INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL MINUTES CSAC, 1st Floor Community Room 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. February 23, 2010 PRESENT: P P P P A A P P P P P P A A A P A P A P P P Katie Bray, Assistant Superintendent, Student Achievement Mike Talley, Principal, Central High School John Julius, Principal, Stevens High School Deb Steele, Principal, Rapid City Academies Valerie Nefzger, Principal, North Middle School Patty Hamm, Principal, Robbinsdale Elementary School Dr. Beth Farrar, Teacher, Central High School Diane Grant, Teacher, Stevens High School Katie Albers, Teacher, Rapid City Academies Sherry Crofut, Teacher, North Middle School Janet Brubakken, Teacher, Meadowbrook Elementary School Kerri Severson-Stover, Guidance Counselor, Stevens High School Sherry O’Keefe, Library Media Specialist, South Middle School Elizabeth Whipple, Cultural Resource Specialist, Stevens High School Harriet Brings, Cultural Resource Specialist, North Middle School Amanda Kinniburgh, Student Representative, Central High School Katie Beu, Student Representative, Stevens High School Dr. Suzan Nolan, Board of Education Representative Daphne Richards-Cook, Board of Education Representative Michelle Huber, Central High School Community Representative Waynalynn Warren, Stevens High School Community Representative Joann Coady, Secretary, Office of Curriculum and Assessment 1. Minutes A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the December 15, 2009, as submitted. Introductions were made. 2. Curriculum Review 5-12 Band Curriculum – Katie Bray This curriculum was approved by the Board of Education on January 21, 2010. 4-12 Orchestra Curriculum – Katie Bray This curriculum was approved by the Board of Education on January 21, 2010. 3. 2010 – 2011 High School Course Listing Book – Katie Bray High School Graduation Requirements for Class of 2014 These requirements were approved by the Board of Education on January 21, 2010. In-coming 9th Graders’ high school course listing book The in-coming 9th Graders’ high school course listing book, with the new graduation requirements included, was approved by the Board of Education on January 21, 2010. 4. Curriculum Instructional Materials Review – 1st of 2 readings – Katie Bray K – 5 Art o Building resources are being purchased for each elementary building to help with art integration o The high/middle school committees felt that the elementary teachers would benefit from having some staff development in the area of art lessons to help integrate art into their classrooms 6 – 8 Art o The middle school committee has agreed that the textbook currently being used is still valid and they have decided not to go with a more updated version o The committee would like classroom sets of supplemental books for the students to use along with the textbook o Two of the supplemental books being requested are also being requested by the high schools, but the middle schools do not go into any depth as far as what is taught in their classrooms 9 – 12 Art o The high school committee is looking to replace their textbooks o The committee feels that the textbooks they are requesting are good resources and provide a good foundation for the HS Art Program o The textbooks provide awareness of multi-cultural aspects in the art world o The art instructional materials provide opportunities to integrate math, language arts, science, social studies into their classroom projects 9 – 12 Business o Four out of the six classes currently being offered will be brand new to the program and as a result the committee was unable to pilot any books for these new classes o The committee has done extensive research on instructional materials, with all textbooks covering multi-cultural aspects of business and personal finance 9 – 12 Drama o The Drama Committee is requesting new textbooks to replace what is currently being used o They are requesting the following: The Stage and School, Glencoe – Drama 1, 2, & 3 Acting One, Cohen – Drama 1, 2, 3, & 4 Theatrical Design and Production - Stagecraft Open Forums will be scheduled and the notice will be in the RC Journal. The second readings for these instructional materials will take place at the next Instructional Council meeting. 5. Other Next Instructional Council meeting is scheduled for March 23, 2010, 4pm, CSAC, 1st Floor Community Room. Respectively submitted: Joann Coady Secretary 2 INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL MINUTES (Cont.) February 23, 2010 cc: Peter Wharton, Superintendent – via email Lisa Plumb, Director, Federal Grants and Programs Dolores Riley, Director, Indian Education Rick Bates, Director, Information Services Troy Volesky, Director, Special Services Dr. Susie Roth, Director, Staff Development Board of Education members – via email 3