
Units 1 Geography - SAC Assessment: Coastal Fieldwork Folio
Student name:
Characteristics of
environments –
key knowledge
Very High
(Outcome 1)
Characteristics of
environments –
key skills
(Outcome 1)
Identifies landforms that
make up selected
landscapes and
environments, and
conducts further research
into landforms not visible
on the day of field trip
Names and locates
geographic characteristics
of visited natural
Natural processes and
factors that create natural
environments are included
in a detailed manner
Identifies the distribution
of selected types of
predominantly natural
environments along the
Victorian coastline, and
gives reasons for such
Conduct fieldwork at a
local site, collect data and
conduct further
investigations if necessary
Collect, sort, process and
represent spatial data
related to formation of
natural environment using
a complex range of
geographic techniques and
media, including fieldwork
Identify, describe and
explain the geographic
Identifies landforms that
make up selected
landscapes and
Names geographic
characteristics of visited
natural environment
Natural processes and
factors that create
natural environments
are included
Identifies the
distribution of selected
types of predominantly
natural environments
along the Victorian
Conduct fieldwork at a
local site and collect
Collect, sort, process
and represent spatial
data related to
formation of natural
environment using a
range of geographic
techniques and media,
including fieldwork data
Identify and describe the
characteristics of
Identifies most
landforms that make up
the selected landscapes
and environments
Names most geographic
characteristics of visited
natural environment
Some natural processes
and factors that create
natural environments
are included
Identifies the
distribution of the
coastal natural
environment along the
Victorian coastline
Conduct fieldwork at a
local site and collect
Collect, sort and
represent spatial data
about the natural
environment using some
geographic techniques
and media, that may
include fieldwork data
Identify geographic
characteristics of
selected natural
Very Low
Identifies about half of
the landforms that make
up the selected
landscapes and
Names approx. half of
the geographic
characteristics of visited
natural environment
A few natural processes
and factors that create
natural environments
are included
Identifies the Victorian
coastline on a map
Conduct fieldwork at a
local site and collect
Collect and represent
spatial data about the
natural environment
using some geographic
techniques and media,
that may include
fieldwork data
Identify some
characteristics of
selected natural
Identifies less than half
of the landforms that
make up the selected
landscapes and
Names a few of the
characteristics of visited
natural environment
One or two natural
processes and factors
that create natural
environments are
Identifies the Victorian
coastline on a map
Conduct fieldwork at a
local site and collect
Collect and present
spatial data about the
natural environment
using basic geographic
techniques and media,
that may include
fieldwork data
Identify a few
characteristics of
selected natural
Changes in
environments –
key knowledge
(Outcome 2)
characteristics of selected
natural environments in
different locations
Analyse and explain data
about the geographic
characteristics of visited
natural environment that is
produced by the
interaction of natural
processes, with references
to further independent
Apply all spatial concepts
as appropriate
Identifies & analyses types
of changes to natural
environment produced by
natural processes and
human activity
Identifies and explains all
of the nature, rate and
scale of interactions
between natural
environments and human
Describes in detail the
impact of change on
natural environments and
human activity
Analyses importance of
interactions between
natural processes and
human activity in
influencing changes to
natural environments,
including management of
selected natural
environments in
different locations
Analyse and explain data
about the geographic
characteristics of visited
natural environment
that is produced by the
interaction of natural
Apply spatial concepts
as appropriate
Identifies types of
changes to natural
environment produced
by natural processes and
human activity
Identifies all of the
nature, rate and scale of
interactions between
natural environments
and human activity
Describes the impact of
change on natural
environments and on
human activity
Explores the importance
of the interactions
between natural
processes and human
activity in influencing
changes to natural
environments, including
management of change
Explain data about the
characteristics of visited
natural environment
that is produced by the
interaction of natural
Apply most spatial
concepts as appropriate
Identifies changes to
natural environment
produced by natural
processes and human
Identifies two of: the
nature, rate and/or scale
of interactions between
natural environments
and human activity
Identifies the impacts of
some changes on
natural environments
and on human activity
Looks at the interactions
between natural
processes and human
activity in influencing
changes to natural
environments, including
some management of
Present data about the
characteristics of visited
natural environment
that is produced by
natural processes
Apply some spatial
concepts as appropriate
Identifies some changes
to natural environment
produced by natural
processes and human
Identifies one of: the
nature, rate and/or scale
of interactions between
natural environments
and human activity
Identifies the impacts of
1-2 changes on natural
environments and on
human activity
Identifies the
interactions between
natural processes and
human activity in
influencing changes to
natural environments,
including some
management of change
Present data about the
characteristics of visited
natural environment
Apply a few spatial
concepts as appropriate
Identifies basic changes
to natural environments
produced by natural
processes and human
Identifies on a basic
level one of: the nature,
rate and/or scale of
interactions between
natural environments
and human activity
Identifies the impacts of
a change on natural
environments and on
human activity
States how the
interactions between
natural processes and
human activity occurs in
natural environment,
including an example of
management of change
Changes in
environments –
key skills
(Outcome 2)
Processes, represents and
analyses fieldwork data
related to natural
environment and change
using a wide variety of
geographic techniques and
Describes and analyses
data about changes to
natural environments
produced by the
interaction between
natural processes and
human activity
Explains and analyses how
natural processes and their
interaction with human
activity may alter the
visited natural
Processes and
represents fieldwork
data related to natural
environment and
change using a variety of
geographic techniques
and media
Describes and analyses
data about changes to
natural environments
produced by the
interaction between
natural processes and
human activity
Explains how natural
processes and their
interaction with human
activity may alter the
visited natural
Presents fieldwork data
related to natural
environment and
change using some
geographic techniques
and media
Describes data about
changes to natural
environments produced
by the interaction
between natural
processes and human
Demonstrates how
natural processes and
their interaction with
human activity may alter
the visited natural
Presents fieldwork data
related to natural
environments and
change using basic
geographic techniques
and media
Presents data about
changes to natural
environments produced
by the interaction
between natural
processes and human
Provides a basic
description of how
natural processes and
their interaction with
human activity may alter
the visited natural
Presents some fieldwork
data related to natural
environments and
change using basic
geographic techniques
and media
Presents some data
about changes to
natural environments
produced by the
interaction between
natural processes and
human activity
Provides a basic
description of how
natural processes and
their interaction with
human activity may alter
the visited natural