Risk Assessment Form - Department of Medicine

University of Cambridge
NIHR-Cambridge BRC Immunophenotyping Hub
e6, Department of Medicine, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ.
Risk Assessment Form
This form is to be filled in if hazard ratings/quantities/dilutions make University procedures and/or
“Good Laboratory Practice” insufficient control.
Group leader:
Anna Petrunkina
Personnel involved:
Anna Petrunkina, Simon McCallum, Natalia
Savinykh, Christopher Bowman, Esther Perez
Alex Hatton, Valeria Radjabova, Jelena
Djuric; all visitors to lab
Activity being assessed:
Use of Laboratory Sharps and Glassware.
Hazards identified:
Cuts from damaged or broken glass (including, e.g. including Pasteur pipettes disposed of in
ordinary wastebins).
-Cuts or needle-stick (puncture injuries) from laboratory sharps.
-Poisoning or infection following cuts by contaminated glassware, sharps.
-Psychological trauma due to fear of poisoning or infection.
Control measures to reduce level of risk:
-Avoid the use of sharps where possible.
-Safety glasses or a face-shield should be worn depending on the procedure. These are located in the
drawer unit beside the ariaIII cell sorter
-Before use, all glassware should be checked to ensure that it is free from flaws that may cause it to
fail in use.
-Glass should be transported carefully (never in pockets). A bottle carrier or trolley must be used
when transporting glassware around the building. a glass bottle carrier is available for small bottles.
larger volumes of solvent are filled elsewhere into 10l plastic containers
-Glass must never be stored on the floor (unless in a suitable container).
-Glass vessels under vacuum should normally be enclosed in plastic or wire mesh to prevent
fragments being scattered after implosion.
-After use, if not for disposal, sharp items must always be placed in a safe position/orientation so as
to avoid possible injury to others.
-Sharps must never be disposed of in the normal waste bin. Broken glass and Pasteur pipettes etc.
must be disposed of into specially designated bins (brown wheelie bins). Safety glasses must be
worn for this operation. Other sharps i.e. needles, razor blades and scalpel blades must be disposed
of in rigid, impervious containers which should be sealed and collected for incineration when full.
-Fingers must not be used for clearing up broken glass. A dustpan and brush should be used to clear
up broken glass (safety spectacles must be worn). Tongs or forceps should be used for clearing
sinks. Broken glass must never be left on floors or work surfaces or in unsuitable containers even
Note: Refer to H+S Division document ‘Safe Biological Practice (SBP) for Prevention and Control
of Exposure to Biological Agents in the Laboratory
Emergency procedures
First Aid:
In case of accident immediately contact First Aid Office/ deputy Laboratory Manager; outside
normal working hours go directly to accident and emergency
Spillage/uncontrolled release: Any spillage from smashed glass will be covered with
10% solution of bleach and mopped up with suitable tissue paper. Subsequently,
the surface will be wiped out with water and 70% ethanol. If biologically
contaminated spillages occurred, the spillage will be covered with Trigene. This
paper will then be disposed in a double lined biological waste bag and sealed. The
bag will then be autoclaved and then incinerated.
Name and status of assessor:
Anna Petrunkina/Simon McCallum
Signature of assessor:
Date of assessment:
1st September 2015
Next review: October
1st September 2016