3rd 9 Week Questions Jane Long Elementary 4th Grade Rating: 1 Comments: 2 3 4 Recommendation: Keep Edit Delete Unit Name: Texas Gains Independence & Mexican American War TEKS Obj: 3C- identify leaders important to the founding of Texas as a republic and state, including José Antonio Navarro, Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, and Anson Jones; 1. How did Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar’s goal for the Republic of Texas differ? Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar wanted Texas to remain a strong independent nation. Sam Houston wanted Texas to remain an independent nation, while Mirabeau Lamar B wanted Texas to join the United States. Sam Houston wanted Texas to join the United States, while Mirabeau Lamar C wanted Texas to remain an independent nation. Sam Houston wanted Texas to become part of Mexico again, but Mirabeau did not agree D with Houston’s goal. Rating: 1 2 3 4 Recommendation: Keep Edit Delete Comments: A Unit Name: Texas Gains Independence & Mexican American War TEKS Obj:3C- identify leaders important to the founding of Texas as a republic and state, including José Antonio Navarro, Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, and Anson Jones; 2. Which of the following statements BEST describes Anson Jones? F G H J Anson Jones, the last president of Texas, worked to open trade between Texas and Europe before agreeing for Texas to become a state. Anson Jones was president of Texas when James K. Polk was elected president of the United States. Anson Jones, the first Texas president, did not think it was important to have peace with Mexico. Anson Jones did not want Texas to become a state, but the Texas Congress disagreed with his idea. Rating: 1 Comments: 2 3 4 Recommendation: Keep Edit Delete Unit Name: Civil War in Texas TEKS Obj: 19A-identify the similarities and differences among various racial, ethnic, and religious groups in Texas; 3. Many groups of people were affected by the Civil War. Below is a chart that describes the different points of view had by some of those groups of people. Groups of People Effect by the Civil War Plains Indians Secessionists Freed Slaves Abolitionists Point of View Statements “I must fight to protect my way of life. I will not move to a reservation.” “Abraham Lincoln is going to destroy our way of life, by taking our right to have slaves away.” “If the South wins this war, we will be returned to slavery. I will fight for our freedom with the Union.” “It is good that slavery was abolished, now ever American is free.” What can you conclude about the secessionists and the abolitionists? A B C D Secessionists and abolitionists had a similar reaction to Abraham Lincoln’s presidential election in 1860. Secessionists decided to secede from, or leave, the Union because abolitionists, like Abraham Lincoln, were going to threaten their way of life. Secessionists’ point of view differs greatly from the Plains Indians, freed slaves, and abolitionists. Secessionists agreed that slavery was not fair, and needed to be stopped, or abolished. Rating: 1 Comments: 2 3 4 Recommendation: Keep Edit Delete Unit Name: Civil War in Texas TEKS Obj:19A- identify the similarities and differences among various racial, ethnic, and religious groups in Texas; 4. Explain the relationship between the buffalo soldiers and the Plains Indians. F G H J The buffalo soldiers and the Native Americans protected each other because both suffered before and during the Civil War. Even though the buffalo soldiers were responsible for many Native American deaths, the Plains Indians respected them for their fighting spirit. The buffalo soldiers and the Native Americans did not get along and had many battles. The buffalo soldiers were African Americans who fought against the Native Americans in the Red River War. Rating: 1 Comments: 2 3 4 Recommendation: Keep Edit Delete Unit Name: Changes in Texas at the Turn of the Century TEKS Obj:4B- explain the growth, development, and impact of the cattle industry, including contributions made by Charles Goodnight, Richard King, and Lizzie Johnson; Timeline of “The Cattle Kingdom” 6. Railroads replaced cattle drives as a faster and easier way to send longhorns to market. 5. The period when cattle ranching was the main business in South and West Tx was known as the Cattle Kingdom. 4. Cattle drives began in Tx and ended at cities with railroad stations. 3. Since millions of longhorns roamed Tx, reach sold for only $6 to $10 in the state, but a longhorn sold for up to $40 in northern cities. 2. Texas settlers captured wild longhorns and began ranching, mainly in dry regions of South Tx. 1. The Spanish arrived in Tx, bringing along cattle and keeping them in small ranches or missions. 5. Use the timeline above to describe the impact railroads had on the cattle industry? If it wasn’t for the Spanish arriving in Texas with cattle, Texas would not have A been known as the Cattle Kingdom. Railroads ended the needs for cattle drives by making transporting B cattle to the north quicker and easier. Cattle Ranchers lost their jobs to the railroads, causing cattle ranching to end in C Texas. D Railroads destroyed the cattle industry in Texas. Rating: 1 Comments: 2 3 4 Recommendation: Keep Edit Delete Unit Name: Changes in Texas at the Turn of the Century TEKS Obj:9B- identify reasons why people have adapted to and modified their environment in Texas, past and present, such as the use of natural resources to meet basic needs, facilitate transportation, and enhance recreational activities; and 6. Read the information about the automotive industry in the textbox below. Automobiles were first sold in the early 1900’s. Automobiles, or cars, used gasoline, a fuel made from oil. As more people drove cars, the need for gasoline and other oil products grew. Which statement BEST describes how the automotive industry in the 1900’s impacted Texas? F G H J Everybody in Texas moved to areas where oil could be found, in order to make money quickly. People moved to “boomtowns” in Texas to find work in the oil fields. Most of the cars in the 1900’s were built in Texas because they used gasoline to run. Texas land owners and farmers sold and rented their land to oil companies, for a lot of money. Texans without land to sell found good jobs in the oil industry.