Chapter 1: Water Allocation Model Second Paper focus on system dynamic and the model – October 2010 1.1 Introduction On this chapter, a new water allocation model based on a water balance with system dynamic abilities to allocate a combined storage is discussed. The rationale behind the water balance is explained. How the model would operate and use is also described. The optimum solutions of water allocation together with composite risk produces by the model are also discussed. Finally the result of the model is presented. 1.2 Water Allocation Approach The water allocation model is included in the model structure as shown in Error! Reference source not found. on Section Error! Reference source not found.. The water allocation model aims at simulating the river flow within the Campaspe River while producing the risk profiles caused by water allocations. It takes into account the estimated risks (environmental, groundwater and production risks) to drive the water allocation. That is, it seeks the optimum regions of water allocation where the risks are at minimum level. A conceptual framework of the water allocation model is shown in Figure 1.1, which detailed the water allocation process to be satisfied from a combined storage. Summary of the process is provided below in different parts (P1 – P7). P1 – The combined storage for each reach is estimated. The surface water resource for each reach is estimated from lake release, tributaries, runoff, diversion channel and losses from the system. The sustainable limit for each reach estimated as previously discussed in Chapter 7 P2 & P3 – The environmental flow demand and environmental risk estimation are estimated as described in Chapter 5. P4 & P5 – The production water demand that estimated from domestic and irrigation water demand are estimated before the production risk is simulated as explained in Chapter 6 P6 – The groundwater risk is estimated as discussed in Chapter 7 P7 – The water allocation model which is described on this chapter. GW Domestic Demand P1 SW - % of Entitlement Shepparton Formation Domestic Water Demand Diversion Channels In/Out Combined Storage Campaspe Deep Lead Groundwater Sustainable Limit Surface Water Resource Operating Rules Tributaries Water Allocation Rules LE Release Management Rules P4 Reach No. r1, , , rn Conjunctive Water Demands GW Western Waranga Channel (WWC) SW Environmental flow requirements Irrigation Water Demands P2 Crop Type Environmental Flow Demand Land Use Crop P7 PWD EFD Trade-Off Risks Season Type GR P6 Estimated Natural Flow P5 Water Supply ER P3 EFD PR Sustainable Limit Groundwater Level Natural Flow ETm Figure 1.1: Risk Driven Water Allocation Framework. 3 1.3 Risk Driven Water Allocation Model: The model focuses on determining the allocations based on minimising the total risk at the same time addresses the complexity behaviour of water allocation with the Campaspe basin. That is, the model aims at finding the optimum water allocations, which occur when risks are at minimum. The model simulates “what if” scenarios of different water allocations in order to satisfy water demands, while at the same time produces the risk profiles caused by when the water demands are not fully satisfied. In term of groundwater system, the risk occurs when the sustainable yield of the system is degraded due to water extractions from aquifers. The water releases from the reservoir is also included in the model through policy releases using a range of releases volumes. Within a catchment basin, the inflow equals the outflow and leftover in storage as expressed below. Where, the combined storage (CS), TWD is the total water demands in forms of river diversions or pumping from the groundwater system. Loss is mainly represented by the evapotranspiration, surface runoff to adjacent basins, groundwater through flow and deep water drainage. Inflow represents the groundwater recharge, precipitation, tributaries contributions and channel diversions into the catchment. CS TWD Loss Inflow Leftover 1.1 Simply the above equation represents the combined storage equals the water demands plus the leftover storage. That is, once the water demands in terms of losses and water demands such as irrigation and environmental flow demands are satisfied, left over storage makes up the balance of the water balance for a specific time and space. The finer details of a combined storage and water demands are differed from one catchment to another, reflecting the physical nature of a particular catchment. On the Campaspe Basin, which does not have a water treatment plant but a reservoir (Lake Eppalock), groundwater aquifers, tributaries and channel inputs, its combined storage is represented by the following equation. 4 n CSt ,r SL Rf L I t r 1 1.2 Where, CS is the combined storage on month t for reach r, SL is the groundwater sustainable yield, Rf is the river flow estimated from tributaries and runoff minus the losses in terms of evapotranspiration and deep drainage. L represents the releases from the Lake Eppalock Reservoir. Inflow (I) represents any major contribution such as the Western Waranga Channel at Reach 3. The equation represents the total available in any given month within a particular reach. The next equation represents the water demands within a reach, which includes the diversions out of the river and extractions from the groundwater system. This equation does not include the water demands for the next downstream reach. n AWDt ,r EFD PWD DWF r 1 t 1.3 Where, AWD is the total allocation water for month t, EFD is the environmental flow demand, PWD is the production water demand and DWF is the domestic water demand, it is represented by a fixed that is subjected to change during risk assessment. The estimation of EFD and PWD are described on previous sections. A reach water supply within a system is represented by equation 1.4. The estimations of EFD and PWD required the volumes allocated from the river and groundwater to satisfy the two demands. Although, the combined storage is estimated as per equation 1.2, the water demands for downstream reaches must be considered at the upstream reach water allocations. Therefore, the available water resources on an upstream reach should be estimated as per the following equation. 5 n WSt ,r CSt 1,r AWDt , r 1 r 1 1.4 Where, WS is the water supply available to meet water demands within a reach. The allocation of WS to satisfy different water demands from different sources (groundwater or river) is the heart of this model. That is water allocating to meet irrigation water demand will affect the volume of water remains in the river to satisfy EFD. This means that a number of different water allocation scenarios are available and needed to be tested in order to determine the optimum water allocation within a reach for a particular month. The detail of the water balance is shown on the following equation. r WRtr S T C ET IR DD SL EFDm DWD IWD R i 1 t 1.5 Where, WRt is the water resource of a reach r at month t, St is the available storage for downstream of the Campaspe Basin, T represents tributaries into the reach, C is the channel diversion into the reach such as the waranga western channel for Reach3. ET is the evapotranspiration and DD is deep drainage. SL is the sustainable limit, IR is the induced recharge on gaining parts of the river and R represents the runoff for each reach, which accounts for precipitation. The return flow from irrigation is assumed to contribute to the combined storage through groundwater recharge with its effect on the river being deemed insignificant. The environmental flow demands (EFD) is to be satisfied from the surface water only. DWD is the domestic water demands and PWD, the production water demands, which both are satisfied from groundwater and surface water. The runoff was estimated based on runoff coefficient estimated on CSIRO (2008) using a lumped conceptual daily rainfall-runoff model, SIMHYD, with a Muskingum routing method to estimate daily runoff at grids (~ 5 km x 5 km) across the entire Murray Darling Basin. The runoff coefficient (C) for each reach is multiplied with the estimated rainfall for the entire reach to determine the runoff as shown by equation 1.6. The observed precipitation (P) from each rainfall station times with area (A) estimated by Thiessen 6 Polygons in GIS. The runoff coefficient is varied to calibrate the predicted flow within a reach. Rt C P A 1.6 The model simulates the input and output from each reach while fulfilling the allocations to meet demands result in risk profiles being produced. The risk calculations as shown in previous sections are also included here. The calculations of the environmental risk are comprehensive discussed in Error! Reference source not found. part of the calculations is shown here. The probability (P) is calculated from the regulated flow. The calculation of consequence (C) also includes the regulated flow in comparison to a range of the environmental flow demand. ERt Pt 1 Ct 1 1.7 The production risk is calculated per the following equation with other details is provided in Section Error! Reference source not found.. Production risk is equalled to yield reduction as calculated from the production formula as shown in equation Error! Reference source not found.. PR Ya / Ym 1.8 The groundwater risk is calculated as per the following equation with further detail provided in Section Error! Reference source not found. GRt PR / Sy t 1 1.9 Where, GR is the groundwater risk on a monthly time step t, Sy is the sustainable limit and PR is the pumping. A pumping range for each month is assigned, where the simulation will give a range of groundwater risk and also the effects of pumping on the other demands and risks. 7 1.3.1 Allocation Scenarios As mentioned above, there are number of water allocation scenarios (what if) that the model should test in order to determine the best optimum water allocations. Considering that the model has been calibrated; there are two water allocation options that can be used which they would reflect the dynamic nature of water allocation in the model; 1. A reach (downstream or upstream) water demands are allocated between 0 and 200% full allocation, with left over water to satisfy other reaches’ demands. 2. The allocations for downstream reaches are linked upstream to ensure that their water demands are reserved and must be delivered to downstream reaches. Both of the above options can achieve the same result while still account for the dynamic nature of water allocation. Therefore, the model is fitted with option 1. The following process outlines the way allocation scenarios are being setup in the model. 1. Set the DWD to a fixed value, for instance 800ML/month 2. Set the allocation for PWD to start with zero allocation to all reach. Then vary Reach1 allocation by 5% increment of full allocation until it reaches 200%, while holding the other two reaches at zero allocation. 3. Repeat step 2 but the allocation for Reach2 is being incremented by 5% while Reach3 is still being locked at 0% allocation. 4. Repeat step 3 until all reaches are set on 200% allocation. 5. Where the water should come from (groundwater or river) is also trialled, which it will influence the groundwater risk for each reach. For example, Reach1 will start by satisfying water demand for PWD and DWD, 100% from the river and 0% from groundwater. This runs for step 1 to step 4, then change to 90% from river and 10% from groundwater. Continue this until is 0% from river and 100% from groundwater. 8 6. Step 5 is then repeated for the other reaches. Each time a scenario is tested, the groundwater, supply and environmental risks are calculated. Obviously, running these scenarios one by one is a duteous job to do with high chance of missing to run a specific scenario. Therefore, the model is required to be implemented in a model platform that has Monte Carlo functionality to run these scenarios. In addition, the model platform must have dynamic functionalities to reflect the dynamic nature of the above water allocation scenarios. System dynamic functions that are implemented on Vensim make Vensim an ideal model platform to execute the above water allocations. 1.4 System Dynamic A detail description of system dynamic approach is given in section Error! Reference source not found.. On this study, is used to capture the dynamic characteristics of contributing variables to water allocation and determine their effects due to different water allocation scenarios. In addition, it can account for the dynamic features of water allocation that influence risk within a basin. For example what will be the effect of water allocation on groundwater risk if production demands (irrigation and domestic) are to be satisfied predominantly from groundwater and little portion comes from the river. If this is the case, then the groundwater risk may increase due to increase pumping that may result in declined to groundwater sustainable yield. On the other hand, if a significant amount of water is diverted from the river to satisfy production demands that environmental flow demands may not be satisfied resulting in higher environmental risk. If larger proportion of water is diverted upstream for production demands, how would it affect the downstream environmental flow and production demands? The ability of system dynamic approach to capture such dynamic features have been demonstrated in other field of studies (as shown in section Error! Reference source not found.), thus making it ideal for water allocation modelling. The model is built in Vensim Professional Version 5.10e produced by Vertana Simulation Environment. The use of Vensim allows the model to be formulated without the complexity of mathematical formulation and language program specification. The 9 Vensim modelling language is a rich and readable way of representing dynamic systems (Elmahdi et al., 2006; Khan et al., 2009). The schematic diagram of the model is shown in Figure 1.2. The model allocates the water release from the lake and inflows from tributaries and runoff to domestic, production and environmental flow demands. The domestic water demand is fixed and subjected for sensitivity analysis. The model also looks at how much can be satisfied from groundwater and how much can come from the river at any point of time. The diversion upstream will influence the amount of water in the river that would be required to satisfy demands downstream. The effects of evapotranspiration and deep drainage are taken into account. The model is set to run different scenarios are determined. Because the model is operated on the professional version of Vensim, it needs to link with the environmental risk model (ERM) which is operated in Matlab. Therefore, the output flows from the Vensim is exported into excel, and then reads into ERM. The output risk from ERM is then combined with the groundwater and production risks in Vensim to determine the optimum water allocation solutions 1.4.1 Model Calibration The model is calibrated by matching the observed flow to the observed flow before the scenarios of water allocation are tested. The releases from Lake Eppalock, runoff coefficient, evapotranspiration, deep drainage, and induced recharge are calibrated until the observed and predicted river flows produce good match for all reaches. However, it is anticipated that the model may not realistically be able to accurately match the observed data because it hasn’t adequately account for all the losses and inflows into the system. Because the focus of this study is to determine risks due to allocations, as long as the model can adequately match the observed would be considered sufficient. This means that model will not be extensively calibrated until a perfect match between the observed and predicted river flow. However, it is crucial that the model is calibrated because it provides a degree of calibration to risks provided from water allocations. 10 winter release Lake Eppalock summer release comparison Comp2 month Reach1 runoff rate2 406201 runoff rate release runoff data sw dwd DWD pumping proportion tribdata gw dwd2 tributaries DWD2 406207 allocation selection dwd vol GW Pumping Alloc allocgw allocsw Pumping Alloc2 GW2 dwd vol2 allocgw2 allocation selection2 Pumping Alloc3 Campaspe2 allocsw2 PWD sw pwd DD ET GW3 dd rate ETa WS total ETm dd data Total Risk PWD2 SL2 gwpwd2 sw pwd2 allocsw3 Campaspe3 <mode> gw volume3 pumping portion3 r3 obs PD ET3 SL3 PWD3 sw pwd3 gw pwd3 ET2 obs data3 obs data2 ET data3 eta rate3 ET data2 ET rate2 composite ky2 Production Risk2 ET rate3 ETa WS3 Groundwater Risk3 Environmental Risk2 Campaspe Total Risk Figure 1.2: Risk Driven Water Allocation Framework in Vensim RIA composite ky3 total ETm3 Production Risk3 Total Risk3 Total Risk2 11 Comp3 downstream flow3 ir data2 ETa WS2 total ETm2 Environmental Risk induced recharge3 pwd vol3 r2 obs diversion ir rate2 eta rate2 ET rate Groundwater Risk2 composite ky Production Risk ET data allocation selection3 dwd vol3 allocgw3 <mode> induced recharge2 406265 ir rate3 runoff3 dwd volume3 gw volume2 eta rate Groundwater Risk DWD3 runoff2 pumping portion2 gw volume gw pwd gw dwd3 pwd vol2 <mode> SL ir data3 sw dwd3 dwd volume2 406225 Campaspe1 pwd vol runoff data3 rate2 sw dwd2 dwd volume River downstream 406202 flow2 runoff data2 rate1 runoff rate3 Reach3 downstream flow1 trib rate Runoff gw dwd Reach2 wwc to campaspe Environmental Risk3 wwc rate WWC rate3 Murray River 1.4.2 Model Forecasts The water allocation model deals with a complex system of allocating water from a combined water resource to different water demands. How this model can be used in a river basin is an important that must be answered on this section. There are two categories that the model can be used for; 1. The model will look at evaluating a year ahead of allocation; a. Specify a band of volume releases from the lake based on historical data. Let say 0 – 20% = b1, 20% - 40% = b2, 40% - 60%, 60% - 80% and 80% - 100% = bi. Then put together the annual hydrographs from the entire historical data for each band. Then determine the mean flow (f) hydrograph for each band. b. Before the irrigation season starts, run the historical data and link with the mean flow (f)bi for the appropriate band. Do the same thing with tributaries and losses as well. c. Allocation – run the allocation scenarios defined in section 1.3.1. 2. The model will be used for forecasting policy scenarios under different climatic conditions; a. Produce a forecasted 30 years climatic data then run it under the model, with varying allocations together with varying the climatic parameters. b. How do I generate a 30 years of climatic data? 1.4.3 Optimum Solutions The main objective of this water allocation model is to determine which water allocation scenarios that can satisfy water demand when the three types of risk are at minimum and to reveal scenarios that would be risky to achieve. However, it may be impossible to achieve three risks being all at minimum level at one time. That is, the groundwater risk may be at minimum value while the other risks are not. This means that it may be more than one optimum solution. 12 As demonstrated by Figure 1.3, the optimum range would occur when risk is at low range. The allocation volume for each demand is different from one to another and how much should be supplied from each resource is also different. Therefore, the volumes supplied at when risk is within the optimum allocation range would be the allocation volumes. The optimum range should be determined during the Monte Carlo sensitivity simulation. 1.5 Composite Risk This study deals with three different type of risk that are not directly comparable. This means that a 0.4 of environmental risk cannot be treated as the same as the 0.4 of groundwater risk, because they all mean different things. Therefore, a way to find the equivalent of 0.4 environmental risk equals to how much of the groundwater risk. One approach would be to convert these three risks into a common currency such as dollar values. However, this is faced by difficulty of estimating environmental risk with monetary value. Therefore, the composite risk is estimated using statistical approach. Percentile – for example 90th percentile of groundwater risk (0.3 risk value) equals the 90th percentile of groundwater risk (0.2 risk value) and 90th percentile of environmental risk (0.4 risk value), therefore the composite risk equals 0.9, out of a total of 3.0. This means that 0.3 of groundwater is equal to 0.2 of groundwater risk. We need to discuss this. 13 Figure 1.3: Optimum range of water allocations for all demands to be supplied from the river and groundwater aquifers. 1.6 Results 14