Preparation of Papers for CEAS 2015

Preparation of Papers for CEAS 2015
First and Last Name
Business or Academic Affiliation
Job Title
Address, Postal Code1, City, State1, Zip Code1, Country
First and Last Name of co-author #1 (Business or Academic Affiliation), First and Last Name of co-author
#2 (Business or Academic Affiliation),…
A one-paragraph abstract should be included at the beginning of your paper. In response to the first Call
for Papers, a single extended abstract should be confined to two pages A4.
The abstract should be a summary (not an introduction) and be complete in itself. It should indicate the
subjects dealt with in the paper and should state the objectives of the investigation. Newly observed facts
and conclusions of the experiment or arguments discussed in the paper should be presented in a
summarized form. Readers should not have to read the paper to understand the abstract.
Manuscripts will be published on USB stick and on a website and must therefore be handed in in an
electronic version. It is strongly recommended to adhere to the following guidelines for the compilation of
your paper.
The paper sized A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm or 8.2 x 11.6 inches) should not exceed a maximum of 10 Mbyte or
14 pages in general.
All margins should be set at 2.54 cm (1”).
The whole paper should be formatted as a single column.
Header and Footer
Do not edit headers or footers, only add your paper number in the footer.
The paper should be formatted as this guideline, single-spaced and justified. The preferred font is
Tahoma, size 10 points.
CEAS 2015 paper no.
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Copyright © 2015 by author(s).
Title and Author Information
The title of the paper and information about the author(s) should be formatted in the same way as the
title of this guideline.
Paragraph headings in the paper should appear in the same manner as the headings in this guideline,
decimally numbered and bold faced. First paragraph headings are capital, second and third headings
upper and lower characters.
Symbols and Abbreviations
Symbols, acronyms, dimensions and abbreviations should be listed in the Nomenclature.
Tables and Figures
Authors may decide whether to insert tables and figures in the text or to append them separately at the
end of the paper text. They must be confined to the margins of the paper. Tables and Figures should be
bold faced and labeled and numbered as follows: Table 1: and Figure 1:.
Equations are placed left with the consecutive equation number in parentheses flush right. Insert a blank
line on either side of the equation, see below.
Fp 
1 p
p  Pa m3
 2
 x
L  kg m
s 
2.10 References
All bibliographical references are listed at the end of the paper. When referring to them in the text, place
the consecutive number between corner brackets [ ]. References to journals should include journal date
and number and the respective page number range. References to books should also contain the name
of the publisher as well as place and year of the publication. References to proceedings should also
contain the title of the proceeding collection.
2.11 Use of Color
Tables and figures may appear in full color, text and headings shall have a black font color.
Papers shall be send to either as Word file or as PDF. No PDF security settings are
allowed in the file. The paper must receive the following identification: CEAS2015_xxx_pdf or
CEAS2015_xxx.docx. Authors will receive the three-digit identification number together with their author
CEAS 2015 paper no.
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Copyright © 2015 by author(s).
Papers shall be unclassified for public release and be cleared by the appropriate company and/or
government agency if necessary.
All papers accepted for presentation at the CEAS Air & Space conference 2015 will be published and
distributed in electronic form. CEAS 2015 proceedings will be published according to the Open Access
Spectrum OAS standards ( They will appear for free
download and readership rights) on the CEAS website. The upload of the papers to the website will be
carried out not earlier than six months after the conference date.
CEAS 2015 best papers, after having passed the CEAS review process of Springer, will be published in the
CEAS Aeronautical or Space Journals.
Reuse rights of the paper will be defined as CC BY which is today’s preferred license. This will be stated
on the paper as “This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC
BY)”. This means that readers are free to share and adapt the paper under the condition that they give
appropriate credit to the authors (
All proprietary rights, as well as the copyright in and to the paper named below in all forms and media,
will remain with the authors. This will be expressed on the paper with the statement “Copyright © 2015
by author(s)”. Authors can request, at any time, to have the paper removed from the website. This will
result in the paper being replaced on the CEAS website by a simple notice stating that the paper
(identified by the paper # and the title) has been withdrawn.
Copyright information and the related CEAS2015 Agreement Form can be found on the conference
CEAS 2015 paper no.
Page | 3
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Copyright © 2015 by author(s).