TWS Part Three Essential Element Lesson Plan Name: EDUC 332 (all 5 of us!) Date: 10/22/13 Materials and Resources: Essay first drafts; completed rubrics; mind map; 2 minute writing prompt Lesson Title: Personal Persuasive Writing Grade Level: 8th Time Frame: 1 class period Curriculum Standards Focus Question/Big Idea/Goal Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning TSW be able to orient the reader to his or her point of view as the writer in order to clarify the connection of the information in the essay to the prompt. What is the purpose of the essay and how will you convey that? “Mapping helps generate ideas.” Rachel, Melissa, Dylan, Toni, Elizabeth - Maxwell, Meiser, and McKnight, 2010 W.8.TTP.3a Lesson Objective: objectives must be measurable TWS will…(learning behavior from Bloom’s verbs, DOK) 1) TSW use the mind map to determine the writer’s unique characteristics. 2) TSW brainstorm topics for their essay generated from the mind map. Academic Language: What is the key language demanded? What academic language will you teach or develop? What is the key vocabulary and or symbols? What opportunities will you provide for student to practice content language/ vocabulary and develop fluency? Define “unnoticed” to clarify prompt. - “unnoticed” will be defined as a quality that pertains more to character traits, less Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning Maxwell, Meiser, and McKnight, 2010 - visible traits, rather than their seemingly obvious skills, such as their aptitude for sports. The focus will be on the underlying message maybe the student is a great athlete but why? Is he or she a great athlete because he or she has a very disciplined practice schedule? How can that then be related to the college essay? Assessment /Evaluation: Formative: How will student demonstrate understanding of lesson objective(s)? How will you monitor and or give feedback? How will feedback promote student understanding? “discovery stage [through pre-writing]” Writing conference about first drafts - Maxwell, Meiser, and McKnight, 2010, p. 15 Summative: What evidence will you collect, and how will it document student learning/mastery of lesson objective(s)? Common Core Standard College Admission Essay W.8.TTP.3a Instruction: Set Motivation/Anticipatory Set: Mind map perception - define “unnoticed” for the prompt Instructional Procedures/Learning Tasks: Provide specific details of lesson content and delivery based on student’s prior knowledge, strengths, and weakness. 1. Introduce mind map to the large group 2. Allow time for individual students to complete the mind map 3. Split the students into small groups and discuss the mind map tie to reinterpretation of prompt 4. In small groups, conference about the rough drafts of admissions essays 5. Allow work time to revise rough drafts 6. Peer conference about rough drafts interview with note taking Questions and/or activities for higher order thinking: These cannot be answered by yes or no. 1. How do you view yourself in comparison with how others view you? 2. What are college admissions officers looking for in an admission essay? Closure: Verbalize or demonstrate learning or skill one more time. May state future learning. Restate what the prompt is actually looking for. Wish the students luck in their future endeavors and say goodbye. Adaptations to meet individual needs: How will you adapt the instruction to meet the needs of individual students? We do not have enough information to complete this section. Management/Safety Issues: Are there any management and/or safety issues that need to be considered when teaching this lesson? N/A Reflection/Future Modifications: To what extend did the class learn what you intended them to learn? What will be your next steps instructionally? What did you learn about your student as learners? What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?