Job Description Job title: Quality Enhancement Officer for Doctoral Studies (2 years fixed term) Department/School: Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Grade: 7 Location: Bath campus Job purpose Provide assistance to the Head of Student Learning Experience and Quality in maintaining and enhancing the standards and quality of the University’s Doctoral provision, in line with the university’s principles of Quality Management: a sound underpinning in pedagogical practice which recognises disciplinary differences rigorous use of peer review and external input working with the informed student voice towards on-going enhancement of learning and teaching This fixed term post would have the remit in particular to: complete a review of the QA Code of Practice statement on Research Degrees (QA7), including development of a quality assurance framework for the development of joint research degrees, provide support for the University Research Students Committee (URSC), work with the university community to ensure appropriate institutional oversight of supervision and progression in the context of the different models of doctoral provision (especially in relation to CDTs and other collaborative provision). Source and nature of management provided Line Manager: Head of Student Learning Experience and Quality. Further direction is given by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) and by the academic and professional services community through an extensive consultation and committee structure. Staff management responsibility None Special conditions None Page 1 Main duties and responsibilities 1. In the context of quality assurance and enhancement lead on the development and management of the university’s doctoral policies and procedures that help the University identify and manage risks to the quality of our research student experience. This specifically includes responsibility for the QA Code of Practice statement on PGR provision (QA7) and working with colleagues from the Academic Registry on the Regulations related to postgraduate assessment. An important aspect of this policy and regulation development work is collaboration and consultation with the academic and professional services community (all levels of seniority) to establish support and consensus on new regulatory or policy development and its operational implementation. This includes working with a number of internal stakeholders such as; Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research, regarding direction of the quality management of the research student experience and University Research Students Committee Associate Deans (Graduate Studies) regarding the development of university doctoral quality management policies and procedures, Directors of Studies regarding the implementation of quality management procedures and the enhancement of the research student experience Graduate School Managers and Assistant Registrars (Faculty/School) in relation to on quality management, governance and administration in relation to doctoral provision, including Doctoral Training Centres/Partnerships Students’ Union on engaging with the opinions and interests of doctoral students International Relations Office, particularly on the development of potential international collaborative provision Recruitment and Admissions on the application experience and processes for doctoral candidates Research & Innovation Office; particularly in the bid phase for any external funding which has research student opportunities Postgraduate Ombudsman and their Deputy on any issues doctoral students bring to the fore through this informal mediation route. Equally important is the information provision and support to those who implement policy and regulation in relation to doctoral provision. Regulations fall under the Academic Registry and the post holder will work closely with relevant colleagues within that team. 2. 3. 4. Within the context of quality assurance and enhancement, provide advice and support on the development of doctoral degree provision, including CDTs, professional and integrated doctorate programmes, collaborative provision and MRes programmes in line with the University’s policy and strategic interests and the requirements and expectations of the QAA, Research Councils and relevant partners. In particular this includes being a key source of advice and guidance for the Graduate Schools and academic and professional colleagues during the bid/re-bid and establishment phases of DTC/Ps. Working with a range of internal stakeholders, including web services and the Public Information Sub-Committee lead on the development of the provision of relevant and easily accessible information for doctoral students. This will be in line with QAA, RCUK and other agency requirements as well as sector good practice. Gather and interrogate extensive and complex data from internal and external sources to inform the quality monitoring and enhancement of postgraduate degree provision at Bath. This area of activity will include: monitoring of the research student experience using survey results, the Postgraduate Ombudsman’s report, Annual Monitoring Reports etc. using available national data for peer comparison Page 2 5. Support the Chair of University Research Students Committee (URSC) through agenda briefings and pre-committee generation and scrutiny of papers including those on survey results, changes to the QA Code of Practice and regulations and the SSLC annual report. 6. Attending relevant committees including, but not limited to, Faculty Research Students Committees, CDT Governance Sub-Committee and Graduate School Managers Forum as well as in other contexts internally and externally as opportunities arise. 7. Liaising with relevant external bodies such as the Quality Assurance Agency, the UK Research Councils, Vitae, Professional Regulatory and Statutory Bodies and other organisations with relevance to doctoral provision as required. 8. Leading and/or contributing to student learning experience enhancement initiatives and projects. This includes undertaking university-wide reviews of specific sections of the QA Code of Practice. 9. Liaising pro-actively with Faculties, the School, academic and professional departments and the Students’ Union with a view to: supporting the communication, development, implementation and management of quality assurance and quality enhancement; researching and identifying good practice in learning and teaching within the University and across the sector, and disseminating good practice; addressing queries and giving guidance on complex quality matters 10. Design and deliver any staff or student development sessions to include formal or informal training or briefings. 11. This job description is intended to provide a broad outline of the main responsibilities only. The post holder is required to be flexible in developing their role in agreement with their line manager. In addition they may be required to undertake such other activities that may be determined by the Head of Student Learning Experience & Quality as commensurate with the nature and grade of the role. General Responsibilities Policies and Procedures The post holder is required to familiarise themselves with all University Policies and procedures and to comply with these at all times. Confidentiality and Data Protection The post holder must maintain the confidentiality of information about students, staff and any other personal information and meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998) at all times. The post holder must comply with all University Information and Data Protection policies at all times. Health & Safety The post holder must be aware of the responsibilities placed on them under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and any subsequent relevant legislation and must follow these in full at all times including ensuring that they act in line with all agreed procedures at all times in order to maintain a safe environment for students, staff and visitors. Page 3 Key relationships: Internal Head of SLEQ and SLEQ colleagues, especially the Student Engagement & Quality Enhancement Officer Director of LTEO and LTEO colleagues, especially the Researcher Development Unit (RDU) part of Academic Staff Development Academic Registry, particularly the Assistant Registrar (Examinations and Ceremonies) Graduate School Managers and Assistant Registrars (Faculty/School) CDT Centre Managers Associate Deans (Graduate Studies) Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and their Executive Assistant Directors of Studies (Graduate Studies) Students’ Union especially the PGR Student Officer Research & Innovation Office on CDT bids, re-bids and agreements International Relations Office on possible collaborative provision and PGR student mobility Recruitment and Admissions on the application experience and processes for doctoral candidates Postgraduate Ombudsman and their Deputy External QAA RC:UK Council for Graduate Education Vitae Academic Registrar’s Council (Postgraduate Practitioner group) Relevant counterparts at GW4 institutions Page 4 Person Specification Criteria Essential Desirable Qualifications 1. 2. Assessed by AF First degree or equivalent including sufficient academic underpinning for strong analytical skills Doctoral qualification X I/T R X X X Experience/Knowledge 3. 4. 5. 6. Sound knowledge and experience of the quality management of doctoral provision, preferably including collaborative provision. Extensive experience in an academic administration role, preferably within a quality assurance/ enhancement context. Extensive experience of analysing and comparing academic and organisational practices by peer institutions to inform local decision making. Experience of writing procedural, policy and guidance documents for use by staff and students. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7. Extensive experience of committee servicing and writing analytical reports. X X X X 8. Good knowledge of current practice and issues in Higher Education, especially around doctoral studies and postgraduate funding. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Skills and Attributes 9. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including the proven ability to advise, influence and be convincing in discussions with others, including academic and senior staff, using evidence based arguments. 10. Excellent attention to detail. 11. Excellent data interrogation and analytical skills. Ability to analyse, interpret and make valid comparisons of academic and organisational practices by peer institutions to inform local decision making. 12. Enthusiasm and commitment to the assurance and enhancement of learning and teaching. 13. Excellent organisational and administrative skills, including excellent time management and prioritisation skills. 14. Ability to use initiative. 15. Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines effectively. 16. Web development skills. 17. Willingness to work flexibly in peak periods. Code: A/F – Application form, I/T – Interview/Test, R – Reference Page 5 X X X