Kazakhstan Additional Information on Government Emergency

Kazakhstan Additional Information on Government Emergency Response
Direct supervision of civil defense;
international cooperation and support of the activities of foreign organizations and individuals for the
prevention and elimination of emergency situations on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
submitting proposals to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the use of available state
and mobilization reserves of material and technical supplies, food, medical and other resources, as
well as the use of reserve funds from the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the
prevention and elimination of emergency situations;
emergency response management;
coordination of central and local executive bodies and research organizations in the field of natural
and man-made disasters, civil defense, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve;
organization of scientific research, promoting knowledge and educate the public, officers and
employees of organizations in the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergency
situations, civil defense, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve;
participation and organization in the preparation and carrying out humanitarian activities;
organization to inform government agencies, individuals and organizations about the necessary
security measures for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations;
organization of a system for monitoring, alerting the public and businesses about the man-made
accidents, possible flooding, mudflows, landslides and other hazards of exogenous events;
ensuring constant readiness for immediate use public warning systems and communication, its
equipment and development;
confirmation, approval regulations, guidelines, standards in the field of emergency situations, fire and
industrial safety, civil defense, the state material reserve, except for the adoption of technical
creation, training and maintaining readiness for the application of forces and resources for prevention
and emergency response;
mobilization of material and technical resources to organizations, regardless of ownership and
departmental affiliation, in case of elimination of emergency situations in accordance with applicable
development of prospective and current plans for the protection of the population, settlements and
economical facilities of natural and man-made emergency situations and action plans to eliminate
organization of training for leaders of organizations and the public how to protect the application of
modern means of destruction and action in emergency situations;
organization and conduct jointly with interested central executive bodies within their jurisdiction the
investigation of accidents and disasters that led to emergency situations;
management of state expertise in the field of emergency situations and, where appropriate, the
organization of independent examination by international expert organizations;
emergency medical assistance to victims, including by the employees of emergency services in the
area of natural and man-made emergency situations;
creation and use of reserves of material-technical resources;
organization of the mobilization of material and technical resources of organizations, regardless of
ownership and departmental affiliation, in case of elimination of emergency situations in accordance
with applicable law;
realization of state policies in the field of prevention and elimination of emergency situations, the civil
management involving civil defense in preventing and eliminating emergency situations, and
management of its custody services, surveillance, monitoring and prediction of climate, republican of
automated information management system for emergency situations;
development of training programs for personnel of military units of the civil defense, heads of
organizations and civil defense units, the population of the civil defense, prevention and elimination of
emergency situations;
organization of the development of targeted programs addressing the task solution of civil defense,
prevention and elimination of emergency situations;
state control in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the implementation of civil defense
definition of requirements for weapons, equipment, protective equipment and other logistical facilities
for civil defense, emergency response;
promotion of knowledge, training people, officials and experts of the organizations in the prevention
and natural and man-made elimination of emergency situations, the civil defense;
management of military units, professional rescue services and civil defense units, the Center for
disaster medicine, during the rescue and other emergency operations;
provision of combat and mobilization readiness of military units of the civil defense of the Republic of
organization of training of personnel of military units of the Civil Defense and other subordinate
organizations, heads of organizations, and civil defense units, the population of civil defense;
development a plan for the civil defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan for peacetime and wartime
and submit it for approval to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
approval of civil defense plans in peacetime and wartime, provide leadership to implement them on
subordinate territory;
development, adoption, within its competence decisions on the preparation and conduct of the civil
defense, binding the central and local executive bodies, organizations and people of the Republic of
organization of readiness of civil defense bodies and forces;
development of normative legal acts in the field of civil defense and emergency situations;
approval of regulations on civil defense and emergency situations;
approval of the scope and content of engineering and technical activities of the civil defense,
depending on the categorization of cities and facilities management;
development of regulations on service ranks and officers of the firefighting service;
coordination of firefighting services, regardless of ownership;
coordination of rescue services and groups regardless of ownership;
conduction of state records in emergency situations;
development of normative legal acts in the field of fire and industrial safety, including through
specialized public research organizations;
establish procedures for the information about the state of industrial safety;
development of technical regulations in the field of fire and industrial safety;
monitoring of industrial safety;
certification of entities engaged in activities to conduct rescue operations in emergency situations;
realization of measures for the establishment and reorganization of divisions, including mobile units
and field hospitals of disaster medicine, as well as non-commercial specialized in the protection from
emergency situations, and educational institutions;
organizing and conducting water-rescue operations;
establishment of the basic requirements for the identification of hazardous production facilities,
allocation of objects in the organizations in the category of hazardous production facilities;
development of appropriate rules of operating material values of state reserve, and submit for
approval by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
submitting proposals to the Government on the volume and cost structure on the formation and
storage of property of the state material reserve;
management of the state material reserve system, including the development of a participatory
government proposals on nomenclature and standards of storage of property of the state reserve and
submit them for approval by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
decision making on move the wealth of the state reserve in case of changes in the profile,
reorganization or liquidation of the storage facilities of the state reserve of wealth;
determination of fire-technical products used in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
decision on the placement of orders for the supply of property to the state reserve;
formation of a purchase order of property to the state reserve;
decision on the issue (in order of refreshment) and delivery of property to the state reserve;
in coordination with the competent authority in the field of mobilization preparation and mobilization,
and the authorized body in the defense establishment and approval of the list of items stored wealth
mobilization and state reserves;
development and management of common information and communication system of the State
system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations and alert emergency system in
peacetime and wartime;
organization and provision of electronic services to businesses and individuals in natural and
manmade emergency situations, industrial and fire safety and civil defense with the help of
information and communication technologies.
15. In accordance with current legislation the Ministry could be tasked to do the following:
promotion knowledge, education of the population, officials and experts of the organizations in the
field of fire and industrial safety;
management of state records in the field of fire safety;
approval drafts of standards, rules and regulations establishing fire safety requirements for
construction sites;
conducting a special registration of reservists appointed to soldiers and officers of bodies of fire
service and taken in the prescribed manner to the military account;
issuance of permits in accordance with the eligibility requirements of licensees for compliance with fire
safety requirements;
participation in the work and state commissions for operation of the completed construction of
facilities, buildings, installations and individual installations for compliance with fire regulations;
ensuring the protection and fire extinguishing on residential, strategic, specific state facilities and life
support facilities of state property
accounting of hazardous production facilities;
approval of the acceptance testing of technical equipment and materials;
implementation of the certification organization for conducting work in the field of industrial safety;
permitting the use, production (including foreign) technology, technical devices and materials in the
production of hazardous work;
awareness and organization measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies at hazardous
production facilities in the area of fire safety;
realization of state policy in the field of fire and industrial safety;
development of measures for mobilization preparation and mobilization of fire service units,
improvement the sustainability of their work in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime,
ensuring constant readiness for mobilization of fire service;
implementation of the production of administrative violations in the field of fire and industrial safety;
realization of measures for the introduction of automatic detection and fire extinguishing;
inquiry on fires within its competence;
formulation and direction of the court in the manner and on grounds established by the laws of
compile and send to the court statements of claim to suspend or prohibit some or all of the individual
or entity in the manner and on basis established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
organization and realization measures to prevent fires in accordance with the laws of the Republic of
management activities of subordinate paramilitary mine rescue, gas and offshore rescue services and
conducting surveys and issuing opinions on the licensee's compliance requirements at the request of
analysis of causes and conditions of accidents and injuries;
arrangement in the organizations current and future development plans of mining operations;
implementation of storage and refreshment wealth of the state reserve;
ensure compliance with regulations for the location, storage, replenishment, removal, refurbishment,
and the intended use of the material values of the state reserve;
ensure the transfer of property of the state reserve in case of profile changes, reorganization or
liquidation of the storage facilities of the state reserve of wealth;
ensure the placement of accounting, qualitative and quantitative conservation of property of the state
measures to ensure the protection of state secrets in the area of the state material reserve;
conclusion of the agreement (contract) with the recipient on the issue of wealth in the manner of
debt collection and penalties for claims arising from contracts with the participants of transactions with
material values of state reserve;
state control for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, compliance with the
requirements in the field of industrial safety;
the state fire control in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
state control over compliance with requirements established by the technical regulations in the field of
fire safety;
the monitoring of fire readiness units in settlements and facilities regardless of their affiliation to fight
inspection of projects under construction for compliance with design and construction documents and
performed construction work with fire safety requirements;
control over the implementation of regulations on fire safety in government agencies, organizations,
businesses and homes;
issuance of citizens, leaders of public organizations prescriptions to eliminate violations and
conducting fire prevention activities;
issuance binding regulations for the prevention and elimination of emergency natural and man-made
situations of state bodies, organizations and individuals;
suspension in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan part or all of the organizations,
individual plants, industrial sites, equipment, prohibition of use of buildings, structures, electrical
networks, heating appliances and fire management activities carried out by entities in violation of the
norms and rules of fire safety, as well as non-compliance with prescribed fire safety projects in the
construction, reconstruction, expansion or retooling of organizations, facilities, installations, buildings;
state control for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations at hazardous production
facilities in all organizations irrespective of ownership and departmental affiliation;
monitoring the effectiveness of self-monitoring, preparedness organizations in the elimination of
accidents and their consequences, the localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents at
hazardous production facilities;
control the localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents at hazardous production
facilities, unless specified otherwise in the emergency response plans developed in accordance with
the rules of industrial safety;
suspension of carrying an imminent threat of accidents at hazardous production facilities in
accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan about administrative offenses;
prohibition of use of faulty technical equipment, processes that threaten life and health, for the period
up to address these violations except in cases where it is due to the suspension, stoppage of
investigate the causes of accidents, together with interested central executive bodies within their
state control over technical surveys of buildings, technical devices and materials at hazardous
production facilities;
monitoring of readiness of organizations to conduct work in the field of industrial safety;
state control over the implementation of the owners of objects, whose activity is associated with risk of
harm to third parties, the obligation to conclude a contract of obligatory insurance of civil liability of
owners of objects, whose activity is associated with risk of harm to third parties, and compliance with
the requirements established by law;
overseeing the qualitative and quantitative preservation of property of the state reserve;
bring to conduct inspections (audits) of state material reserve officers and specialists of relevant
government agencies;
sending material inspections (audits) to law enforcement agencies to address the issue of bringing to
justice those guilty of violating the order of storage and use of property of the state reserve;
audits the preservation of wealth stored in the storage facilities.
The Fire Fighting Service Committee
The main tasks of the Committee are realization the state policy in the field of fire safety, the state
control in the field of fire safety, investigation of fire affairs and fire-fighting.
In accordance with its tasks the Committee performs the following functions:
realization of state policy in the field of fire safety;
ensure the protection and fire extinguishing on residential, strategic, specific state facilities and life
support facilities of state property
inform the public and organizations in the field of fire safety;
conduction of public accounting in the field of fire safety;
conducting special registration of reservists appointed to soldiers and officers of the state fire services
and dismissed persons in the prescribed manner from the military account;
promotion of knowledge, training people, officials and experts of the organizations in the field of fire
approval drafts of standards, norms and rules establishing fire safety requirements for construction
delivery of the conclusions in accordance with the eligibility requirements of licensees for compliance
with fire safety requirements;
issuance of citizens, leaders of public organizations prescriptions to eliminate violations and
conducting fire prevention activities;
participation in the work and state commissions for operation of the completed construction of
facilities, buildings, installations and individual installations for compliance with fire regulations;
implementation of the production of administrative violations in the field of fire safety;
realization of measures for the implementation of automatic detection and fire extinguishing;
inquiry on fires within its competence;
the state fire control in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
state control for performing requirements established by the technical regulations in the field of fire
monitoring the readiness of fire departments in towns and facilities for firefighting;
control over the implementation of regulations on fire safety in government agencies, organizations,
businesses and homes;
development of measures for mobilization preparation and mobilization of the state firefighting service
units, improve the sustainability of their work in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime,
ensure constant readiness to mobilize the state firefighting service;
organization and realization measures to prevent fires in accordance with the laws of the Republic of
inspection of projects for compliance with design and construction documents and inspection
performed construction work for fire safety requirements;
compile and send to the court statements of claim to suspend or prohibit some or all of the individual
or entity in the manner and on basis established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
suspension in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan whole or in part the work of
organizations and individual enterprises, industrial sites, equipment, prohibition of use of buildings,
structures, electrical networks, heating appliances and fire management activities carried out by
entities in violation of the norms and rules of fire safety, as well as non-compliance with prescribed fire
safety projects in the construction, reconstruction, expansion or retooling of organizations, facilities,
installations and buildings.
The State Control Committee for Emergency Situations
The main tasks of the Committee are: realization of state policies for prevention and elimination of
natural and manmade emergency situations, industrial safety, and the state control in the field of
industrial safety and compliance activities of the civil defense.
In accordance with its tasks the Committee performs the following functions:
realization of state policy in the field of industrial safety;
public awareness and organization of measures for prevention and elimination of accidents at
hazardous production facilities;
records of hazardous production facilities;
promotion of knowledge, training people, officials and experts of the organizations in the field of
industrial safety;
state control for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, compliance with the
requirements in the field of industrial safety;
state control for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations at hazardous production
facilities in all organizations;
state control over technical surveys of buildings, technical devices and materials at hazardous
production facilities;
state control over the implementation of the owners of objects, whose activity is associated with risk of
injury to third parties, the obligation to conclude a contract of obligatory insurance of civil liability of
owners of objects, whose activity is associated with risk of harm to third parties, and compliance with
the requirements established by law;
overseeing organizations readiness to conduct work in the field of industrial safety;
implementation of the production of administrative violations in the field of industrial safety;
compile and send to the court statements of claim to suspend or prohibit some or all of the individual
or entity in the manner and on basis established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
certification of organization for conducting work in the field of industrial safety;
issuance of state bodies, organizations and individuals binding regulations for the prevention and
elimination of natural and man-made emergency situations;
issuance of permits for the use, production (including foreign) technology, technical devices and
materials in the production of hazardous work;
approval of development plans in the organizations of mining operations;
approval of the acceptance testing of technical equipment and materials;
monitor the effectiveness of self-monitoring, preparedness organizations in the elimination of
accidents and their consequences, the localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents at
hazardous production facilities;
control of the localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents at hazardous production
facilities, unless specified otherwise in the emergency response plans developed in accordance with
the rules of industrial safety;
state control in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the implementation of civil defense
suspension of performing an imminent threat of accidents at hazardous production facilities in
accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan about administrative offenses;
prohibition of operation for the faulty of technical devices and processes that threaten life and health,
for the period up to address these violations except in cases where it is due to the suspension,
stoppage of production;
investigating the causes of accidents, jointly with interested central executive bodies within their
analysis of causes and conditions of accidents and injuries in production;
survey and issue resolutions on the licensee's compliance requirements at the request of licensees;
management of subordinate paramilitary mine rescue, gas and offshore rescue services and units.