CUSTOMER_CODE SMUDE DIVISION_CODE SMUDE EVENT_CODE JULY15 ASSESSMENT_CODE MC0063_JULY15 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 33839 QUESTION_TEXT What do you mean by sets? SCHEME OF EVALUATION A set is considered as a primitive term and hence formally undefined but we have an idea of what constitutes a set A set is a collection of objects in which we can say whether a given object is in the collection. The fact that a is a member of a set A is denoted by a A and we call it as ‘a belongs to A’. The members of a set are called elements. If x is not an element of A then we write Suppose A and B are two sets. Then we say that A is a subset of B (Written as ) if every element of A is also an element of B. Two sets A and B are said to be equal (denoted by A = B) if A is a subset of B, and B is a subset of A. If A and B are two sets, then the set {x / x A or x B} is denoted by and we call it as the union of A and B. The set {x / x A and x B} is denoted by and we call it as the intersection of A and B. If A and B are two sets, then the set { x B/ x A} is denoted by B – A (or B\A) and it is called as the complement A in B. The set that contains no members is called the empty set and it is denoted by We denote the number of elements in the set A by | A |. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 33840 QUESTION_TEXT Prove that “If R is an equivalence relation on a set S and a, b either [a] = [b] or [a] [b] = ” SCHEME OF EVALUATION Proof: If or [a] [b] = then it is clear. Now suppose the intersection is non-empty. Let x [a] [b] x [a] and x [b] x ~ a and x ~ b a ~ x and x ~ b(since ~ is symmetric) S, then a ~ b (since ~ is transitive). Now we show that [a] = [b]. For this, let Since a ~ b, we get y ~ b (by transitive property) b ~ y y [b]. Hence [a] [b]. Similarly, we get that [b] [a]. Therefore [a] = [b]. From this lemma, we can conclude that any two equivalence classes are either equal or disjoint. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 33842 QUESTION_TEXT Briefly explain with syntax: i. Universal set ii. Union of sets iii. Intersection of sets iv. Difference of sets v. Complement of a set SCHEME OF EVALUATION i. Universal set: If all the sets are subsets of a fixed set, then this set is called the universal set and is denoted by U. (2 marks) ii. Union of sets: The union of two sets A and B denoted by A∪B is the set of elements which belong to A or B or both. (2 marks) iii. Intersection of sets: The intersection of two sets A and B denoted by A∩B is the set of elements which belong to both A and B. (2 marks) iv. Difference of sets: The difference of two sets A and B denoted by A–B is the set of elements of A which are not the elements of B. (2 marks) v. Complement of a set: The complement of a set A with respect to the universal set U is defined as U–A and is denoted by AI or AC (2 marks) QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 33843 QUESTION_TEXT Explain: i. Relation matrices ii. Partial ordered sets SCHEME OF EVALUATION i. Relation matrices: A relation R between the sets A1, A2 ….. An is a subset of A1 x A2 x …. x An. This relation R is called n-ary relation. In general, a relation means binary relation on a set S (5 marks) ii. Partial ordered sets: A partially ordered set (Poset) is a set S with a relation R on S which is reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive. (5 marks) QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 105712 Explain the working of the RSA cryptosystem. QUESTION_TEXT Suppose that we choose two random 150-digit prime numbers p and q. Next, we compute the product n = pq and also compute where is the Euler -function. Now we start choosing random integers E until we find one that is relatively prime to m; that is, we choose E such that gcd (E, m) = 1. Using the Euclidean algorithm, we can find a number D such that DE = 1 (mod m). The numbers n and E are now made public. SCHEME OF EVALUATION Suppose now that person B (Bob) wishes to send person A (Alice) a message over a public line. Since E and n are known to everyone, anyone can encode messages. Bob first digitizes the messages according to some scheme, say A = 00, B = 02, …, Z = 25. If necessary, he will break the message into pieces such that each piece is a positive integer less than n. Suppose x is one of the pieces. Bob forms the number mod n and sends y to Alice. For Alice to recover x, she need only compute mod n. Only Alice knows D. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 105716 QUESTION_TEXT Using the principle of mathematical induction show that 102n–1 + 1 is divisible by 11 for all n N. Let Now which is divisible by 11. Therefore for some integer k. Consider SCHEME OF EVALUATION Therefore which is clearly divisible by 11. Therefore Therefore P(m+1) is divisible by 11. Hence by the principle of mathematical induction P(n) is divisible by 11 for all n.