Currently Running Bilateral Projects

Bilateral Projects
Bilateral projects are the pivotal part of the Czech Republic Development Cooperation. These
multiple-year projects of specific development intervention are aimed at poverty eradication,
improving living standards and capacity building in Ethiopia. Projects are designed in close
cooperation with local partners in order to respond to the demand of the beneficiaries.
The implementing body of the bilateral Czech Development Cooperation is the Czech
Development Agency which is mainly responsible for projects’ identification, formulation,
implementation and evaluation. The Czech Development Agency contracts Czech NGOs,
universities and private companies though public procurement in order to implement specific
bilateral projects.
Currently Running Bilateral Projects
The Bilateral Projects until 2010
Currently Running Bilateral Projects
The currently running bilateral projects are within a framework of the 2012-2017
Development Programme of the Memorandum of Understanding on Development
Cooperation (MoU) and reflect the Ethiopian development endeavour to meet the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG).
Geographically, most Czech Republic Development Cooperation projects´ activities are
focused in the South Nations, Nationalities and People´s Region. The 2012 planned bilateral
cooperation amounts CZK 48,5 million with planned gradual increase to CZK 56 million in
2013 and CZK 59 million in 2014.
The Bilateral projects are implemented in the following sectors:
 Health
 Education
 Water supply and sanitation
 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
 Disaster prevention and preparedness
On-going bilateral projects in Ethiopia in 2012
Name of the Project
Increasing Quality and Relevance of Education on
Primary and Tertiary Levels in Ethiopia
Increasing Accessibility and Quality of Vocational
Education of Leather Production and Tannery Sector
in Ethiopia
Support to the Alaba – Kulito hospital: Enhanced
Healthcare in Alaba
People In Need
People In Need
Addis Ababa,
Alaba – Kulito,
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing
Water Supply &
Prevention &
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and
Support of Small Scale Farmer´s Livelihoods of
kachabira Woreda in Kembata Tambaro Zone of
SNNPR in Ethiopia
Caritas Czech
Woreda (SNNPR)
Enhancement of Quality and Extent of Extension
Services of Angacha woreda, Kembata Tembaro zone
University of
Life Science
Angacha woreda
Support of Agriculture Livelihoods & Sustainable
Management of Natural Resources in Shebedino &
Awassa Zuria Woreda, Sidama Zone in SNNPRS
People In Need
Support of Farmers and Agricultural Education in the
Damboya and Alaba Special Woredas in SNNPRS
People In Need
Shebelino and
Awasa Zuriya
Damboya and
Alaba (SNNPR)
Sustainable management of soil, forest and water
resources as a pilot model for community
development of Southern Ethiopia
University of
Agriculture and
Forestry Brno
Awassa Zuriya
and Alaba
Special Woreda
SNNPR, Tigray,
Amhara, Oromia
Capacity Building in the Field of Engineering Geology
and Hydrology in Ethiopia
Establishment of a Sustainable System of Drinking
Water Supply in Small Towns of Sidama Zone, SNNPR,
Sustainable Management of Water Schemes in
Halaba Special Woreda
Capacity Building in Environmental Geology –
Mapping of Geo-risks Including Hydrogeological
Conditions in Dila and Hosaina Areas, Ethiopia
Ircon, Aquatest,
Sidama, SNNPR
People In Need
Alaba (SNNPR)
Increasing Quality and Relevance of Education on Primary and Tertiary Levels in
This project focuses on increasing the quality of education in Ethiopia via expanding the use
of active learning methods in primary schools and tertiary educational institutes. It builds on
previous project activities whereby the Ethiopian Ministry of Education (MoE) authorized a
Manual of active learning methods, created by People in Need (PIN), as a part of government
program in strengthening teachers’qualifications. The rationale of the project reflects the need
to revise current teaching methodology and make it more relevant and applicable to the real
life of pupils and students, and to enable them to solve problems independently. The project
will continue to train primary school teachers in active learning methods. A new project
component will be specially adapted manuals for tertiary educational institutes.
PIN will continue actively collaborating with the MoE both on federal and regional level. PIN
will strive to further expand active learning methods into other regions and will assist in
effective implementation of programs aiming to increase education quality through providing
intensive trainings in Modern Teaching Methods (MTM) to selected experts of federal and
regional offices of MoE, who will then have the skills necessary for independent MTM
expansion in the framework of government programs such as CPD or ELIP.
Identification no.: 02/2011/02
Sector: Education
Project location: Rural and urban areas of Amhara Region and SNNPR, Addis Ababa
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: People in Need
Increasing Accessibility and Quality of Vocational Education in the Leather Production
and Tannery Sector in Ethiopia
The project is focused on education in leather production sector in Ethiopia. The specific
objective of the project is to increase accessibility, quality and relevance of technical and
entrepreneurial skill trainings in the cities of Addis Ababa and Awassa and their respective
catchment areas. 4 project results are anticipated: 1. Technical and Vocational Education and
Training College in Awassa will offer a new training class in leather production, 2. Leather
production trainings together with trainings in business skills will be tailored to the needs of
local micro and small entrepreneurs in the towns of Awassa and Addis Ababa, 3. Training
graduates will be supported in development of their micro businesses, 4. Technical capacities
of the NGO Cheshire Services Ethiopia in production of orthopaedic shoes are strengthened
and the NGO offers an intense vocational training to people with disabilities.
Identification no.: 02/2011/08
Sector: Education
Project location: Addis Ababa and Awassa with their surroundings
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: People in Need
Support to the Alaba – Kulito Hospital: Enhanced Healthcare in Alaba
The project corresponds with the need to support and enhance the overall health status of the
Ethiopian population. Hence, the project is embarked in the fulfilment of the Millennium
Development Goals, in particular in goals n. 4, 5 and 6.
The proposed intervention is aimed at mitigating the overall dire situation of the hampered
development in Alaba Woreda by enhancing the health conditions of the population in
general, and women and infants in particular. The project will provide the necessary basic
medical equipment for the operation of the hospital, secure a construction of a staff lodginghouse within the premises of the hospital compound and finally further enhance the capacities
of the local staff by providing a training by both the local and Czech experts.
Identification no.: 02/2011/10
Sector: Health
Project location: Alaba – Kulito, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: ADRA
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Support of Small Scale Farmer’s
Livelihoods of Kachabira woreda, in Kambata Tambaro zone of SNNPR
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to a sustainable management of the
watershed areas through a participatory integrated watershed management approach.
Integration with the government watershed development plan will be incorporated. The area
of intervention will include both the upper and the lower watershed areas. The protection of
the watersheds will be ensured by various soil and water conservation measures and
introduction of improved cooking stoves & bio gas. Meanwhile, a community management
system will be developed. The economic, agronomic and other activities in the watershed will
be identified and integrated to the rehabilitation of the physical structures. Secondly, an
introduction of improved agricultural inputs and the intensification of livestock production
will bring the increase in the agriculture productivity and income of the communities.
Further, training and development of information education and communication (IEC)
materials for Development Agents (DA’s) and farmers will be prepared. In addition, the link
to the markets will be strengthened. Then, other income generation activities (IGA) from the
watershed will be assessed and developed according to the watershed management plan.
Cooperatives might be established on honey & bee production, stone collection, etc.
Identification no.: 02/2011/07
Sector: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Project location: Kachabirra woreda, Kembata Tembaro Zone, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: Caritas Czech Republic
Enhancement of Quality and Extent of Extension Services of Angacha woreda, Kembata
Tembaro zone
The project contributes to the solution of one of the principle obstacles of agricultural
development in SNNPRS. Insufficient extension services slow down dissemination of
appropriate agricultural techniques among small farmers who continue in unsustainable way
of cultivation and thus deepen the current environmental problems, namely the low soil
fertility. Extension services in the area struggle with the lack of human resources and their
low qualification.
The objective of the project is to enhance the extension services capacities in terms of broader
range and higher quality of extension services. The analysis of the current situation of the
extension services in the zone will be conducted. Five Farmer Training Centres (FTC) will be
selected and subsequently enhanced in terms of human resources through the series of
seminars focused on contemporary topics and in terms of demonstration facilities focused on
sustainable technologies application. A Centre for processing of agricultural products will be
established at one of the FTCs. Three middle agents will be recruited from the graduates of
Agriculture Technical and Vocational Education Training Colleges in Dilla and Sodo. These
agents will be trained in processing of agricultural products in order to disseminate the
apprehended knowledge and skills among both other Development Agents and farmers.
Identification no.: 02/2011/05
Sector: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Project location: Angacha woreda, Kembata Tembaro Zone, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: Czech University of Life Science
Support of Agriculture Livelihoods and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
in Shebedino and Awassa Zuria Woreda, Sidama Zone in SNNPRS
The proposed project outlines the solution for the challenge of the natural resource
management in 8 kebeles of Shebedino Woreda and Awassa Zuria Woreda through a complex
approach, which relies on direct activities tackling erosion and deforestation in degraded
areas, as well as on introduction of the alternative livelihoods and sources of energy among
the locals, so the direct dependence on natural resources would be eventually decreased.
Leading components of such approach are therefore direct reforestation and antierosion
measures as well as set-up of suitable pasture management, introduction of alternative sources
of fodder and energy and a diversification of agriculture and hand-made commodities that
may bring new sources of income to target communities. The efficiency of existing
production capacities will be improved by fostering new marketing schemes for traditional
Vast majority of all activities and technologies are inspired by previous experiences and
strategies, which had been used in Ethiopia previously and are known to professional public.
All activities will be also carried out in a direct cooperation with local authorities in a way so
the sustainability of all outcomes would be assured.
Identification no.: 02/2011/06
Sector: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Project location: Shebedino woreda and Awassa Zuria Woreda, Sidama Zone, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: People in Need
Support of Farmers and Agricultural Education in Damboya and Halaba Special
Woredas in SNNPR
The project aims to reduce dependency of local population on external aid while supporting
the structures which should improve the agricultural practices on community level. There are
two means of intervention – the capacity building and professionalization of selected Farm
Training Centres (FTCs) and the support of the agriculture practices of local farmers in 8
kebeles. The support of farmers will be held in cooperation with development agents (DAs)
assigned to FTCs and/or through the members of cooperatives or self-help groups.
Successful implementation of this project will not only support the role of the FTCs as
functional advisory centres but also contribute to stabilization and development of agriculture
in Alaba Special Woreda and Damboya woreda.
Identification no.: 02/2011/04
Sector: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Project location: Alaba Special Woreda (Kebele: Kunchenayeye, Hamata, Hulegeba Kukie,
Shakate Woldia) and Damboya Woreda (Kebele: Garamba, Kota Kombola, Hego, Giyota
Gerba), Kembata Tembarro Zone, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: People in Need
Sustainable Management of Soil, Forest and Water Resources as a Pilot Model for
Community Development of Southern Ethiopia
General development goal of the project is to deal with poverty eradication, environmental
protection and improvement of the general health conditions of the rural population. In
particular, the project objectives are oriented on the application of specific measures to
enhance soil protection against water erosion and to support water management and technical
capacity building of target communities. In the course of the project duration, the following
outputs will be generated: soil protection remedial measures evaluated and implemented in
the wider Awassa Zuriya Woreda (AZW), tree saplings supply provided and out-planted,
selected community water boreholes rehabilitated in Alaba Special Woreda (ASW), water
distribution and water catchment facilities enlarged, construction of the toilet facilities
provided and distribution of special hygiene sets supplied throughout the rural areas.
Identification no.: 02/2012/09
Sector: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Project location: Alaba Special Woreda, Awassa Zuriya Woreda, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2010 – 2012
Implementer: Mendel University in Brno
Establishment of a Sustainable System of Drinking Water Supply in Small Towns of
Sidama Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia
The overall objective of the project is to improve the water supply, the management of water
sources, the sanitation and the hygienic situation of the populations living in the targeted areas
of the Sidama Zone. It is intended to strengthen the potential social and economic
development within the area by improving the potable water supply and the sanitation as well
as the hygiene habits of the community, reducing the presence and incidence of diseases
caused by low quality water and bad sanitation, and improving the maintenance of water
sources as well as of the management of the potable water supply within the zone.
The project will have three main outputs: Firstly, five drilled wells, a water pipe network, a
reservoir network and public water points are to be built in three woredas of the Sidama Zone
(their capacity should be sufficient to supply the populations of the target areas at least until
2023). Secondly, the capacities, service and maintenance of the personnel in the appropriate
water bureaus in the domain of management of water sources and the water pipes network are
to be enhanced. And finally, the populations living in the targeted areas of the project are to
be trained in basic principles and practices of hygiene and sanitation.
Identification no.: CzDA-ET-2011-15-14031
Sector: Water Supply and Sanitation
Project location: Hagere Selam, Bona and Daye towns, Sidama Zone, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: Sidama Water Supply consortium (Ircon, Aquatest, People in Need)
Sustainable Management of Water Schemes in Halaba Special Woreda
The project focuses on making management of water schemes in Halaba Special Woreda in
Ethiopia more effective with a goal that rearranged systems will function more effectively
even after phase out of the project, without increasing demand for resources from government
or external support from abroad.
In its first half the project is going to strengthen capacity of Halaba Special Woreda Water
Resources Office and introduce model management of water schemes in 10 kebeles, which
will be later extended to all 40 kebeles with boreholes. Sustainable management of water
schemes will be achieved by setting a logical and economically functional system which will
fill gaps of existing management.
By enhancing capacity of Halaba Special Woreda to manage water schemes we expect a
positive impact on ratio between permanently functional and non-functional water sources
and shortening period between breakdowns and repair which would result in a better access to
potable water for the community.
Identification no.: 02/2011/03
Sector: Water Supply and Sanitation
Project location: Alaba Special Woreda, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2011 – 2013
Implementer: People in Need
Capacity Building in the Field of Engineering Geology and Hydrology in Ethiopia
The project picks up on the previous successful Czech development cooperation with the
Geological Surevey on Ethiopia (GSE). The main goal of the project is to transfer skills and
provide training to the staff of the GSE and to relevant Regional Water Bureaus
(stakeholders) on how to implement the complex methods and tools of hydrogeological and
engineering geological mapping of the project areas. An integral part of the project is an
institutional strengthening unit of material and equipment needs of the GSE for project
During the three-year project, hydrogeological and hydrochemical maps of Gonder, Harar,
Bedessa, Addis Ababa, Dodola, Negele, Ginir, Filtu, Mugalo and Sede sheets are to be
prepared together with publishing their explanatory notes in individual publications and on
CDs. In the meantime, Handbook for Geodynamical Risk Mitigation is to be prepared based
on the field study in Tarmaber in Debre Sina area. Continuous training and transfer of knowhow in the field of GIS and engineering geology is an essential part of the project.
Identification no.: CzDA-ET-2010-3-14010
Sector: Water Supply and Sanitation
Project location: SNNPR, Amhara Region, Oromia Region, Addis Ababa
Implementation period: 2010 – 2012
Implementer: Aquatest
Capacity Building in Environmental Geology – Mapping of Geo-risks Including
Hydrogeological Conditions in Dila and Hosaina Areas, Ethiopia
The project aims at cooperation in the sector of disaster prevention and preparedness,
particularly in protection of soil against erosion, protection of water sources and other natural
resources and the environment.
The project puts its objective to increase the work effectiveness of the Geological Survey of
Ethiopia (GSE) which as being requested by the Ethiopian government and was also the main
reason for the reconstruction of this institution in the past. The increase in effectiveness will
be achieved by the capacity building of the GSE´s employees in the field of engineering
geology, evaluation of geological risks and hydrogeology and improvement of material
equipment of GSE so that its capacities after the termination of the project are sustainably
The project puts at its target the transfer of practical experience in the field of editing of
engineering-geological and hydro-geological maps, compilation of individual map sheets,
presentation of the produced maps and their interpretation for practical use so that the trained
staff of the GSE will have the capacities to continue independently in the editing of the
remaining national map sheets.
Identification no.: CzDA-RO-ET-2012-1-74010
Sector: Disaster Prevention and Preparedness
Project location: Oromiya, Dilla and Hosaina Areas, SNNPR
Implementation period: 2012 – 2014
Implementer: Czech Geological Survey
The Bilateral projects until 2010
The bilateral cooperation amounted to €5,2 million in the 2000-2011 period. Very successful
development cooperation was a continuous support in capacity building of the Geological
Survey of Ethiopia (GSE) which mostly concentrated on the mapping of the groundwater
sources in various regions of Ethiopia in the past 10 years.
In education sector, hundreds of teachers have benefited from educational program of modern
teaching methods implementation at primary and secondary schools. A Manual of Modern
Teaching Methods in Amharic and English language was developed and certified by the
Ministry of Education of Ethiopia.
List of Bilateral Projects until 2010
Water Supply & Sanitation
Project Title
Project Description
Implementation of
Modern Teaching
Methods in Primary and
Secondary Education in
Establishing a teachers´ training centre within the premises
of Kotebe College of Teachers Education where primary
school teachers, directors and civil servants from Addis
Ababa and Oromiya Region are trained in modern teaching
methods. Supporting 5 cluster schools in SNNPR.
Submitting Modern Teaching Methods Manual to MoE for
Extension of the
Secondary School in
Awassa and Support of
Students - AIDS
Building a two-storey building offering students of Awassa
Boarding School to continue with secondary education in 11
and 12 grades. The building is equipped also with a library
and an IT laboratory.
2007 2009
Provision of Education
and Care for AIDS
Orphans and Their
Economic and Social
Stabilisation in Society
Building a secondary boarding school in Awassa for orphans
aged 14-16, whose parents died of HIV/AIDS. Apart from the
standard academic education the school provides also
vocation training in tailoring, food preparation and
waitressing, carpentry and metal work.
Supporting the
Implementation of
Modern Teaching
Techniques in the
Ethiopian Educational
Establishing Alaba Experimental School equipped with
modern classrooms, library and laboratory. Training its
teachers in modern teaching techniques in which students
actively participate in the learning process. Establishing a
teachers´ training centre within the premises of Awassa
College of Teachers Education where 1 100 primary school
teachers were trained in modern teaching methods. Issuing
a manual on these methods.
Groundwater Resources
Investigation in Drought
Stricken Areas of
Mapping water resources, expressing environmental aspects
and recommendations for sustainable development and use
of natural and human resources of Jemma Basin. The final
study issued on CD and in hard copy. Training Ethiopian
professionals in methods of engineering geology,
assessment of geological risks, remote sensing and
assessment of groundwater resources. Providing equipment
for engineering geology mapping and data assessment.
People in
East Shewa,
South Wello
Hydrological Study of
the Western Lowlands
and Adjacent Highlands
of Ethiopia
Compilation of existing hand-made hydrogeological maps
and printing 200 copies of maps covering about 75 000 km²
which were distributed to Geological Survey of Ethiopia and
to stakeholders in the mapped regions. Maps are used by
groundwater development organizations for selection of
drilling sites contributing to the efficiency of the well drilling.
Highlands of
Improvement of Drinking
Water Accessibility in
Southwest Regions of
Establishing a 254 deep well with 12 km long water
distribution system and 6 water points supplying 12 000
villagers with drinking water.
People in
Integrated project on
Family Planning and
HIV/AIDS Prevention
Training responsible staff in HIV/AIDS prevention;
distribution of condoms and educational materials;
organization of school anti-AIDS clubs and public theatre
performances; discussions with volunteers.
People in
Antierosion Measures in
Awassa Lake
Rehabilitation Project for
Children and Youth with
Disabilities in the North
Gondar Zone
Reforestation, water management, capacity building.
Improving livelihoods of 8 000 people in Awassa Zuriya
District by introduction of technical anti-erosion measures,
reforestation and provision of basic education on sustainable
management of natural resources.
People in
2008 2010
Provision of basic rehabilitation services to children with
disabilities (health services, education, social rehabilitation)
and awareness raising on disability issues.
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