Final Exam: 10/10 Question 1 Outstanding leaders typically develop and display the following behaviors: Select the best answer. Your Answer Score Explanation Emphasizing what must be done in order to comply with organizational requirements. Building or rebuilding resonant relationships. Correct 1.00 Relying on delegation, command, and control. Arousing context, meaning, and accountability. 1.00 / Total 1.00 Question 2 Activation of the SNS triggers which of the following? Select the best answer. Your Answer Score Explanation Increase of oxytocin in the blood stream. Decrease in pulse rate and blood pressure. Secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline/noradrenaline), sending blood to large muscle groups needed for survival (epinephrine to the arms, Correct 1.00 norepinephrine to the legs) Slows and deepens breathing. Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 3 True or false. Increased development and use of emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies enhances effectiveness of professionals, managers, and leaders in wide-ranging occupations and countries – and these competencies can be significantly developed in adults. Your Answer True Score Explanation Correct 1.00 False Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 4 True or false. Because negative emotions are stronger than positive, in order to sustain learning and change you have to spend 3-6 times in the PEA for each time spent in the NEA. Your Answer True Score Explanation Correct 1.00 False Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 5 True or false. Sustained, desired change occurs primarily through emergence of the 5 ICT Discoveries. This is a discontinuous, non-liner process – i.e., a dynamic cycle of change. Your Answer True Score Explanation Correct 1.00 False Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 6 Coaching for compliance involves helping people to figure out what they must do to fix themselves and/or fit into others’ expectations and requirements. How does this affect people changing? Select the best answer. Your Answer Negatively by isolating a person. Positively by giving people a chance to please others. Positively increasing pressure to achieve your goals. Score Explanation Negatively by arousing the NEA Correct 1.00 Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 7 True or false. Four experiences activate renewal and help you produce or enhance resonant relationships: mindfulness (meditation, yoga, tai chi, praying to a loving God, consistent/moderate physical exercise); compassion (loving relationships, having pets you can pet, volunteering and helping those less fortunate, helping family members –especially elderly or disabled); hope (thinking/talking with others about a future dream, being hopeful about the future); and playfulness (laughing with others). Your Answer True Score Explanation Correct 1.00 False Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 8 True or false. You need the Negative Emotional Attractor (NEA) to survive, and the Positive Emotional Attractor (PEA) to thrive. Staying in touch with your personal vision, Ideal Self, and dreams – and reflecting on them from time to time – helps you to stay longer in the PEA and be more open to new ideas, relationships, possibilities, learning, and change. Your Answer True Score Explanation Correct 1.00 False Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 9 True or false? Intentional Change Theory (ICT) proposes that sustained, desired change occurs at any level of human and social organization through the same intentional change process. The levels are as follows: individual; dyad or couple (including boss-subordinate relationships); team, group, or family; organization; community; country/culture; and global. Your Answer True False Score Correct 1.00 Explanation Total 1.00 / 1.00 Question 10 The Negative Emotional Attractor arouses the _________nervous system; this prepares the person for protecting himself or herself against problems or threat and supports adaptive response. Select the best answer. Your Answer Sympathetic Nervous System -SNS Skeletal system Respiratory system Gastro-intestinal system Score Explanation Correct 1.00