IBM Blueworks Live Admin User Manual

IBM Blueworks Live Admin User Manual
The Admin Console .....................................................................................................4
User Management ......................................................................................................4
File Management ........................................................................................................6
Properties ...................................................................................................................7
Account Information ...................................................................................................9
Billing Details ..............................................................................................................9
Customization........................................................................................................... 10
Preferences............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Library........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Branding .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Security .................................................................................................................... 13
Security Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Authentication ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Blueworks Live Setting Check List .............................................................................. 16
Managing Users ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
File Management.................................................................................................................................................... 16
Glossary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Properties ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Account Information ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Blueworks Live API....................................................................................................................................................16
Customization ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Branding ........................................................................................................................................................................17
Security ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Creating Spaces and Managing User Access to Spaces ........................................................................... 18
Figure 1: Individual user information ________________________________________________________________________ 5
Figure 2: User Management Overview _______________________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 3:User Break Down ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 4:File Management Overview _________________________________________________________________________ 7
Figure 5: Default Properties __________________________________________________________________________________ 8
Figure 6: Custom Properties __________________________________________________________________________________ 8
Figure 7: Account Information Overview ____________________________________________________________________ 9
Figure 8: Billing Details ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10
Figure 9: Preferences Overview ______________________________________________________________________________ 10
Figure 10: Invite to Chat _____________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Figure 11: Chat Disabled _____________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Figure 12: Library Preferences ______________________________________________________________________________ 12
Figure 13: Terms of Use Admin ______________________________________________________________________________ 12
Figure 14: Branding __________________________________________________________________________________________ 13
Figure 15: Security Restrictions _____________________________________________________________________________ 14
Figure 16: Medium Security Settings ________________________________________________________________________ 14
Figure 17: High Security Settings ____________________________________________________________________________ 15
The Admin Console
First thing is first, where is the Admin Console? If you are an account Admin there is
a link to the Admin console in the top right hand corner of the page.
User Management
The IBM Blueworks Live Admin Console starts on the User Management Tab. The
User Management screen starts with an icon for each user type. Each user type is
denoted by a different color for easy navigation.
User Type
Editors can create, modify, and
share process Blueprints and
Apps. They can launch and
participate in work and have
access to process communities
Contributors can create and
participate in work and view
and comment on shared
processes. Contributors cannot
modify or create process
Community members have
limited access to spaces, blogs,
and activity streams. They
cannot participate in work or
view shared process Blueprints
or Apps. Community Member
accounts are free.
Viewer can only view shared
Process Blueprints. They can
not participate in work and do
not have access to spaces, blogs,
or activity streams.
Table 1: User type, icon, and description
The second column is the user provided full name. Clicking on that name will bring
up the users credentials. On this panel administrators are able to adjust the user
type, change the user full name, reset the users password, and force a password
Figure 1: Individual user information
Next, you can see which users are designated administrators of this account. The
account creator is an admin by default but can be removed once another admin is
created. Each account must have at least one admin.
Figure 2: User Management Overview
After Account Admin, the next columns are pretty self-explanatory. Users can
change their own email but admins cannot change users emails. The column for last
logged in is the date the user last logged into this account. The final column is to
Archive users. Clicking the minus sign will archive the user. To see a list of archived
users click Archived next to Active. From that screen you will be able to restore
Archived users.
Also, Note at the bottom of the User Management page you can see how many
Licenses your account is using.
Figure 3:User Break Down
File Management
IBM Blueworks Live provides accounts with 50mb of storage per Editor. Admins can
monitor the files stored in Blueworks Live and the amount of storage remaining in
the File Management tab.
Figure 4:File Management Overview
Blueworks Live assigns a file type based on the files association to processes. If a file
is attached to an active process the file type is green. If the file is attached to a
historical snapshot of a process the type will show up Blue. Finally, if the file is
attached to an archived process the file type will show up red. Clicking the file name
will bring up the file in a separate window. The Location column shows what
process or app the file is attached to and can be opened from this screen. If a
document is attached to multiple processes they will each get their own instance of
the document. Finally, you will be able to see the person that uploaded the
document and when it was uploaded. The final column is the delete column. When
you select a document to delete the delete button will become active. Note that
deleting the document from the admin console will remove the document from the
process that it is attached to.
IBM Blueworks Live allows admins to customize the details panel by changing the
properties in the Admin Console. Each default property can be turned off or on and
new properties can be created.
Figure 5: Default Properties
Simply uncheck a property to remove it from the details panel for the account. If a
property has an existing value that value will persist but be hidden.
In the Custom Properties admins can add properties that are not covered in the
default properties and add tool tip descriptions of these properties.
Figure 6: Custom Properties
Account Information
The Account Information tab simply shows you how many licenses you have overall,
what is enabled in your account, allow API usage, and (if you are a credit card
customer) add users to your account.
Figure 7: Account Information Overview
Billing Details
Billing Details shows Credit Card information for accounts that are using credit card
billings. If you are a Passport Advantage customer you will not see any information
in the billing details. On the Billing Details screen credit card customers are able to
change their billing information, purchase more seats, and see when they will be
billed again.
Figure 8: Billing Details
The Customization Panel is broken into three separate parts, Preferences, Library
and Branding. It is important to note that this tab can be locked to prevent changes.
The preferences section is basically about what users can see and use in IBM
Blueworks Live.
First, admins can change who has the ability to invite users. Restricting this group
removes (or adds) the invite user button to the bottom of Blueworks Live.
Next, admins can choose if the Blueworks Live internal chat should be enabled.
Blueworks Live internal chat allows users to send internal links to other users or
talk about the process they are both viewing. To begin a chat click on the user that is
logged in at the bottom of the page and click chat.
Figure 9: Preferences Overview
Figure 10: Invite to Chat
If Chat is disabled users can still see what process other users are currently viewing.
Figure 11: Chat Disabled
Next, admins can decide to display the work page. The work page is where process
applications can be created and started. By disabling work users will no longer be
able to start or participate in work on Blueworks Live.
Finally, admins can change if users can post on the Blueworks Live private stream or
see the Blueworks Live public stream. The Blueworks Live Public Stream is a list
stream of BPM related posts on twitter and blogs.
The next section of the Preferences page simply dictates what user type has
permission within spaces. This area also allows admins to dictate what Admin can
accept the terms of use. By default Terms of Use acceptance will be set to all admins
but clicking on the All Admins box will allow you to set a specific Admin for
Figure 12: Library Preferences
Figure 13: Terms of Use Admin
The last section of Preference Panel is Branding. The Branding section allows
admins to customize the look and feel of Blueworks Live to look like an internal
portal. Admins can upload their own company logo for both Blueworks Live and for
print-ables coming from Blueworks Live.
Figure 14: Branding
Security Restrictions
Blueworks Live allows admins to select the IP Address range or allow all IP
addresses into Blueworks Live. Also in Security Restrictions admins can set the
email domain name allowed to be invited Blueworks Live.
Figure 15: Security Restrictions
The last section of Blueworks Live Admin Console is Authentication. Blueworks Live
only has two settings for Authentication: Medium and High. See Figures 16 and 17
for details. Also note that Security is a tab that can be locked to prevent changes.
Figure 16: Medium Security Settings
Figure 17: High Security Settings
Blueworks Live Setting Check List
The following is a list of considerations to make when setting up your Blueworks
Live account.
Managing Users
 Determine how you’re going to manage the users who can access Blueworks
o Who is allowed to invite new users?
o Who needs to have account admin access?
o Do you need a policy for archiving users who:
 Haven’t accepted an invitation
 Haven’t logged in within a certain period of time
Note: Archiving a user may impact what they have rights
to see once restored.
o What volume of users / level of activity do you expect?
 Single Sign-On
 Provisioning APIs
 Place Users into User Groups
File Management
 What are your storage needs?
 2500 MB of file attachment storage is included with your Blueworks Live
account. Additional storage can be purchased.
 Determine who should be able to manage the glossary.
 Determine which Blueprint properties you would like to make visible to
 Determine if you need to add custom properties (up to 5 text and 5 numeric
Account Information
 Review account details and ensure that you have the right number and type
of users to meet your business goals.
Blueworks Live API
 Review the Blueworks Live API so that you’re aware of what capabilities are
 Determine who should be able to invite new users (“admins” or “editors and
 Determine whether or not to Enable chat messaging (for built-in chat).
 Determine whether or not to display the Public BPM Stream.
 Determine whether or not to Allow posting to activity streams (whether
users can post to the private account and space activity streams).
 Determine whether or not account Admins can access all spaces and
manage the glossary.
 Determine who can create spaces:
o Admins
o Editors
o Editors and Admins
o Editors and Contributors
 Determine who can copy spaces to other Blueworks Live account (Space
managers can copy spaces within the account).
o Admins
o Editors and Contributors
 Determine whether or not to customize the logo and color scheme of
Blueworks Live (logo, color scheme).
 Determine whether or not to customize the email notifications send from
Blueworks Live (email subject, logo).
 Determine whether or not to customize the logo for the Word export from
Blueworks Live.
 Determine how licensed users shall be able to access Blueworks Live
o Unrestricted
o Limit access to specified IP address range(s)
 [e.g. – from your office locations or through you company VPN]
 Determine which email domains should be able to be invited to your account
o Unlimited
o Limit invitations to specified domain(s)
 [e.g. – your company domain(s) and/or those of your business
 Determine the level of password security required for your account.
o Medium
o High
Creating Spaces and Managing User Access to Spaces
 Determine how you want to manage Spaces within your account
o What types of users are you supporting (enterprise business
transformation effort, ad-hoc projects, generally available tool)?
 Consider common patterns
o Create spaces based upon the enterprise value chain.
o Create spaces for individual projects.
o Create a common space for
o Allow users to create spaces to fit their needs