CDC Planning Decisions April and May 2014 Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: SDNP/14/00681/HOUS 11 February 2014 CDCDM Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Application Withdrawn 3 April 2014 Mr Andrew Williams Mr & Mrs McGuirk Two storey rear extension with stairs to provide new first floor access into bedrooms. Single storey extension to form oak framed day room. Internal alterations to enlarge kitchen and rear hall. Old Well Cottage West Harting Petersfield GU31 5NT 478354 120964 SDNP/14/00682/LIS Decision: Application Withdrawn 10 February 2014 Decision Date: 3 April 2014 CDCDM Case Officer: Mr Andrew Williams Mr & Mrs McGuirk Two storey rear extension with stairs to provide new first floor access into bedrooms. Single storey extension to form oak framed day room. Internal alterations to enlarge kitchen and rear hall. Old Well Cottage West Harting Petersfield GU31 5NT 478354 120964 SDNP/12/02760/FUL Decision: Refused 7 November 2012 Decision Date: 14 April 2014 CDCDM Case Officer: Naomi Langford Trio Estates Limited Change of Use of building from A4 (drinking establishment) to C3 (single dwelling house). Ship Inn North Lane South Harting Petersfield GU31 5PZ 478570 119552 SDNP/14/00496/HOUS 26 February 2014 CDCDM Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Approved 23 April 2014 Mr Martin Mew Location: Grid Ref: Mrs Laura Chalk Demolition of existing storey and garage and erection of replacement single building with office over. Down Lodge Turkey Island East Harting Petersfield West Sussex GU31 5LT 479603 119326 Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00695/LIS 27 February 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Mrs Claire Paul Repair of chimney stack requiring taking down of stack to roof level and rebuilding. Full details are set out in the estimate of 28/1/14 from Michael Jordan (copy enclosed) and on the enclosed drawing of the chimney (and notes) showing the courses to be taken down and rebuilt. South and west elevations (brick and stone) re-pointing and replacement of perished stone as indicated on enclosed photographs lime mortar to be used East Harting Farm East Harting Petersfield GU31 5LU Location: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Approved 22 April 2014 Mr Martin Mew Grid Ref: 479702 119492 Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00458/TCA 21 February 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Mrs Antonia Christie Notification of intention to fell 3 no. Silver Birch trees (1, 8 and 9), 1 no. Willow trees (1a), 1 no. Acacia tree (2), 5no. Ash trees (4-7 and 10), 7 no. Red Maple trees (12-14, 16, 17, 19 and 20), 1 no. Norway Maple tree (11), 13 no. Field Maple trees (15,15a,24 -26a, 26b,46,48, 49 and 66-69), 2 no. Serrated Beech trees (18 and 22), 6 no. Poplar trees (30 and 61 - 65), 14 no. Alder tree 27,28 and 33-44), 2 no. Aspen (54 and-72), 1 no. Cypress tree (57) and 1 no. Rowan (70). Crown reduce by 25% on 1 no. Oak (3). Crown reduce by 30% 1 no. Plane tree (31) and 2 no. Field Maple trees (47 and 50). Crown reduce by 2530% 1 no. Field Maple tree (45), 1 no. Sycamore (60), 1 no. Beech (69a). Crown reduce by 30-40% on 13 no. Leyland Cypress (51-53, 55,56,58,59, 68a, 73 and 77). A total of 77 no. trees. Manor House North Lane South Harting Petersfield West Sussex GU31 5NN 478793 120068 Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00779/FUL 13 February 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Mr D Bate Extension to and alteration of existing redundant agricultural buildings and change of use to a single residential dwelling. Beech Barn Putmans Lane West Harting West Sussex 477076 121005 Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00796/FUL 14 March 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Mr & Mrs Saunders Ground mounted Solar Photovoltaic system to be installed 5m from boundary. The PV panels will be mounted onto ground mount frames, pile driven into ground, in an array 16 panels long and 2 panels deep in portrait orientation. The array will face away from the public footpath. Oak House Nyewood Petersfield GU31 5HY Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00845/HOUS 13 March 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Mr Richard Midmer Two storey rear extension. Bowers Cottage West Harting Petersfield GU31 5NT Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Raise No Objection 2 May 2014 Henry Whitby Approved 2 May 2014 Derek Price Refused 9 May 2014 Mr Andrew Williams Refused 8 May 2014 Mr Martin Mew Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/13/03454/FUL 13 August 2013 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Mr S Sprackling Material amendment to existing approval (stockmans dwelling to replace temporary stockmans dwelling (revised siting) application HT/10/05065/FUL alterations to windows on north, south, west and east elevations. Clarefield Copse Dumpford Lane Nyewood South Harting West Sussex 481324 121907 Location: Grid Ref: Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00356/TPO 17 January 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Approved 11 February 2014 Mr Andrew Williams APPROVED Decision due: 14 March 2014 Case Officer: Henry Whitby Mr Mark Morton Crown reduce by 30% on 1 no. Yew tree (T1) subject to HT/11/00033/TPO. The Rectory, The Street, South Harting, Petersfield, West Sussex, GU31 5QB, Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/13/05887/HOUS 8 January 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Mr Geoff Prosser New half storey extension and additional roof lights to existing roof. 3 South Acre South Harting Petersfield GU31 5LL 478940 119233 Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/13/05778/FUL 14 January 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Decision due: Case Officer: Approved 5 March 2014 Mr Martin Mew APPROVED 11 March 2014 Mr Andrew Williams Mr T Waller To demolish freestanding garage - single car size, preformed concrete walls with asbestos/concrete mix roof. Rock Cottage, Elsted Road, South Harting, Petersfield, West Sussex, GU31 5LD, Case CaseNo: No: Date Valid: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00356/TPO SDNP/13/05455/FUL 17 January 2014 2 December 2013 CDCDM Applicant: Applicant: Proposal: Proposal: Location: Mr Mark Morton Robert Hall Crown reduce by 30% on 1 no. Yew tree (T1) subject to HT/11/00033/TPO. Replacement of existing bungalow with new two storey five bedroom The Rectory, The Street, South Harting, Petersfield, West Sussex, GU31 5QB, Team: Location: Grid Ref: Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: Location: CDCDM Decision: Approved 14 March 2014 2014 Date: 11 March Henry Whitby Case Officer: Mr Andrew Williams Decision due: Decision Case Officer: house. Chalton Cottage East Harting Street East Harting Petersfield West Sussex GU31 5LY 479801 119461 SDNP/13/06109/LIS 14 January 2014 CDCDM Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Application Withdrawn 17 March 2014 Mr Andrew Williams Mr Thomas Maier Ensuite shower room to include new window and internal alterations. Hucksholt Farm House B2146 Hundred Acres To Compton Down Road Compton Chichester West Sussex PO18 9NS Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: SDNP/14/00380/FUL 5 February 2014 CDCDM Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Application Withdrawn 12 March 2014 Mr Martin Mew Foxcombe Farm Partnership Erection of a steel frame general purpose agricultural building in order to provide storage for farm machinery, biomass wood chip, grain etc. Foxcombe Farm B2146 Elsted Road To Torberry Lane South Harting Petersfield West Sussex GU31 5PL 477080 118627 Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/14/00531/TPO 2 February 2014 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Mr Kim Godfrey Reduce south-west sector to give 2.5m clearance from roof line on 1 no. Oak tree within Area A1, the subject of HT/71/00556/TPO. Kiln House Greenfields Close Nyewood Petersfield GU31 5JQ 480040 121609 Case No: Date Valid: Team: SDNP/13/05916/FUL 6 December 2013 CDCDM Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Case No: Date Valid: Team: Applicant: Proposal: Location: Grid Ref: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Decision: Decision Date: Case Officer: Approved 14 March 2014 Henry Whitby Approved 20 March 2014 Mr Andrew Williams Mr Peter Noe Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission SDNP/13/03472/FUL. The addition of 1no. window to the front gable and 1 no. velux roof light. Marden Farm Cottage Eastfield Lane East Harting West Sussex GU31 5LZ 480131 119783 SDNP/13/05985/FUL Decision: Approved 16 January 2014 Decision Date: 25 March 2014 CDCDM Case Officer: Derek Price Mr and Mrs N Hanbury Proposed demolition of two bungalows and replacement with two new dwellings. 5 and 6 Collins Lane West Harting Petersfield West Sussex GU31 5NZ 478383 121302 SDNP/14/00441/HOUS Decision: Approved 31 January 2014 Decision Date: 28 March 2014 CDCDM Case Officer: Mr Martin Mew Mr & Mrs Alex Temple Demolition and rebuilding of garage/outbuilding, linking outbuilding to house. Single storey kitchen rear extension. Loft conversion with dormer window. Alterations to fenestration of house. Meadow Cottage East Harting Petersfield GU31 5LX 479746 119478