NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide NATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL All information is treated in confidence. The information is furnished to the National Medical Research Council with the understanding that it shall be used or disclosed for evaluation, reference and reporting purposes. If your application is not successful, this form will be destroyed after the retention period deemed as appropriate by the Council. General Details ......................................................................................................... 2 Ethical Consideration .............................................................................................. 4 Abstract..................................................................................................................... 5 Proposal .................................................................................................................... 6 Mentor(s) ................................................................................................................... 7 Training Institution ................................................................................................... 7 Supervisor(s) ............................................................................................................ 7 Budget ....................................................................................................................... 8 Milestones................................................................................................................. 9 Key Performance Indicator ...................................................................................... 9 Other Support Details ............................................................................................ 11 Supporting Documents.......................................................................................... 13 Note: Downloadable template documents have been highlighted in blue. Documents are purely for reference. Please download and fill in the updated templates from nGager during the point of application. 1 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide General Details 1 Application Category: New Resubmission Please indicate if this application is a New/Resubmission/Renewal application. If it is a Resubmission or Renewal application, please indicate the old application/project id. 2 General Information Host Institution: Please choose from list of institutions Principal Investigator: Auto-populated upon creation of account and application Application Title: Project Duration (Years)*: | Project Duration (Months)*: Keywords*: 3 HRCS Research Activity & Health Category The HRCS guidelines will be available for download for more information. Health Category You may select up to 5 categories from the followings. Please use the minimum number of codes to reflect the main focus of the research. Blood Cancer Cardiovascular Congenital Disorders Ear Eye Infection Inflammatory and Immune System Injuries and Accidents Mental Health Metabolic and Endocrine Musculoskeletal Neurological Oral and Gastrointestinal Renal and Urogenital Reproductive Health and Childbirth Respiratory Skin Stroke Generic Health Relevance Other (B) Research Activity Code You may select up to 2 sub-codes from the followings, eg, 2.1. 1 Underpinning Research 1.1 Normal biological development and functioning 1.2 Psychological and socioeconomic processes 1.3 Chemical and physical sciences 1.4 Methodologies and measurements 1.5 Resources and infrastructure (underpinning) 2 Aetiology 2 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide 2.1 Biological and endogenous factors 2.2 Factors relating to physical environment 2.3 Psychological, social and economic factors 2.4 Surveillance and distribution 2.5 Research design and methodologies (aetiology) 2.6 Resources and infrastructure (aetiology) 3 Prevention of Disease and Conditions, and Promotion of Well-Being 3.1 Primary prevention interventions to modify behaviours or promote well-being 3.2 Interventions to alter physical and biological environmental risks 3.3 Nutrition and chemoprevention 3.4 Vaccines 3.5 Resources and infrastructure (prevention) 4 Detection, Screening and Diagnosis 4.1 Discovery and preclinical testing of markers and technologies 4.2 Evaluation of markers and technologies 4.3 Influences and impact 4.4 Population screening 4.5 Resources and infrastructure (detection) 5 Development of Treatments and Therapeutic Interventions 5.1 Pharmaceuticals 5.2 Cellular and gene therapies 5.3 Medical devices 5.4 Surgery 5.5 Radiotherapy 5.6 Psychological and behavioural 5.7 Physical 5.8 Complementary 5.9 Resources and infrastructure (development of treatments) 6 Evaluation of Treatments and Therapeutic Interventions 6.1 Pharmaceuticals 6.2 Cellular and gene therapies 6.3 Medical devices 6.4 Surgery 6.5 Radiotherapy 6.6 Psychological and behavioural 6.7 Physical 6.8 Complementary 6.9 Resources and infrastructure (evaluation of treatments) 7 Management of Diseases and Conditions 7.1 Individual care needs 7.2 End of life care 7.3 Management and decision making 7.4 Resources and infrastructure (disease management) 8 Health and Social Care Services Research 8.1 Organisation and delivery of services 8.2 Health and welfare economics 8.3 Policy, ethics and research governance 3 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide 8.4 Research design and methodologies 8.5 Resources and infrastructure (health services) 4 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Ethical considerations Fund disbursement is subjected to ethics approval if the project involves any of the below. Please declare the participating institutions where study requiring ethics approval is (i)Please tick accordingly if project involves any of the following:conducted: a) Human Subject Yes No b) Use of Human/Animal Tissues or Cells Yes No Yes No d) Animal Experimentation Yes No e) Requirement for Containment Yes No f) Multi-centre Trial(s) Yes No g) IRB/IACUC Approval Required Yes No No from Primary Donors (i.e. subject/volunteers recruited for project) c) Use of Commercially Available Human/Animal Tissues or Cells No (ii) To upload Ethics Approval Document if available. For multiple files, please upload them as a zip file. (iii) Please justify if your proposal does not involve the use of any human subject, animal tissue etc: 5 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Abstract Scientific Abstract/Short Summary of the project In no more than 300 words, concisely describe the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research proposal including its importance to the furtherance of medical science, in particular clinical significance. The abstract must be self-contained so that it can serve as a succinct and accurate description of the research proposal. Note that the scientific abstract may be disclosed to other funding agencies. Lay Abstract In no more than 200 words, the lay abstract is meant for communication to the public on your research idea, aims, and significance. 6 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Proposal Research Proposal Document Please download the research proposal template and re-upload the filled-in research proposal document. All documents(including pictures, figures and spreadsheets) are to be combined as one file (E.g. zip file .rar file) which is less than 10MB in size. <Sample template> Research Project Title: Detailed Research Proposal: Please also attach details of the research project, including: Introduction Aims Hypotheses Methodology The above should be in presented in no longer than 10 pages. References should be attached at the end of the proposal and does not count towards the page limit. Please present the research proposal on A4-sized paper, 1-inched margins, single-line spacing and size 12 Times New Roman font. 7 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Mentor(s) Please click on the <Search Mentor’s Name> button to find the Mentor’s Name if it is existing within the nGager’s users database. If you could not find the Mentor’s name within the nGager’s users database, please enter the Mentor’s details in the section below. Points to note: The role of the research mentor is to guide the Fellow upon completion of his training, such as in the local research scene, research career advice, grants application etc. Applicants must provide justification(s) if he wishes to select an overseas mentor. Training Institution Please state your place of research training in this section. Department, School, University, Country (separated by commas) Supervisor(s) Please click on the <Search Supervisor’s Name> button to find the Supervisor’s Name if it is existing within the nGager’s users database. If you could not find the Supervisor’s name within the nGager’s users database, please enter the Supervisor s details in the section below. Points to note: The role of the research supervisor is to provide research training and/or lab resources to the applicant during his training. The supervisor may be based locally (if the training is done in a local institution) or overseas (if done in an overseas university). 8 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Budget Points to note: The following does not applicable to the NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research SCholarship: Indirect research cost (IRC) Manpower Budget (EOM) Equipment Budget Material & Consumables under Operating Expense (OOE) (i) Other Operating Expenses For applicants applying for training overseas under the NMRC Research Training Fellowship and MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship, please indicate the requested items (e.g., airfare, maintenance allowance, visa, insurance) in the description field under "Overseas Travel", with each line per item. Overseas conference is capped at $4,000 per year. Indirect Research Cost (IRC) do not apply for all applicants applying for the Fellowship and Scholarship programmes. Category Item Description * Overseas Travel Others (Please specify) Airfare, Maintenance, Visa, Insurance etc. Conference, Book allowance etc. Total Cost (S$) *Items and corresponding budget listed have to be in accordance to the institution’s existing guidelines (ii) Tuition Fees Please state the total amount of tuition fees in SGD over the full duration of training. (iii) Salary Component For Fellowship/Scholarship, salary support will correspond to the time spent in research training. 1 FTE = 100% time spent on clinical training assuming 5 working days * 8 working hours per week. For part-time training, assuming 50% FTE, the requested salary amount will be half of the annual salary amount. %FTE: Annual Salary Amount (S$): Requested Salary Amount (S$): 9 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Milestones Please propose milestones for assessment of the progress of the study. The proposed milestones will be subjected to review by a post-award committee at the end of each FY for the period of grant awarded. For each specific milestone, the “start month” refers to the number of months from the month of the letter of award. For e.g. if the letter of award was issued in June, the proposed milestone (production of antibodies) is planned to start in December (i.e. 6 months from June) with a duration of 12 months, thus the milestone will be indicated as follows: Key Performance Indicator Please indicate the final expected targets. There must be at least one KPI field/target filled in as applications with no KPI target will be rejected. Please indicate your realistic expectations on the outcome of this grant. Please state ‘NA’ where indicator is not applicable. Training R&D Manpower For Industry Number of Master's Research Students Trained: Number of PhD Students Trained: Number of Master's Research and PhD Students Trained and Spun Out to Local Industry as RSEs: Number of Research Staff Spun Out to Local Industry as RSEs: Number of Post-Doctoral (Within 3 Years of the PhD Award) Researchers Hired: Developing Long Term R&D Capability Number of Joint Programs/Projects with Local Universities: Number of Patents Filed: 10 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Number of Patents Granted: Number of Papers published in International Journals: Number of Presentations at International Conferences: Number of Awards for Research at National and International Level: Industry Relevance Indicators R&D Collaboration Number of R&D Projects with Industry Cash Funding: Industry Dollars Received to Fund R&D Projects (S$): Outcomes Revenue from Royalties and Licensing Agreements (S$): Number of Spin-off Companies Registered: 11 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Other Support Details Please download the template to complete the “Other Support Details", and upload the completed details with any attachments as one file (E.g: .zip file or .rar file) which is less than 10MB in size. More details can be found in the template. <sample template> Please provide the following details for the grants currently held by the Applicant. Attach additional pages if necessary. Please attach the scientific abstract of the grants (a) and (b) listed below, if applicable, for Council’s reference. Missing abstracts/attachments will render this application incomplete. a) Grants currently held Amount of Fund Title of Research b) Funding Agency Approved ($) Balance Available ($) Support Period (year) % effort within own Expiry Date of the Grant work commitments1 Support not related to specific research projects Provide below details of all other support which are not derived from funds provided for specific research projects, such as departmental technicians, grants from private foundations, start-up funds, donations from charitable organizations and collaborations with industry. You may also attach correspondences showing commitments by other parties in support of your work. Types of resources c) Funding Organisations Duration of support Expiry date, if any Support from any industry partner(s) Please provide the following details for any additional support for the grant applied for from industry partner(s) or grants being applied for by the Principal Investigator only (pending outcomes). Attach additional pages if necessary. Please attach the scientific abstracts of each grant listed in (a) & (b) and required additional information for Council’s reference. Missing abstracts / KPIs / attachments will render this application incomplete. Items Supported Funding Source Amount of Fund ($) Support Period (Year) 1 % effort within work commitments: Represents percentage effort spent by the team members on this project out of individual’s total work commitments (e.g. other grants, other teaching and administrative responsibilities, clinical work etc.) 12 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship d) Application Guide Pending grant application(s) For all NMRC grant applications, please indicate application ID. Please indicate all the grants applied of similar proposal where the applicant is involved as either PI, Co-Investigator or Collaborator and provide information on the overlapping sections in the proposal as a separate attachment. Title of Research and PI’s role in project Application ID Funding Agency Amount of fund applied for ($) Support Period (Year) 13 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Supporting Documents Please upload the supporting documents required for your application. For applicants applying for MOH Research Healthcare Scholarship/NMRC Research Training Fellowship, please refer to the attached template for documents required for submission. You could upload one supporting document or consolidate all supporting documents into one zip file. <sample template> (A) CHECKLIST OF ITEMS The following checklist below is for your easy reference to ensure that all supporting documents and information are provided. Documents: Copy of Singapore National Registration Identity Card. Letter of appointment/employment contract and information on your remuneration package (e.g., salary, annual wage supplement, bonus). Details of Research Project under the following headings: Introduction, Aims, Hypotheses, Methodology and References. (as indicated in the “Proposal” tab) Information on optional/mandatory courses to be taken, if applicable. Document(s) detailing fee structure for PhD or Master’s training (if applicable). Letters from:(to be uploaded into the tabs on nGager) Research Supervisor(s) (during period of award) - Letter of undertaking and curriculum vitae not more than 5 pages (to include a record of research funding & a record of past and current fellows trained.) Research Mentor(s) (after period of award) - Letter indicating commitment to mentor fellow upon fellow’s completion of the training award and curriculum vitae not more than 5 pages (to include a record of research funding & a record of past and current fellows trained.) (For Residents Only) Programme Director and Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) – Letter indicating that the resident/trainee (i) is showing good progress and performance (i.e., competency framework), (ii) allowed to undergo research training during residency training (iii) include revised training plans for Resident. This is to ensure that the Resident is able to exit on time and that the clinical training will not be compromised by the research training. Letter should be endorsed by DIO / Cluster’s Research Director (For AST/BST Trainees Only) Residency Advisory Committee (RAC)* – Letter indicating that the resident/trainee is allowed to undergo research training during their specialist training. Letter should be endorsed by Joint Committee on Specialist Training (JCST) (B) DETAILS OF RESEARCH TRAINING Please read the instructions carefully and fill in all the sections. Indicate “N.A.” if not applicable. (i) Type of Research Training: (*Please delete/indicate where necessary.) Full-time / Part-time Local / Overseas Training leading to: 14 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship PhD Master (MSc/MPH/____ )* Application Guide Other type of graduate degrees ( ____ )* Overseas research attachment not leading to a degree (ii) Duration of Research Training: _______ months Start Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) Completion Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) (C) 1. PERSONAL PARTICULARS Name of Applicant (as in the NRIC) Surname: Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy) Given Name: Place of Birth: NRIC No.: Male Married Female Single Nationality: If non-Singaporean, please indicate date granted PR status: (dd/mm/yyyy) Home Address: Mailing Address: Email Address: Contact Numbers Home: Department: Office: Hp: Fax: Department/Institution Address: (To indicate if different from Mailing Address) Institution: Qualifications: (Academic & Professional) Academic Grade: (E.g., Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor) Clinical Grade: (E.g., Medical Officer, Registrar, Associate Consultant, Consultant, Senior Consultant) 2. TRAINEESHIP / RESIDENCY INFORMATION (if applicable) Specialty Surgical Medical Year of Training BST Year AST Year Seamless Year Others : Residency Year 3. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION OF APPLICANT HR Contact Person Name Tel. No. 15 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide Designation EMPLOYMENT HISTORY OF APPLICANT Institution / Department Appointment Date From (dd/mm/yyyy) Date To (dd/mm/yyyy) (Please attach a letter of recommendation from Head of Department and your appointment letter) 4. SCHOLARSHIPS/AWARDS Date Scholarship/Award From (dd/mm/yy) To (dd/mm/yy) Funding Body 16 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide 5. COURSES/SEMINARS/CONFERENCES ATTENDED IN THE LAST 3 YEARS 6. PUBLICATIONS 17 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide (D) DECLARATION BY APPLICANT Please provide the following information: Are you currently receiving any fellowship/training award? No Yes. Please specify: Have you applied for funding from other agencies for the proposed training? No Yes. Please specify: During the proposed training period, a) will you be accompanied by your spouse who is a recipient of an HMDP Fellowship or other training award? No Yes. Please provide the name of your spouse, training award and training period: b) will you be receiving any income from your current employer and/or any other hospital/institution in Singapore? No Yes. Please state the source(s) and the amount: c) will you be receiving any stipend from other source(s) (e.g., the institution where you will be training as a NMRC Fellow and/or any funding body outside Singapore)? No Yes. Please state the source(s) and the amount: Is your project industry-linked? No Yes If yes, please give a description on how your project is industry-linked: (E.g. Name of company, Your involvement) (E) HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ENDORSEMENT To be completed by HOD/Nominee. Please indicate the means by which the institution will support the returning fellow by ticking the appropriate box(es). Please provide details Seed money for research grant (State the amount and source of seed funds) ______________________________ Availability of lab space (Specify location of lab space and the area in square metres assigned to the fellow.) ______________________________ Clinical position secured for the fellow for the first 3 years after his/her return. (Please specify.) ______________________________ Salary support & protected time (should be aligned with the written commitment from CMB) as stated on Page 1, Point 2 of the application form. ______________________________ Specify access to facilities & equipment ______________________________ Technical manpower support ______________________________ Collaboration opportunities (Name collaborators) ______________________________ Others (Please specify.) ______________________________ 18 NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship Application Guide I support the above application for the NMRC Research Training Fellowship/MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship. The Department will ensure a minimum of 30% protected time for the fellow’s research and provide him/her with the necessary support, facilities and equipment as specified above upon completion of his/her research training to enable him/her to continue his/her development in clinical/biomedical research. ___________________________________ Signature of Head of Dept ______________________ Date Name: 19