Advent 2 – full insert

8.00 am
10.00 am
6.00 pm
8.00 pm
Holy Communion (BCP)
Parish Eucharist. Preacher: Revd. Mark Newitt
with Crèche & Godly Play
Advent Study Group, St Mark's Upper Room
Night Service.
Wholeness: Stewardship of the Planet
9.00 am
Holy Communion
No services
8.00 am
1.30 pm
7.30 pm
Holy Communion
Friendship Club
PCC Meeting
10.30 am
5.00 pm
Holy Communion
Vestry Hour
5.00 pm
Evening Prayer
8.00 am
10.00 am
6.00 pm
6.30 pm
8.00 pm
Holy Communion (BCP)
Parish Eucharist.
Preacher: Revd. Sue Hammersley
with Crèche & Godly Play
Advent Study Group, St. Aidan's. Manor Parish
Bring & Share Meal followed by...
Night Service: Holy Communion
Weekly Insert
Sunday 6 December 2015 – Advent
The four themes of Advent which we will be exploring in our sermons this
year broadly follow the pattern of darkness and light, the one who comes,
justice, and hope. This year we are mindful of the lives of those who have
had to leave everything behind in their search for peace and a new start.
Large-print yellow booklets, at the back of church, contain the complete Service, with
the hymns and readings printed out in full, please take one if it’s easier to follow.
Organ Voluntary: Chorale Prelude on Vom Himmel Hoch, by J Pachelbel (1653 - 1706)
Opening Hymn
Come, thou long expected Jesus,
born to set thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us;
let us find our rest in thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
hope of all the earth thou art;
dear desire of ev'ry nation,
joy of ev'ry longing heart.
Born thy people to deliver;
born a child and yet a king;
born to reign in us for ever;
now thy gracious kingdom bring.
By thine own eternal Spirit,
rule in all our hearts alone:
by thine all-sufficient merit,
raise us to thy glorious throne.
Charles Wesley (1707 - 1788)
Tune: Cross of Jesus
The service continues with the Advent Song (p. 2)
Loving God,
your prophets spoke out in the darkness
of suffering and loss,
of a light coming into the world.
May we proclaim that light of Christ
as we stand alongside migrants, refugees and all without homes,
so they may find new strength and hope. Amen
Us Advent Prayers
Service continues with Journeying together in Faith (p. 4)
Reading: Malachi 3:1 - 4 (Old Testament, page 904), read by Catherine Trickett
Gradual Hymn
BLEST BE the Lord, the God of Israel,
who brings the dawn and darkest night dispels,
who raises up a mighty saviour from the earth,
of David’s line, a son of royal birth.
The prophets tell a story just begun
of vanquished foe and glorious victory won,
of promise made to all who keep the law as guide:
God’s faithful love and mercy will abide.
This is the oath once sworn to Abraham:
all shall be free to dwell upon the land,
free now to praise, unharmed by the oppressor’s rod,
holy and righteous in the sight of God.
And you, my child, this day you shall be called
the promised one, the prophet of our God,
for you will go before the Lord to clear the way,
and shepherd all into the light of day.
The tender love God promised from our birth
is soon to shine upon this shadowed earth,
to shine on those whose sorrows seem to never cease,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.
Luke 1.68-79; arranged by Owen Alstott (b 1947).
Tune: Benedictus (Bernadette Farrell).
Gospel: Luke 3: 1 - 6 (New Testament, page 57)
Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke
Glory to you, O Lord.
At the end :
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.
Sermon - Revd. Mark Newitt
Followed by a time for quiet reflection.
The service continues with Prayers of Solidarity and Concern (p. 6),
The Prayers of Solidarity and Concern are led by Helen Hillman
Offertory Hymn
Lo, he comes with clouds descending,
once for mortal sinners slain;
thousand thousand saints attending
swell the triumph of his train.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Christ appears on earth to reign.
Ev'ry eye shall now behold him
robed in dreadful majesty;
we who set at naught and sold him,
pierced and nailed him to the tree,
deeply grieving, deeply grieving, deeply grieving,
shall the true Messiah see.
Those dear tokens of his passion
still his dazzling body bears,
cause of endless exultation
to his ransomed worshippers:
with what rapture, with what rapture, with what rapture
gaze we on those glorious scars!
Yea, amen, let all adore thee,
high on thine eternal throne;
Saviour, take the pow'r and glory,
claim the kingdom for thine own.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou shalt reign, and thou alone.
Charles Wesley (1707-1788), John Cennick (1718-1755)
and Martin Madan (1728-1790) alt.
Tune: Helmsley
The service continues with "Abiding" (p. 6)
During administration the choir will sing, The Cherry Tree,
by David Willcocks (1919 - 2015)
Final Hymn
Hills of the North, rejoice;
River and mountain spring,
Hark to the advent voice;
Valley and lowland, sing;
Though absent long, your Lord is nigh;
He judgment brings and victory.
Isles of the southern seas,
Deep in your coral caves
Pent be each warring breeze,
Lulled be your restless waves:
He comes to reign with boundless sway,
And makes your wastes His great highway.
Lands of the East, awake,
Soon shall your sons be free;
The sleep of ages break,
And rise to liberty.
On your far hills, long cold and gray,
Has dawned the everlasting day.
Shores of the utmost West,
Ye that have waited long,
Unvisited, unblest,
Break forth to swelling song;
High raise the note, that Jesus died,
Yet lives and reigns, the Crucified.
Shout, while ye journey home;
Songs be in every mouth;
Lo, from the North we come,
From East, and West, and South.
City of God, the bond are free,
We come to live and reign in thee!
Charles E. Oakley (1832-1865)
Tune: Little Cornard
Organ Voluntary: Chorale Toccata on Vom Himmel Hoch, by J. Pachelbel
would like something in the newsletter
please let Anne Padget know, with the
wording, by 11am the Thursday before.
Many thanks. Anne Padget
liturgy can be emailed to you in advance.
Please contact Anne in the office.
Today The Lions will be selling cakes for
Ceri in Uganda. During Advent, we shall
be promoting a Christmas pledge appeal
from the S2 Foodbank and continue to
support the S6 Foodbank with selection
boxes as well as extra food and
volunteering opportunities. Today
Christmas Cards will be on sale on behalf
of Oxfam and Traidcraft after the 10am
service. Thanks for your support. Sue H
next Sunday at 6.30pm. Please invite your
friends too. Similarly if there are people
you have not seen at Night Service for a
while then why not ask them to join us?
As always, there is no requirement for
anyone to stay on for the evening service
of Holy Communion. Please bring a food
contribution of your choice to share if you
are able to do so. Liz and David Anson
2015 After Parish Eucharist next Sunday,
13 December, you will be able to sign
greetings cards to prisoners of conscience
and detained human rights activists. It
takes only a few minutes to send a
message of hope to someone who is being
tortured or in solitary confinement and
thinks they have been totally forgotten.
Please bring small cards suitable for air
mail post. Otherwise cards will be
available on the table. Robin Story
packs for 2016 are available for all church
members and if you have not got yours,
please collect it from the table at the back
of Church and return the Pledge Form
and (if relevant) the Gift Aid Declaration
Form to Judith Pitchforth as soon as
possible (either via the collection box in
Church or posting to her). Thanks for
your continued support. Judith Pitchforth
partnership with the Manor Parish,
“Room in the Inn?” will provide the
opportunity to explore issues of
hospitality in the light of the refugee
crisis. TONIGHT at St Mark’s and Dec
13 at St Aidan’s, both start at 6pm. Sign
up sheet and fliers at the back of church.
Sue H
The next event to be held at the
Burngreave Ashram will be
TOMORROW December at 12noon.
The Seminar theme is inspiration and
there will be a vegetarian lunch. Please
see the poster in the foyer for more
information. Anne
FRIDAY 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Organised by
Kairos Sheffield at St William’s Church,
847 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8TL.
The evening gives opportunity to see and
hear Bishop John Arnold’s recent first
hand experiences from the Holy Land,
including Gaza. It will be followed by a
guided vigil, to prayerfully reflect on these
in the light of the familiar story of Christ’s
birth in Bethlehem, a small town in the
West Bank. Kairos is a call from the
Christian churches in Palestine to the
international Christian community,
to stand in solidarity with them. This vigil
is part of our response to that. Please see
Mark James for more information.
1.30 p.m. in the church lounge. 9 Dec: The
Modest charge. Details: Rosalind Rogerson
on 268 1426.
looking for a host, over Christmas, for a
member of our Night Service
congregation: 24 -27 December. If you’re
interested, please contact David Anson,
229 5478.
CAROL SINGING Please join us for a
lovely evening carol singing at four local
care homes on Wednesday 16th Dec.
Meet at church car park at 5pm and
should be finished by 8pm. All welcome, of
whatever ability, the more the merrier!
Please contact Sue if you can make it.
NIGHT SERVICE There will be no
Night Service on Christmas Day or Sunday
27th December.
a Winter Fuel payment but don't need it,
you can help others in need in Sheffield by
donating it. Go to http://uk.virginmoney
Winter&pageUrl=5 Michael Miller
SOUP RUN is in need of tins of beans with or without sausages. If you're able to
pop 1 or 2 in your shopping, we'd be very
grateful. See Gary for more details. Thanks
LENT 2016 Plans are underway to
develop discussion groups based on
Rowan Williams’ book Meeting God in
Mark. As Lent begins on Feb 10 there will
be sign-up sheets for groups from Jan 10.
If you would like to host or lead a group,
please have a word with Sue.
‘Come, One and All’ a concert of
Christmas music at St Mark’s THIS
SATURDAY at 7.30pm. For tickets (£12
adult, £10 concession, £6 student includes
refreshments) please see Alice Newitt or
RESPONSE CARDS If you’d like to
see what people wrote on Pledge Sunday
is response to Sarah’s invitation to grow
the life of this community see the notice
board at the back of church. Please speak
to Anne or Sue about how you would
like to get involved. Thank you! Sue
it's that time already! The big Christmas
tree will be out on Sunday 20th
December. If you can help to decorate it
after church, please let Anne know.
Wednesday 16th Dec 7-11p.m. at The
Hide, Scotland St, Sheffield S3 7AA. With
live music, food and bar. Tickets £15
(includes food). Proceeds to SHEFFIELD
to CALAIS Waste Management Group,
working with MSF in the Calais refugee
camp on vital waste & sanitation projects.
See notice in the Narthex. More details
from Helen Hillman 258 4241
SPARE ROOM My name's Ben
Treadaway, I'm 27 years old and I've been
involved with St Marks for the last year. I
currently live in Bristol and am moving to
Sheffield to live near my girlfriend Becca,
a member of this church, and to be a part
of this community. I don't know many
people yet and I'd prefer not to live
alone, so if anyone has a spare room for a
lodger or a housemate for a few months
or more then please do get in touch on Thanks.
next Chorus UK production is at the
Sheffield City Hall on Sunday 13th
December. Christmas Celebration
promises to be yet another hugely
enjoyable experience - with a 300 strong
choir and a full orchestra to blow you
away! Please see flyers in the foyer or
speak to Anne or Jane Padget, or Carol
Rowe for more information or to get
For the international charities we support,
including the ongoing work of Northern Refugee Centre
For the UK charities we support, including The Children's Society
For all those who died or were injured in extremist attacks across the world,
in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
We remember their families and all those who knew and loved them.
May we all strive for peace and reconciliation in the world, be aware of those
who feel alienated, and seek to bring healing.
For all people who are persecuted and threatened
for their religious faith, in our own country and the wider world
For all refugees fleeing from persecution and struggling to find a home in the
world, and for those who have the power to help
For residents of this parish who struggle with poverty, loneliness,
depression or addiction as well as for those who try to support them
For those we continue to remember in our prayers,
including Gwen Gardiner, Michael Paton and Mary Sharrock
For those who are unwell or recovering from illness or accident, including:
Dickson Anyanwu, Helena Corton, Judith Crawshaw, Charlie & Margaret Fox,
Peter Marshall, Rosalind Mason, Hilary Schofield, Matthew, Lisa (Matthew's mum), Lee
(Gary's cousin), Andy & Philippa
For those who have died recently in this community and beyond,
including Caroline Everest, Chris Fox,
In remembrance of all those whom we love, but see no longer
St Mark’s Church, Broomfield Road, Broomhill, S10 2SE &
Church Administrator: Anne Padget, t: 0114 266 3613 or 07736 527777;
e: Office open daily 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Vicar: Rev’d Sue Hammersley, t: 327 6908;
Assistant Priest: Rev’d Shan Rush, t: 075981 56817;e:
Chaplain to Night Service: Rev’d Liz Anson, e:
Children’s Outreach Worker: Rev’d Tim Gregory, t: 288 4198
Pastoral Care Coordinators: Briony Tayler: 235 0174; Gill McGregor: 2661079
Director of Music: Mark McCombs, e:
CTBB Worker with Older People: Hazel Fox, t: 07914 693607
Safeguarding Children Officer: Jane Keeling, t: 07708 098499
Safeguarding Adults Officer: Michelle Wattam, t: 268 0642
Domestic Abuse Officer: Helen Gregory, t: 288 4198