5): • We show • • 3.5. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (6): • • 3.6. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (7): • • and • 4. Pipeline 4.1. Pipeline • • . . • 4.2. Specification of Pipeline 50 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Lecture 14 4.3. Refinement of the Problem 4.4. Refinement of the Problem Proof. • By fixed point refinement it is sufficient: . • Proof by using the lemma: . • The lemma is proved by induction. 4.5. Solution 51 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 15. Practice 1 1. Definitions 1.1. Relations • An arbitrary subset of a direct product of sets is called a relation. • Let where and are arbitrary sets. The domain of the relation is defined by 1.2. State Space • Let is a finite or numerable set. • The set is called state space, the sets • The projections • are called type value sets. are called variables. is the set of the finite sequences of the points of the state space and sequences. • Let the set of the infinite . • A statement is a subset of the direct product . 1.3. Statements and Effect Relation • A statement is a subset of the direct product . • The effect relation of a statement . is denoted by • The effect relation expresses the functionality of the statement. • . 1.4. Partial Function and Logical Relation • A relation is called a partial function, if for all then the set has at most one element. If is a function. • If is a relation, where called a logical relation. is an arbitrary set and is the set of the logical values, then is 1.5. Truth Set • The truth set of the logical function • The sets. logical is defined as functions are . 1.6. General Assignment 52 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. defined by their truth Practice 1 • A statement over the state space is called empty and termed , if . • Let , , where • The statement . is a general assignment defined by , if • . 1.7. Conditional Assignment • Let be an assignment, for which . • This kind of (simultaneous, nondeterministic) assignment is called a conditional assignment, if . • We denote the conditional assignment the following way: • Simultaneous, conditional nondeterministic, , if , if assignment: . , if is called the weakest precondition of the postcondition in . • Abbreviation: 1.8. Abstract Parallel Program • • The conditional assignment • is called the initialization in is said to be an element of the program and . 1.9. Weakest precondition • The logical function respect to the statement . • . • . 1.10. Strongest Postcondition • The logical function • is called the strongest postcondition of . 1.11. WP of the Abstract Parallel Program 53 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. in respect to . Practice 1 • . • . • , • where . 1.12. Properties of WP • • , if • • • • • 1.13. Properties of WP • , • , • If , then , • , • . 1.14. Calculating the WP • , is a function and is a logical relation then • • • 2. Calculating the WP 2.1. Exercise 1. 54 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 1 2.2. Exercise 1.(cont.) 2.3. Exercise 2. 2.4. Exercise 3. 2.5. Exercises • , • , • , • , • • , , 55 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 16. Practice 2 1. Reminder 1.1. Effect Relation • A statement is a subset of the direct product . • The effect relation of a statement . is denoted by • The effect relation expresses the functionality of the statement. • . 1.2. Weakest precondition • The logical function respect to the statement is called the weakest precondition of the postcondition . • . • . 1.3. WP of the Abstract Parallel Program • . • . • , • where . 1.4. Properties of WP • • , if • • • • • 1.5. Properties of WP • , 56 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. in Practice 2 • , • If , then , • , • . 1.6. Calculating the WP • , is a function and is a logical relation then • • • 2. Calculating WP(S, R) 2.1. Exercise 1. 2.2. Exercise 1. 2.3. Exercises • , • , 57 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 2 • , ; 3. Unless Program Property 3.1. Definition • is stable while . • . • 3.2. Properties • • • • • 3.3. Proof 1. Theorem 33. Proof. 3.4. Proof 2. Theorem 34. Proof. 3.5. Stable Properties • • If does not always hold: , then P is stable Counterexample. 58 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 2 4. Calculating Unless 4.1. Exercise 1. • ; • • • ? 4.2. Exercise 1. (solution) • • • : • • • • : • 4.3. Exercise 1. (solution) • • • • 59 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 2 4.4. Simplified Solution • • • • • 4.5. Simplified Solution • • • SKIP execution paths can be omitted • 4.6. Simplified Solution • • • Condition reordering • 4.7. Exercise 1. (simplified solution) • ; • • • ? 4.8. Exercise 1. (simplified solution) • • Omitting SKIP branches and reordering conditions • : 60 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 2 • • • • : • • 4.9. Exercise 2. • ; • • • ? 61 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 17. Practice 3 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • . • Weakest Postcondition • . • , • where . • Unless • is stable while • . . • 2. Properties of Unless 2.1. Unless and Stable Property Theorem 35. If and , then Proof. What’s needed? (wp property) (lemma) 2.2. Unless and Stable Property Lemma 4. 62 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. . Practice 3 Proof. 2.3. Unless Is Disjunctive and Conjunctive Theorem 36. 2.4. Unless Is NOT Transitive . does not always hold! Counterexample. 2.5. Consequence Weakening Theorem 37. 2.6. Condition Narrowing . does not always hold! Counterexample. 63 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 3 2.7. Cancellation Theorem 38. 3. Exercises 3.1. Exercise 1. . 3.2. Exercise 2. . 64 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 18. Practice 4 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • . • Weakest Postcondition • . • , • where . • Unless • is stable while . • . • 2. Ensures 2.1. Ensures Property, Definition • is stable while to in and there is a conditional assignment . • . Ensures. 2.2. Properties • • • 2.3. Proof 1. Theorem 39. Proof. and 65 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. which ensures the transition from Practice 4 is true (see Lecture 2) and 2.4. Properties • does not always hold Counterexample. and 2.5. Properties • does not always hold Counterexample. 2.6. Properties • does not always hold Counterexample. 3. Calculating Ensures 3.1. Exercise 1. • ; • 66 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 4 • • ? 3.2. Exercise 1. (solution) • (see Lecture 2) • • • : • • • 4. Properties 4.1. Ensures and Stable Property Theorem 40. If and , then . Proof. What’s needed? is true (Unless and Stable property) , therefore Needed: 4.2. Ensures and Stable Property Proof. and , then (wp property) , 67 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. therefore Practice 4 4.3. Ensures Is NOT Transitive . does not always hold! Counterexample. 4.4. Ensures Is NOT Disjunctive . does not always hold! Counterexample. 4.5. Consequence Weakening Theorem 41. 4.6. Corollario Theorem 42. 4.7. Impossibility Theorem 43. 68 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 4 69 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 19. Practice 5 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • . • Weakest Postcondition • , • where . • Unless • . • • Ensures • . • 2. Ensures 2.1. Exercise • • • • ? 3. Leads-to 3.1. Leads-to Property, Definition • is the transitive disjunctive closure of relation is the smallest binary relation satisfying the conditions: • • if . and , then . 70 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. . Practice 5 • Let denote a countable set. If , then . 3.2. Exercise • • 4. Properties 4.1. Basic Properties • • • • does not always hold • does not always hold • does not always hold 4.2. Implication Property Theorem 44. 4.3. Consequence Weakening Theorem 45. 4.4. Condition Narrowing . 5. Proof Strategy 5.1. Structural Induction • Induction on the structure of the proof • Applied when appears in the premise of the theorem 71 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 5 • Strategy: • Base case: prove the theorem for • Inductive step 1 (transitivity): prove the theorem for a given , where • Inductive step 2 (disjunction): prove the theorem for and , where 5.2. Impossibility Theorem 46. Proof. Structural induction: 1. Base case: (Impossibility of ) 5.3. Impossibility Proof. Structural induction: 2. Induction on transitivity: , where and Inductive hypothesis: the theorem holds for and (Inductive hyp.) (Inductive hyp.) 5.4. Impossibility Proof. Structural induction: 3. Induction on disjunction: , where and Inductive hypothesis: the theorem holds for and (Inductive hyp.) 72 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. and and for Practice 5 (Inductive hyp.) 73 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 20. Practice 6 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • . • Weakest Postcondition • , • where . • Unless • . • • Ensures • . • 1.2. Program Properties • is the transitive disjunctive closure of relation . is the smallest binary relation satisfying the conditions: • • if • Let . and , then . denote a countable set. If , then . 1.3. Structural Induction • Induction on the structure of the proof • Applied when appears in the premise of the theorem • Strategy: • Base case: prove the theorem for • Inductive step 1 (transitivity): prove the theorem for a given , where 74 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. and for Practice 6 • Inductive step 2 (disjunction): prove the theorem for and , where and 2. Leads-to Properties 2.1. Leads-to and Stable Property Theorem 47. If and , then Proof. Structural induction 1. Base case 2. Induction on transitivity 3. Induction on disjunction 2.2. PSP Theorem Theorem 48. Progress-Safety-Progress Theorem: Proof. Structural induction 1. Base case 2. Induction on transitivity 3. Induction on disjunction 3. Exercises 3.1. Exercise 1. . 3.2. Exercise 2. . 3.3. Exercise 3. . 75 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. . Practice 6 3.4. Exercise 3. . Counterexample. How can we prove that ? 4. Inevitability 4.1. Inevitability Inevitability. , if and only if when on all execution paths leading from and satisfying the axiom of the unconditionally fair scheduling there is a node at a finite unbounded distance from of which label is an element of the truth set of , i.e., the program inevitable reaches the truth set of started from . Theorem 49 ( sound and complete). = 4.2. Inevitability • = • Confuting is the same as confuting • Give an unconditionally fair scheduling starting from that does not reach the truth set of 5. Exercises 5.1. Exercise 3. (cont.) . Counterexample. 76 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 6 5.2. Exercise 4. . 5.3. Exercise 4. . Counterexample. 5.4. Exercise 5. . 5.5. Exercise 6. . 5.6. Exercise 6. . Counterexample. 77 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 6 78 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 21. Practice 7 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • . • , • where . • • • is the smallest binary relation satisfying the conditions: • . • if and • Let denote , then a countable . set. If , then . 1.2. Program Properties • Inevitability: • , if and only if when on all execution paths leading from and satisfying the axiom of the unconditionally fair scheduling there is a node at a finite unbounded distance from of which label is an element of the truth set of , i.e., the program inevitable reaches the truth set of started from . 2. Fixed Point Properties 2.1. Fixed Point Properties • A fixed point is said to be reached in a state of the state space • and : • , if none of the statements changes the state. is a simultaneous, non deterministic conditional assignment, i.e. , if denotes the logical function, which characterizes the set of states over which the relation deterministic, i.e., . 2.2. Definitions Set of fixed point. 79 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. is Practice 7 Set of fixed point with deterministic assignments. Fixed point properties. Let us denote by the set . 2.3. Exercise 1. . 2.4. Exercise 1. . . 3. Invariant 3.1. Invariant Properties, Definition • is the set of logical functions of which truth are preserved by the elements of started from a state satisfying • . . • . • and • . and . 3.2. Exercise 2. . 80 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. if the program is Practice 7 . 1) 2) 4. Exercises 4.1. Calculate the Properties of the Program 1. . 4.2. Calculate the Properties of the Program 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 81 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 7 4.3. Calculate the Properties of the Program 2. . 4.4. Calculate the Properties of the Program 2. 1. 2. 3. 82 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 22. Practice 8 1. Reminder 1.1. Program Properties • . • • • • • • • 2. Problem 2.1. Problem • The problem is defined as a set of specification relations. • Every specification relation is defined over the powerset of the state space. • Let be logical functions. • We define • and • 2.2. Specification Relations • -( stable unless • -( • -( • , • • • ensures -t), is inevitable from ), - (fixed point is inevitable from -( -( ), ), holds in any fixed point), is invariant), ( initially). 2.3. Problem Definition 83 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 8 • Let be a state space and let • The relation be a finite or numerable set. , where is called a problem defined over the state space . • is called the parameter space of the problem. Two relations expressing boundary properties and five relations expressing transition properties are associated to every point of set . 2.4. Notation • Let denote an arbitrary element of the domain of the problem. • Let denote an element of • The components of respectively. • If . are denoted by then we use instead of and by in the indices for the sake of simplicity. 2.5. Example: Greatest Common Divisor – GCD . 1. 2. 3. 3. Solution 3.1. Solution Definition. 84 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 8 The abstract parallel program is a solution of the problem , • if , such that • the program satisfies all the specification properties given in the , , components , , , of • assuming that the program starts from a state satisfying all the elements of . 3.2. Solved by a Program Definition. The problem is said to be solved by the program with respect to an invariant property , if such that the specification properties given in with respect to . and satisfies all and the initial conditions 3.3. Solution . The program property satisfies the specification property , if and only if there exists an invariant such that the program satisfies with respect to , i.e., and • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.4. Refinement of fixed point requirement 85 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 8 Theorem 50. If satisfies and , and , then satisfies . 4. Exercise 4.1. Greatest Common Divisor – GCD . 1. 2. 3. 4.2. Refinement of fixed point requirement . 1. 2. 86 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 8 3. 4. 4.3. Solution . 4.4. Refinement of fixed point requirement • If satisfies • • and , and , then satisfies . 4.5. S Solves the Problem We have to check: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.6. Step 1. . Check: and 87 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 8 4.7. Step 2. . Check: and 4.8. Step 3. . 4.9. Step 4. . Use the Theorem of Variant Function Theorem 51. logical functions, variant function, for which is a . If satisfies , then satisfies too. 4.10. Step 4. . Check: and Then: Use the variant function: 4.11. Sorting . 88 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 8 1. 2. 3. 4.12. Refinement of fixed point requirement . 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.13. Solution . 89 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 8 90 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 23. Practice 9 1. Reminder 1.1. Test Scope • Program Properties • Checking Program Properties • Problem • Solution 2. Test Examples 2.1. Does it hold? A. B. 2.2. Check the Properties! A. , where 1. 2. 2.3. Check the Properties! B. , where 91 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 9 1. , 2. 2.4. Does S Satisfy the Properties? A. (1) (2) (3) (4) If the program terminate, give a variant function which can be used to proof that S satisfies the property. 2.5. Does S Satisfy the Properties? B. (1) (2) (3) (4) If the program terminate, give a variant function which can be used to proof that S satisfies the property. 92 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 9 93 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 24. Practice 10 1. Reminder 1.1. Where we are now? • Problem • Parallel Program • Solution 2. Channels 2.1. Channels • – queue, buffer for one directional communication • Error-free, unbounded or bounded • – the history of the channel • Operations: • • (P1) (P2) • • • 2.2. Semantics of Operations • • . • . 3. FORK 94 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 10 3.1. FORK Requirements: • Data must not be lost. • New data must not be produced. • The scheduling must be fair. • FORK must do something ( is not a good solution). 3.2. The function “split” A helper function: • • • • Take the smallest from these functions. 3.3. Specification 3.4. Solution 95 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 10 3.5. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (2): • • • • Lets see: ( is similar) • 3.6. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (2): • We have to proof that: • Lets see the following figure: 96 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 10 3.7. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (2): • • • (2) holds based on the definition of the function . 3.8. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (3): , • • (*) There are two cases: • a.) and • b.) and • In case of a): we are ready • In case of b): we can assume that (based on ) 3.9. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (3) b): • We have to proof that: • Then go back to step (*) • That results: • we can use • instead of is transitive: 3.10. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (3): , • • we can use the variant function theorem to proof (3) • 97 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 25. Practice 11 1. Reminder 1.1. Channels • – queue, buffer for one directional communication • Error-free, unbounded or bounded • – the history of the channel • Operations: • • (P1) (P2) • • • 1.2. The function “split” • • • • Take the smallest from these functions. 2. Multiplexer 2.1. MUX 98 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 11 Requirements: • Data must not be lost. • New data must not be produced. • The scheduling must be fair. • MUX must do something ( is not a good solution). 2.2. Specification 2.3. Solution 2.4. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (2): • • 99 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 11 • • • Lets see: ( is similar) • 2.5. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (2): • We can use the lemma from the previous lecture: • • • (2) holds based on the definition of the function . 2.6. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (3): , , • • (*) There are two cases: • a.) and • b.) and • In case of a): we are ready • In case of b): we can assume that 2.7. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (3) b): • We have to proof that: • Then go back to step (*) • That results: • we can use • instead of is transitive: 100 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. and Practice 11 2.8. The Program Solves the Problem Proof. (3) , is similar 3. Exercise 3.1. Specification 3.2. Solution Does this program solve the specified problem? 3.3. Check the properties of the program! 101 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 11 3.4. Check the properties of the program! 1. 2. 3. 102 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 26. Practice 12 1. Reminder 1.1. Channels • – queue, buffer for one directional communication • Error-free, unbounded or bounded • – the history of the channel • Special problems: FORK, MUX 2. Pipeline 2.1. Pipeline • • . . • 2.2. Specification of Pipeline 103 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 12 2.3. Refinement of the Problem 2.4. Solution 3. Exercise 3.1. Reduction to Pipeline Theorem • Given the Pipeline Theorem and a similar problem to solve • The specification of the problem corresponds to the specification of pipeline • Use the solution of pipeline (S) and transform it according to the correspondence (S’) • If S solves pipeline, than S’ solves the similar problem 3.2. Example: Approximation of Square Root • Given numbers: • Calculate the square root of the numbers: • Use the following iteration: • • 3.3. Specification of the Problem 104 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 12 3.4. Refinement of the Problem • • , • • 3.5. Refinement of the Problem 3.6. Solution 3.7. Exercise 1. • Given thousands of e-mails: , and • ten different spam filters: • Calculate the average . of the spam filters ! 3.8. Exercise 2. 105 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. for every e-mails: Practice 12 • Given values: • Calculate the “cosine” of every value: • Use the following rule: 106 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 27. Practice 13 1. Reminder 1.1. Reminder • Program Properties: • Program Construction 2. Union 2.1. Union Definition. • Let and • Let denote the largest common subspace of • Let extensions to • If all be two subspaces of the state space of two programs on variables belonging to (i.e. and and . and . be the respectively. get the same value in the assignments and ), then the program that is defined on called the union of and , is . 2.2. Behaviour Relation of Union Theorem 52. Let . Then: 1. 2. 3. 4. for which : 5. 107 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 13 6. 7. . 2.3. Properties Based on the Definition . . . . 2.4. Counterexample of . 2.5. Counterexample of . ; 108 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 13 3. Exercises 3.1. Check the property! (1) . 3.2. Check the property!(1) . Proof. holds for every program, so it holds for : 3.3. Check the property! (2) . 3.4. Check the property! (2) Proof. 3.5. Check the property! (3) . 109 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 13 3.6. Check the property! (3) Proof. 3.7. Check the property! (4) . 3.8. Check the property! (4) Counterexample. 3.9. Check the property! (5) . 3.10. Check the property! (5) Counterexample. 110 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 13 3.11. Check the property! (6) . 3.12. Check the property! (7) . 111 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Chapter 28. Practice 14 1. Reminder 1.1. Test Scope • Program Properties • Program Constructions, Union • Channels • Checking Program Properties • Solution • Reduction to Pipeline Theorem 2. Test Examples 2.1. Does it hold? A. B. 2.2. Check the Properties! A. is a function defined by the following rules:: • • • , where has the smallest truth set from these functions 2.3. Check the Properties! 112 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 14 A. • • , if • 2.4. Check the Properties! B. is a function defined by the following rules:: • • • , where has the smallest truth set from these functions 2.5. Check the Properties! B. • • , if • 2.6. Reduction A. • Given values: • Calculate the value of the function • Where • The power of for every value: is: and the factorial must not be recalculated in every step! 2.7. Reduction 113 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Practice 14 B. • Given values: • Calculate the value of the function • Where • The power of for every value: is: and the factorial must not be recalculated in every step! 114 Created by XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.