Standard: Determining Genotype and Phenotype

Final Exam Review Guide
Unit B1: Mendel
Standard: Mode of Inheritance
I can describe how genes are inherited
I can explain alleles
I can explain dominant and recessive traits and mode of inheritance
Standard: Determining Genotype and Phenotype
I can figure out the genotype of individuals based on parents or offspring using Punnett squares
I can figure out the phenotype of an individual given their genotype
Unit B2: Meiosis
Standard: Steps of Meiosis
I can describe each phase of meiosis
I can identify stages of meiosis in diagrams and figures
I can explain the purpose of meiosis
Standard: Chromosome Number
I can describe the difference between haploid and diploid
I can determine the number of chromosomes in body cells and sex cells
Standard: Genetic Variety
I can explain the benefit of genetic variety
I can explain what crossing over is
I can explain how mutations happen
I can explain independent assortment and the law of segregation
Standard: Karyotypes
I can identify chromosome numbers in karyotypes
I can determine gender using karyotypes
Unit B3: DNA, RNA, & Protein Synthesis
Standard 1: History and structure of DNA
I can identify who was involved in the discovery of the structure of DNA
I can describe the shape and parts of DNA
I can describe the parts of a nucleotide
I can explain how the four bases pair together in DNA
Standard 2: DNA replication and Protein Synthesis
I can write the complimentary strand of a DNA sequence
I can explain the steps to DNA replication and where it happens
I can describe the main differences between the structure of RNA and DNA
I can explain the process of protein synthesis and where each part takes place (Transcription and
I can transcribe a sequence of DNA into mRNA
I can translate a sequence of mRNA into an amino acid sequence
Standard 3: Mutations
I can describe all types of mutations that can happen in a gene or chromosome
I can identify the different types of mutations in pictures or DNA sequences
I can demonstrate the impact the different mutations have by transcribing and translating a mutated
sequence of DNA versus the original sequence
Unit B4: Heredity
Standard: Autosomal vs. Sex-Linked Traits
I can explain the difference between sex-linked and autosomal traits
I can determine genotypes and phenotypes of sex-link traits
Standard: Interpreting Pedigrees
I can identify the different symbols used and their meanings in a pedigree
I can use the pedigree to determine the mode of inheritance of a trait
I can use a pedigree to determine the genotype and phenotype of specific individuals
Standard: Non-Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance
I can explain what multiple alleles, Co-dominance, incomplete dominance and polygenic traits are
I can determine the genotypes and phenotypes of blood types (multiple alleles)
I can determine the genotypes and phenotypes of co-dominant and incomplete dominant traits
Unit B5: Biotechnology
Standard: Cloning
I can define cloning
Standard: Genetic Engineering
I can describe recombinant DNA
I can describe how restriction enzyme are used to create recombinant DNA
I can explain what a vector is
I can explain what a transgenic animal is
I can explain many benefits from genetic engineering
I can explain what a plasmid is
Standard: Forensic Technology
I can explain the purpose and steps to a polymerase chain reaction
I can explain the purpose and how gel electrophoresis works
I can explain why restriction enzymes are used before putting DNA into the gel electrophoresis
Standard: Human Genome Project
I can explain the purpose of the human genome project
I can describe how knowing the entire sequence of human’s DNA could be beneficial for medicine
Standard: Selective Breeding
I can explain what in breeding is and why it can lead to undesirable traits
Unit B6: Evolution
Standard 1: Evidence for Evolution
I can define evolution
I can describe homologous, analogous and vestigial structures
I can explain how comparative anatomy is used as evidence of evolution
I can compare and contrast divergent and convergent evolution
I can explain biogeography
I can explain and give examples of geographic isolation, speciation, adaptation and adaptive
I can explain the endosymbiotic theory
I can describe what scientists think the original eukaryotes evolved from
Standard 2: Natural Selection
I can explain the process of natural selection (*See template and practice questions)
I can compare and contrast Darwin and Lamarck’s theories
I can describe the 3 types of natural selection
I can interpret the graphs of the 3 types of selection
Unit B7: Viruses, Bacteria and Immunity
Standard: Bacteria
I can classify bacteria
I can describe the characteristics and structures of bacteria
I can identify the types of bacteria based on shapes
I can identify the types of bacteria based on functions and capabilities
I can compare and contrast viruses and bacteria
Standard: Viruses
I can describe the characteristics and structures of a virus
I can explain the lytic and lysogenic cycles
I can compare and contrast viruses and bacteria
I can debate whether a virus is living or not
Standard: Immunity
I can describe what white blood cells do to fight pathogens
I can explain the process of immunity when fighting a disease
Unit B8: Ecology
Standard: Food Chains, Webs and Pyramids
I can label food chains, webs and pyramids
I can describe ecological organization in order of size and interactions
I can describe the pattern of energy flow through a food chain, web or pyramid
I can identify produces, types of consumers, types of heterotrophs, autotrophs and decomposers
I can explain how food chains, webs and pyramids would be affected if something were removed or added
I can explain bio-magnification
I can analyze the importance of each piece of a food web/pyramid. i.e why a specific consumer or autotroph
is important.
Standard: Nutrient Cycles
 I can describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem
 I can explain how respiration and photosynthesis interact in an ecosystem
 I can analyze the societal affects different matter and energy cycles would have in different scenarios
Standard: Succession
 I can explain each stage of succession
Standard: Populations and Relationships
I can describe different types of animal relationships such as 3 symbiotic ones or predator-prey
I can identify different types of animal relationships given background information on them
I can describe and identify invasive species
I can identify different types of population growths based on their graphs
I can explain different types of population growths and why they show their specific patterns
 I can explain what carrying capacity is and why populations have them