US History Total Review - Spartanburg County School District 1

(USHC 1.1) A person who was looking for a place where people could worship as they chose and not as the
government dictated would likely settle where?
A. New England
C. Southern Colonies
B. Middle Colonies
D. British West Indies
(USHC 1.1) What was the result of England’s policy of “salutary neglect”?
A. A desire to form a new nation
D. Strengthened the role of the colonial
B. Strengthened the role of the King and Queen
C. A disloyal attitude toward Britain
(USHC 1.1) Which of the following turned Jamestown, Virginia, into a profitable enterprise?
A. Gold
C. Timber
B. Corn
D. Tobacco
(USHC 1.1) Which of the following would the Puritans have embraced?
A. Female ministers
C. Mandatory church attendance
B. Religious tolerance
D. Removing religious influence from laws
(USHC 1.1) Which colony was founded on principles of social equality and religious tolerance?
A. Plymouth
C. Pennsylvania
B. New York
D. Massachusetts Bay
(USHC 1.1) According to the theory of mercantilism, the principal purpose of the thirteen colonies was to provide
Great Britain with what?
A. Naval bases
C. Workers and manufactured goods
B. Raw materials and markets
D. Military recruits
7. (USHC 1.1) Spain was interested in North America for what reason?
A. To grow and sell cash crops
C. To acquire timber for ship building
B. To search for gold and silver
D. To convert natives to the Muslim faith
8. (USHC 1.1) How did France profit from North America?
A. Fur trapping
C. Mining for silver
B. Growing cash crops
D. Selling enslaved natives
9. (USHC 1.1) Which of the following used slaves extensively in their economic practices?
A. New England colonies
C. Mid-Atlantic (Middle) colonies
B. French
D. Spanish
10. (USHC 1.1) What impact did the Great Awakening have on New England?
A. It caused many Christians to lose faith in the
C. It resulted in the death of hundreds of Muslims
and Jews
B. It caused Roger Williams to convert Natives to
D. It eventually helped some religious toleration to
11. (USHC 1.1) French and Spanish settlers in North America, both Catholic, differed in what way?
A. Both were eager to convert to the Natives’ religion
B. Both were eager to become Protestants
C. The French forced Natives to convert, the Spanish did not
D. The Spanish forced the Natives to convert, the French did not
12. (USHC 1.1) Why were there a small number of cities in the South?
A. Plantations emerged and could ship their goods directly by the rivers
B. Towns emerged and could ship the products by the intricate road system
C. Villages emerged and small markets allowed for the plantations to prosper
D. Cities could not be built due to the poor soil quality in the South
13. (USHC 1.1) Why was Roger Williams banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
A. He refused to grow the cash crops needed to help the colony prosper
B. He refused to search for gold and silver to help the colony prosper
C. He felt every person should be free to worship as they please
D. He felt the Native Americans should be converted to Catholicism
14. (USHC 1.1) Which of the following statements would apply to settlers in Pennsylvania?
A. People were free to worship as they wished
C. Slave labor was used to grow cotton
B. Puritans were excluded to avoid any
D. Spanish settlers trapped for furs
15. (USHC 1.1) Emily was born in the colonies. Her parents emigrated from England in the early 1700s. Her parents
came because they were searching for freedom of religion and because her father wanted to work in a large city and
make money by exporting agricultural goods.
In which colony did Emily’s family live?
A. Massachusetts
C. Connecticut
B. Pennsylvania
D. Georgia
16. (USHC 1.1) How were the experiences of settlers at Jamestown Virginia and the Puritans at Massachusetts Bay
A. Jamestown settlers found success in agriculture, Puritans wanted to establish a moral society
B. Jamestown settlers found success in mining for gold, Puritans wanted the right to vote for women
C. Jamestown settlers wanted religious freedom, Puritans’ main drive was to find a profitable cash crop
D. Jamestown settlers wanted religious persecution , Puritans wanted to separation of church and state
17. (USHC 1.1) How did the economies of the northern and southern colonies differ?
A. The South had many large cities and the North had very few cities and more small towns
B. The North focused on shipping and lumber and the South on agriculture (cash crops)
C. The South had many different types of crops and the North grew on only a few
D. The North focused on slave labor as a cheap labor source to produce goods
18. (USHC 1.1) John Winthrop’s ideas for a “City Upon a Hill” in the Massachusetts Bay Colony included which of the
A. Religious toleration
C. Dependence on slave labor
B. Removal of dissenters
D. A King and a Queen
19. (USHC 1.1) How were the experiences of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson of Massachusetts Bay Colony
A. Both were banished for questioning Puritan ways
B. Both were banished for questioning King James
C. Both were banished for speaking out against William Penn
D. Both were banished for having services without ministers
20. (USHC 1.1) What did New England colonies focus their economic activity on?
A. Shipping, lumber, and fishing
C. Rice, silk, and cattle
B. Tobacco, wheat, and furs
D. Indigo, flax, and glass
21. (USHC 1.1) Which of the following is a true statement concerning the social structure of the settlement of North
A. French settlers were dependent on slave labor
B. The Spanish refused to use slave labor and did not have distinct social classes
C. The church helped the development of towns and schools in New England
D. The Southern colonies only used indentured servants on the larger plantations
22. (USHC 1.1) Though English colonists were loyal to Britain, what was their common belief?
A. The British Parliament had the right to impose taxes on them
B. The colonies should break away and create their own country
C. A separate King and Queen should represent the colonies in North America
D. Only colonial assemblies had the right to tax them based on the Magna Carta
(USHC 1.1) What did the traditions of Parliament and the distance of England from North America help to foster in
the colonies?
A. Democratic institutions
C. Laws that limited the rights of citizens
B. A desire for a dictatorship
D. The desire for a different King and Queen
(USHC 1.1) What was a major cash crop for the Southern colonies before 1790?
A. Corn
C. Cotton
B. Peanuts
D. Rice
(USHC 1.1) What event was most influential on the colonists’ perception of their rights as Englishmen?
A. Stono Rebellion
C. Bacon’s Rebellion
B. Glorious Revolution
D. French Revolution
(USHC 1.1) Which colonial region had the MOST religious diversity during the 1700s?
A. New England colonies
C. Middle colonies
B. Southern colonies
D. Backcountry
Create an outline on the following topics
Option 1: Summarize the similarities and differences between the North American landholdings of Spain, France, and
England in terms of the following:
Think about: A. Economic goals and strategies
B. Religious goals and strategies
C. Social and political hierarchies
Option 2: Summarize the similarities and differences between the English colonies of New England, Mid-Atlantic, and
Southern regions in terms of the following:
Think about: A. Economic goals and strategies
B. Religious goals and strategies
C. Social and political hierarchies
27. (USHC 2.1) What does the colonists’ slogan “No taxation without representation” express a belief in?
A. Free trade
C. The supremacy of Parliament
B. Economic interdependence
D. The consent of the governed
28. (USHC 2.1) How were the Mayflower Compact and the Virginia House of Burgesses important to the development
colonial America?
A. They were examples of British protests
C. They protected private ownership of
B. They were examples of representative
D. They granted voting rights to all white
29. (USHC 2.1) Compare British colonial policy before and after the French and Indian War.
A. Britain profited from the colonies before the war through taxes and loosened control after the war
B. Britain attempted to regain control and raised taxes after the war after years of neglect
C. Britain’s involvement with the colonies remained largely the same
D. Britain offered to sell Spain their North American land claims to pay for the war
30. (USHC 2.1) Ultimately, what was the colonists’ argument against the series of taxes passed by Parliament?
A. It was their right to have someone represent them in Parliament
B. Other British colonies in North America should have to pay high taxes, too
C. Only their colonial legislatures had the power to levy taxes
D. It would be more profitable to tax the rich at a higher rate
31. (USHC 2.2) Read the quotation below and answer the question that follows.
The representative of the French people…have determined to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural,
unalienable, and sacred rights of man…[and reinforce] the happiness of all.
French National Assembly, 1789
Which important U.S. document influenced this excerpt?
A. The Bill of Rights
C. The Articles of Confederation
B. The U.S. Constitution
D. The Declaration of Independence
32. (USHC 2.2) What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
A. Convince the King to retract the taxes Parliament imposed
B. Convince the colonists that the colonial assemblies are powerless
C. Convince the French that they can win the French and Indian War
D. Convince the colonists to join in the opposition to the Crown
33. (USHC 2.2) What portion of the Declaration of Independence has been used as a worldwide rallying cry for
disadvantaged people?
A. “Give me Liberty or give me Death…”
C. “Right of the people to alter or abolish…”
B. “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…”
D. “No taxation without representation…”
34. (USHC 2.3) Which newspaper headline BEST illustrates the ineffectiveness of the Articles of Confederation?
A. “Whiskey Rebellion Begins in Western Pennsylvania”
B. “New York Imposes Tariff on Connecticut Goods”
C. “Supreme Court Denied Power of Judicial Review”
D. “Land Ordinance of 1785 Issued by Congress”
35. (USHC 2.3) Why was the Articles of Confederation adopted with a weak central government?
A. Americans wanted to model their new government after Britain’s
B. Americans created a strong executive branch with a President instead
C. They wanted the Royal Governors to lead the executive branch
D. They wanted their colonial assemblies to operate as they did before
36. (USHC 2.3) Which of the following is an example of the Articles of Confederation’s weakness economically?
A. The weak central government could not force British troops to leave frontier forts
B. The Confederation could not regulate interstate trade, currency, or levy taxes
C. The Articles of Confederation could only be amended with an unanimous vote
D. The weak central government could not settle boundary disputes between states
37. (USHC 2.3) Which of the following is an example of the Articles of Confederation’s effectiveness?
A. The disputed land claims of states resulted in land ordinances
B. Representation of states in Congress was based on population
C. The judicial branch settled disputes between states
D. The executive branch could raise taxes to support the army
38. (USHC 2.4) What was an important argument that the Federalists made in support of a new constitution?
A. It would weaken slavery
C. It would strengthen the economy
B. It would protect states’ rights
D. It would protect the rights of the individual
39. (USHC 2.4) What message did Shays’s Rebellion send to political leaders?
A. The Articles of Confederation were working well
B. The nation needed a stronger central government to enforce its laws
C. Big states and small states should be represented equally in Congress
D. Slaves should not be counted as people in determining representation
40. (USHC 2.4) What did the Federalists finally agree to do to address the concerns of many Antifederalists during the
debate over ratification of the Constitution?
A. Political parties would be formed
C. Slavery would be eliminated by an amendment
B. States would retain control of interstate commerce
D. A bill of rights would be added
41. (USHC 2.4) During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the plans for Congress proposed by delegates from New
Jersey and Virginia differed mainly over what issue?
A. Life terms of office or short terms of office
B. Appointed legislators or elected legislators
C. Equal state representation or proportionate state representation
D. Power to check other branches or power limited to lawmaking
42. (USHC 2.5) George Mason wrote in 1787 that “The purse and the sword must not be in the same hands”. Which
principle in the US Constitution BEST reflects the concern expressed in this quotation?
A. Due process of law
C. Separation of powers
B. Popular sovereignty
D. Independent judiciary
43. (USHC 2.5) Which newspaper headline shows the operation of the system of checks and balances?
A. “Senate Rejects President’s Choice of Supreme Court Justice”
B. “Florida To Gain Two Seats in the United States House of Representatives”
C. “Albany County Receives $4 Million from Congress for Transportation Development”
D. “New York State Rejects Federal Regulations on Drug Testing”
44. (USHC 2.5) What is a major difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution as evidenced by
“We the People…do ordain and establish this Constitution”?
A. Sovereignty lies with the states under the Constitution
B. Sovereignty lies with the people under the Constitution
C. Sovereignty lies with the federal government under the Articles of Confederation
D. Sovereignty lies with the judicial branch under the Articles of Confederation
45. (USHC 2.5) …He (the President) shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make
treaties, provided two thirds of the senators concur (agree); and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate….
i. Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, Constitution of the United States
This portion of the Constitution illustrates the principle of
A. Checks and balances
C. Judicial review
B. Executive review
D. Implied powers
46. (USHC 2.6) Which aspect of economic policy did Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton agree upon?
A. The U.S. government should pass a protective tariff
B. The U.S. government should use liquor taxes to raise revenue
C. The U.S. government should pay off the war debt to foreign countries
D. The U.S. government should insure deposits in the Bank of the United States
47. (USHC 2.6) Which view would Thomas Jefferson, a leading Democratic-Republican, have agreed with?
A. The United States should concentrate power in the federal government
B. The United States should share power with state and local governments and limit federal power
C. The United States should have a republic led by the well educated elite
D. The United States should have an economy based on shipping and manufacturing
48. (USHC 2.6) What key issue in American history did political parties form from?
A. The decision to allow citizens the right to bear arms
C. The role of religion in affairs of the state
D. The right to vote for women
B. The power and size of the federal government
49. (USHC 2.6) Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamilton’s plan to create a national bank for what reason?
A. It would weaken the nation’s currency in Europe
B. It depended on a “strict” interpretation of the Constitution
C. It would benefit farmers instead of industrial investors
D. It depended on a “loose” interpretation of the Constitution
50. (USHC 2.7) Read the quotation below and answer the question that follows.
We are unanimously of opinion, that the law passed by the legislature of Maryland, imposing a tax on the
Bank of the United States, is unconstitutional.
McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819
Which was one important outcome of this court decision?
A. The principle of no taxation without representation
B. The establishment of a federal government
C. The strengthening of judicial review
D. The creation of a national bank
51. (USHC 2.7) What principle was affirmed in the Supreme Court case of Marbury vs. Madison?
A. The right of the citizens to criticize their government
B. The right of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional
C. The right of Congress to declare war
D. The right of states to nullify an act of Congress that they deem unconstitutional
52. (USHC 2.7) How did the United States Court strengthen its position under the leadership of Chief Justice John
Marshall (1801 – 1835)?
A. Declared racial segregation laws unconstitutional
B. Gave state the power to tax the Bank of the United States
C. Increased the ability of Congress to limit the powers of the president
D. Established the supremacy of federal laws over state laws
Create an outline on the following topics.
Option 1: Compare British colonial policy before and after the French and Indian War
Think about: A. Early representative government and salutary neglect (before)
B. Conflicts with royal governors (before)
C. Examples of Britain’s control after the war (after)
Option 2: Explain the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the Articles of Confederation.
Think about: A. Political – land disputes and state issues
B. Economic – trade and currency
C. Diplomatic – issues with foreign countries
Option 3: Summarize the origin and course of the creation of the U.S. Constitution.
Think about:
A. The economic crisis that called for the convention
B. Disputes between states and their compromises
C. The positions of Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Option 4: Compare the views of Jefferson and Hamilton on the following:
Think about:
A. Moving the capital to the District of Columbia
B. Whiskey Rebellion
C. French Revolution
53. (USHC 3.1) Which of the following land acquisitions of the nineteenth century is correct?
A. The Louisiana Purchase was bought from Britain
C. The state of Texas was won from Spain
B. The Northwest Territory was bought from France
D. The state of Florida was ceded from Spain
54. (USHC 3.1) Which characteristic is MOST commonly associated with the westward expansion of the United States?
A. Industrialism
C. Individualism
B. Mercantilism
D. Reformism
55. (USHC 3.1) How did westward expansion impact the developing American character?
A. The right to vote was limited to large land holders
B. The rise of the “common man” in the Age of Jackson
C. Sympathy for the Native Americans resulted in payment for their land
D. Slave labor was limited to states that had access to sea ports
56. (USHC 3.1) Since President Jackson believed assimilation would not work, he urged Congress to pass the Indian
Removal Act in 1830 which had what effect?
A. Authorized the military to attack all Indians east of the Mississippi that were seen as a threat
B. Funded treaties to be made that would move all Indians to locations west of the Mississippi
C. Asked all Indians to abide by all laws created by the United States, not just those of their respective tribe
D. Refused to recognize any Indian nation that had attacked settlers in the past
57. (USHC 3.1) During the first half of the 19th century, what did the construction of railroads lead to?
A. A new source of labor in Native American Indians in coal mines
B. Growing tension between North and South for access to the Pacific Ocean
C. A severe economic decline in the Southern and Western states
D. A growth of plantations in the New England states using slave labor
58. (USHC 3.1) For what practical reason did Americans move west?
A. Access the numerous harbors for trade with Australia
B. Create a new country with Native Americans and Spain
C. The abundance of Native Americans was a great attraction
D. Potential new markets for opportunities to get rich
59. (USHC 3.1) In the first half of the 19 century, what impact did settlers have on the Native Americans?
A. They profited from selling their land in 100 acre plots
B. The majority assimilated into their culture
C. Their hunting grounds were improved
D. Many were forced to relocate
60. (USHC 3.1) During the first half of the 19th century, what did territorial expansion lead to?
A. Increased tensions over slavery
B. Improved relations with bordering nations
C. Fewer conflicts with Native American Indians
D. Decreased domestic demand for manufactured goods
61. (USHC 3.1) How did the US government’s policy toward Native Americans change after the Civil War?
A. The US wanted to relocate all Natives to Florida
B. The US decided to pay for all of the land it had taken
C. The US continued the policy of assimilation
D. The US decided to create reservations for the Natives
62. (USHC 3.1) “Children cry and many men cry, and all look sad like when friends die, but they say nothing and just
put heads down and keep on go towards West. Many days pass and people die very much”.
- From the Heart: Voices of the American Indian
Who was most likely to have made this quote?
A. survivor of the Battle of Little Big Horn
C. A survivor of the Trail of Tears
B. A member of the Lewis and Clark
D. A survivor of the Alamo
63. (USHC 3.2) During the 1800s, what was frequently cited as a justification for U.S. expansionist policies in clashes
with other nations?
A. Bill of Rights
C. Manifest Destiny
B. Social Contract
D. Gospel of Wealth
64. (USHC 3.2) What was a major purpose of the Monroe Doctrine (1823)?
A. Limit European influence in the Western Hemisphere
B. Establish United States colonies in South America
C. Form military alliances with Latin American nations
D. Avoid involvement in Canadian conflicts
65. (USHC 3.2) Why was the U.S.’s role limited in enforcing the Monroe Doctrine?
A. Congress was limited and not concerned with affairs of other countries
B. The U.S.’s military was limited and thus depended on Britain
C. Mexico volunteered to enforce the Monroe Doctrine
D. The strong governments in Latin America did not need protection
66. (USHC 3.2) The term Manifest Destiny was first used to support what?
A. Independence from Great Britain
C. Efforts to stop secession of Southern states
B. Westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean
D. Laws restricting labor union activity
67. (USHC 3.2) How did the desire to acquire new lands affect the relationship between the United States and
A. It inspired the defense at the Alamo
B. It discouraged settlement in California
C. It helped the United States justify the annexation of Texas
D. It prevented the United States from taking control of the Gulf of Mexico
68. (USHC 3.2) Why did the Mexican government invite Americans to Texas?
A. To protect the area from Indian attacks and horse thieves
B. To mine for coal and diamonds near the Rio Grande river
C. To convert the natives to Catholicism
D. To help overthrow Santa Anna
69. (USHC 3.2) Why did the Texans revolt?
A. Slavery was made legal by the Mexican government
B. Their local powers were revoked by Santa Anna
C. Mexican troops killed Stephen Austin
D. They were forced to pay a settlement tax
70. (USHC 3.2) What dispute led to war with Mexico?
A. Mexico wanted more money for the purchase of Texas
B. California was invaded by U.S. troops
C. Whether slavery would be allowed in Texas
D. U.S. troops were sent to the Rio Grande
71. (USHC 3.3) Why did Southerners feel threatened by the American System?
A. It would create a tax on all goods that were shipped overseas
B. It provided free land to settlers who wanted to end slavery
C. It was perceived as an alliance between the West and North
D. It was a proposal to reduce the number of senators in Congress
72. (USHC 3.3) What was a major reason that slavery expanded in the South in the first half of the 1800s?
A. Federal government regulations favored Southern exports
B. New inventions led to an increase in cotton production
C. Most early textile mills were built in the South
D. The federal government encouraged the importation of enslaved people
73. (USHC 3.3) Prior to 1850, what was a main reason the North developed an economy increasingly based on
manufacturing while the South continued to rely on an economy based on agriculture?
A. Protective tariffs applied only to northern seaports
B. Geographic conditions supported different types of economic activity
C. Slavery in the North promoted rapid economic growth
D. Manufacturers failed to make a profit in the South
74. (USHC 3.3) Which of the following resulted in the North’s economic focus on industry and finance in the first half
of the 19th century?
A. The fertile soil along the seaboard created a need for immigrant labor
B. Capital earned through the harvest of several cash crops
C. The importation of cotton from Britain was stored and sold at higher prices
D. The Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812 halted shipping goods
75. (USHC 3.3) Why did Southerners dislike the Bank of the United States?
A. It profited the wealthy stockholders only
B. It profited the average farm worker only
C. It was in a part of the Constitution that Southerners disagreed with
D. It was created to benefit the weak governments in Latin America
76. (USHC 3.3) The completion of the Erie Canal in the early 19th century aided the economic development of the
United States in what way?
A. Supplying water for the irrigation of western farms
B. Lowering the cost of shipping goods from the Midwest to the Atlantic coast
C. Providing a shipping route for cotton from the South to Europe
D. Supplying waterpower for running factories and mill
77. (USHC 3.3) What were the new resources in the West that attracted development?
A. Fast flowing rivers for factories
C. Fertile farm land and minerals
B. Native American slave labor
D. Timber for shipbuilding
Create an outline using the following topics
Option 1: Explain the impact of westward expansion in the development of the United States.
Think about: A. Give examples of land acquisitions and how they were acquired
B. Summarize people’s motivations for moving West
C. Summarize the changing policies on Native Americans
Option 2: Explain the impact of the actions of the U.S. government on the U.S.’s relations with
other nations due to the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny.
Think about: A. Define Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny
B. Explain an example of each in the 19th century
C. Infer the long term impact on U.S. foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere
Option 3: Compare the economic development of the North, South, and West in the United
Think about: A. Give examples of economic development per region
B. Explain the political controversies between the regions
78. (USHC 4.1) How did the population of the North affect its culture?
A. Education was not important to the early Puritans
B. Slaves had a major impact on the development of farming
C. Northerners wanted to end high tariffs and the national bank
D. Immigrants supplied the labor for the growing industries
79. (USHC 4.1) Which of the following MOST accurately describes the culture of the South?
A. Immigrants were attracted to the area to pursue jobs in agriculture
B. Southerners supported high tariffs and the national bank
C. The majority of southerners lived on large plantations with many slaves
D. The wealthy educated their children privately
80. (USHC 4.1) What was a result of the protests of abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick
A. Southern slave owners sought to justify their culture
B. All Northerners became abolitionists
C. They united the country through difficult times
D. Their tireless efforts brought an end to slavery
81. (USHC 4.1) What is the relationship between the women’s rights and abolitionist movements?
A. The abolitionist movement began when women began to push for their right to vote
B. The abolitionist movement began when women began to educate slaves and freed blacks
C. The women’s rights movement began when they were denied participation in an abolitionist convention
D. The women’s rights movement began when slavery was eliminated from the new states in the west
82. (USHC 4.1) Which of the following statements of the lives of African Americans during the antebellum period is
A. Free blacks were granted the same rights as whites in the North
B. The treatment of slaves varied among different plantations
C. Most free blacks in the South lived on large farms
D. Slavery was never allowed in the New England states
83. (USHC 4.2) What did the South gain from both the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?
A. An enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law
B. A provision to honor the Mason-Dixon line
C. The gradual elimination of slavery in the territories being added to the nation
D. The use of popular sovereignty in making decisions about slavery in the territories
84. (USHC 4.2) Debates over the Wilmot Proviso, the Dred Scott decision, and the spread of slavery into the new
territories further divided the US over what issue?
A. Balance of power between free and slave states in the Senate
B. Balance between the rights of individuals and the need to maintain order
C. Protection of the rights of ethnic and racial groups
D. Separation of power between the executive and legislative branches
85. (USHC 4.2) The formation of the Confederate States of America, a result of the conflicting views of states’ rights and
federal authority, was created over what concern?
A. The abolitionists’ creation of the “Liberty Party”
B. The abolitionists’ desire to educate former slaves
C. President Lincoln would allow popular sovereignty in future states and thus tip the balance in favor of slave
states in the Senate
D. President Lincoln would not allow slavery in future states and thus would tip the balance in favor of free
states in the Senate
86. (USHC 4.2) What policy did the Republican Party (1854) retain of the “free soilers”?
A. Slavery must be abolished for the nation to survive
B. The number of free and slave states in the Senate must be equal
C. Slavery should be gradually eliminated over a period of time
D. Slavery would not be extended into the territories
87. (USHC 4.2) To what degree were abolitionists such as Harriet Beecher Stowe successful?
A. They impacted the actions of the national
C. Their efforts created the Fugitive Slave Laws
D. They helped to glamorize Manifest Destiny
B. They influenced public sentiment against slavery
88. (USHC 4.2) What did the Mexican Cession, “Bleeding Kansas”, and John Brown’s raid have in common?
A. All were examples of Manifest Destiny
B. All provoked increased debate over slavery
C. All were sparked by conflict with Native Americans
D. All helped Democrats win the ensuing presidential election
89. (USHC 4.3) What advantages did the South have over the North at the beginning of the Civil War?
A. Better military leadership and knowledge of
C. A stronger navy and more miles of railroad
the terrain
B. Better industrial capability and more
D. A stronger political leader in Abraham
90. (USHC 4.3) In the fall of 1862, what was one immediate effect of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation
A. It ended the Civil War
C. It abolished slavery in all states of the Union
B. It created confusion in the South
D. It led European countries to ally with the South
91. (USHC 4.3) What role did African-American military units play in the Civil War as a result of the Emancipation
A. They served in separate regiments commanded by white officers
B. They served alongside the white Union soldiers commanded by white officers
C. They received pay equal to that of white soldiers
D. Their mortality (death) rates were comparable to that of the white soldiers
92. (USHC 4.3) The Union army’s plan for defeating the South, known as the Anaconda plan, included what strategy?
A. Blockading Southern ports to disrupt their
C. Controlling the Rio Grande River
D. Capturing Jefferson Davis, their President
B. Burning all state capitals to punish the South
93. (USHC 4.3) Why is the Battle of Gettysburg considered to be the turning point of the Civil War?
A. It made the South give up the idea of
C. It convinced the Confederacy to surrender
invading the North
D. It marked the first Union victory on the
B. It divided the Confederacy
94. (USHC 4.4) What was one significant economic reason why the South remained poor after Reconstruction?
A. The physical damage to the South that resulted from the Civil War
B. The shortage of labor as freemen left plantations for northern factories
C. The high taxes imposed on the southern states as punishment for secession
D. The bottom fell out of the stock after the passage of the 12th amendment
95. (USHC 4.4) What was the result of the 15th amendment that was passed during Reconstruction?
A. All Americans were granted the right to vote
B. Land was divided among and given to former slaves in the South
C. African Americans were freed from slavery
D. African Americans were elected to the Senate
96. (USHC 4.4) What was the South’s response to the passage of the 13th amendment?
A. They were willing to acknowledge educated blacks only
B. They passed laws that limited the rights of African Americans
C. They created the Freemen’s Bureau in 1865
D. They stationed Confederate troops in every major city
97. (USHC 4.4) Which of the following is a correct comparison of the Presidential and Congressional plans for
A. The Radical Republicans wanted to uphold Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction
B. Congress wanted to safeguard the Black Codes passed by southern states
C. President Johnson was lenient on the South and Congress was more rigid
D. President Johnson was rigid on the South and Congress was more lenient
98. (USHC 4.4) What was the economic impact of Reconstruction on the South?
A. Agriculture and cotton now depended on sharecropping
B. Confederate money was converted to US dollars at a low rate
C. The US government could only afford to help the South with railroads
D. High tariffs caused many farmers to seek employment in northern cities
99. (USHC 4.5) At the conclusion of the Civil War, what happened to MOST freedmen?
A. They moved west and many settled in
C. They remained on the former plantations
D. They remained in the South but moved to a
B. They moved to large cities in the North
(USHC 4.5) How did the Freedmen’s Bureau assist freed slaves in the South after the Civil War?
A. It created educational opportunities
C. It set up a sharecropping system
B. It helped them start small businesses
D. It gave them forty acres of land
(USHC 4.5) How did southern state governments undermine the 14th and 15th amendments and reverse the
progress made by African Americans?
A. Poll taxes and literacy tests were required for voting and segregation was upheld by
the Supreme Court in Plessey vs Ferguson
B. The grandfather clause was used for all elderly men to vote and sharecropping laws
were upheld by the Supreme Court in U.S. vs Cruikshank
C. Plantation owners forced their slaves to stay and work the fields
D. The Compromise of 1877 reversed both amendments
(USHC 4.5) How did the Ku Klux Klan, which began as a social club for Confederate veterans, limit the rights of
African Americans?
A. They assassinated the first African American politician
B. They helped to create the crop lien system in the South
C. They campaigned to have their voice heard in Congress
D. They attempted to prevent African Americans from voting
(USHC 4.5) Which of the following statements best describes the lives of African Americans during
A. Though they were not able to obtain any political offices, they did have the right to vote in elections
B. The land that was given to them by the federal government caused resentment from whites
C. They did not have money to buy land and became sharecroppers, still dependent on white landowners
D. They did not face discrimination from others after the 13th amendment was passed
I. Create an outline using the following topics
Option 1: Compare the social and cultural characteristics of the United States during the
antebellum period.
Think about: A. North, South, and the West
B. Lives of African Americans in the North and South
C. Reform movements such as abolition and women’s rights
Option 2: Explain the political events and issues that divided the nation and how they led to civil
Think about: A. Compromises that were made
B. Successes and failures of the abolitionist movement
C. The conflicting views of states’ rights and federal authority
Option 3: Explain the course and outcome of the Civil War.
Think about: A. Strategies used based on economic and geographic factors
B. Significant battles
C. Political leadership of both sides and the role of the Emancipation Proclamation
Option 4: Summarize the effects of Reconstruction on the South and African Americans.
Think about: A. Politically and economically
B. Opposition to the 14th and 15th amendments
C. Role of the Freedman’s Bureau
(USHC 5.1) Which philosophy of the early 1900s is expressed in the following quotation?
“Nature’s cure for most social and political diseases is better than man’s.”
- Nicholas Murray Butler, President Of Columbia University
A. Socialism
C. Social Darwinism
B. Communism
D. Gospel of Wealth
(USHC 5.1) What tactic did business leaders John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie use to create large
A. Both reduced the quality of their product to raise revenue
B. They undersold or “bought out” their competition
C. Both increased the pay of their workers
D. They gained all of their wealth by illegal means
(USHC 5.1) The rise of corporations in the late 19th century can be attributed to what?
A. Joint stock companies that invested wisely in the stock market
B. Monopolies and corporate mergers which resulted in a larger influence on governmental policies
C. The sale of large land holdings from the acquisition of new territories from Mexico
D. Advances in the shipping industry enabled goods to be moved faster
(USHC 5.1) What were the results of new inventions such as the typewriter and the overall mass production of
A. New opportunities for women in the workplace and a rise in the standard of living
B. New opportunities for women in the workplace and an inflated economy
C. Many workers lost their jobs due to new technology so the unemployment rate rose
D. Many workers lost their jobs due to new technology but regained them when the economy revived
(USHC 5.2) How did the federal government use tariffs in the late 1800s to help the United States grow into an
industrial power?
A. To tax U.S. industry as a source of federal income
B. To convince other nations to buy newly available U.S. products
C. To support U.S. businesses that imported the newest technologies
D. To discourage U.S. consumers from buying foreign-made products
(USHC 5.2) Which of the following is an example of how the federal government attempted to fully utilize the
vast natural resources available in the West?
A. State governments passed protective tariffs to increase trade
B. State governments were permitted to control interstate commerce
C. Labor policies promoted open immigration which in turn supplied workers
D. Labor policies promoted the use of Native Americans for mining
(USHC 5.2) During the Civil War, economic growth occurred when Congress passed laws that stimulated
westward expansion in what way?
A. They offered subsidies to railroads and free land to settlers
B. They offered subsidies to oil and steel companies
C. They offered stock options in the railroad companies
D. They offered protection from hostile Native Americans
(USHC 5.3) Cause and effect:
1. The mechanization of farm equipment yielded larger harvests
2. Supply exceeded demand and prices fell
3. Farmers planted more to pay off their debt
4. ?
What event happened next to the 19th century farmer?
A. Prices fell when railroad rates soared to an all-time high
B. Prices rose as some farmers began to specialize in one crop
C. Prices gradually rose as urban populations began to rise
D. Prices continued to fall and farmers went deeper into debt
USHC 5.3) Which economic problem experienced by farmers in the late 1800s followed by political action to
address it is correct?
A. The price of grain skyrocketed and senators voted to give farmers rebates
B. Agricultural tariffs drove prices down and senators voted to have them reduced
C. Farmers blamed railroads for their high rates and state legislatures passed the Granger Laws to protect them
D. Farmers blamed banks for their low interest rates and state legislatures passed the Granger Laws to protect
(USHC 5.3) How did farmers take political action to have their needs met?
A. They formed the Populist Party which advocated issues such as 10 hour work days
B. They formed the Populist Party which advocated issues such as “soft money”
C. They formed the Grange and organized rallies in Washington D.C.
D. They formed the Grange and they nominated McKinley for President
(USHC 5.4) How were the Great Strike of 1877, the Haymarket incident, and the Pullman Company Strike
viewed by the federal government?
A. The workers and the owners must come to an agreement on their own
B. Many politicians owned stock in the Pullman company
C. They believed the workers were being too greedy with their demands
D. They were worried that it would disrupt interstate trade
(USHC 5.4) During the late 1800s, what is one of the reasons labor unions had difficulty achieving gains for
A. Communists had taken control of most of the unions in major cities
B. The government supported business efforts to limit the powers of unions
C. Most unions had been organized by big business to improve conditions
D. Only unskilled workers were unsatisfied with working conditions
(USHC 5.4) What factor greatly limited unions of the late 19th century from effectively organizing?
A. Their members would give in to the demands of business
B. Issues such as minimum wage were constantly debated
C. They could not agree on who would lead them
D. Workers were divided along ethnic and racial lines
(USHC 5.5) Following Reconstruction, Democrats returned to power in the former Confederate states and
renewed the social and political oppression of southern African Americans. What was one result of this?
A. African Americans became farm workers in the North
B. Thousands of African American families migrated to the Midwest
C. The colonization movement settled African Americans in Liberia
D. Southern African Americans refused to serve in the U.S. military
(USHC 5.5) What is one of the reasons why so many Americans moved to urban areas in the late nineteenth
A. Many farmers lost their land and were looking for work
B. Cities had a reputation for providing welfare to the unemployed
C. Cities offered a clean and healthy environment to raise children
D. The tax burden was significantly less in urban areas
(USHC 5.5) What was a major reason most western states granted women suffrage prior to the adoption of the
19th amendment?
A. Western states had more college-educated women than the eastern states
B. Women outnumbered men in states west of the Mississippi River
C. A majority of western states had legislatures controlled by women
D. The important roles played by frontier women promoted equality
(USHC 5.6) Immigrants who came to the US in the late nineteenth century often settled in an ethnic neighborhood
(in a city) of their culture for what reason?
A. They preferred living in the city as opposed to a rural setting
B. They could speak their own language and practice customs and religion
C. They were promised a job if they lived there for at least a year
D. The ethnic neighborhoods offered cleaner water and better sanitation
(USHC 5.6) What was the response to the growth in immigration in the late 1800s which gave rise to antiimmigrant groups and demand for immigration restrictions called?
A. Americanization
C. Purification
B. Populism
D. Nativism
(USHC 5.6) Which of the following BESTS describes the relationship between political bosses and immigrants?
A. Bosses hired immigrants to perform the jobs that no one else wanted
B. Bosses helped immigrants find jobs and homes in turn for votes
C. Immigrants borrowed money from the bosses and repaid them gradually
D. Immigrants learned a trade from the bosses and worked for them for at least a year
(USHC 5.6) “I’ve been called a boss. All there is to it is having friends, doing things for people, and then later on
they’ll do things for you… You can’t coerce people into doing things for you – you can’t make them vote for you. I
never coerced anybody in my life. Whenever you see a man bulldozing anybody he don’t last long.”
-James Pendergast
The Pendergast Machine
What is being described in this quote?
A. The relationship between political bosses and residents of a city
B. The relationship between industrial bosses and their workers
C. The corrupt life of an industrial factory owner
D. The way that President Roosevelt was elected
(USHC 5.7) How was President Theodore Roosevelt an effective progressive reformer?
A. He supported government regulation of corporations and protected the rights of workers and consumers
B. He supported Social Darwinism in business and passed legislation to protect business owners
C. He was critical in the passage of the 19th amendment
D. He passed a series of anti child labor laws
(USHC 5.7) During the Progressive Era, what was Jane Addams MOST noted for?
A. Advocating the use of child labor in factories
B. Educating the public about the evils of alcohol
C. Enlisting the help of state senators in making women’s suffrage a constitutional
D. Creating a settlement house where immigrants could take classes and receive child
(USHC 5.7) In what ways was the progressive movement limited during the 1920s?
A. Many muckrakers lost their jobs due to the negative influence they had on society
B. Passage of the 19th amendment resulted in many progressive politicians losing their
voice in congress
C. The 18th amendment was impossible to enforce and WWI undermined many
progressive initiatives
D. Immigration laws were not enforced and there was a public outcry for more civil
rights legislation
127. (USHC 5.7) Which of the following would both Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois MOST likely agree
was crucial to the advancement of African Americans?
A. Education
C. Religion
B. Civil Rights
D. Jim Crow laws
I. Create an outline using the following topics
Option 1: Summarize the development of the new industrial organizations of the late nineteenth
Think about: A. Role of the Railroad
B. Roles and strategies of Carnegie and Rockefeller
C. Business ideologies and their impact
Option 2: Explain the economic problems of farmers in the late 19th century and the role that
farmers played to correct them with political action.
Think about: A. Impact of mechanized farming and issues with banks and
B. Role of the Grange and Populist Party
C. The election of 1896
Option 3: Analyze the rise of the labor movement in the late 19th century.
Think about: A. Working conditions and the composition of the workforce
B. Obstacles experienced by labor unions
C. The results of the major strikes that occurred
Option 4: Compare the effectiveness and limitations of the progressiveness movement.
Think about: A. The roles of Roosevelt, DuBois, Washington, and Addams
B. Examples of specific social or political reform
C. Examples of limitations on progressivism
(USHC 6.1) How did the old expansion of the 1800s contrast with the new imperialism of the early 1900s?
A. Manifest Destiny sought to overtake neighboring countries and imperialism
was designed to acquire a new source of labor from foreign countries
B. Manifest Destiny was motivated by land hunger and imperialism was
designed to secure new markets
C. Imperialism was motivated by the desire to acquire new states and
Manifest Destiny was designed to secure new markets
D. Imperialism was developed by socialist reformers and Manifest Destiny
was developed by the Founding Fathers
(USHC 6.1) Why did the US attempt to expand its influence in the early twentieth century?
A. So they could find another cheap labor source
B. So they could compete with the growing powers of Europe
C. To test out the latest technological advances in naval warfare
D. To recruit more people to immigrate to the US
(USHC 6.1) For what reason did the US move from a policy of isolationism to intervention in the late 1800s?
A. There was a need for raw materials and new markets
B. There was a need for a new source of labor
C. The nation was being threatened by Latin American countries
D. There was a concern about the lack of competition in international business
(USHC 6.1) Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
1. A strong navy will protect trade
2. Americans are superior to other cultures and states
3. With the frontier closed, America must find new markets
4. Christianity must be spread to other parts of the world
A. Reasons to Declare War on Spain
B. Justification for the reelection of Roosevelt
C. The power of yellow journalism
D. Reasons to expand capitalism globally
(USHC 6.1) Which of the following is a factor that contributed to the United States adopting a policy of
A. Domestic tensions including high railroad rates, strikes, and women’s suffrage
B. Domestic tensions including economic depression, strikes, and farmer unrest
C. The abuse of civil rights in other countries
D. The abuse of child labor in other countries
(USHC 6.1) What event is the BEST example of the use of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
A. The United States intervening in the Dominican Republic to collect debts
B. The United States forcing Japan to open trade with American merchants
C. The United States imposing tariffs on produce imported from Panama
D. The United States creating spheres of influence on mainland China
(USHC 6.2) How did the results of the Spanish American War affect the expansion of the United States?
A. The war ended U.S. expansion because of the extraordinary costs of the war
B. The war allowed the United States to acquire the Texas territory
C. The war led to increased U.S. expansion into South America
D. The war gave the United States territories in the South Pacific
(USHC 6.2) Of the following statements, the one that BEST reflects an anti-imperialist attitude is
A. “It is not necessary to own people to trade with them”
B. “The expansion of our trade and commerce is the pressing problem”
C. “Is there no nation wise enough, brave enough to aid this blood-smitten land?”
D. “Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall be ours…”
(USHC 6.2) What is the BEST description of the Imperialist and Anti-Imperialist views?
A. Both agreed on annexing the Philippines
B. Both have their roots in the Populist Party
C. Both were influenced by Social Darwinism and racial prejudice
D. Both were influenced by the progressive movement and labor unions
(USHC 6.2) What was an important result of the Spanish-American War of 1898?
A. The US became involved in Spanish political affairs and helped implement democracy
B. The US became a world power and was perceived negatively as a colonial power
C. It improved its relations with countries in the South Pacific and the Caribbean
D. It caused the US to lose interest in the affairs of Latin America
(USHC 6.2) Which two events led to a public outcry for US involvement in Spanish held colonies?
A. McKinley’s letter and Spain’s annexation of Panama
B. The placement of troops in Mexico and Spanish oppression in Hawaii
C. The execution of Cubans and the sinking of the U.S.S. Lusitania
D. DeLome’s letter and the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
(USHC 6.2) Which of the following is one of the reasons why the US declared war on Spain?
A. To help the Cubans who were under oppressive Spanish control
B. To help the Hawaiians who were ruled by an oppressive Spanish dictator
C. To help secure potential markets in Europe
D. To ensure that democracy was not threatened
(USHC 6.3) What tactic did President Theodore Roosevelt use to get the Panama Canal built?
A. He supported a rebellion against the Colombian government
B. He forced the Colombian government to sign the 1903 Hay-Herran treaty
C. He leased the canal zone from an international company
D. He seized Panama from Spain after the Spanish American War
(USHC 6.3) What was a common goal of both President Theodore Roosevelt’s Big Stick policy and President
William Howard Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy policy toward Latin America?
A. Join Western Hemisphere nations in a military alliance
B. Protect American economic and political interests
C. Encourage foreign nations to establish colonies
D. Raise Latin America’s standard of living
(USHC 6.3) What was the US’s intent in proclaiming the Open Door policy in 1899?
A. Keep Japan from attacking and colonizing China
B. Increase trade between East India and the United States
C. Ensure equal trading opportunities in China
D. Prevent European countries from colonizing the Western Hemisphere
(USHC 6.3) “The United States has a responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government it
views as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests.”
This policy pressured nations in the Western Hemisphere to establish democratic governments.
Which of the following presidential policies does this describe?
A. Woodrow Wilson’s moral diplomacy
C. Grover Cleveland’s economic diplomacy
B. William Taft’s dollar diplomacy
D. Theodore Roosevelt’s big stick diplomacy
(USHC 6.3) What was the result of the Presidential policies used in China and Latin America in the early
twentieth century?
A. Due to increased trade, China began an industrial revolution
B. An increased American role in world affairs and angry neighbors in the Western Hemisphere
C. An increased American role in domestic affairs and a positive view from Europeans
D. Latin American countries proposed an alliance to combat US intervention
(USHC 6.3) How was Teddy Roosevelt’s approach to foreign policy reflected in the proverb “Speak softly and
carry a big stick”?
A. He allowed U.S. troops to beat foreign natives for breaking U.S. laws
B. He studied West African methods for negotiating with foreign powers
C. His soft-spoken personality made foreign leaders trust and admire him
D. His negotiations were always backed with the threat of military force
(USHC 6.4) What are the causes of World War I?
A. Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, and Alliances
B. Nationalism, Isolationism, Diplomacy, and Alliances
C. Alliances, Nationalism, Isolationism, and Inflation
D. Alliances, Militarism, Diplomacy, and Imperialism
(USHC 6.4) Why is nationalism considered to be a driving force in causing the Great War?
A. It helped to create bonds between nations who disagreed in the past
B. People who share the same language and customs tend to be in conflict with one another
C. It caused competition among nations and led to the formation of military alliances
D. Nations with poor economies but strong armies attempted to take over weaker nations
(USHC 6.4) During his reelection campaign in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson used the slogan, “He kept us out
of war.” In April of 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. What helped bring about this change?
A. Bolshevik forces increased their strength in Germany and Italy
B. Britain was invaded by nations of the Central Powers
C. The German navy sunk the U.S.S. Maine
D. Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare
(USHC 6.4) Compare the ethnic conflicts in Europe and America at the onset of World War I.
A. Ethnic rivalries in the Balkans helped start WWI in Europe and Germans were
discriminated against in the U.S.
B. Ethnic rivalries in the United States helped start WWI in Europe and Russians were
discriminated against in the U.S.
C. The disagreements between France and Russia ignited WWI and British immigrants
were discriminated against in the U.S.
D. The disagreements between Muslims and Christians spread from Europe to the U.S.
and helped start WWI
(USHC 6.4) How did the U.S. Expeditionary Force affect the course of the Great War?
A. They used guerilla warfare to defeat the superior German army
B. They deflected the last push of the Germans with fresh troops
C. They combined forces with Russia to create a two-fronted war
D. They were the first to use machine guns and grenade launchers
(USHC 6.4) Which of the following was an event that challenged American neutrality during the Great War?
A. Britain’s pledge to unrestricted submarine warfare
B. Russia’s announcement of a new monarch
C. Germany’s proposal to Mexico for an alliance
D. Japan’s proposal to ally with Germany
(USHC 6.4) What reason did Senators give for opposing U.S. membership in the League of Nations and their
refusal to sign the Treaty of Versailles?
A. It would lead to international instability
B. It would drain American finances
C. It would interfere with previous free-trade agreements
D. It would drag the U.S. into European conflicts
(USHC 6.4) What was President Wilson’s goal at the Versailles Conference?
A. Create a lasting peace by eliminating the causes of war
B. Create new national boundaries with respect to ethnicity
C. To help Germany rebuild their war torn economy
D. To create a lasting peace by establishing the United Nations
Create an outline using the following topics
Option 1: Explain the influence of the Spanish-American War on the emergence of the United
States as a world power.
Think about: A. Reasons for declaring war
B. Results of the war
C. Pro and anti-imperialist arguments
Option 2: Compare the purposes and effects of the foreign policies in Asia and Latin America of
Presidents Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.
Think about: A. Intentions of their policies
B. Outcomes of their policies
C. The world’s perception of these actions
Option 3: Explain the causes and course of World War I in terms of the United States’
Think about: A. The role of nationalism and ethnic conflicts
B. Events that led to the US involvement
C. Result of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
(USHC 7.1) What effect did the automobile have on urban life?
A. Allowed workers to live miles from their jobs, resulting in urban sprawl
B. People were opposed to the automobile, foreseeing traffic problems
C. It reduced dating opportunities for young Americans
D. It created living and working neighborhoods in the cities, which brought citizens
closer together
(USHC 7.1) How did mass production techniques such as the assembly line affect the U.S. economy?
A. It caused higher levels of unemployment
B. It reduced the number of new industries
C. It created more products at lower prices
D. It started the growth of urban development
(USHC 7.1) What did the availability of easy credit allow many Americans to do?
A. Purchase goods at their full price
B. Purchase goods through an installment plan
C. Buy items without paying a luxury tax
D. Buy items that included a tax for national defense
(USHC 7.1) What was a result of the invention of home appliances for women?
A. Housework was easier and women began to campaign for political offices
B. Housework was easier but maintained their traditional role as wife and mother
C. It caused men to encourage their wives to work outside the home
D. It made many move to urban areas to take advantage of the use of electricity
(USHC 7.2) How was literature of the 1920s often critical of American culture?
A. It glorified war and glamorized our strong military
B. It questioned materialism and cultural values
C. It questioned restricting women from voting
D. It disagreed with luring more immigrants to the US
(USHC 7.2) Which contributed MOST to the Great Migration of African Americans to the North?
A. Increasing numbers of agricultural jobs in the South
B. Improved transportation systems in the North
C. Overcrowded conditions in southern cities
D. Labor shortages in northern cities
(USHC 7.2) What effect did radio and movies have on the US in the 1920s?
A. Radios helped to spread an appreciation for new trends in music and movies portrayed materialism
B. Radios were careful to censor news and information while movies glorified urban life
C. Radios helped to spread socialists ideas and movies exposed the plight of farmers
D. Radios were used to warn of the dangers of consumer overspending and movies promoted civil rights
(USHC 7.2) During the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, what was the intent of African American authors and
A. End segregation of public facilities
B. Promote affirmative action programs
C. Celebrate ties to African cultural traditions and black pride
D. Urge voters to elect more African Americans to political office
(USHC 7.3) Which pair of events illustrates an accurate cause-and-effect relationship?
A. Sacco and Vanzetti trial – ratification of the woman suffrage amendment
B. Rebirth of the KKK – formation of the Populist party
C. Red Scare – demand for limits on immigration
D. High food prices – start of the Great Depression
(USHC 7.3) Which generalization can best be drawn from the experiment with national Prohibition (1919 –
A. Social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce
B. Americans resent higher taxes
C. Morality can be legislated successfully
D. People will sacrifice willingly for the common good
(USHC 7.3) What was the major goal of the immigration quotas of the 1920s?
A. Allow unlimited immigration from Southeast Asia
B. Allow immigration from skilled workers only
C. Prevent court cases such as the Scopes Trial from reoccurring
D. Limit immigration from southern and eastern Europe
(USHC 7.3) What did women’s suffrage and Prohibition have in common?
A. Both were motivated by anti-communist sentiments
B. Both were successful conservative Christian crusades
C. Both were state laws in many parts of the country before becoming constitutional
D. Both were enacted as laws by Congress and then struck down by the Supreme
Court as unconstitutional
(USHC 7.3) “Public Ignores Prohibition Restrictions”
“Evolution and Creation Debated in Scopes Trial”
“Women Bring Change to the Industrial Workforce”
What do headlines such as these from the 1920s illustrate?
A. Conflict between traditional and modern values
B. Trend toward mass consumption of consumer goods
C. Hostility of certain groups toward ethnic minorities
D. Debate over the role of government in the economy
(USHC 7.3) The Red Scare, the National Origins Acts of the 1920s, and the verdict in the Sacco and Vanzetti trial
are examples of negative American attitudes toward whom?
A. Immigrants
C. African Americans
B. Business leaders
D. Labor union leaders
(USHC 7.4) How did the Federal Reserve’s decision to offer low interest rates in the early 1920s contribute to the
Great Depression?
A. It encouraged government limitations on the amount of money in circulation
B. It resulted in higher wages paid by employers
C. It resulted in an increased tax rate for corporations
D. It encouraged excessive speculation in the stock market
(USHC 7.4) What was the impact of the federal government’s decision to pass a high tariff on imported goods?
A. It helped to end the Great Depression
B. It helped to cause the Great Depression
C. It slowed international trade and depressed the world’s economies
D. It made American goods cheaper and resulted in a slight rise in demand
(USHC 7.4) What common problem did farmers of the 1890s and farmers of the 1920s face?
A. Failure to plant enough crops to meet local demand
B. Government overregulation of farming
C. Low tariffs on crops
D. Overproduction compared to consumer demand
(USHC 7.4) Which weakness in the American economy of the 1920s contributed to the Great Depression?
A. High taxation kept consumer spending at a low level
B. The richest Americans speculated in the stock market
C. Easy access to credit allowed many Americans to spend more than they earned
D. Businesses were unable to find enough skilled workers to operate new production
(USHC 7.4) Which economic condition was a major cause of the Great Depression?
A. High wages of industrial workers
B. Deficit spending by the federal government
C. Inability of industry to produce enough consumer goods
D. Uneven distribution of income between the rich and poor
(USHC 7.4) In what way is the Dust Bowl symbolic of the economy of the 1920’s?
A. The fragile environment, like the economy, could not withstand overproduction
B. The farmers in the Midwest, like the economy, experienced prosperity
C. Both resulted in a very low unemployment rate
D. Both were caused by strict government policies regarding trade
(USHC 7.5) How successful were the first New Deal programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
and the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
A. They were viewed as socialist ideas and were struck down by the Supreme Court
B. Some money was pumped into the economy and resulted in economic recovery
C. Some jobs were created but did not result in economic recovery
D. They helped to united people of different races
(USHC 7.5) One of the criticisms of the first New Deal programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt included
what concern?
A. Not doing enough to help farmers in the Midwest
B. Expanding the trustbusting practices of Progressive Era presidents
C. Encouraging greater production of agricultural goods
D. Increasing government involvement with both business and labor
(USHC 7.5) The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), created during the first New Deal, were important for what reason?
A. They increased the supply of money in the economy
B. They instilled confidence in banks and the stock market
B. They attempted to restore public confidence by reimbursing investors
D. They provided grants to unemployed workers
(USHC 7.5) What belief concerning government is a lasting effect of the New Deal?
A. It should own the principal means of producing goods and services
B. It should allow natural market forces to determine economic conditions
C. It should maintain a balanced federal budget during hard economic times
D. It should assume responsibility for the well-being of its citizens
(USHC 7.5) How does the second New Deal compare to the first?
A. It focused on reform while maintaining relief and recovery
B. It was criticized for not helping the unemployed or the elderly
C. Labor unions lost the privilege of collective bargaining
D. More legislation was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
(USHC 7.5) What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play during her husband’s tenure as president?
A. She assisted him in addressing civil rights issues
B. She helped him in understanding the needs of the farmers
C. She was critical in designing much of the New Deal legislation
D. She served as a mediator between the conservatives and liberals
Create an outline using the following topics
Option 1: Explain the conflicts between traditional American conservatism and modern
scientific liberalism and their outcomes in the 1920s. Use the following
groups to explain your answer:
Think about: A. Women
B. Immigrants
C. Prohibition and the Scopes Trial
Option 2: Explain the causes and effects of the stock market crash and the Great Depression
Think about: A. The distribution of wealth and view of the stock market
B. The role of the government
C. The impact on US citizens
Option 3: Explain the successes and failures of both phases of the New Deal in response to the
Great Depression.
Think about: A. Effectiveness of the first New Deal
B. Setbacks and criticism of the first New Deal
C. The new focus of the second New Deal and its criticism
(USHC 9.1) What effect did returning veterans have on women’s role in the workforce after World War II?
A. Women’s salaries were raised to equal men’s
B. It stalled their push for equal rights
C. Many returned to their roles as wife and mother
D. The number of female college graduates decreased
(USHC 9.1) What did new highways, affordable automobiles, and returning veterans from World War II
contribute to?
A. Rural towns
C. Communism
B. City slums
D. Suburbs
(USHC 9.1) What effect did postwar conditions have on educational programs in the 1950’s?
A. The GI Bill of rights allowed veterans to earn their high school diplomas
B. The launching of Sputnik resulted in a new emphasis on science and math
C. The baby boom resulted in the creation of a public school system
D. Many young people dropped out of school to find jobs and help their struggling families
(USHC 9.1) Which of the following had the GREATEST impact on the creation of the consumer culture in
postwar America?
A. Demand led to an increase in production, more jobs and resulted in an economic boom
B. The U.S. military was forced to cut back on spending, which freed tax money for investment
Television, through advertising, warned consumers not to overspend as they did
in the 1920’s
D. Products that were unavailable during the war or unaffordable during the Depression
were unwanted in the 1950’s
(USHC 9.1) Which of the following is an example of the postwar development of the “secularization of society” due
to the consumer culture?
A. Requiring prayer in public school
C. Making abortion illegal
B. Women’s movement for equity
D. Taxing churches
(USHC 9.2)
What is the cause of the protestors’ anger in the photograph?
A. Truman’s Federal Loyalty Program uncovered Soviet spies living in Washington D.C.
B. The fear that communism had infiltrated the U.S. government as claimed by McCarthyism
C. Suspected communist supporters from North Korea and China were permitted in the U.S.
D. Joseph McCarthy was threatened by the Soviets for exposing their communist propaganda
(USHC 9.2) What is one reason why the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. began to distrust each other?
A. Some Americans believed that communism played a role in causing the Great Depression
B. The Soviets wanted the states of Eastern Europe to hold elections and the U.S. wanted to create a buffer zone from
Germany after the war
C. The Soviets wanted a second front in Europe and the Americans wanted help with Japan during World War II
D. Russian immigrants in the 1920’s caused ethnic tensions in urban areas
(USHC 9.2) How was the policy of containment connected to the Marshall Plan?
A. Aid was given to countries in return for their promise to hold democratic elections
B. Aid was given to warn torn countries in hopes that they would be loyal to the U.S.
C. The U.S. gave economic aid to European countries in return for military bases
D. The U.S. gave financial support to countries that supplied the Allies with oil
(USHC 9.2) What was the result of the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba?
A. The plan failed and the U.S.’s prestige suffered
B. Castro was removed from power by Cuban exiles
C. The Soviets agreed to remove their missiles
D. Cuba joined the Warsaw pact to protect themselves
(USHC 9.2) How did the Berlin Wall come to symbolize the Cold War?
A. It initially was the idea of Winston Churchill to build an “Iron Curtain” in Berlin
B. It caused the U.S. to airlift supplies to the citizens in need in West Berlin
C. It divided Western democracy and Eastern communism in Berlin
D. It became an obstacle that Allied tanks could not maneuver around
(USHC 9.2) Which of the following is an accurate cause and effect occurrence during the Cold War?
A. U.S.S.R. explodes an atomic bomb – nuclear arms race begins
B. Castro becomes dictator of Cuba – U.S. adopts policy of containment
C. Cuban Missile Crisis – NATO is created as a military alliance against the U.S.S.R.
D. North Korea invades South Korea – communism takes over all of Korea
(USHC 9.3) What was a common criticism of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
A. It made the South Vietnamese more vulnerable to communist aggression
B. It encouraged the use of guerilla warfare in Vietnam
C. It allowed the U.S. executive branch too much power
D. It reduced the freedom of the American press
(USHC 9.3) What impact did the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War have on public opinion of the war?
A. Americans continued to support the effort
B. Americans began to criticize the war
C. Americans felt that the we were winning the war
D. The media supported the war effort in their broadcasts
(USHC 9.3) How did the result of the Vietnam War affect government power and foreign policy?
A. The United States must now send ambassadors to every nation
B. The United States lifted its policy of containment in the Middle East
C. Congress stripped the President of his war making powers, an example of “checks and balances”
D. Congress curbed the President’s war making powers to avoid unpopular wars in the future
(USHC 9.3) What was the cause of the protest at Kent State University?
A. Kennedy’s “peace with honor” devastated patriotic students
B. The gradual withdrawal of troops angered students who wanted a victory
C. Nixon’s “Vietnamization” coincided with major invasions
D. Johnson’s “Operation Rolling Thunder” involved 500,000 Americans
(USHC 9.3) Why did the protest movement grow during President Johnson’s campaign?
A. The draft was seen as unfair
B. The My Lai Massacre disillusioned many
C. The Pentagon Papers created a distrust of the government
D. The Watergate scandal caused people to question the President
(USHC 9.4) What impact did President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society have on the U.S.?
A. It replaced the draft system with the lottery during the Vietnam War
B. It extended the government’s commitment to social welfare
C. It gave free college tuition to students who qualified for financial aid
D. It promised to rid the country of all communist influence
(USHC 9.4) Which of the following is a correct statement concerning the respective President and his policy on
the Middle East?
A. President Eisenhower helped create a homeland for the Jews
B. President Truman intervened in the Suez Crisis and helped to prevent another war
C. President Ford was critical in stopping the oil embargo by OPEC
D. President Carter was successful with the Camp David Accords but lost ground with the Soviets
(USHC 9.4) What was the purpose of President Richard Nixon’s rapprochement with China?
A. To convince the Chinese to abandon communism
B. To discuss the unification of Taiwan and Communist China
C. To drive a wedge between the U.S.S.R. and China
D. To seek an alliance against North Vietnam
(USHC 9.4) What impact did Kennedy’s New Frontier have on the U.S.?
A. He could not get legislation passed to put it into action during his presidency
B. The Republican Congress immediately passed it and thus began the “space race”
C. The Environment Protection Agency was a monumental achievement
D. Due to the Vietnam War, he did not have the funds back his ideas
(USHC 9.4)
o U.S. Enters Korean War without Congressional Declaration
o Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba Begins
o Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Approved
Which political trend in the United States in the post-World War II period is reflected in these headlines?
A. The increase in judicial activism
B. The growing power of the presidency
C. The upsurge in the domestic anti-war movement
D. The rising threat if internal communist uprisings
(USHC 9.4) “…Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any
burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty…”
1. President John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, 1961
Based on this quote, what is an accurate statement concerning President Kennedy’s foreign policy aims?
A. He will have civil rights legislation passed
B. He will appease the Soviets to avoid war
C. He will contain communism
D. He will put an American on the moon
(USHC 9.5) How did Martin Luther King Jr.’s strategy to achieve social justice differ from that of Black Power
A. King worked with white leaders
C. King supported riots and uprisings
B. King opposed the war in Vietnam
D. King opposed boycotts and sit-ins
(USHC 9.5) What was the cause of the civil rights push after World War II?
A. Several African American senators were determined to increase fairness among the races
B. Minorities and women lost their jobs to whites and experienced discrimination
C. Strategies such as sit-ins and freedom rides were effective during the war
D. The military had already desegregated their units during the war
(USHC 9.5) What do the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Roe v. Wade, and the proposed Equal Rights amendment
(ERA) have in common?
A. Legislation that was passed by Kennedy
B. All were created through violent means
C. All were great victories for the civil rights movement orchestrated by Malcolm X
D. Legislation that was inspired by African Americans’ push for civil rights
(USHC 9.5) How did de facto segregation affect how civil rights leaders organized their demonstrations?
A. Reversing Jim Crow laws will end discrimination once and for all
B. A more direct and violent approach was the only way to get attention
C. Nonviolent means was the only way to gain support from the public
D. They notified public officials before they conducted illegal activities
Create an outline using the following topics
Option 1: Explain the causes and effects of social and cultural changes in postwar America.
Think about: A. Consumerism
B. The role of women
C. Impact of education and suburbanization
Option 2: Summarize the course of the Cold War conflict between the United States and the
Soviet Union.
Think about: A. The U.S.’s policy of dealing with communism
B. Events that challenged or escalated this policy
C. How the Cold War ended
Option 3: Summarize the key events and effects of the Vietnam War.
Think about: A. Major events of the war
B. The policies of Johnson and Nixon
C. The war’s impact on the country
Option 4: Compare the domestic and foreign policies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and
Think about: A. President Kennedy’s New Frontier
B. President Johnson’s Great Society
C. President Nixon
(USHC 10.1) What was the military outcome of Operation Desert Storm (First Persian
Gulf War) in 1991?
A. The elimination of Kuwait’s oil resources in Iraq
B. The capture of Baghdad by United Nations forces
C. The occupation of Iraq and Kuwait by allied ground troops
D. The forced removal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait by coalition forces
(USHC 10.1) Why is the Middle East an area of vital concern for the United States?
A. The US must protect Americans who want to visit there
B. The US can take advantage of the cheap labor found there
C. The US must prevent communism from spreading there
D. The US is dependent on the vast oil resources found there
(USHC 10.1) What was the result of the World Trade Center attacks in 2001?
A. A policy of islolationism was adopted by the Bush administration
B. The Taliban government was overthrown in Afghanistan by US forces
C. Saddam Hussein’s government was overthrown in Iraq by US forces
D. The US declared war on all countries associated with communism
(USHC 10.1) As a result of the end of the Cold War, what did the US believe it must do?
A. Maintain world peace
C. Dominate smaller countries
B. Continue fighting socialism
D. Fight global warming
(USHC 10.1) What do BOTH Persian Gulf Wars have in common?
A. Violent religious factions prevented long term peace at the end of the wars
B. Other nations supported the United States in their mission for both wars
C. Both wars involved the use of nuclear weapons
D. Both wars resulted in a positive image of the US
(USHC 10.1) Which of the following is an example of the US attempting to solve
regional conflicts in the Middle East since 1992?
A. The US aided rebels in Colombia to help overthrow the government
B. A civil war in the Balkans was stopped with the help of NATO
C. Sunni and Shiite Muslims finally negotiated a peace agreement
D. The US convinced China that communism would not work
(USHC 10.1) Which of the following is a reason why Israel is in constant conflict with its
A. Israel is an enemy of the United States
B. They have been a close ally of Egypt
C. Other countries deny their right to exist
D. They have aided the Taliban in the past
(USHC 10.1) What is one result of the US’s involvement in world affairs?
A. Resentment for interfering
C. The elimination of dictatorships
B. An increase in US military bases
D. Widespread economic depression
(USHC 10.1) What did the presence of American troops in bases in Saudi Arabia lead to?
A. The angering of religious fanatics
B. The formation of the Taliban
C. Wide-scale protest in America
D. The resolution of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
(USHC 10.1) What is the name of the terrorist organization the U.S. linked to the 9/11
A. Nazi
C. Global Terror
B. Al-Queda
D. Al-Jazeer
(USHC 10.1) What did the attacks on the World Trade Center, the USS Cole, and the United States’ embassies in
Africa signal?
A. The end of American influence in the Middle East
B. The rise of unresolved conflict in Africa
C. The end of U.S. humanitarian efforts in Africa
D. The rise of global terrorism
(USHC 10.1)What was the second gulf war a result of?
A. Iraq still had American POWs from the 1st Gulf
B. Iraq was operating terrorist training camps for Al-Queda in Baghdad
C. That Iraq was harboring Osama bin Laden
D. The US’s suspicion that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction
(USHC 10.1) What was the U.S. humanitarian effort in Somalia undermined by?
A. The rise of a Global economy
B. The growth of a socialist government in Somalia
C. The “Black Hawk Down” incident
D. The finding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
(USHC 10.1) What foreign policy has been a consistent feature of U.S. President Harry Truman through President
George W. Bush?
A. Support for the state of Isreal
B. Opposition to dictators in Iraq
C. Friendly relations with mainland China
D. Strained relations with France and Germany
(USHC 10.2) What was the North American Free Trade Agreement designed to do?
A. Make trade more difficult with Mexico to protect US workers
B. Bring Mexico into the free trade zone with the US and Canada
C. Include Cuba as a North American trading partner
D. Eliminate trade taxes among the fifty states
(USHC 10.2) Which of the following was an economic trend in the United States in the 1990s?
A. Downsizing of corporations
C. An increase in unemployment
B. A decrease in service sector jobs
D. An increase in manufacturing jobs
(USHC 10.2) What is one result of the global economy?
A. American workers now compete for jobs with workers in other countries
B. Trade between the United States and other countries has decreased
C. Prices on imported goods have risen steeply
D. Environmental laws in other countries are becoming stricter
(USHC 10.2) What was the main purpose of George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy?
A. Raise interest rates
C. Allow women to leave the workforce
B. Stimulate the economy
D. Increase consumer spending on imports
(USHC 10.2) What was one result of George W. Bush’s tax cuts?
A. Unemployment soared to new highs
C. The upper class protested
B. The poor benefited greatly
D. An increase in economic disparity
(USHC 10.2) Which one of the following was apart of the Clinton Administration’s
deficit reduction plan?
A. A decrease in welfare programs
C. A cut in defense spending
B. A tax decrease
D. Elimination of social security
(USHC 10.2) An influx of immigrants in the 1990s had what impact on the economy?
A. They were willing to work at menial jobs for low wages
B. They drove the price of petroleum to all-time highs
C. They created competition in white collar occupations
D. They filled the need for the shortage in manufacturing workers
(USHC 10.2) Why did labor unions decline in membership and influence in the 1990s?
A. Mechanization of the manufacturing process
B. Less competition from workers from overseas
C. Less competition from immigrants in the workforce
D. Their association with communism
(USHC 10.2) How did the Federal Reserve help keep inflation in check and stimulate the
economy at the same time?
A. They encouraged people to purchase goods
C. They eliminated welfare checks
on credit
D. They raised and lowered interest rates
B. They encourage people to not spend their
(USHC 10.2) Yearly budget deficits in the 1980s contributed to an accumulating national
debt because of increased spending on what?
A. Job training and school loans
C. Defense and the military
B. Urban mass transit in major cities
D. Environmental protection
(USHC 10.2) What is the biggest difference between Clinton and George W. Bush’s economic plans?
A. Clinton wanted tax breaks and Bush wanted to raise them
B. Clinton wanted to raise taxes and Bush wanted to lower them
C. Clinton wanted to increase military spending while Bush wanted to reduce it
D. Clinton wanted to fund the war on terrorism while Bush opted for isolationism
(USHC 10.2) Which heading best fits the outline below?
I. __________________
- New waterfront completed downtown
- Lower income residents displaced
- Revitalized neighborhood convenient to downtown
-Restoration of urban property increases its value
A. Urban flight
C. Reformation
B. Rezoning
D. Gentrification
232. (USHC 10.2) Many industries and retirees in the 1990s moved to what area?
A. The former Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe
B. Along the western coast of South Africa
C. Southern U.S. areas known as the “rustbelt”
D. Southern U.S. areas known as the “sunbelt”
Political Cartoon. Examine the political cartoon and answer the following questions. There is only one
correct response (3 points each)
233. What is the main idea of the cartoon?
A. This family committed a crime and was placed on house arrest
B. The fear many have since the terror attacks of 2001
C. A new security system for fighting terrorism
234. Why does the cartoon say “easier than putting the terrorists behind bars”?
A. Terrorists have lawyers that will keep them out of prison
B. It is difficult to prosecute terrorists
C. It is difficult identifying who the terrorists are
235. What led Americans to feel such fear?
A. 9/11 attacks and anthrax scares
B. Skyrocketing oil prices
C. The resurgence of communism
Create an outline using the following topics
Option 1. What major developments in foreign policy has the United States experienced since
Think about: A. Conflicts in the Middle East including Israel and Persian Gulf Wars
B. The rise of global terrorism
Option 2. What major developments in economics has the United States experienced since
Think about: A. Economic issues dealing with national debt and recession
b. Changes brought about by trade, technology, and immigration
236. (USHC 8.1)
Source: PM, May 15, 1941 (adapted)
Ho Hum! No Chance of Contagion.
Which statement BEST describes this political cartoon?
A. The United States chose a policy of isolationism after the Great War
B. The United States chose a policy of intervention after World War I
C. The League of Nations helped to keep the United States out of European conflicts
D. The Monroe Doctrine helped to keep the United States out of European conflicts
237. (USHC 8.1)
- Cash and Carry (1937)
- Destroyers for Naval Bases Deal (1940)
- Lend-Lease Act (1941)
Which change in United States foreign policy is demonstrated by the passage of these acts prior to World War II?
a. A shift from neutrality toward more direct involvement
b. An effort to become more neutral
c. A movement from isolationism to containment of communism
d. A desire to provide aid to both Allied and Axis powers
238. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Fireside Chat,” December 29, 1940 (USHC 8.1) “…The people of Europe who
are defending themselves do not ask us to do their fighting. They ask us for the implements of war, the planes, the
tanks, the guns, the freighters which will enable them to fight for their liberty and for our security. Emphatically we
must get these weapons to them, get them to them in sufficient volume and quickly enough, so that we and our
children will be saved the agony and suffering of war which others have had to endure…”
In this statement, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was asking the nation to
A. Support a declaration of war against Nazi Germany
B. Adopt a policy of containment
C. Join the League of Nations
D. Become the “arsenal of democracy”
239. (USHC 8.1) What was the result of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941?
a. The U.S. declared war on Spain
b. The U.S. declared war on Britain
c. The U.S. was forced to abandon its policy of isolationism
d. The U.S. was forced to abandon its policy of intervention
240. (USHC 8.1) How does fascism compare to democracy?
a. Both believe in communism and fear capitalism
b. Both believe in capitalism and fear communism
c. Both effectively use propaganda to control their populations
d. Both are governments that are responsive to the rights of the people
241. (USHC 8.1) Which of the following statements most accurately reflects Franklin D. Roosevelt’s feelings toward
joining the war?
a. He agreed with the isolationists and promoted an isolationist policy
b. He wanted to help the Allies but had to appease U.S. citizens who opposed entering the war
c. He wanted to avoid war because he did not see it as a threat to the United States
d. He did not understand the position of the isolationists and was eager to join the war
242. (USHC 8.2) Select the correct sequence of battles of the Pacific theater in World War II.
a. Battle of the Bulge – Midway – Okinawa – Iwo Jima
b. D-Day – Operation Torch – Iwo Jima – Okinawa
c. Iwo Jima – Okinawa – Midway – Hiroshima and Nagasaki
d. Midway – Iwo Jima – Okinawa – Hiroshima and Nagasaki
243. (USHC 8.2) How did the United States’ goal in World War II differ from its goal in World War I?
a. The U.S. fought to end the war quickly
b. The U.S. fought for unconditional surrender
c. The U.S. fought to bring about a lasting peace
d. The U.S. fought to preserve freedom and democracy
244. (USHC 8.2) What “delayed” decision made by the Allies increased tensions between them and the Soviet Union?
a. The U.S.’s delay in entering the war
b. Their delay in dropping the atomic bombs
c. Their delay in opening a second front in Europe
d. The U.S.’s delay in rescuing victims of the concentration camps
245. (USHC 8.2) Select the correct sequence of battles of the European theater in World War II.
a. Okinawa – Operation Torch – Battle of the Bulge – D-Day
b. Iwo Jima – Battle of the Bulge – D-Day – Stalingrad
c. Midway – Stalingrad – Battle of the Bulge – D-Day
d. Stalingrad – Operation Torch – D-Day – Battle of the Bulge
246. (USHC 8.2) Why was the Battle of the Bulge significant in World War II?
a. It marked the last German offensive
b. It began the liberation of the death camps
c. It was the Allies’ first victory in a land battle
d. It was the Axis powers’ first loss in a land battle
247. (USHC 8.3)
Source: Office of War Information, 1943
What was the result of the poster such as the above during World War II?
a. Many women and minorities served in combat positions
b. Most women and minorities kept their jobs after the war was over
c. The purchase of millions of war bonds lifted the U.S. out of the depression
d. Massive employment of women and minorities ended the Great Depression
248. (USHC 8.3)
1. “African American Soldiers Serving in Segregated Units”
2. “Mexican Americans Attacked in Los Angeles
3. “Japanese Americans Deported”
What do the above headlines refer to during World War II?
A. Racial and ethnic tensions that were present
B. The government’s dislike of immigrants
C. The second rise of the Populist movement
D. Communism’s growing popularity in the 1940s
249. (USHC 8.3) Which of the following statements is an example of how the home front was different in World War II as
opposed to the Great War?
a. The government reduced prices of military weapons
b. Conserving resources for the military was required
c. There was a large increase of imported scarce products
d. There was an increase in educational benefits for veterans
250. (USHC 8.3) Read the quotation by Eleanor Roosevelt and answer the question that follows.
i. “I foresee some difficulty for some of the people who live at such great distances and who have no
car, no train, no airplane to ride, no way of using a car, or reaching the centers where they can buy”.
What effect of World War II on the U.S. home front was Mrs. Roosevelt referring to?
A. Unlimited supply of gasoline
C. Price controls on goods
B. Bootlegging of alcohol
D. Rationing of necessities
251. (USHC 8.3) Why did Roosevelt decide to move people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps?
a. Western states feared a surprise attack and expressed their ethnic prejudice
b. Verified reports of Japanese Americans acting as spies in the western states
c. The lack of Japanese Americans serving in the armed forces
d. Rumors that the Japanese were developing an atomic bomb
252. (USHC 8.3) What was the world’s response to the “Final Solution”?
a. They were glad that many countries had accepted Jewish refugees
b. They wanted to identify war criminals and put them on public trial
c. They passed the Nuremburg laws, which would prevent future genocides
d. They wanted the League of Nations to lead an investigation
253. (USHC 8.4) For what reason did the Nuremburg trials follow World War II?
A. Bring Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo to justice
B. Force Japan to pay for the attack on Pearl Harbor
C. Make German leaders accountable for the Holocaust
D. Punish the German government for bombing England
254. (USHC 8.4) How successful were the Nuremburg trials?
a. They have served as a successful deterrent for crimes against humanity
b. They established the precedent for future trials on war crimes
c. They have eliminated genocide in the modern world
d. They have freed all who claimed they were “just following orders”
255. (USHC 8.4) What is a long-terms result of the Holocaust?
a. Jews are free to travel the world without any discrimination
b. The German government donated money to Holocaust survivors
c. The state of Israel was created in the Middle East
d. The state of Palestine was created in the Middle East
256. (USHC 8.4) In the aftermath of the Holocaust, what new action did the United States take to aid the Jews?
a. It created shelter programs
c. It granted woman suffrage
b. It recognized Israel as a state
d. It provided financial aid
257. (USHC 8.5) Which pair of events correctly illustrates the relationship between scientific and technological
developments during and after WWII?
a. Radar for tracking and surveillance – video games
b. Computers for code breaking – weather tracking
c. Synthetic rubber for tires – demand for rubber trees
d. Freeze-dried food for soldiers – TV dinners
258. (USHC 8.5) How did the American workplace change as a result of scientific and technological breakthroughs
after World War II?
A. Wages for most workers increased, but wages for managers decreased
B. Opportunities for minorities to move into managerial positions expanded
C. The number of factory jobs expanded due to the development of the assembly line
D. The number of white-collar jobs increased, but the number of blue-collar jobs decreased
259. (USHC 8.5) How did scientific research after WWII impact the standard of living?
a. Nuclear energy was embraced by the American people as a cheap source of energy
b. Microwave ovens were an immediate success in the late 1940s
c. Satellites were used first for communication and later provided television channels
d. Americans began to rely less on automobiles and therefore lessened our dependence on foreign oil
260. (USHC 8.5) What was the result of scientific research in the medical field?
a. Demographic patterns were impacted since Americans were living longer
b. Demographic patterns were impacted because of a high infant mortality rate
c. Though vaccines were discovered that could treat childhood diseases, a cure for polio was not discovered
d. The use of penicillin during WWII discouraged many doctors from searching for nre “miracle” drugs
261. (USHC 8.5) What impact did improvements in agriculture technology have on the postwar U.S.?
a. Improved nutrition resulted in more and healthier Americans
b. The use of pesticides limited how many foods could be grown in the U.S.
c. Chemical fertilizers resulted in food that was resistant to spoiling
d. Midwestern states did not allow the use of chemicals due to global warming
III. Essay. Choose one of the following essay questions to answer. Write in complete sentences (6 points total)
Option 1: Analyze the United States decision to enter World War II.
Think about: A. The factors that led to the rise of totalitarian governments
B. Compare totalitarianism to democracy
C. Reasons for becoming involved in the war
Option 2: Summarize the progress of the war effort and the impact of wartime decisions on the
relationship of the allies.
Think about: A. The significance of the major battles of the European theater
D. The significance of the major battles of the Pacific theater
E. Decisions and strategies that impacted the allies’ relationships
Option 3: Compare World War I with World War II.
Think about: A. The circumstances that led to each war
D. The strategies and outcomes of each
E. The wartime economy and racism
Option 4: Summarize the impact of wartime research and development on the initiation of
technological advancements.
Think about: A. Technological advances used during the war
B. Examples that improved the standard of living
C. Examples that impacted demographic patterns