Massive Health Risk

How does your body burn fat? Many people want to lose excess body fat. An increasing
percentage of people in our modern society find themselves overweight. Those overweight folks
usually attempt to remove their excess weight through fad diets and wonder pills. This leads to
failure and frustration.
A better understanding of how the body naturally burns fat can help those who want to reduce
naturally and safely. In this article we will look at the three sources of calories and how your
body uses each source. We will look at what type of diet best burns body fat safely and
effectively. We will take a look at how exercise helps your body burn fat. We will look at other
factors such as proper rest and stress reduction and their role in helping you burn body fat. Let's
begin with an examination of the three primary sources of calories and how they affect your
body in burning fat.
In order to answer the question, " How does your body burn fat ? " it is important to look at the
three primary sources of calories. These sources are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Except for
water, protein is the most plentiful substance in your body. It is the major building material for
the body. Because protein is so important in building and repairing your body, it is not used by
the body for energy when enough carbohydrates and fats are present.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. They provide us with immediate
energy by combining with the oxygen in our blood. Fats are the concentrated energy source of
the body. They have over two times the calories per gram of carbohydrates or proteins. In order
for our body to burn fat we need to eat the proper diet.
A diet that will enable our body to burn fat needs to restrict carbohydrates. The popular low
carbohydrate diets are based on this fact. If the body has no carbohydrates to burn, it next burns
body fat. But, while a high protein and low carbohydrate diet can be helpful in burning body fat ;
it can also have harmful long term effects. Make sure your diet is not overly restrictive. Make
sure you are still getting the proper nutrients with any diet that restricts carbohydrates.
Any discussion of the question, "How does your body burn fat ?" must examine the role exercise
plays in burning body fat. Once your body is using body fat as a source of energy, you need to
exercise in order to burn that energy. An increase in physical exercise will help you burn more
body fat. If you want to burn off some body fat, try to exercise frequently.
Other factors such as getting proper rest and reducing stress can have an effect on how your body
burns fat. If you are going to follow a lifetime regimen to manage body fat, it is very important
to stay healthy in all ways. Too much stress or a lack of sleep can lead you away from the path to
a low fat body percentage.
As you can see, the body burns fat when carbohydrates are not readily available. Carbohydrates
are the first choice for energy for your body. Fat is the next choice as an energy source. Exercise
helps you burn body fat by requiring your body to spend more energy. Proper rest and proper
management of stress help you follow a long term strategy to burn off body fat.
Article Source:
"Massive Health Risk"
The downfall of low carbohydrate diets --people may not be able to tolerate the diet for long
enough to suffer the long-term consequences. However if you could tolerate it for long periods of
time the consequences could be deadly.
The American Heart Association states: "Individuals who follow these diets are therefore at risk
for compromised vitamin and mineral intake, as well as potential cardiac, renal [kidney],
bone, and liver abnormalities or failure ."[254] Low carb diets like the Atkins diet may also
increase the onset of type II diabetes. The September 2004 review in The Lancet,[524] "lowcarbohydrate diets cannot be recommended as a healthy way to lose weight."[525]
1. Obesity is a huge issue in our society. A lot of overweight people attempt to remove their
excess weight through _________ __________ and ___________ ____________.
2. These attempts to lose weight usually lead to _______________ and ______________.
3. What are the three primary sources of calories?
4. _____________ is the most plentiful substance in your body. Protein is so important in
the building and repairing of body tissue (primarily muscle) that it is usually not used by
the body for ____________ when enough _____________ and ____________ are
5. The main source of energy for the body is ___________________.
6. Fats have over 2 times the calories as _____________ and ____________.
7. In order for our body to burn fat we need to eat a proper __________.
8. A diet that will enable our body to burn fat needs to restrict (reduce somewhat)
______________ intake.
9. If the body has no carbohydrates to burn, the body will next turn to _______ for
10. A high protein and Low carb diet can be helpful in burning fat but, it can have
__________ ____________ ___________ effects.
11. Once your body is using fat as a source of energy you need to ___________
In order to burn that fat.
12. If you want to burn off even more body fat you need to ___________ more.
13. Other factors such as proper __________(at least 8 hours) and reducing ___________
effect how your body burns ______________.
14. To manage body fat it is important to be ____________ in all ways.
15. To much _____________ and or lack of _____________ can lead you away from the
path of a low body ______________ percentage!
16. List 5 long term effects that a high protein and low carb diet can cause.