FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Melanie Wade Kleber

Media Contact: Melanie Wade
Kleber & Associates
New ‘American-Made Bronze Handles’ to Adorn Stainless Steel Cabinetry
LAS VEGAS (Feb. 4, 2014) - Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchens, the nation’s premier
stainless outdoor kitchen manufacturer, unveils today at the International Builders’
Show (IBS) (Booth # S1315), its new hardware line, American-Made Bronze
Handles. The hardware includes bronze and patina fixtures to complement the
Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchen collection of high-quality, stylish outdoor cabinetry.
“Danver’s new hardware line signifies our commitment to producing
an outdoor living collection that is both functional and fashionable,”
said Mitch Slater, President of Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchens. “The
new American-Made Bronze Handles represent the latest in outdoor
living room style trends yet, at the same time, providing strong, sturdy
and weatherproof performance.”
The collection blends fashion, functionality and elements of nature
together. The hardware line is offered in unique shapes portraying
twigs, logs and bamboo shoots, and features patina and bronze
finishes. As outdoor living trends thrive on bringing the “inside out”,
the American-Made Bronze Handle line is inspired by colors and
styles from popular interior fashions while complementary to the
outdoor living environment.
The new hardware production incorporates a unique oxidation
process to create the patina effect. The process is an accelerated
version of natural exposure to time, touch and environment. Repeated
handling of the hardware leads to graceful wear of the patina
resulting in an authentic one-of-a-kind finish.
For additional information, please contact Brown Jordan Outdoor
Kitchens at 855.839.5063 or visit
About Brown Jordan
For more than 60 years, California-based Brown Jordan has been the industry leader
in innovative and iconic leisure furnishings that continue to define and transform
outdoor living. The Brown Jordan portfolio features more than 30 collections in a
range of design styles and material. In 2012, Brown Jordan entered into a licensing
agreement with CT Industries to develop the Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchen