Mr. Capone Lesson Plan for week of 3/17/2014 Monday Objectives Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Students will be able to: Students will be able to: Students will be able to: Students will able to: 1.Identify the significant Events and People that changed the culture of America during the Great Depression Era 1.Explain the causes and effects of the Great Depression on America and it’s global neighbors. 1.Identify the 1.Assess how al between the All powers shifted pre WWII era. 2. Assess the causes and effects of America's changing social identity during the pre WWII era. 2. Analyze the contributions of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the role of the U.S. as a World power. 3.Identify key events that foreshadowed the 8.H.2 coming of an economic decline in pre-WWII Understand the ways America. in which conflict, compromise and 8.H.1.3 Use primary negotiation shaped and secondary sources U.S. policies in pre to interpret various WWII era. historical perspectives. Focus business practices that set up the fall of the American economy in 1929. 2. Compare and Contrast the political and military philosophy of Herbert Hoover and FDR during the Great Depression era. 2. Create graph organizers to de changes in the b of power in Pre Europe and the 9.H.2 Underst similarities and differences betw the political and societal structu the Allied and A powers. 3. Explain the principles outlined in President Roosevelt’s “New Deal” program. Video Clip Video Clip Journal Review A short clip from The Discovery Education Tech Book outlining the changes America culture during the Great Depression. The life and times of FDR and his impact on U.S. history from The Discovery Education Tech Book Students will go over their Journals and organize the contents to insure their notes are complete. Graphic Orga on Ch.26 outl the social and political impa the Great Dep on American s ,economic and political instit Input Primary Document Analysis Interactive Lecture with Venn Diagram Students will continue creating Each pod of students are given primary documents depicting conditions during the Great Depression. Students will collaborate to create a diagram comparing the movement toward national economic recovery of President Herbert Hoover to that of Franklin D. Roosevelt. and presenting the Poster presentations of Timeline events from the Great Depression Each pod will have a set of questions to answer pertaining to each image. They will work with their groups to help answer the questions. Inclusion: Each Pod will collaborate and share their list of answers with the rest of the class. Have students, in pods , collaborate to make a Timeline on events leading up to the Great Depression and present it to the class AIG Students: Create a front page newspaper story accounting the key events of the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt.. Students will examine images Depression era in Ask students to their Journals w saw in the pictu How were thes similar or diffe from those we Students: Create a of America dur propaganda Great Depressi Poster that is intended to give the American people hope for recovery during the Great Depression. Closure Special Accommodations Objectives Presentations Journal Entry Journal Entry Journal Entry Students will present to the class their journal responses to each image. Students are asked to write down 3 things they learned about Franklin D. Roosevelt. Students are asked to write down 3 things they learned about the Great Depression . Students will w sentence "repo their journal on person or event that they read a Ch. 26 and pres the class. Group work Group Work Group work Group work Leveled assignments Leveled assignments Focus Input Closure Special Accommodations