HDL COMPREHENSIVE EXAM RUBRIC Student Learning Outcome Description of Concentration Area Students have developed a foundation in a concentration area applicable to current/future career goals. HDL 660 Students apply leadership theory and principles PASS In-depth description of the concentration area or career setting that indicates an understanding of information from the courses in the concentration area Average A description of the concentration area or career setting that indicates some understanding of information from the courses in the concentration area FAIL Minimal description of the concentration area or career setting that indicates a lack understanding of information from the courses in the concentration area Practices and application of leadership theories -Authentic leadership -Servant leadership -Transformational and at least three of the following - developing the inner leader, Self-assessment, internal motivators, personal/professional vision, Trait/style/skill/situational theories Practices and application of leadership theories -Authentic leadership -Servant leadership -Transformational and at least two of the following - developing the inner leader, Self-assessment, internal motivators, personal/professional vision, Trait/style/skill/situational theories Practices and application of leadership theories -Authentic leadership -Servant leadership -Transformational and at least one of the following - developing the inner leader, Selfassessment, internal motivators, personal/professional vision, Trait/style/skill/situational theories, HDL692 Students apply group/team development concepts and theories to their chosen career field Stages of group development, relevant background factors and at least four of the following are included: personality, types of communication, group size, status/power, leadership styles, followership styles, and decision making styles In-depth understanding and application of theories to case study. Names and stages of at least five theories are included. An explanation of life course development is included. Stages of group development or relevant background factors and at least three of the following are included: personality, types of communication, group size, status/power, leadership styles, followership styles, and decision making styles Two of the following are included: Stages of group development, relevant background factors, personality, types of communication, group size, status/power, leadership styles, followership styles, and decision making styles Understanding and application of theories to case study. Names and stages of at least three theories are included. Minimal explanation of life course development is included. Generic application of theories to case study without names and stages An explanation of life course development is not included HDL670 Students integrate diversity theories and concepts from a leadership perspective Five or more of the following are included: Diversity model (Loden), barriers to diversity, Universal leadership attributes (GLOVE study), Diversity consciousness, Emotional Intelligence & Diversity Model (Gardenswartz, Cherbosque & Rowe), Social awareness and empathy, and diversity consciousness and teamwork One-two of the following are included: Diversity model (Loden), barriers to diversity, Universal leadership attributes (GLOVE study), Diversity consciousness, Emotional Intelligence & Diversity Model (Gardenswartz, Cherbosque & Rowe), Social awareness and empathy, and diversity consciousness and teamwork HDL 655 Students interpret the concepts of social and emotional intelligence from a leadership perspective Inclusion and application of at least five of the following: Cultural aspects of Social Intelligence Aspects of professional presence (Non-verbal, Verbal, and Written Three-four of the following are included: Diversity model (Loden), barriers to diversity, Universal leadership attributes (GLOVE study), Diversity consciousness, Emotional Intelligence & Diversity Model (Gardenswartz, Cherbosque & Rowe), Social awareness and empathy, and diversity consciousness and teamwork. Inclusion and application of at least five of the following: Cultural aspects of Social Intelligence Aspects of professional presence (Non-verbal, Verbal, and Written CNS635 Students apply human development concepts Inclusion and application of at least five of the following: Cultural aspects of Social Intelligence Aspects of professional presence (Non-verbal, Verbal, and Written communication), managing conflict, leading change communication), managing conflict, leading change initiatives, motivating others, giving feedback communication), managing conflict, leading change initiatives, motivating others, giving feedback initiatives, motivating others, giving feedback HDL625 Students explain the legal/ethic issues involved in their chosen career field Comparison of ethical and moral issues in career field as applied to the case study and at least five of the following: Developing self-awareness of individual character strengths, individual values Impact of unethical/illegal behavior (individually, organizationally, globally) Ethical decision making models (kidder, SAD model, Moral Action) Characteristics of ethical organizations, diversity concerns in the workplace (ethical and legal issues) Comparison of ethical and moral issues in career field as applied to the case study and at least three of the following: Developing self-awareness of individual character strengths, individual values Impact of unethical/illegal behavior (individually, organizationally, globally) Ethical decision making models (kidder, SAD model, Moral Action) Characteristics of ethical organizations, diversity concerns in the workplace (ethical and legal issues) Comparison of ethical and moral issues in career field as applied to the case study and at least one of the following: Developing self-awareness of individual character strengths, individual values Impact of unethical/illegal behavior (individually, organizationally, globally) Ethical decision making models (kidder, SAD model, Moral Action) Characteristics of ethical organizations, diversity concerns in the workplace (ethical and legal issues) ADM630 Students demonstrate the ability to develop and write a research paper --Appropriate research question is identified --Research design includes relevant information about variables, sampling, validity, reliability, collection of data, interpretation of data, type of data, interpret/evaluate data --Appropriate research question is identified with at least four of the research elements included Appropriate research question is not identified and/or fewer than four of the research elements are included.