Proposed K-12 Technology and Engineering Education Program of Study University of Idaho Submitted by: Paul Gathercoal, Ph. D. Professor and Department Chair 208-885-5707 The Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Idaho requests approval to relocate the K-12 Engineering and Technology Education Endorsement at the College of Southern Idaho (CSI). The Technology and Engineering Education Endorsement includes a series of courses that provide the student teacher with knowledge and practice in the five core areas of Engineering and Technology Education: construction, manufacturing, communications, energy and power, and transportation. This program of study is an additional endorsement to our Secondary certification programs. The following courses below allow students to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and dispositions and to gather artifacts as evidence of competency include the following (with their descriptions) Technology and Engineering Education Endorsement requirements This includes a minimum of Twenty (20) semester credit hours in the areas of communication technology, transportation technology, manufacturing technology, energy and power and construction technology and computer aided drafting and designing. These courses are in addition to foundational technology courses taken at CSI. EDUC 105 CAD Engineering and Design 3 crs Develop skills in engineering graphic communication using freehand sketches and computer aided drawing and designing. EDUC 108 Introduction to Welding Instruction 2 crs This course is intended to introduce the basic skills necessary for teaching welding as a secondary educator. Students will learn welding theory and the techniques needed to properly set up and use SMAW GMAW FCAW & GTAW welding equipment EDUC 111 Introduction to Manufacturing 3 crs This course is designed to impart technical knowledge and skills for use of manufacturing equipment and procedures EDUC 107 Computer Operating Systems 3 crs This course will provide basic instruction in computers and computer operating systems. CTE 130 Introduction to Electricity and Electronics (3 cr) This introduction to electricity and electronics includes properties of resistors, capacitors, and inductors in electrical circuits; basics of power distribution systems and house wiring; and the use of meters and oscilloscopes in lab. Three 1-hr lec and one 2-hr lab a wk. PSC Program Approval Form (March 2013) UNREVISED InTASC CORE STANDARDS 1 CTE 353 Manufacturing Systems (3 cr) In-depth examination and implementation of manufacturing theory and processes including research and development, product planning and controlling. Topics, such as Lean Manufacturing, Kanban, relating to manufacturing facilities and management of manufacturing processes will be discussed, studied and implemented in the manufacture of a designed product in quantity. CTE 310 Lab Safety, Management, and Liability (3 cr) Overview of operations, use, and maintenance of laboratory tools and equipment, laboratory management and liability concerns. CTE 354 Construction Technology (3 cr) Teaching techniques and methods of instruction for a systems approach to construction technology including residential, commercial, and civil. Recommended Preparation CTE 370 Power, Energy & Transportation (3 cr) Exploration of new and emerging technologies and energies and transportation technologies with focus on social, cultural, economic, and political considerations. CTE 410 Technology and Society (3 cr) In-depth examination and implementation of the relationship between technology and social change; previous course work in technology is not essential. CTE 462 Communication Technology (3 cr) Investigation and laboratory activities associated with of a variety of communication technologies, including interpersonal, human to machine and machine to machine, through contemporary devices and materials. CTE 481 Computer-Integrated and Robotics Manufacturing Technologies (3 cr) In-depth examination and implementation of advanced computer aided drafting, 3D solids modeling, computer numerical control, basic and advanced toolpath generation, virtual machining environments, and robotics applications. Enrollment per section limited to lab stations available. CTE 494 Senior Project (3 cr) In the last year of study, students select an individual design project related to their area of specialization within technology education. Some students may have the option of joining a Senior Design Team in the College of Engineering. PSC Program Approval Form (March 2013) UNREVISED InTASC CORE STANDARDS 2 Institution: University of Idaho Program: Engineering and Technology Education Endorsement Framework for Teaching Domain # 1: Planning and Preparation (Correlated to Idaho Core Teacher Standards 1, 2, and 7) Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy Demonstrating knowledge of students Selecting instructional goals Demonstrating knowledge of resources Designing coherent instruction Assessing student learning Standard #1: Knowledge of Subject Matter - The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the content area(s) taught and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for learners. Idaho Content Area Standards For: Engineer and Technology Education Endorsements (Insert appropriate language from content area “Knowledge” standards) #1: Knowledge of Subject Matter (Insert appropriate language from content area “Knowledge” standards) Standard 1: Knowledge of Subject Matter -- The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the content area(s) taught and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for learners. PSC Program Approval Form (March 2013) Coursework and/or Equivalent Experience Key Indicators Specific to Content Competencies Artifacts & Performance Assessments (List the required coursework and/or verified equivalent experience) (Insert language from content area “Performance” standards that demonstrate key indicators) (List the artifacts and/or performance assessments that show a clear correlation between each key indicator) EDUC 105 CAD Engineering and Design 3 crs The candidate knows and is able to: EDUC 105 CAD Engineering and Design 3 crs 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 – Weekly in class CAD activities, Design Portfolio, Quizzes, CADD project EDUC 108 Introduction to Welding Instruction 2 crs 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 – Weekly in class and laboratory activities, quizzes test, welding projects EDUC 111 Introduction to Manufacturing 3 crs 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 – Weekly in class assignments, Portfolio, Projects, quizzes and exams Performance 1. The teacher demonstrates the basic skills that support the fields of communications; manufacturing; power, energy, and transportation; construction; electronics; and computer technology. 2. The teacher demonstrates how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot computers and peripheral equipment, telecommunications equipment, and other related technology applications. UNREVISED InTASC CORE STANDARDS 1.2; 1.3 – Portfolio, CADD Project. EDUC 108 Introduction to Welding Instruction 2 crs 1.1 – Laboratory assignment, Welding Project. EDUC 111 Introduction to Manufacturing 3 crs 1.1 – Portfolio, laboratory Assignments, Projects. 3 Knowledge 1. The teacher has a basic understanding of contemporary communications; manufacturing; power, energy, and transportation; construction; electronics; and computer systems. 2. The teacher understands the operation and features of a computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing systems. 3. The teacher understands the principles and concepts of technology and the related mathematics concepts associated with them. 4. The teacher knows the classical and contemporary elements, principles, and processes of structural systems. EDUC 107 Computer Operating Systems 3 crs 3. The teacher demonstrates architectural and mechanical drafting and developmental skills. 1.1 – Weekly in class/ laboratory assignments, quizzes, midterm and final exam CTE 130 Introduction to Electricity and Electronics (3 cr) 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 – In class laboratory activities, team building and problem solving in lab Concept mini lesson, Reflective writing in engineering notebook CTE 353 Manufacturing Systems (3 cr) 1.1; 1.2; 1.4 – In class laboratory activities, team building and problem solving in lab Concept mini lesson, Reflective writing in engineering notebook CTE 310 Lab Safety, Management, and Liability (3 cr) 1.1; – In class laboratory activities, team building and problem solving in lab Concept mini lesson, Reflective writing in engineering notebook CTE 354 Construction Technology (3 cr) 1.1; 1.2; 1.4 – In class laboratory activities, team building and problem solving in lab Concept mini lesson, Reflective writing in engineering notebook, Portfolio, Construction project PSC Program Approval Form (March 2013) UNREVISED InTASC CORE STANDARDS EDUC 107 Computer Operating Systems 3 crs 1.1; 1.3 - Laboratory assignments exams CTE 130 Introduction to Electricity and Electronics (3 cr) 1.1 – Lesson plan for mini lesson, laboratory Assignments, EdTPA. Engineering notebook CTE 353 Manufacturing Systems (3 cr) 1.1 - Laboratory projects, lesson plan for mini lesson, EdTPA, Engineering notebook. CTE 310 Lab Safety, Management, and Liability (3 cr) 1.1 Laboratory projects, lesson plan for mini lesson, EdTPA, Engineering notebook CTE 354 Construction Technology (3 cr) 1.1; 1.3 - Laboratory projects, EdTPA, Engineering notebook CTE370 Power, Energy & Transportation (3 cr) 1.1 – Lesson plan for mini lesson, laboratory Assignments, Team Project. Engineering notebook 4 CTE370 Power, Energy & Transportation (3 cr) 1.1; 1.2; 1.4 – In class laboratory activities, team building and problem solving in lab Concept mini lesson, Reflective writing in engineering notebook, Portfolio, design project CTE 410 Technology and Society (3 cr) CTE 410 Technology and Society (3 cr) 1.1—Topical papers, exam, final project CTE 462 Communication Technology (3 cr) 1.4 — Quizzes, exam, topical paper, final project 1.1; 1.2— Video production, outreach project, reflective writing CTE 462 Communication Technology (3 cr) CTE 481 Computer-Integrated and Robotics Manufacturing Technologies (3 cr) 1.1; 1.4 – Geocaching assignment, sketching assignments, video production project, outreach project, reflective writing. 1.1; 1.2— Portfolio, laboratory project, EdTPA, Engineering notebook CTE 481 Computer-Integrated and Robotics Manufacturing Technologies (3 cr) CTE 494 Senior Project (3 cr) 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 – Design project 1.1; 1.3; 1.4 – In class laboratory activities, team building and problem solving in lab, Portfolio Reflective writing in engineering notebook CTE 494 Senior Project (3 cr) 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4 – Design proposal, team building and problem solving in lab, final design project, design notebook PSC Program Approval Form (March 2013) UNREVISED InTASC CORE STANDARDS 5 PSC Program Approval Form (March 2013) UNREVISED InTASC CORE STANDARDS 6