File - Taylor Hunter

Taylor Hunter
Kinlea Hensel
English IV honors
29th October, 2014
Beauty over the Decades
Makeup and hair design has been changing since as early as the Ice Age. The word cosmetics
comes from the Greek word Kosmetikos, which means skilled in the use of cosmetics. Hair
styles have changed from finger waves to blowouts, short conservative cuts to long colorful
locks. Makeup on the other hand, has changed a multitude of times through thick brows, colorful
tones, and long lashes. Makeup and hair has evolved through the decades in terms of color,
products, and techniques.
Hair styles have been changing constantly decade to decade. The length of a person’s hair
has changed drastically. During the 1920’s “going along with the boyish look” was the period to
when hair was kept neatly trimmed and short (“A timeline of sexy fashion trends throughout the
years” ). The 1990’s on the other hand, was the period to bangs, layers, and mid length hair. The
“Rachel cut, named for Jennifer Anniston’s character on ‘Friends’” was one of the most popular
cut of the decade (“A timeline of sexy fashion trends throughout the years”). The hair
designs/styles have evolved and re-evolved through each decade. Many hair styles you have seen
in a different time period was reused and recreated to be the newest trend in another particular
decade. The 1930’s was a time when “practicality and more feminine styles” started appearing
(“The hair and makeup of the 1930’s”). Women started growing their hair out a little more, and
appeared more sexy than the 20’s short boyish bobs. In modern day, you may see finger waves
reused in a more modern style. In 2013 the release of The Great Gatsby “[put] the finger-wave
wearing Flappers back into the center of fashion’s eye” ( “Katy Perry and the Gatsby-InspiredAdorned, Flapper-Fantastic Bob”). In present day, hairstyles are an opinion of a person’s
personal preference (“Popular hairstyles over the last 100 years”).
Makeup is what many women use to hide flaws, reveal perfections, or just to feel
beautiful. The color scheme of the makeup palettes continue changing. Eyes are most women’s
largest feature to accentuate. Eye color changes season to season, trend from trend, even from
different eye colors. The 1980’s for example, was the most colorful decade being considered the
age of “contouring in color” (Nikkie Tutorials). During the 1960’s many people started shading
their eye shadows creating the “smoky eye”. Blush colors and opacity has transformed as well.
Rouge was used as blush mainly in the 1920’s it was “rubbed on the cheeks to leave visible
circles in rose and orange shades” (“Makeup through the decades”). Marilyn Monroe was a large
beauty mark in the 1950’s, Monroe became a “recognizable feature” for her red lips and rosy
cheeks (“Makeup through the decades”).
The types of techniques and tools used throughout the decades have been advancing
consistently. Hair styles have been changing for centuries. The change in hairstyles has changed
because of trends and also the newer, more advanced tools. When cosmetology teacher; Sherrie
Todd went to school they “didn’t even have curling irons” (Todd). In the 1970’s straight or
naturally wavy hair was in. Girls in this decade had to take turns taking an iron to another’s hair,
since straighteners were not created yet (“Popular hairstyles over the last 100 years”). Hair
coloring has never been easy, but it has become quite easier. Salons and stylist like Vidal
Sassoon would mix 20-volume peroxide in a bowl with three drops of ammonia to bleach hair
leaving women in the 30’s with migraines, swollen eyelids, and blisters on their foreheads (“A
brief history of hair”). In modern day beauty there are many techniques and styles to color your
hair including lowlights, highlights, twilighting, veiling, chunking, foiling, weaving, slicing, and
capping.“Many hair coloring techniques add true dimension to style” (“Hair coloring
Other than hair techniques, makeup has evolved as well. Just like riding a bike you have
the basics of riding it, but you can learn tricks or learn how to ride better. That is the same as
makeup, women know the basics but place a trendy twist on the technique. Makeup was mainly
used for theatre or to accentuate features of the face. When women learned they could alter or
better how they looked, they went for it! During the 1920’s powder was used to accentuate the
face and make skin look “as pale as possible” creating an overall boyish appearance (“A timeline
of sexy fashion trends throughout the years.”). In the 1970’s however, women wanted to be
overly tan. Many women started using and relying on bronzers and self-tanners, some things
many women still agree they cannot live without (“A timeline of sexy fashion trends throughout
the years.”). Eyebrows have been plucked, waxed, shaved, threaded, and colored again and
again. Many people state their “eyebrows on point” or “eyebrow game strong” meaning they
have perfect eyebrows. During the 1930’s women had “plucked [their eyebrows] to a virtually
non-existent thinness and high arch” then they used dark eyebrow pencil to fill in their eyebrows
(“Makeup through the decades.”). Moving a decade ahead, the 1940’s left their eyebrows alone,
grooming the occasionally giving “a more natural appearance” however, women kept the high
arch of the 30’s (“Makeup through the decades.”).
Decade after decade, manufacturers come up with bigger and better products out shining
the last. There a tons of hair products, many which are used for different projects. Hair spray is a
universal styling product used for various different styles. Hairspray is used to create shine, add
volume, and hold a style making it the “most widely used hair styling product” in the nation
(Gerrain). Hair styling products “can be thought of as liquid tools” making your hair more silky
or full of volume (Gerrain). Makeup products have also been evolving. Decades prior to the
1960’s used stick or cream liner, the 1960’s created liquid eyeliner. Mascara has come a very
long way. Now a days we have volume mascara, defining mascara, lengthening mascara, but
original mascaras “came in cake form that women would scrape with their mascara brushes”
(“History of Eyeliner”). Many hair and makeup products has changed drastically from the 2000’s
to present coming out with such new products.
Hair and makeup will always be a large priority in a woman’s life. The changes of
society and technology will constantly be changing the views and styles of beauty. The use of
color, products, and techniques will and has been evolving hair and makeup through the decades.
Hair has been changing by cuts, colors and styles; meanwhile makeup has been changing
through colors and techniques. Hair and makeup has evolved from prior decades and will keep
evolving forever.
Work Cited
“A brief history of hair.” Los Angeles Times. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
“A timeline of sexy fashion trends throughout the years.” Style StyleCaster INC.
2009-2014. Web. 23 Sep.2014.
Gerrain, Dawn. Milady Standard. New York: Williams, Adriana, 2012. Print.
“History of eyeliner.” Liberty N Lux Co. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
“Hair coloring techniques.” 2006-2014. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
“Katy Perry and the Gatsby-Inspired-Adorned, Flapper-Fantastic Bob.” Web. 9
Oct. 2014.
“Makeup through the decades.” Addicted Cosmetics Web Articles Co.
2010. Web. 23 Sep. 2014.
Nikkie Tutorials. “Makeup tutorial: Color crazy 1980’s makeup look.” Online video clip.
NikkieTutorials. Nikkie De Jager, 16 May 2014. Web. 25 Sep. 2014.
Todd, Sherrie. Personal Interview. 5 Oct. 2014.
“Popular hairstyles over the last 100 years.” Ideal Beauty Academy.
2014. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.
“The hair and makeup of the 1930’s.” Bethany Herwegh. 2012.
Web. 18 Oct. 2014.