SJER_rrf_saprock excavation




Project Director/Principal Investigator: Anthony O’Geen

Affiliation and contract information: University of California, Davis

Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory.

Field Manager contact:

Collaborators: Peter Hartsough, Matthew Meadows

Project Title: Critical Zone Exposure and Soil Characterization

Attach an extended project proposal that includes background, justification, objectives, methods, and time line.

In a continuation of monitoring into the soil, deeper saprolite and bedrock at the

San Joaquin Experimental Range (SJER) site (see attached map), we propose here to excavate three (3) soil profiles down to the saprock interface in the general vicinity of the

CZO flux tower, but outside the perimeter of the NEON footprint. The purpose of this study is to investigate the associating of fractures in the underlying bedrock with subsurface weathering and soil formation. Ideally this would be done next to a road to allow mechanized equipment access, likely to the east of the current CZO work. We would like to use mechanical digging tools, mostly likely a backhoe. Based on previous work in the area, we expect the depth to saprock to be approximately 1-2 m. We would like to excavate a surface area of saprock of approximately 2x2 m (see figure 1 below).

Upon reaching the target depth, the surface would be cleaned using compressed air and or vacuum and fractures in the saprock mapped digitally. These research pits would ideally stay open for a period of 1-3 months facilitating several field visits and then be filled back in with the original soil. As needed excavations will have temporary fencing to ensure livestock and personnel safety. While we have the soil pits excavated we will install soil moisture sensors at the soil/saprock interface which is often difficult to access.

These sensors will be complemented by a small data logger at the surface. We will also conduct infiltration tests at the saprock surface while the pits are open. Intact material will be collected for use in lab measurements to characterize mass transport and weathering rates. The total amount of material collected will be nominal, probably less than 5 kg.

In addition we propose to hand augur soil characterization profiles throughout

SJER to compliment historical soil mapping and characterization efforts done in 1965.

Intact material will be collected for use in lab measurements to characterize soil properties. The total amount of material collected will be nominal, probably less than 5 kg.

Describe the project location, including SJER range unit numbers.

Project location will be near the footprint of existing Flux Tower (37°

6'31.3992"N, 119° 43'53.6196), approximately east of the tower along the access road.

Three separate pits would be excavated in different facets, down a uniform slope, most likely within range unit 72.

Project Request Form Page 1

Describe the duration of use and activity periods.

Project duration should be 1 week of on-site activity for exact site selection and excavation. Several additional trips are likely. Project timeframe for excavation is May to June 2014, with excavations filled in after mid-June. Project time frame for soil characterization is likely June 2014.

Describe any markers, including tags, flagging, stakes, or other to be used. Will

GPS location data be collected at these locations?

No permanent markers or stakes are needed. Temporary fencing will be in place to ensure personnel and livestock safety near excavations. Soil moisture sensors and associated loggers will be located at the site and protected from livestock as needed. GPS location data will be collected at the site.

Will the use or exclusion of CSUF livestock be needed as part of the experiment?

For livestock use, describe the location, timing, duration, and movements desired.

For exclusion, describe the location and duration. Identify whether any new fencing is needed. Concurrence from CSUF is required.

Yes, only exclusion near excavations using temporary fencing. Total area is approximately 81 m



Randy Perry

California State University, Fresno

Will other SJER or CSUF facilities be needed? If so, which facilities and for what purpose?

Housing during field operation may be requested by individual researchers.

Do you intend to publish your results?

Yes. We plan on publishing and will acknowledge the contributions of CSUF and/or PSW in published materials. Current and future publications can be accessed through our website:

Will project include use of toxic chemicals?


Please provide the required proof of liability insurance.

See attached self-insurance document.


I will provide annual progress statements and two copies of all published reports plus a final report at the end of the study. In addition, I agree to remove all study markers at the end of the study at my project expense.

_______________________________ ______________________

Project Director/Principle Investigator Date

Project Request Form Page 2


Distribution: The SJER Committee (Kathryn Purcell, Randy Perry, Ken Tate, Mel George, Kevin Rice),

Renee Denton, Neil McDougald, Mike Mosinski, and Anthony Suniga.

Rev 13 Nov 2012

Map 1. Approximate area of interest for critical zone excavations.

Project Request Form Page 3

Figure 1. Example of excavated saprock.

Project Request Form Page 4
