
Grade 10 English
Mr. Leclair
“The synthesis of Text” Presentation
Final Assessment
 Your task will be to choose a song and synthesize it fully. What are
the deeper meanings, undertones, visuals, connections (text to text,
text to self, text to world) etc.
 Choose a song that has significant meaning to you (you might have
grown up listening to this song or it represents an important time in
your life) and/or has considerable lyrical value. As songs are all
created for different consumption please consider if the song you
have chosen has enough depth to be analyzed.
 You will also be responsible for finding appropriate images that will
represent the song and/or your analysis of the lyrics. As discussed,
you will need to synthesis each image and point out the deeper
meaning that you have found. Remember that colour, angle,
placement etc. are all used to send messages to the audience. It is
your job to decipher this for us.
 You will be working with Microsoft Movie Maker to create your
presentation. You will use this program to upload the audio of your
song, write out the lyrics, paste images (both internet images and/or
self-created are acceptable) create transitions etc.
 You will need to include lead in and exit slides to introduce and
conlude your video.
 It is not a requirement, but uploading your video to You Tube will
help us to move more quickly when presenting, but more
importantly your work can be accessed by the world and you can
track the amount of people that may have really enjoyed all of your
hard work. You never know, maybe the song, combined with the
images you have chosen, will really impact someone!! How cool is
that!! 
 As this is a formal presentation, you will need to introduce yourself to
the class as though you do not know anyone in the room.
 You will need to introduce your song in terms of who sings it and
wrote it, along with the reason why you decided to choose the song
that you did.
 Please research the song and present any interesting facts that your
may have uncovered.
Lyrical & Image Analysis
 Please stop a minimum of fifteen times to provide insight into the
lyrics that compose the song you have chosen.
 Please stop a minimum of fifteen times to provide insight into the
images that you have chosen to accompany the lyrics of song.
Again… what are the deeper meanings, undertones, visuals,
connections (text to text, text to self, text to world) etc.
 Stopping to provide analysis for both lyric and image may be very
effective and something you may wish to explore.
 Do your best to find deeper meaning and connections; try not to be
literal in your interpretation as this will negate your opportunity to
showcase your analytical abilities. Meaning; being too literal will not
fulfill the requirements of this assignment. BE “DEEP”…. NOT
“SHALLOW”!!! 
 As this is a formal presentation you will need to conclude your time
in a way that will bring thoughtful closure to your audience.
REMEMBER….. “Um ya” is never suitable!!! 
 Remember to thank your audience for their attention and time.
Skills of an Effective Presenter
Eye contact: Do your best to make eye contact, or at least scan
the whole room, doing so provides you with a greater opportunity to
engage your audience. To do this effectively, you may want to
consider creating “talking points” cards so that you will be cued as
to what you would like to say next. One should not read from their
notes cards exclusively.
Pacing: Do your best to keep a steady pace. Talking too quickly,
too slowly or in a choppy manner will distract your audience from
what you are trying to say.
Volume: If nobody can hear you, all off your hard work will be for
not! Make sure that you are projecting your voice to the best of
your ability.
Professionalism: Do your best to speak in a “professional”
manner. Doing so will inform your audience that you are taking the
presentation seriously; you will also sound more knowledgeable.
Delivery/Energy: Never changing your tone is called being
monotone. Speaking this way can quickly transform a presentation
with interesting content into a boring one. Try to have some
“bounce” in your voice and provide a little “personality”; both will
do wonders in terms of engaging your audience. Often times
humour can be helpful as well, although this technique may be
quite difficult to translate effectively.
Work Hard, Have Fun
& Enjoy the Process!! 