The University Co-op Undergraduate Awards for Superior Scholarly

College of Nursing Proposal COVER SHEET for
Global Study/Scholarship &
Faculty Led Education Abroad Programs
Deadlines for Proposal Review*
Faculty for AY15-16 ACADEMIC COURSES – Late Oct 2015 (please see Global Nursing Committee Chair for exact timeline)
Students ALONE – No later than 3 months before proposed travel or sooner if possible
Faculty ALONE (participation in intl trip/conference) – No later than 3 months before proposed travel or sooner if possible
Submit to:
Global Nursing Committee Chair
All forms will be reviewed for approval by the Global Nursing Committee,
in consultation with the CON Dean, Executive Team, and others as appropriate.
Faculty/Student Name
Faculty Title(s)
Campus Address
International Location
Dates of the Course/Program
Cost to Student
Course/Program Title (for Students: Course in which your international experience will be part of the for-credit work)
Please attach the following:
[ ] Proposal Narrative addressing required criteria (see “Proposal Components by Type and Evaluation Criteria” and “Proposal
Components With Prompts by Type and Evaluation Criteria”)
[ ] Draft Schedule: a cross between an itinerary and (for academic courses) a syllabus -- including the sites, activities and
speakers/lectures you will offer. Also indicate the number of hours and content of lecture/teaching in Seattle (and in what
quarter) vs. the hours/content taught on-site.
[ ] Budget: include the direct cost to students (usually not including airfare) as well as for faculty. For short-term programs,
use the “Study Abroad Course Budget Builder” at the Education Abroad Office website (see “Resources” below for full URL).
[ ] Interdisciplinary Core (for certain ACADEMIC COURSES ONLY): If the course is intended to be listed as part of the
Interdisciplinary Core Curriculum, please follow instructions for creating a core course proposal found at the Core
Curriculum website (see “Resources” below for full URL). Attach a copy of these materials to the proposal.
[ ] Documentation of Communication with the S.U. Education Abroad Office indicating consultation with EAO to include
consideration of crisis management, health and safety measures, student services provisions and other logistics (see
deadline table, below, for details of when this happens).
Submitting Signature of Faculty/Student
*Under extraordinary circumstances, time-sensitive opportunities will be entertained by the committee at the discretion of the
Created 11/09, Rev 5/10, Rev 9/12, Rev 9/13, Rev 10/14, Rev 10/15
Primary criteria guiding course/program selection: (1) whether the course contributes to a balanced set of offerings; (2) how
the course fits with the strategic plans of the college to weave international engagement and studies into the fabric of the
undergraduate and graduate curricula; (3) how the course content builds on and benefits from the international location and
incorporates appropriate historical, sociological, and cultural background material on the destination into student preparation;
(4) whether the course can attract the required number of students; (5) the health and safety of participants; (6) evidence of due
diligence or reasonable plan for completing all required forms requested by the Education Abroad Office and other relevant
academic or University departments by the appropriate deadlines.
Education Abroad Office
Student Center Pavilion, 206-296-2226
Director – Gina Lopardo
Specialist Assigned to CON – Michelle Vondrak
Education Abroad Budget Builder
Core Curriculum Proposals
Forum on Education Abroad
For Committee Use Only
[ ] Acknowledged – used for faculty or staff participation in University-sponsored global trips (e.g., Nicaragua
immersion, Mexico Immersion, another faculty member’s academic course)
[ ] Endorsed – used for faculty or staff proposal involving only scholarship, work or volunteer activities and no student
academic activities
[ ] Approved – used to acknowledge successful proposals that underwent full review (academic courses, significant new global
partnerships to involve faculty and/or students in the near future, etc)
[ ] Provisionally Approved – used for proposals under full review for which the Committee requests additional information
from the proposal writer and/or additional time to research proposal or confer with others outside the Committee
regarding the proposal before final decision
[ ] Not Approved – used for proposals out of keeping with the SU or CON mission or which did not successfully
demonstrate (after opportunity[ies] for revision) that they would add value to the CON curriculum, or be safe, or be
mutually beneficial to our global partners.
Created 11/09, Rev 5/10, Rev 9/12, Rev 9/13, Rev 10/14, Rev 10/15
The following is the College of Nursing education abroad timeline for AY14-15:
Faculty actions and responsibilities are in GREEN.
A note to faculty: there is a MORATORIUM on NEW course proposals for AY14-15.
Oct 20, 2014
“Global Nursing Opportunities Info Session” for all students with
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
EAO and CON Global Nursing Committee representative;
BANN 501
tentative programs discussed and general questions answered
Oct 23, 2014
“CON Faculty Education Abroad Director and Co-Director
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Information Session” for interested faculty; responsibilities of
GARR 111
positions discussed and general questions answered
Oct 28, 2014
“Global Nursing Opportunities Info Session” for all students with
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
EAO and CON Global Nursing Committee representative;
PIGT 103
tentative programs discussed and general questions answered
Oct 31, 2014
Faculty applications for Director and Co-Director Positions due.
Please email to Therry Eparwa (
Nov 6, 2014
CON GNC reviews faculty applications and decisions are
communicated to faculty.
Dec 12, 2014
Student applications due to HORIZONS,
all short-term programs (Belize and Nicaragua)
Jan 9, 2015
Student applications due to HORIZONS,
all long-term programs (Sweden Exchange)
Early Jan, 2015
Applications for short-term programs reviewed by faculty course
directors (and co-directors, as needed) and decisions
communicated to students
Late Jan, 2015
TBA – Education Abroad office Study Abroad Fair – participate for
general info to underclassmen (consider GNC representative; not
Late Jan, 2015
Accepted student non-refundable deposits due – details TBA
Mid Jan, 2015
Long-term program applications reviewed and decisions/followup actions communicated to students, as well as to host
institution; arrangements made with faculty and students to
begin alternative program of study, to begin in Spring quarter
Spring 2015
Spring quarter study abroad-associated coursework takes place
for Belize and Nicaragua programs
Summer 2015
Summer study abroad immersion takes place for Belize and
Nicaragua programs
Created 11/09, Rev 5/10, Rev 9/12, Rev 9/13, Rev 10/14, Rev 10/15