World History Midterm Study Guide Chapter 7: Main Ideas ( Part 1

World History
Midterm Study Guide
Chapter 7: Main Ideas ( Part 1)
What started the Middle Ages?
What was a long-term effect of the crowning of Charlemagne?
What was the feudal system based on?
Who was the feudal contract usually between?
How would you describe the medieval serf?
Describe the medieval manor
What was the Vassals obligation under his feudal contract?
What did the Truce of God require of the Christian nobles?
What caused the increase in the late 1000’s of the prejudice against the Jewish
What was chivalry?
Define papal supremacy
What was the goal of the guilds?
Chapter 8: Main Ideas ( Part 2)
In the High Middle Ages what shift of power began?
What were the provisions of the Magna Carta?
What did the treaty called the Concordat of Worms give to the Church?
What was an effect of the Hundred Years’ War?
What did Queen Isabella do after the Reconquista in 1492?
Why did science make little real progress in Europe during the Middle Ages?
Name the effects of the Black Death?
Why did universities begin to emerge in medieval Europe?
Describe medieval art
What was the reason for the Crusades?
How did the Crusades affect life in Europe?
What caused the decline in the power of the papacy in 1309?
Why did the Middle Ages decline?
Chapter 9: Main Ideas ( Part 3)
Why was the city of Constantinople successful?
What was the reason for the battle between eastern and western Christianity?
What important cultural influences contributed to the Byzantine empire?
What caused the decline of the Byzantine empire?
Describe the Mongol rule of medieval Russia
Describe Ivan the Great
Describe how Eastern Europe’s geography affect its development
What happened to the Byzantine church after the Great Schism?
Describe the effects of Mongolian rule over medieval Russia
What impact did the Magyars have on the kingdom of Hungry?
Chapter 10: Main Ideas ( Part 3)
What does the Arabic word Islam mean?
How is Islam similar to Judaism and Christianity?
What must every Muslim do under the Five Pillars of Islam?
What is the key difference between the Sunnis and the Shiites?
What is the significance of the battle of Tours?
Key Terms: ( Part 4)
Chapters 7 & 8
Canon Law
Papal Supremacy
Due Process of Law
Holy Roman Empire
Magna Carta
Black Death
Key Terms:
Chapters 9 & 10
Justinian’s Code
Great Schism
Short Answers: Answer in 2-3 complete sentences ( Part 5)
Explain how the church play a vital role in medieval life? Provide two examples.
Define feudalism and the manor economy. Provide two examples of how these
systems shaped medieval life?
Provide two examples of why the revival of trade was so important to life in the
Middle Ages? What impact did the increase in trade have on medieval society?
Define the Reconquista and Spanish Inquisition?Explain how the two are
What were three effects of the Black Death?
What were two main causes of the Crusades? What were two results of the
Describe three things that made the Byzantine Empire rich and successful.
Describe two reasons why the empire declined.
Explain the Five Pillars of Islam.
Essays: Answer in a 6-8 sentence paragraph( Part 6)
Which labels for the Middle Ages best describe the era this time period? Select three
of the following four labelsand explain how they best describe the Middle Ages. -The
Dark Ages, the Age of Feudalism, the Age of Faith, or Golden Age of Europe?
Discuss the main beliefs and concepts connected to the three monotheistic religions:
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Explainthree important similarities and
differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
From our study of human history, there are many basic features of civilization that
help societies develop and function. Which three features are the most important to
the development of any civilization?Explain the reasons for your choices.