Supplemental information A New Laser Induced Incandescence – Mass Spectrometric Analyzer (LII-MS) for Online Measurement of Aerosol Composition Classified by Black Carbon Mixing State T. Miyakawa1, 2, N. Takeda3, K. Koizumi3, M. Tabaru3, Y. Ozawa1, 4, N. Hirayama3, and N. Takegawa1, 5 1 Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2 Now at Department of Environmental Geochemical Cycle Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan. 3 Fuji Electric Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 4 Now at Graduate school of Science, The University of Tokyo 5 Now at Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University Laboratory and ambient experiments Transmission efficiency of the LII-vaporizer Transmission efficiency of aerosol particles sampled and analyzed by LII-analyzer was evaluated by the experimental setup as given by Figure S1a. Using dry mono-disperse polystyrene latex (PSL, Size Standard Particles, JSR Corporation) particles generated by a nebulizer with a differential mobility analyzer (DMA, model 3081, TSI, Inc.) and diffusion dryer (model 3062, TSI, Inc.), the size-dependent transmission efficiency can be calculated as the ratio of the number concentration of PSL particles sampled via LII-analyzer to that via the bypath line. The diameters of the PSL particles tested in this study were 0.104, 0.294, 0.506, and 0.791 µm. The number concentrations of PSL particles were measured by a condensation particle counter (CPC, model 3022, TSI, Inc.). It should be noted that ultrafine aerosol particles (smaller than 0.1 µm) are significantly lost by the diffusion process even in the sampling tube of the bypath line. Transmission and detection efficiencies of the PT-LDMS Size-dependent transfer function of the PT-LDMS can be described as a product of the transmission efficiency of aerosol particles transported from the ADL assembly to the particle trap (TEADL) and the detection (particle collection and vaporization) efficiency of the sampled aerosol particles (EffMS). The product of these parameters was evaluated using the experimental setup given by Figure S1b, and described by the following equation. TE ADL Eff MS M PT LDMS M CPC (S1) The product of TEADL and EffMS is a function of the aerodynamic diameter in the transition regime (Da). Da has been used in this study to discuss the detection efficiency of the LII-MS compatibly with the conventional sizing techniques such as an inertial impactor and cyclone. MCPC is the mass of a selected compound accumulated during the sampling time, which is predicted by the number concentration of size-selected aerosol particles measured by the CPC. The flow rate of the sample and sheath flow in the DMA was 0.41 and 4.0 liter per minute (lpm). The mass of a selected compound accumulated during the sampling time (typically 5-10 min), MPT-LDMS, can be quantified using the calibration curve (i.e., the relationship between Qm/z and mass of sampled particles). In this study, the transmission efficiency of the aerosol particles with Dmob (Da) of 0.25 (0.35~0.40) µm is assumed to be unity. This assumption is valid for the ADL with the current operating pressure (~2 torr) as seen in the previous studies (e.g., Takegawa et al., 2009). The size-dependence of MPT-LDMS/MCPC has been quantified by changing Dmob in the DMA. Multiply-charged fraction of MPT-LDMS and MCPC at the selected Dmob has been corrected using the method given by Wang et al. (2010) and Takegawa et al. (2012). Ammonium sulfate (AS) and potassium nitrate (PN) were selected as the material of particles for evaluating the size-dependence of MPT-LDMS/MCPC. Detection efficiency of the BC-containing particles by the LII-analyzer The detection efficiency of BC-containing particles size-selected by the DMA was evaluated by the experimental setup shown in Figure S1b and S1c. Fullerene (stock#: 40971, lot#: G25N20, Alfa Aesar Inc.) and propane flame soot particles generated by the real smoke generator (RSG-miniCAST 5200, Jing Ltd.) were introduced into both CPC and LII-analyzer. The detection efficiency of the selected BC aerosols has been determined by as a part of the experiments given in the section 4. A thermodenuder (model 3065, TSI, Inc.) was placed behind the nebulizer or RSG-miniCAST 5200 for stripping off non-BC materials on the generated particles. The temperature of the thermodenuder was 300˚C (±2 ˚C). Denuded fullerene particles classified by the DMA were introduced into the LII-analyzer using the setup as shown in Figure S1b. The diffusion dryer was placed behind the nebulizer for dehumidifying the sample air and generating the undenuded dry BC particles. Undenuded fullerene particles classified by the DMA were also introduced into the LII-analyzer via the diffusion dryer (Figure S1b). The sheath flow rate was set to be 4 lpm. Propane flame soot particles coated with oleic acid (OL) was prepared by a tandem DMA system (Figure S1c) as given in Takegawa et al. (2012). lpm, respectively. Sheath flow rates for first and second DMAs were 4 and 3 An example of LII signals for fullerene particles classified by the DMA, which was obtained before starting the ambient measurements, was shown in Figure S2. Detection of carbonaceous aerosols using the PT-LDMS Dry, mono-disperse (Dmob = 0.25 µm) azelaic acid (C9di, Wako Chemicals), fullerene, and propane flame soot particles have been introduced into both CPC and LII-MS system (Figure S1b) to examine the response of the PT-LDMS to carbonaceous aerosols. Evaluations of the LII-MS Laboratory characterizations The LII-MS was evaluated with laboratory experiments to verify (1) the vaporization of organics internally mixed with BC and (2) the persistence of non-light absorbing (i.e. BC-free) particles. The effect of (3) the vaporization of non-core-shell structure of BC was on the quantification of chemical composition classified by the BC mixing state also investigated. For the purpose (1), propane flame soot particles coated with OL were introduced into the LII-MS with changing the core and outer diameters of the test particles. The selected core diameters of BC particles (DC) were 0.1, 0.15, and 0.25 µm. The coating thickness of coated-BC particles were 0.05 and 0.075 µm (only 0.05 µm-coating for particles with DC = 0.1 and 0.25 µm). Figure S1c depicts the experimental setup for this experiment. For the purpose (2), mono-disperse fullerene and AS aerosols are individually generated by two sets of nebulizers and DMAs and mixed before introduced into the LII-MS (Figure S1d). Sheath flow rates for both DMAs were 2 lpm. The diameters of both denuded fullerene and dry AS particles were set to 0.25 µm in Dmob. The number concentration of AS particles were estimated by subtracting the number concentration of fullerene particles from that of fullerene and AS particles, where the former was measured by the LII-analyzer and the latter was measured by the CPC. For the purpose (3), fullerene particles coated with OL were introduced into the LII-MS with changing the shell diameters. Figure S1e depicts the diagram of the experimental setup to examine the changes in the number concentration of thickly coated BC-containing particles by turning on and off the laser in the LII-analyzer. For this purpose, a optical particle counter (OPC, KC-01E, RION Co., Ltd.) was placed at the outlet of the LII-analyzer. The sheath flow rates for first and second DMAs were set to be 4 and 3 lpm, respectively. The diameter of fullerene particles as a proxy of BC was selected to be 0.3 µm in Dmob by the first DMA. The diameter of coated fullerene particles for this experiment was changed from 0.3 µm to 0.5 µm (coating thickness 0 - 0.1 µm) classified by the second DMA. Ambient Measurements The sulfate mass concentrations for a sulfate particle analyzer (SO4SPA) (SPA, model 5020, Thermo Scientific, Inc.) were compared with the integrated values of the mass spectral signals at m/z 48 (Q48) when the LII laser was turned off. The flow rate of the SPA is ~0.5 lpm. The ambient air was drawn from outside into SPA and LII-MS through the PM2.5 cyclone (50% transmission for particles with Da of 2.5 µm, URG-2000-30EH, URG Co.). Total flow rate of the sampling line for both instruments was adjusted to 16.7 lpm by using an additional pump with the orifice flow regulator. The average transmission efficiency weighted by an aerosol size distribution was calculated to be 0.70 using the typical volume size distribution (0.15-1 µm) in urban atmosphere which is given in Figure 4c. Variability in the weighted transmission efficiency was estimated to be ~1% by shifting the peak diameter (Da of ~0.4 µm) to 0.1-µm larger or smaller, indicating the small variations of the transmission efficiency of the LII-analyzer with changes in the aerosol size distribution. The atmospheric measurement was conducted for the period of 23-24 March, 2013. The ambient air was sampled by the same way described earlier. Uncertainties in relation to quantifying the absolute mass concentrations have not been evaluated in this study, which should be further investigated in future (Takegawa et al., manuscript in preparation). References Moteki, N., and Y. Kondo (2007), Effects of mixing state on black carbon measurements by laser-induced incandescence, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 41, 398-417. Takegawa, N., T. Miyakawa, M. Watanabe, Y. Kondo, Y. Miyazaki, S. Han, Y. Zhao, D. van Pinxteren, E. Bruggemann, T. Gnauk, H. Herrmann, R. Xiao, Z. Deng, M. Hu, T. Zhu, and Y. Zhang (2009), Performance of an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) during intensive campaigns in China in the summer of 2006, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 43, 189-204. Takegawa, N., T. Miyakawa, T. Nakamura, Y. Sameshima, M. Takei, Y. Kondo, and N. Hirayama (2012), Evaluation of a New Particle Trap in a Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometer for On-Line Measurement of Aerosol Composition, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 46:4, 428-443. Wang, X., R. Caldow, G. J. Sem, N. Hama, and H. Sakurai (2010), Evaluation of a Condensation Particle Counter for Vehicle Emission Measurement: Experimental Procedure and Effects of Calibration Aerosol Material, J. Aerosol Sci., 41:306–318. Figure S1 (a) Figure S1 (b) Figure S1 (c) Figure S1 (d) Figure S1 (e) Figure S1. Experimental setups for the laboratory evaluations for investigating (a) transmission efficiency of the LII-analyzer, (b) instrumental responses of the LII-MS, (c) vaporization of organics on the BC particle, (d) persistence of the non-light absorbing particles externally mixed with the BC particles, (e) the effect of non-core-shell BC. The thermodenuder and diffusion dryer have been used for removing organic and water contents from the particle, respectively. Figure S2 5000 Dmob = 200 nm 300 nm 400 nm LII intensity (arb.) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 5 10 15 20 Relative time (µs) Figure S2. Examples of LII signals from fullerene particles with Dmob of 200 (gray), 300 (dark gray), and 400 nm (black). Low gain signals of 300- and 400-nm fullerene particles at the PMT were converted high-gain-equivalent signals.