Unit/Domain: Reading Standards: Foundational Skills Standard (Measurement Topic) : Phonics and Word Recognition *Continuous throughout the school year Complex The student will be understand or be able to : RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. a. identify and know the meaning of most common prefixes and derivational suffixes b. decode and analyze words with Latin suffixes c. decode multisyllable words d. read grade-level appropriate irregularly spelled words The student will know or be able to: a. identify most common prefixes and derivational suffixes b. identify words with Latin suffixes c. syllable patterns d. recognize grade-level appropriate irregularly spelled words (Question 2) Effectively Interact Preview Critical Input/Chunk Actively Process Brainstorming (List) Vocabulary Students will read from any of the following libraries to reinforce skills What is a prefix? Prefix and concepts What is a rootword or Word Parts Book Room baseword? Baseword/Rootword Classroom Library What is an ending/suffix? Ending/Suffix School Library What is a derivational Derivational Suffix suffix? AR Books Latin Suffix What are Latin suffixes? A-Z Books Syllable What is a syllable? Treasures and Guided Reading Multisyllable Words Books What are syllable patterns? What are irregularly spelled Safari Montage Students will use the strategies words? Identifying Words previously demonstrated in using and identifying word parts (syllables, Modeling/Guided practice in prefixes, basewords/rootwords, using and identifying word parts ending/suffixes ( syllables, prefixes, basewords/rootwords, endings/ Practice and review irregularly spelled suffixes) words Introduce students to irregularly Word Work Activities spelled words Wordo/Bingo Making Words Guess the Covered Word Word Sorts and Hunts Reading/Writing Rhymes Grade Level: Third Grade (Question 1) Simple RF.3.3 (Question 3) Practice Deepen (Analysis) Websites-Student Practice Activities Small Group or Independent Work Students find words containing mulitsyllables, prefixes and suffixes from teacher selected material(s) Wilth guidance, students create a list (or lists) of irregulary spelled words to display in the classroom or keep in a notebook (Question 4) Generate &Test (Knowledge Utilization) Small Group Work Students create their own list(s) of words containing mulitsyllables, prefixes and suffixes Resources: Johnny Can Spell Treasures Textbook and Practice Workbook http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0907036.html (Defines and gives examples of Latin Suffixes) http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0907017.html (Defines and gives examples of Latin Suffixes) http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Latin_suffixes (Gives examples of Derivational Suffixes) http://www.education.com/activity/article/build_vocabulary_prefixes_suffixes_third/ ( Gives examples of Common Prefixes and Suffixes) http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/syllables/syllables6.pdf http://prek-8.com/3rdgrade/vocabulary_fixes.php (Worksheets –Prefixes and Suffixes) http://eps.schoolspecialty.com/downloads/articles/prefix-suffixwordlist.pdf (Prefix and Suffix Word List Reference) http://teacher.scholastic.com/reading/bestpractices/vocabulary/pdf/prefixes_suffixes.pdf (Most Common Prefixes and Suffixes) http://www.neisd.net/elmlang/WORDS_BLOCK/third_grade.htm (Activies + High-Frequency Word List for third grade) http://www.worksheetsplus.com/thirdGradeWorksheets/syllables.pdf Safari Montage