Name Date

Name _______________________________________ Date __________________
Ancient Man Project
Introduction: You and your clan are about to begin a journey into the past. You will
pretend that you are a band of early people living in either the Paleolithic, Mesolithic or
Neolithic age (you decide). The project has many parts. Each part requires you to work
with your group, as well as to work individually.. You are responsible to have all
materials at school every day.
Basic Requirements: All parts of the project must be written or drawn on regular sized
paper (8 ½" by 11"). All drawings must be done on unlined paper, which I will also give
You must write your paper in the first person, present tense. For example; "My name is
Jac. I am the leader of my clan. We live in the High Mountains, and ten times the sun
must rise and set before we can reach the great sea of shining water."
Project Parts: Choose a clan leader. This person is responsible for keeping the group on
task, and assembling the final pages of your clan's booklet. Have each clan member
choose which parts of the project he/she will be responsible for. Each person must write
this down on his/her Project Task Sheet on the first day of the project. Each group
member must keep a Project Task Sheet in his or her own notebook. It will be checked
periodically to make sure each group member is up to date on all of your assignments.
Divide up the parts of the project as equally as possible. The final project must include
these pages and projects:
1. Clan Introduction Page
2. Map Page
3. Clan Page
4. Language Page
5. Dwellings Page (and Project)
6. Food Page
7. Animals Page
8. Clothing Page
9. Tools Page and Project
10. Art/Music Page and Project
You may print, write in cursive or type/word process. All handwritten work must be done
in pen (blue or black). All typed or word processed work must be done in upper and
lower case letters, in a readable font with letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts).
Grading: You will be graded on the following:
1. Following all of the directions listed on this first page.
2. Completing the parts of the project assigned to you.
3. Working cooperatively with your group members.
4. Your individual grade will be weighted heavily. Your group grade will be weighted
less and out of less points. For example: your individual grade will be out of 100 while
the group grade may be only out of 30 points.
5. You must be creative and factually correct. Please use your imagination and plenty of
descriptive language. Use your social studies book as well as library resources. We will
also try to use the school's computer lab. If you have the Internet at home, you can also
look for resources there.
6. All spelling must be correct. Use complete sentences. All handwriting must be neat.
All drawings or reproductions must be in color. (If you download an image from the
Internet or copy it from a book, color it in with colored pencils/markers or use a color
7. All individual directions for each section must be followed.
Project Directions: Your project must be in the following order. The first page will be
the cover on the 12"x18" paper I will provide for you. You may decorate the cover any
way you wish.
1. Clan Introduction Page: The first page of your final project must be on a piece of
8.5"x11" paper, and it must contain the following information:
A. Your clan's name
B. Your clan's time period - Paleolithic, Mesolithic or Neolithic
C. The first and last name of each clan member (their real names, not their clan names),
and list what part of the project each person accomplished.
A. As a group, discuss the kind of region you want to live in. Use ideas from the
geography worksheet Then, the person assigned to do the Map Page will draw a map of
the region where your band is located, using the paper given to your group by me. Be
sure to include some of these details on your map:
Land forms, bodies of water, hunting grounds, types of animals found, various dwelling
places, walking and hunting paths, etc. Make the map as if someone from your time
period had made it. (For example, if you include a Legend, don't use a scale labeled
"miles" since that is a more modern concept.).
B. Write an 8 to 10 sentence paragraph describing the region you live in. Use your
imagination. Be factually correct. Write in the first person, present tense.
A. Write down the name your group chooses for your clan.
B. Have each member of your group choose a new name for themselves in your own
language. List each member's real name, and, next to it, write the name each person chose
for him/herself in your tribal language. Be sure to indicate which clan member is the
C. Write an 8 to 10 sentence paragraph explaining why your clan formed. Explain how
you work together. Be sure that all facts go along with the time period you have chosen.
For example, don't have anyone doing farming if you are from the Paleolithic Age. Be
factually correct. Write in the first person, present tense.
A. Have your group invent your own unique language using sounds and symbols. (Do not
write an alphabet). Your language must contain at least 20 different words. For example,
the sound "tweet" could mean bird. The sound "mumba" could mean the donkey-like
animal mentioned in your textbook on page 133, the onager. The symbol of a sun with an
arrow pointing down could mean a time period of one day or 24 hours.
B. Your Language Page MUST, at a minimum, include words for:
1) animals
2) plants
3) commands (such as STOP, GO)
4) feelings
This can be done in list form. Your symbols should be drawn with colored
A. This project will be a model of the type of dwelling your people might have lived in.
Make sure you have a sturdy base for your dwelling. A wood board works best. You
might use mud, rocks, sugar cubes, clay, etc. to create the dwelling. Make sure the base is
sturdy enough to transport your project to school and to move it around in the classroom.
Don't make it too large, since we have limited storage space.
B. You must also write an 8 to 10 sentence paragraph to insert in your clan's book that
will describe your dwelling. Include the following:
1) How did your clan make or find your dwelling? Write this as a real prehistoric person
would write it. Pretend your building materials are real. DO NOT say that you went to a
hobby store to get the clay. Write that your clan carried sacks of mud from the nearby
lake, or that you searched for a cave.
2) Write about the people who live in your dwellings. Explain what is stored there. What
kinds of activities take place there? Is it only a winter or summer dwelling?
A. Write an 8 to 10 sentence paragraph that includes, but is not limited to:
1) What type of food does your tribe eat?
2) How does your clan get its food?
3) How is the food prepared?
All information must be factually correct. Write in the first person, present tense.
B. Draw pictures (or download from the Internet, or copy from a book) of the animals
and plants your clan might hunt or use for food. Use colored pencils/markers on unlined
paper. See the list of Internet links at the end of this packet for further help.
A. Write an 8 to 10 sentence paragraph explaining the kinds of animals that live in your
area. They don’t need to be the exact same ones you hunt, but may be. Try to make these
different from the kinds of animals your clan uses for food. You might write about
animals your tribe uses to make clothing or tools, or animals your tribe worships as
sacred. Include at least three different animals in your paragraph. Make sure these
animals are factually correct for your time period and region. (For example, don't write
about fish that only live in an ocean if you are not close to an ocean).
B. Include some of the following information about each animal:
1) habitats
2) eating habits
3) predators of the animals you write about (who hunts your animal, and who does your
animal hunt?)
4) how your clan uses these animals.
C.) Provide a sketch or artwork of the animals. You may also use computer graphics or
A. In an 8 to 10 sentence paragraph, describe the clothing your tribe wears. You should
include, but not limit yourself to the following topics.
1) What animals are used in the material your clothes are made out of?
2) How does your clan cut and sew the material, etc.?
3) Is there different clothing for men, women, children, classes of people (shaman, for
example, or other leaders)
4) How is the clothing decorated?
5) Don't forget hats, shoes, gloves, footwear, etc.
6) If you have any clothing for special occasions or ceremonies, describe the clothing and
when it is used.
B. Draw pictures of your clothing, and/or download pictures from the Internet, or copy
from a book and color them in. Do this on unlined paper, using colored pencils/markers.
If you also want to make clothing to be displayed on dolls or costumes for your clan, you
may, but this is not required. See the Internet links at the end of the packet for further
Write 8 to 10 sentences on your Tools Page about what kinds of tools your clan uses,
what they are used for, who uses them, and how are they made.
Make two tools that can be used in the everyday life of your clan. The tool can only be
made from materials in nature that prehistoric people could have found. Make sure your
tool is not dangerous to bring to school. It should not be so sharp that someone could get
A. Make a drum or other musical instrument. You can only use materials that simulate
materials found in nature. For example, you could use scraps of brown vinyl from a car
upholstery shop, or material that looks like fur from a fabric shop. Your instrument
should be decorated with objects found in nature, such as feathers, shells,etc.
B. Using your tribe's language, write and perform a song about hunting, or a ceremony
honoring birth, death, good weather or good hunting. (Everyone must participate in the
group song as part of the group grade, and demonstrate it in front of the class!)
C. Draw a piece of artwork that might have been drawn by someone in your clan.
Describe it in two-three sentences.
GRADING ASSESSMENT (RUBRIC): Your group project and your individual pages
and projects will be graded accordingly:
F 0-60%=Did not meet requirements
D 61-69%=Met a few of the requirements
C 70-79%=Met some of the requirements
B 80-89%=Met minimum requirements
A 90-100%=Expertly met all of the requirements
A+ More than 100%=Met all requirements beyond expectations
Uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
All written material is in the first person, present tense
Correctly cites (names) and incorporates at least one research source (textbook, encyclopedia, Internet site)
Creatively uses informational resources
All of the directions for the page or project are followed
All parts are included
Worked cooperatively with the group
Each group member contributed to the group presentation in front of the class.
Completed Task Sheet and Assessments on time
Internet Links for Ancient Man Project
General Sources
Ancient Man sites: - almost
Ancient World links:
Learn about the history of ancient worlds, categorized by continents. Large resource of
links. Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Ancient Man Project Task Sheet
1. Completed Project Due Date:_______________________________
2. The name of my clan is _________________
3. Our time period is: ________________________(Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic)
3. Our clan leader is (his/her real name) __________________
4. I am responsible for:
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
d. __________________________________
Self-Assessment Rubric: Complete the following assessment on your personal
contributions to your group on the following dates that your teacher will provide.
Assessment #1 Due date: (1st or 2nd day after project is started) _________________
0= So far, I have not met any of these requirements
1= So far, I have met a few of these requirements
2= So far, I have met some of these requirements
3= So far, I have met all of these requirements
4= So far, I have met all of these requirements, and done even more than required
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4
___ Participated in group discussions
___Worked cooperatively with other group members
___Maintained a positive attitude during group work
___Gave helpful suggestions to the group
___Completed one or more of my assigned sections and submitted it to the group leader
___Helped other group members with their pages
Assessment #2 (third or 4th day of project) Date:______________________
0= So far, I have not met any of these requirements
1= So far, I have met a few of these requirements
2= So far, I have met some of these requirements
3= So far, I have met all of these requirements
4= So far, I have met all of these requirements, and done even more than required
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4
___ Participated in group discussions
___Worked cooperatively with other group members
___Maintained a positive attitude during group work
___Gave helpful suggestions to the group
___Completed one or more of my assigned sections and submitted it to the group leader
___Helped other group members with their pages
Assessment #3 (4th or 5th day of project) Date:______________________
0= So far, I have not met any of these requirements
1= So far, I have met a few of these requirements
2= So far, I have met some of these requirements
3= So far, I have met all of these requirements
4= So far, I have met all of these requirements, and done even more than required
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4
___ Participated in group discussions
___Worked cooperatively with other group members
___Maintained a positive attitude during group work
___Gave helpful suggestions to the group
___Completed one or more of my assigned sections and submitted it to the group leader
___Helped other group members with their pages
Ancient Man Project Rubric
Clan’s’ Name: ___________________
1. Clan Introduction Page: Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Clan Introduction Page Requirements:
0-5 Points
1. Your clan's name on an 8.5x11” paper: 0-5 points
2. Your clan's time period - Paleolithic, Mesolithic or Neolithic: 0-5 points
3. The first and last name of each clan member (their real names, not their clan
names), and list what part of the project each person accomplished. 0-5 points
4. All spelling must be correct. Use complete sentences. All handwriting must be
neat. All typed or word processed work must be done in upper and lower case
letters, in a readable font with letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts). All
drawings or reproductions must be in color. 0-5 points
Total points possible for Clan Intro: 20
Total Points:
2. Map Page Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Map Page Requirements:
1. Land forms 1 point:
2. Bodies of water 1 point:
3. Hunting grounds 1 point:
4. Types of animals found 1 point:
5. Various dwelling places 1 point:
6. Walking and hunting paths 1 point:
7. Map made as if someone from that time period had made it 1 point:
8. All spelling is correct. Complete sentences used, and all handwriting is
neat. All drawings or reproductions are in color. 3 points
9. An 8 to 10 sentence paragraph describing the region the clan lives in, that
is factually correct, and written in the first person, present tense: 8 points
All handwritten work must be done in pen (blue or black). All typed or word
processed work must be done in upper and lower case letters, in a readable
font with letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), with no spelling
errors. 2 points
Total points possible for Map Page is 20 points -
Total Points Earned:
3. Clan Page Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Clan Page Requirements:
1. The name the group chose for the clan is given. 2 points
2. Each member's real name is listed as well as the name each person chose
for him/herself in the group’s tribal language. The name of the leader of the
clan is given. 2 points
3. An 8-10 sentence paragraph explaining the following: why the clan
formed and how they work together. 4 points
4. All the facts go along with the time period they have chosen, and all
details are factually correct. 4 points
5. Everything is written in the first person, present tense. 4 points
All handwritten work must be done in pen (blue or black). All typed or
word processed work must be done in upper and lower case letters, in a
readable font with letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), with no
spelling errors. 4 points
Total points possible for Clan Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned:
4. Language Page Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________ (total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Language Page Requirements:
1. Your language must contain at least 20 different words, including: animals,
plants, commands (such as STOP, GO) and feelings: 10 points
2.The symbols are drawn with colored pencils/markers: 5 points
3. All work is neat, and free of spelling errors: 5 points
Total points possible for Language Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned:
5. Dwelling Page (and Project) Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Dwelling Page Requirements:
1. A model of the type of dwelling the clan might have lived in: 10 points
2. An 8 to 10 sentence paragraph describing how the clan made or found its
dwelling, written as a real prehistoric person would have written it: 4 points
3. The paragraph explains what is stored in the dwelling and what kinds of
activities take place in the dwelling. 4 points
4. All handwritten work is done in pen (blue or black). All typed or word
processed work is done in upper and lower case letters, in a readable font with
letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), with no spelling errors. 2 points
Total points possible for Dwelling Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned:
6. Food Page Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Food Page Requirements:
1. An 8 to 10 sentence paragraph describing the types of food eaten by the clan: 4
2. Explanation of how the clan gets its food: 4 points
3. Explanation of how the food is prepared: 4 points
4. All information is factually correct, written in the first person, present tense: 2
5. The pages include pictures of the animals the clan might have hunted for food,
using colored pencils, markers or downloaded/copied pictures on unlined paper: 3
6. All handwritten work is done in pen (blue or black). All typed or word
processed work is done in upper and lower case letters, in a readable font with
letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), with no spelling errors. 3 points
7. Total points possible for Food Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned:
7. Animals Page Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Animals Page Requirements:
1. An 8 to 10 sentence paragraph describing at least three animals that live in the
clan’s area, including information about the animals’ habitats, eating habits,
predators of the animals discussed (who hunts the animals, and who the animal
hunts) as well as an explanation of how the clan used these animals, such as for
food, decoration, clothing, worshipped as sacred, etc. 15 points
2. All information is factually correct, written in the first person, present tense: 2
3. All handwritten work is done in pen (blue or black). All typed or word
processed work is done in upper and lower case letters, in a readable font with
letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), with no spelling errors. 3 points
4. Total points possible for Animals Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned:
8. Clothing Page Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Clothing Page Requirements:
1. An 8 to 10 sentence paragraph, describing the clothing worn by the clan. The
paragraph includes, but is not limited to the following topics:1) animals used in the
making of the clan’s clothes 2) how the clan cuts and sews the material 3) an
explanation of whether there is different clothing for men, women, children, or
various classes of people (shaman, for example, or other leaders) 4) an
explanation of how the clothing decorated 5) an explanation and description of the
various uses for the clothing, such as hats, shoes, gloves, footwear, or clothing for
special occasions such as ceremonies 10 points
2. All information is factually correct, written in the first person, present tense: 2
3. All handwritten work is done in pen (blue or black). All typed or word
processed work is done in upper and lower case letters, in a readable font with
letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), with no spelling errors. 3 points
4. Pictures drawn in colored pencils/markers, or downloaded/copied on unlined
paper or displayed on dolls or costumes for clan members that illustrate the clothes
used by the clan: 5 points
5. Total points possible for Clothing Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned:
Tools Page and Project Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Clothing Page Requirements:
1. An 8 to 10 sentence paragraph about what kinds of tools the clan used, what
they were used for, who used them, and how they were made: 9 points
2. Presentation includes two tools created from materials used in nature that
prehistoric people could have found: 9 points
3. All handwritten work is done in pen (blue or black). All typed or word
processed work is done in upper and lower case letters, in a readable font with
letters of a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), with no spelling errors. 2 points
4. Total points possible for Tools Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned:
10. Art/Music Page and Project Presenter: ____________
Total Group Grade =
__________ (totals for each page and project, possible 100 points)
Personal Grade x 10 = __________ (possible 200 points)
Group grade + personal grade divided by 3=_____________(total personal grade, possible 100 points)
Art/Music Page Requirements:
1. Some type of musical instrument is shared, made out of materials that simulate
items found in nature. It is decorated with objects found in nature: 7 points
2. Using some of the words from the clan’s language, the group members perform
a song about hunting, or a ceremony honoring birth, death, good weather or good
hunting: 6 points
3. A piece of artwork is presented that might have been drawn by someone in the
clan. The artwork is described in two-three sentences, written in pen (blue or
black), or typed in upper and lower case letters with a readable font with letters of
a standard size (12 or 14 point fonts), and has no spelling errors: 7 points
4. Total points possible for Arts/Music Page is 20 points
Total Points Earned: