Senior English Exam Rubric – Option 2: 2 Voice Poem

Senior English Exam Rubric – Option 2: 2 Voice Poem
------Stimulating Ideas (5 points x2)
The Writing…
 Focuses on two characters from two different works
 Brings to life the characters’ attitudes, beliefs, emotions, concerns, etc.
 Contains strong word images that accurately depict the characters (shows rather than tells)
 Conveys thoughtful analysis of the characters
 Reveals similarities or differences in the characters through juxtaposition of the voices
 Conveys a connection between the characters
_____Engaging Voice (5 points)
 Speaks in the voices of the characters
 Maintains consistent voices that reflect the mood, attitude and feelings of both individual characters
_____Diction (5 points)
 Word choice creates the desired tone and effect
 Uses language in careful, thoughtful and purposely-placed manner
 Uses high level vocabulary that is specific to the subject, character and time
_____ Effective Sentence Style (5 points)
 Moves smoothly from one voice to the other
 Sounds effective when read aloud
 Uses effective punctuation and line breaks to juxtapose the two characters and create rhythm
 Sentence length varies
_____ Correct, Accurate Copy (5 points)
 Adheres to the basic rules of spelling and grammar
 Follows the format for a 2-voice poem (alternating lines of bold or columns)
 Uses white space in an effective and appealing way
 Includes an original and insightful title that adds meaning to the piece
 Is at least 20 lines long for EACH character
 Is neatly typed with proper heading
_____ Delivery (5 points x2)
The Speaker’s…
 Eye contact is sufficient to hold the audience’s attention and convey confidence
 Inflection in voice matches or creates meaning
 Rate (speed) is reflective of the mood and changes throughout as needed
 Volume is loud enough for all in the room to hear
 Vocal fillers are minor and do not distract from the poem
 Body language is controlled and deliberate and does not distract nor hinder the message
 Body positions are intentional, well-timed and reflect the content of the piece
 Body movements are intentional and contribute to the meaning of the piece
_____the Statement of Intent (10 points)
 States the SO WHAT (interpretation or universal meaning) of the poem
 Identifies WHAT literary features create that meaning
 Explains HOW each literary feature functions to contribute to the meaning
TOTAL _________/50
5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair 2=Poor
0=No Attempt Made
Exam Rubric – Option 2: Narrative
_____ Stimulating Ideas ( 5 points x2)
 Focuses on a significant event in the work
 Brings the event and characters to life
 Contains strong word images – shows instead of just tells
 Begins with a strong engaging lead
 Includes a clear beginning, middle and end
 Develops and maintains tension
 SHOWS A SO WHAT (Overall meaning is clear)
_____ Engaging Voice
 Speaks in an alternative point of view 9different from the original work)
 Speaks in a voice that reflects the character’s personality, beliefs, attitude, etc
 Maintains a consistent voice throughout
_____Diction (5 points)
 Words are chosen to create the desired tone and effect
 Uses language in careful, thoughtful, and purposeful manner
 Vocabulary is appropriate to the subject and speaker
_____ Sentence Style (5 points)
 Sentences are varied in length and structure
 Uses mature stylistic features such as parallel structure, transitions, and literary devices (simile, metaphor, irony, etc)
 Punctuation is carefully chosen to convey the tone
 Uses vivid imagery and dialogue to show rather than tell
_____Correct, Accurate Copy
 Follows the proper rules of grammar, punctuation and spelling
 Maintains a consistent verb tense
 Includes an original, insightful title that adds meaning to the piece
 Is a minimum of 2 double spaced pages
 Is neatly typed with proper heading
_____Delivery: The Speaker’s
 Eye contact is sufficient to hold the audience’s attention and to convey confidence
 Inflection in voice matches or creates the meaning of the piece
 Rate is consistent, steady and does not distract from the content
 Volume is loud enough for everyone in the room
 Vocal fillers are minor and do not hinder the comprehension
 Body language is controlled and deliberate, posture is poised
_____ Statement of Intent
 States the SO WHAT (Universal interpretation/meaning) of the narrative
 Identifies the WHAT (what literary features create that meaning)
 Explains HOW (how do those literary features create that meaning)
TOTAL _________/50
5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Fair 2=Poor
0=No Attempt Made