´A Learning Route on Innovative Livestock Marketing from Northern to Eastern Africa´ 27 February – 9 March, 2012 - Kenya INSCRIPTION FORM LEARNING ROUTE ´A Learning Route on Innovative Livestock Marketing from Northern to Eastern Africa´ 27th February – 9th March, 2012 - Kenya PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname Name Other names Sex Female Birthdate Male (day/month/year) Country of residence City Physical address 1) Email 2) Country code Area code Number Telephone Fax Cellphone Identification document Passport number Emission date Expiry date National ID number Emission date Expiry date Languages 1) 2) 1 ´A Learning Route on Innovative Livestock Marketing from Northern to Eastern Africa´ 27 February – 9 March, 2012 - Kenya Education (Please mark with and X the corresponding answer) Level Completed Uncompleted Primary school Secondary school Technician University Others Access and use of the internet Do you dispose of a computer? Yes No Do you have access to internet? Yes No Where? Where? Home Work Public cabins Other (Please state which one) Home Work Public cabins Other (Please state which one) How often do you surf in the web? What kind of internet connection do you have? Phone connection Broadband Other (Please state which one) Are you part of any social networks? Daily 3 times a week Once a week Every 15 days Once a month Every 2 months or so Facebook Twitter MySpace Other Please state your username Profession or position Technical or professional specialty POSITION THAT YOU CURRENTLY HAVE IN THE ORGANIZATION, COMPANY OR INSTITUTION: (Name of the position) Please select the choice that describes better your position: 1. Director of an institution, programme or project 2. Functionary, operator or member of technical staff of an institution, programme or project 3. Director of a rural organization (association, cooperative, company) 4. Member of a rural organization 2 ´A Learning Route on Innovative Livestock Marketing from Northern to Eastern Africa´ 27 February – 9 March, 2012 - Kenya 5. Independent professional, technician or local talent 6. Other (please specify) 7. Entrepreneur CAN YOU MENTION THE REASONS WHY YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE TO THIS LEARNING ROUTE? CAN YOU DESCRIBE WHAT ROLE WILL YOU BE PLAYING IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIONS AND IN IMPROVING PROJECT PERFORMANCE? DESCRIBE THE FUNCTIONS OR TASKS THAT YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION, PROGRAMME OR PROJECT IN WHICH YOU CAN APPLY THE LEARNING FROM THE LEARNING ROUTE NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION OR COMPANY OF THE APPLICANT TYPE OF ORGANIZATION, COMPANY OR INSTITUTION (Please mark the most appropriate choice) 1. Civil society organization 1.1 Economic organization (cooperatives, associations, etc) 1.2 Technical support organization or NGO 1.3 Second level organization (network, federation, other) 1.4. Academic institution, university, study center 2. Rural development project 3. Public entity 4. Local, regional government 5. International organization 6. Company 6. Other (please specify what kind) 3 ´A Learning Route on Innovative Livestock Marketing from Northern to Eastern Africa´ 27 February – 9 March, 2012 - Kenya IS YOUR ORGANIZATION LINKED TO IFAD? YES ___ NO___ How? YES __ NO___ IS IT LEGALLY CONSTITUTED? What is its legal figure? From when? MAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE INSTITUTION, COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION? COVERAGE OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION, COMPANY OR INSTITUTION International National Regional Local NETWORKS Does your organization gather other institutions, organizations or collective groups? Which ones? YES ___ NO __ Does it belong to other networks, associations, alliances or articulations (local, regional or national)? Which ones? YES ___ NO__ NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION, COMPANY OR INSTITUTION Nº of women Nº of men Total Nº (Please classify them according to their age) Nº of people under 18 years old Nº of people between 18 and 35 years old Nº of people between 36 and 59 years old Nº of people of 60 years old and above Total Nº 4 ´A Learning Route on Innovative Livestock Marketing from Northern to Eastern Africa´ 27 February – 9 March, 2012 - Kenya CONTACT DATA FROM THE ORGANIZATION, COMPANY OR INSTITUTION COUNTRY CITY PHYSICAL ADDRESS NAME OF THE MAIN DIRECTOR EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER 1) 2) Country code Area code Number FAX Mobile PHONE THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR FILLING THE INSCRIPTION FORM! Please send it back to dpuyo@procasur.org and vsauve@procasur.org We will contact you very soon! 5