The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies.

Teacher Tool for Creating a PLAAFP (Sample)
1. A narrative summary of the baseline data. What are the sources of information upon which the statement is
based including the student’s strengths and what he/she is able to do?
Sources: (Data can be taken from the following)
Formal/Informal Evaluations
TAKS Data (Eduphoria)
Six Weeks Grades
Student’s class work samples
Student observation
Charts, graphs
Parent Information
Instructional computerized
Weekly tests
Attendance Reports
2. A statement of how the disability impacts the student’s involvement/progress in the General Education
a. State the student’s education disabilities noting specific areas of need.
b. Include statements pertaining to how the disability affects performance in
academic/developmental areas (reading, math, writing, spelling, etc.) as well as non-academic
areas (daily life activities, mobility, communication, etc.)
c. Describe the student’s learning style.
d. Describe how the student will access the general education curriculum.
e. For students with transition plans, consider how the child’s disability will affect the child’s ability
to reach his/her post-secondary goals (what the child will do after high school).
3. A description of areas of educational needs to be addressed in the annual Goals.
a. What are the student’s weaknesses in academics, behavior and functional skills?
b. How the disability affects non-academic areas (Daily life activities, communication, mobility, etc.)?
General Description of Student: (by Gen, SE teachers and Parents)
(Disability, grade level, Instructional Setting and services)
Jose is a student diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability in the area of reading comprehension and also a secondary
disability of Other Health Impaired (ADHD). He is in the tenth grade and participates in general education with Inclusion and
Content Mastery support. The general education teacher noted that with Inclusion support and accommodations the student
is successful and is passing all his current classes. The special education teacher stated that Jose struggles with on grade level
reading assignments. Content Mastery provides smaller group settings, less distractions, and opportunities to pace his
responses to questions without disrupting others in the general education setting. According to the parent, Jose likes school
and is progressing but struggles with homework from the reading teacher. He plays football and the parent is glad that he
burns off some energy during practice.
Social/Behavior: (Strengths and Weaknesses)
The general education teacher noted that during structured times he stays on task and is able to complete assignments
successfully. However, during unstructured times, he often is inattentive and disruptive.
Reading: (List strengths and weaknesses and how the disability affects performance in reading) Jose’s strengths are in
decoding, vocabulary, and reading fluency. His weakness is in reading comprehension. He can comprehend short/simple
paragraphs. Based on criterion referenced tests and classroom tests administered at high school, Jose’s reading
comprehension is below grade level. He received a commended score on the TAKS M (Reading). His TAKS-M Reading scores
on Eduphoria indicate that Jose demonstrates strengths in all the student expectation except the following: E2.5 (A) analyze
isolated scenes and their contribution to the success of the plot as a whole in a variety of works of fiction he scored 2/5 and;
E2.RC (B)make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding he scores 5/10
Writing: (List strengths and weaknesses and how does the disability affects performance in writing)
Jose is performing on grade level as reported by his general education English teacher and his grades in class.
Math: (List strengths and weaknesses and how does the disability affects performance in math)
Jose is performing on grade level as reported by his general education math teacher and his grades in class. He mastered the
TAKS in math last year.
Functional Skills/Adaptive Behavior: (If applicable, list strengths and weaknesses and how the disability affects
performance in functional skills)
There are no reported concerns with functional skills.
Physical: (If applicable, list strengths and weaknesses and how the disability affects performance in the general
education curriculum)
Jose is exhibiting successful behaviors while taking a regimen of medication prescribed by his physician. The campus nurse
administers the mid-day dosage.
Related Services: (If applicable, list strengths and weaknesses and how the disability affects performance in the
general education curriculum)
The student needs the following Accommodations/Modifications to be successful:
Preferential seating (sitting in back of class to reduce distractions-Jose will not have to worry about what is happening behind
him-he can focus forward towards teacher.)
Color coded assignment notebook to help with organization.
Blank graphic organizers will help Jose organize information to assist with comprehension of material.
Small Group Settings (Content Mastery)
“Chunking” information – breaking down lengthy reading passages into smaller selections
Study Sheets/review/summaries
The student needs the following Assistive Technology to be successful:
According to the information presented at the most recent ARD meeting and current student observation, it appears that
student does not require any assistive technology at this time.
Transition: (How will the student’s disability affect his/her ability to reach his/her post-secondary goals)
According to the information provided by Jose on the Transition Questionnaire, his goal is to attend college and study law
enforcement. He is presently in the Law Enforcement Career Pathway and enjoys his classes. With his accommodations and
services, Jose will graduate with his cohort. He has been given information from DARS and UTB office of Disability Services. In
his senior year, he will meet with his counselor to discuss college entrance exams and financial Aid information. The DARS
representative will be invited to his Senior Year ARD meeting/Graduation ARD to discuss transition to college and the services
available to him.
PLAAFP (Complete Narrative form)
Jose is a student diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability in the area of reading comprehension and also a secondary
disability of Other Health Impaired (ADHD). He is in tenth grade and participates in general education with Inclusion and
Content Mastery support. The general education teacher noted that the student is successful and is passing all his current
classes with inclusion support and accommodations. The special education teacher stated that Jose struggles with on grade
level reading assignments. Jose’s strengths are in decoding, vocabulary, and reading fluency. His weakness is in reading
comprehension. Based on TAKS-M reading scores Jose was able to answer 2 out of 5 answers correctly in E2.5 (A) analyze
isolated scenes and their contribution to the success of the plot as a whole in a variety of works of fictions and answered
correctly 5 out of 10 on E2.RC (B) make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence in support understanding.
He can comprehend short/simple paragraphs. Based on criterion referenced tests and classroom tests administered at high
school, Jose’s reading comprehension is below grade level. His deficits in reading comprehension impact his ability to solve
word problems in math class. He received a commended score on the TAKS-M for math.
Content Mastery provides smaller group settings, less distractions, and opportunities to pace his responses to questions
without disrupting others in the general education setting.
Jose is performing on grade level as reported by his general education English and math teachers. There are no reported
concerns with functional skills.
The general education teacher noted that during structured times he stays on task and is able to complete assignments
successfully. However, during unstructured times, he often is inattentive and disruptive. Jose is exhibiting successful
behaviors while taking a regimen of medication prescribed by his physician. The campus nurse administers the mid-day
According to the parent, Jose likes school and is progressing but struggles with homework from the reading teacher. He plays
football and the parent is glad that he burns off some energy during practice.
Jose has been successful with the following accommodations: preferential seating (sitting in back of class to reduce
distractions - Jose will not have to worry about what is happening behind him-he can focus forward towards teacher); color
coded assignment notebook to help with organization; blank graphic organizers will help Jose organize information to assist
with comprehension of material; small group settings (Content Mastery); “chunking” information – breaking down lengthy
reading passages into smaller selections. According to the information presented at the most recent ARD meeting and current
student observation, it appears that student does not require any assistive technology at this time.
According to the information provided by Jose on the Transition Questionnaire, his goal is to attend college and study law
enforcement. He is presently in the Law Enforcement Career Pathway and enjoys his classes. With his accommodations and
services, Jose will graduate with his cohort. He has been given information from DARS and UTB office of Disability Services. In
his senior year, he will meet with his counselor to discuss college entrance exams and financial Aid information. The DARS
representative will be invited to his Senior Year ARD meeting/Graduation ARD to discuss transition to college and the services
available to him.
(Original goal from IEPPlus)
The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies.
Add the 4 elements:
Within 36 instructional
given reading selections from
assigned core subject areas
using graphic organizers,
inclusion/content mastery
support, and preferential
Jose will demonstrate
comprehension of
assigned class work
by answering correctly 7 out
of 10 questions/problems
related to the reading
Standard Based IEP GOAL:
Within 36 instructional weeks, given reading selections containing ten paragraphs from assigned core subject
areas using graphic organizers, inclusion/content mastery support, and preferential seating, Jose will
demonstrate comprehension of assigned class work by answering correctly 7 out of 10 questions/problems
related to the reading selection.
Standard Based OBJECTIVES:
Within 24 instructional weeks, given reading selections containing seven paragraphs from assigned core subject
areas using graphic organizers, inclusion/content mastery support, and preferential seating, Jose will
demonstrate comprehension of assigned class work by answering correctly 7 out of 10 questions/problems
related to the reading selection.
Within 12 instructional weeks, given reading selections containing three paragraphs from assigned core subject
areas using graphic organizers, inclusion/content mastery support, and preferential seating, Jose will
demonstrate comprehension of assigned class work by answering correctly 7 out of 10 questions/problems
related to the reading selection.