The Earth’s Interior How do rocks get inside of the Earth’s interior? How does erosion occur in the Earth’s Interior? Once rocks are part of the earth’s interior, do they stay there forever? If not, how can they escape? What types of rocks are found in soil? What is a soil profile? What are the different horizons on the soil profile? How could you describe each layer? What is humus? What is litter? Erosion Volcanoes How do volcanoes form? How do volcanoes play a role with weathering and erosion? What causes a volcanic eruption to occur? What is magma? What is lava? How are rocks eroded? How does weathering occur in or by the river? How does erosion occur in or by a river? How are rocks recycled into a river? What types of rocks are found in rivers? What is runoff? What is a channel? What is a drainage basin? What is a meander? How does weathering occur in or by the ocean? How does erosion occur in or by the ocean? What types of rocks are found in the ocean? Why are the two shorelines different from each other? What is coastal erosion? How does erosion affect the coastline? What are some methods flooding can occur by the shoreline? What is a tide? What is a longshore current? What are barrier islands? How are mountain ranges formed? How does weathering occur on mountain ranges? How does erosion occur on mountain ranges? Compare and contrast the environment at the top of a mountain compared to the bottom of the mountain? How does gravity play a role in erosion? Describe ways to help slow erosion on steep slopes. What types of rocks are found in the mountains? What is runoff? Glaciers