SPC Application Spring 2014 - University of North Florida

Student Philanthropy Council
Application 2013-2014
Application is due by 5 pm on Friday, January 31, 2014
To provide leadership opportunities, raise awareness, and instill a greater appreciation for the
philanthropic spirit throughout the University community and to enhance the future of the University of
North Florida.
Reasons to Join:
 To network and build relationships with UNF students, donors, and alumni
 To promote giving opportunities within the UNF community
 To gain valuable professional insight from donors and alumni
 Earn career-building experiences through leadership opportunities
 To propel UNF’s excellence and legacy into the future
Membership Requirements:
To be an eligible member of SPC, applicants must meet the following requirements:
 Be a full-time undergraduate student
 Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5
 Attend bi-weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 5 pm
 Be willing to commit one hour of service to the council per week on weeks that the Council is not
 Be in good standing with the University
Opportunities Available to Members:
 Working a Senior Class Giving table in various campus locations throughout the year
 Making brief presentations to a variety of student groups and organizations on campus
 Appearing on promotional pieces, such as flyers and posters displayed around campus
 Participating in marketing campaigns aimed at raising awareness on campus
 Networking opportunities and professional development workshops
 Leadership experience
Desirable Qualities:
 Passion for service and philanthropy
 Excellent communication skills
 Outgoing, enthusiastic personality
 Commitment to the team
Return completed application to:
Claire Burns, UNF Annual Giving
1 UNF Drive, Building 60, Room 2202
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Or by email to: claire.burns@unf.edu
Student Philanthropy Council
Application 2013-2014
Application is due by 5 pm on Friday, January 31, 2014
The Student Philanthropy Council is comprised of an Executive Committee, Student Relations
Committee, Senior Class Campaign Committee, and Membership Committee which are explained below.
Each member of the Council will be assigned a committee based on preference, previous experience and
interviewer recommendation.
The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice President of the Senior Class Campaign,
Vice President of Student Relations, Vice President of Membership and Secretary. The Executive
Committee meets on a monthly basis prior to general meetings. The committee is responsible for setting
goals for the Student Philanthropy Council and keeping all members accountable for completing their
tasks and projects in a timely and efficient manner.
The Student Relations Committee will coordinate events for students and the UNF community in order to
increase communication and educate the student body about private giving. The committee will also be in
charge of updating and maintaining the UNF Student Philanthropy Council’s website, Facebook and other
social media.
The Senior Class Campaign Committee will coordinate and oversee all fundraising efforts for the UNF
Student Philanthropy Council, including the Senior Class Campaign and Student Philanthropy programs.
The Membership Committee will be responsible for providing vision and coordination for the UNF
Student Philanthropy Council. The committee will create and execute member recruitment activities and
work to retain highly motivated, skilled and diverse students for membership.
Application Requirements:
All applications will be reviewed by a committee of staff and previous members. If your application is
selected, you will be contacted for a short interview held at Alumni Hall. Dress is business casual.
*If you choose to withdraw your application, you must personally notify Claire Burns at (904) 620-1672
or by email at Claire.burns@unf.edu.
Return completed application to:
Claire Burns, UNF Annual Giving
1 UNF Drive, Building 60, Room 2202
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Or by email to: claire.burns@unf.edu
Student Philanthropy Council
Application 2013-2014
Application is due by 5 pm on Friday, January 31, 2014
Please complete the following three sections and attach a resume.
I. Contact Information
Name: ___________________________________________________ N Number: __________________
(First Middle Last)
Local Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _______________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________
Most Checked Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Preferred Shirt Size (For Future Events): ___S ___M ___L ___XL ___XXL
Hometown: ___________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about the Student Philanthropy Council?
___ Website ___ Campus Update ___ From a Friend: ______________________________________
___ Social Media ___ Email
___Other: _________________________________________________
II. Academic Information
Classification (Senior, Junior, etc.): ________________ Major: _________________________________
Expected Graduation Date: _____________________________ Cumulative GPA: __________________
Hours Completed: ________________________ Hours Currently Enrolled: _______________________
Return completed application to:
Claire Burns, UNF Annual Giving
1 UNF Drive, Building 60, Room 2202
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Or by email to: claire.burns@unf.edu
Student Philanthropy Council
Application 2013-2014
Application is due by 5 pm on Friday, January 31, 2014
III. Short Answer
In the space provided, please answer the following questions.
1. Why do you want to be a part of the Student Philanthropy Council? How do you think being a part of
this organization will help prepare you for your future?
2. What have you learned during your time at UNF that will help you contribute to the Council?
3. Explain an idea you have to help raise money for student scholarships while increasing awareness
about philanthropy on campus.
4. Committee Preference: ________________________________________________________________
5. Would you be interested in a leadership position? YES ________________ NO __________________
If selected, I understand and I am willing to accept my responsibility as a Student Philanthropy Council
Signature*: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________
*Please type your name if you are sending this electronically.
Return completed application to:
Claire Burns, UNF Annual Giving
1 UNF Drive, Building 60, Room 2202
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Or by email to: claire.burns@unf.edu