Teaching with Comprehensible Input Methodologies For Romance Languages Revised for ALHS WL Department 2014-2015 Phases 1. Establish Meaning Of The Following Structures- Content Language Objectives I can demonstrate comprehension of new vocabulary (posted on the easel pad or on the PPT, or insert vocabulary here) by answering questions and doing the gesture. Quality Interactions ● Word Wall (posters/PPT) ● Pictures ● Realia ● Gestures ● TPR ● PQA ● Circling ● 3-Ring Circus ● Class jobs Do Now Exit Ticket Homework Notes Ideas: ● Vocabulary translation ● Sentence translation ● Free Voluntary Reading ● Review vocabulary with flashcards ● Review vocabulary with sentence matching. ● Arrange sentences using WLG. ● Create sentences with vocabulary listed on a PPT. ● Use the vocabulary listed on the word wall and write about yesterday’s class Ideas: Write 3-5 sentences about today’s story or topic. Students give themselves a grade for the day using the Interpersonal Communication Rubric (See below). ● Listen to the statements about today’s story/topic, and then write “true” or “false”. ● Look at the pictures about a story, listen to the statements, and write down the corresponding numbers of the Ideas: ● Complete Picture Dictionary with an image to illustrate the new vocabulary. ● Translate PRS, PMS, or class story. ● Draw pictures about the PRS, PMS, or class story on the story board (if the story is written in class). ● Write corresponding sentences to describe the pictures of the class story on the story board (if the pictures are drawn in class). ● Read/Retell PRS, ● Put the structures in 2 columns: Target language in one color; English in another. ● Focus on listening comprehension ● Point and pause whenever you say a vocabulary word. ● Gesturing is extremely important. It can help you engage students and for the comprehension check purpose. ● American Sign Language would be a great resource for gestures if you and your students run out of ideas. story. ● Vocabulary Matching ● Timed Writing pictures that your teacher describes. ● Based on today’s story/topic, please create 5 open-ended questions with the question words that are circled on the poster and answer them in the target language. ● Read the story or sentences on the board and translate the structures that are highlighted/unde rlined into English. ● Translate the underlined structures in the reading/text. ● Listen to the teacher and circle the words or structures your teacher calls on your paper. ● Translate sentences when hear them. ● Look at the PMS, or class story to parents and get signatures on the worksheet. ● Write the class story in 3-5 complete sentences in Pinyin. Be ready to share them with the class. ● Play World Language Games using study guides (can be easily generated by the World Language Games software). vocabulary words on the board and select the corresponding definitions. ● Write a summary in English using transition words about the class story. ● Dictation ● Interpersonal Communication Self-Evaluation 2. Personal Real Story (PRS) 3. Personalize d Mini-Situation (PMS) 4. Create Class Story ● I will be able to understand my classmate’s reallife situations using new vocabulary (posted on the easel pad or on the PPT, or insert vocabulary here) and recycled structures by listening and answering teacher’s questions. ● I can contribute to create a class story using new vocabulary (posted on the easel pad or on the PPT, or insert ● PQA ● Circling ● Acting ● Parking ● Using Props ● Retelling (by teacher) ● Modeling (teacher writes out the story with students’ assistance when retelling) ● Using pictures in the sentences (picture graph) to retell the story. ● Focus on the use of academic language by staying 90% in the target language as well as trying not to incorporate too many out of bounds vocabulary throughout the lessons. ● Assign jobs such as story writer, quiz writer, and illustrator of the class story or PMS. ● Teacher models writing. vocabulary here) and recycled structures by listening, answering questions and adding details while certain students act out the story. ● I can demonstrate comprehension of the new and recycled vocabulary by listening to the class story retold by teacher and draw corresponding pictures in the comic strips. 5. Read PRS, PMS, or Class Stories ● I can demonstrate comprehension of the learned vocabulary by reading and translating the PRS/PMS/class story by myself and/or with a partner or with a whole class using Word Wall/study guides as a reference. Big Group: ● Choral Interpretation ● Written Translation ● Popcorn Reading Small Groups: ● Dice Game ● Jigsaw Puzzles (sentences in different colors of strips) → Summarizing (in the Target ● For Dice Game, create 7 questions from the lowest level to the highest level using Bloom’s Taxonomy about the reading selection in advance. ● ● I can demonstrate Language) → comprehension of Gallery Walk sentences by (Read and showing gestures Translate own and to the whole class others’ summaries and by saying the into English) sentences out in ● Rearranging the target sentences in language when my correct order in classmates pairs perform their ● Cloze text ● Retelling story to a sentences. partner using ● I can demonstrate pictures comprehension of ● Read and translate the vocabulary by in pairs rearranging the ● Running Dictation sentences and in the target summarizing the language PRS/PMS/class ● Charades story with my group members Individual Leaning using study guides ● Dictation as a reference. ● Rewrite the story ● I will be able to understand and compare alternative versions of the class story by using the new vocabulary and recycled structures. ● I can understand and interpret oral and written with different details and ending. language by retelling the class story using pictures and lists in pairs. 6. Read Story from Novels or Textbooks ● I can demonstrate comprehension of the reading selection in Chinese characters (on the screen, in the textbook, or in the novel) by translating them into English and saying them in Chinese when see them as a big group and/or with a partner with or without the vocabulary study guide. Big Group: ● Choral Interpretation ● Popcorn Reading ● Reader’s Theater ● Parallel Character/Story Small Groups: ● Collaborative Learning ● Sorting cards by characters, who says what, etc. according to the novels. ● Students work in pairs. First individual students create their own “wh” questions based on the reading selection. Then they exchange their questions with their partners and answer them. LAB DAY LAB DAY ● I can demonstrate Individual Leaning comprehension of ● World Language Games the new vocabulary by playing the games under “Sentences” on the World Language Games using sentence study guide. 7. Culture ● I will be able to Worksheets comprehend and Cornell Notes discuss orally the reading selection Big Group: on a cultural topic ● Choral using the new Interpretation vocabulary and ● Popcorn Reading recycled structure. ● Group discussion ● I will be able to comprehend a reading selection and answer questions in writing on a worksheet. ● I will be able to comprehend a video clip and take Cornell Notes. ● I will be able to comprehend a video clip and answer questions on a worksheet. Including songs, food, art, history, important figures, etc. ● When teaching Cultural Units, do “Backward Planning” by choosing “key” or high frequency structures from the text. Each cycle we will focus on 3-6 of these structures.