Visitors Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy

St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School:
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour On School Premises Policy
May 2015
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School
Visitors Code of Conduct
Behaviour Policy
At St Mary Magdalene’s we are very fortunate to have a supportive and friendly parent
body. Our parents and carers recognise that educating children is a process that involves a
partnership between parents, class teachers and the school community. As part of that
partnership our parents and carers understand the importance of a good working
relationship in order to equip children with the necessary skills for adulthood. For these
reasons we continue to welcome and encourage parents and carers to participate fully in
the life of our school.
The purpose of this document is to provide a reminder to all visitors to our school, whether
they are parents, carers, or other family members, members of the community, volunteers
or other guests about their expected conduct. This is so we can continue to enable children
to flourish, progress and achieve in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect.
Please contact the school office if you would like to volunteer to be more involved in
school life, be it as a helper, member of the PTfA, Parent Forum or Governor. We value
and welcome your contribution, however large or small.
As well as following the guidance set out in our Home-School Agreement, we expect all
visitors to:
Understand that teachers and parents/carers need to work together for the benefit
of their children
Demonstrate that all members of the school community should be treated with
respect and therefore set a good example in their own speech and behaviour
Seek to clarify a child’s version of events with the school’s view in order to bring
about a peaceful solution to any issue
Correct their own child’s behaviour especially in public where it could otherwise lead
to conflict, aggressive behaviour or unsafe behaviour
Approach the school to help resolve any issues of concern
Avoid using staff as threats to admonish children’s behaviour
In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment the school cannot tolerate any
visitors exhibiting the following:
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School:
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour On School Premises Policy
May 2015
Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of
a classroom, office or any other area of the school grounds
Using loud or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane, racist or
discriminatory language and/ or displaying anger or aggression to others
Threatening to harm or using intimidating behaviour to a member of school staff,
visitor, fellow parent/carer or pupil regardless of whether or not the behaviour
constitutes a criminal offence
Damaging or destroying school property
Sending abusive or threatening e-mails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other
written communications
Defamation of the school or staff character on social networking sites
The use of physical aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical
punishment against your own child on school premises
Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of
their actions towards your own children
Approaching staff off school premises in order to initiate a discussion or rebuke
because of school related issues
Smoking and consumption of alcohol or drugs on school premises
Dogs being brought on to school premises with the exception of assistance dogs
Should any of the above behaviour occur on school premises the school will follow the
actions detailed in the Behaviour Policy below. We trust that parents and carers will help in
implementing this policy and we thank you for your continuing support.
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School
Behaviour Policy
St Mary Magdalene’s is committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their
potential and work in partnership with all stakeholders to achieve these aims.
The vast majority of visitors to our school, whether they are parents, carers, other
family members, members of the community, volunteers or other guests,
demonstrate the values of which we want to promote to our pupils in school. We
have an “open door” policy because we value the interaction between staff and the
families of our pupils. It is an important part of our ethos; it helps us to get to know
our pupils really well and, therefore, enable them to make the best possible progress
in all respects. This is, however, a privilege.
Sadly there are occasions, albeit very few, where visitors do not behave as we would
like. All schools have been encouraged to consider what to do in the situation where
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School:
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour On School Premises Policy
May 2015
unsatisfactory behaviour arises on their premises. This policy is required to address
behaviour that is unacceptable and has a detrimental effect on the good order, and
safety of our school community.
1. Rights and Expectations of School Community
We have a right to expect that the school is a safe place in which to work and
St Mary Magdalene School has a duty of care to staff, pupils and visitors to
ensure their safety and wellbeing.
There will be a zero tolerance of violence, threatening behaviour and
disorderly conduct, including abuse in all forms, against school staff or other
members of the school community.
Where such behaviour does occur, action will be taken to deal with the person
or persons concerned.
2. Abusive or Threatening Behaviour
The Public Order Act 1986 defines “disorderly conduct” as: verbal abuse,
threatening abusive or insulting words or behaviour or any disorderly
behaviour whereby a person is caused alarm, harassment or distress.
“Threatening behaviour” is when a person fears that violence or threat of
violence is likely to be provoked.
In a school context this could mean:
Offensive language or malicious comments
Unwarranted and unnecessary correspondence, taking up undue
teaching and administrative time
Disruptive behaviour
Racist conduct or speech
Incitement of others including threats or risk of harm
Intimidation and or aggressive behaviour, either in person or on the
Actual violence, including threat of use of a weapon
It also covers comments posted on social networking sites or situations
where members of staff are approached off school premises.
3. Action to be taken if an incident occurs
If an incident involving threatening behaviour or abuse does occur then an
incident report form will be completed by the member of the school community
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School:
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour On School Premises Policy
May 2015
against whom the abuse was directed. In the case of this being a pupil a
member of staff may complete the form on their behalf.
As this school follows a zero tolerance policy, any incidents of violent conduct
whether actual or threatened, will be referred to the police immediately (step 5
below immediately).
At any stage, the school will record and report all types of bullying and hate
incidents, including racist incidents, abusive and threatening behaviour. The
school has a statutory responsibility to record all racist or discriminatory
incidents and report to the Local Authority on a regular basis (See Equality
In conjunction with this:
•Step 1 - Verbal warning
The Headteacher (or member of SLT) will speak (privately) to the person or
persons perpetrating such an incident. It will be put to them that such
behaviour is unacceptable and an assurance will be sought that such an
incident will not be repeated. It will be stressed on this occasion that repetition
of such an incident will result in further more serious action being taken. If the
Headteacher has been subject to abuse this will be done by the Chair of
Governors (or other appointed independent governor, if the Chair is involved
in the incident in any way).
•Step 2 – Written warning
If a second incident occurs involving the same person or persons, the
Headteacher will write to the adult(s) informing them once again that this
conduct is unacceptable. As for Step 1, if the Headteacher has been subject
to abuse this will be done by the Chair or other appointed governor.
NB: Any serious incidents would immediately proceed to step 5.
•Step 3 – Final written warning
If a third incident occurs involving the same person or persons, the Chair or
other appointed independent governor, will write to the adult(s) giving a final
warning that this abusive and threatening behaviour is unacceptable, and that
a repetition of this conduct will leave the governors no option but to take
further action.
•Step 4 – Governors’ Ban Letter
If such an incident recurs, or if an initial incident is considered serious enough
by the Headteacher, the Chair of Governors (or other appointed governor)
would be involved to enforce any action deemed necessary. This may result
in a person or persons being excluded from school premises.
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School:
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour On School Premises Policy
May 2015
•Step 5 – Involvement of the police
If following a decision to ban a person from the school premises, that person
nevertheless persists in entering school premises and is displaying
unreasonable behaviour, such a person may be removed from the school
premises as a trespasser under Section 547 of the Education Act 19961 and
charged with an offence under the Public Order Act 19862.
All parents, even if excluded from school premises, are not prevented from
the rights to access school information and have a right to telephone or email
the school to arrange to speak to school staff about their child’s educational
Other members of the public have no right of access to the school premises.
In the case of an incident involving another member of the public steps 1 and
2 as above will be followed. At step 3 the Headteacher will write again and at
step 4 the Headteacher will send the banning letter.
4. Lone working
All members of staff should be aware of the policy of lone working if they are
in school by themselves. Please see the school Health and Safety Policy.
5. Responsibilities
The Governors are responsible for:
Approving the policy, procedures and guidelines
Receiving reports; and any necessary documentation
Advising and supporting the Headteacher
The Governors will monitor the level and nature of reports and review the
outcomes annually, or earlier if so determined.
The Chair of Governors is responsible for:
Monitoring the good order and safety of the school
Checking that the correct procedure is followed and reviews take place
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School:
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour On School Premises Policy
May 2015
The Headteacher is responsible for:
The overall management of the procedures;
Ensuring that the procedures are monitored and reviewed, and
reporting to the Governors at least annually, or before if required.
Ensuring the efficient operation and management of the policy and
Ensure that staff are trained on how to deal appropriately with conflict
Ensure that parents, pupils and others are informed of the procedures;
Our Senior Leadership Team will:
have responsibility for supporting other staff in implementing this Policy
with the Headteacher, provide advice/support in dealing with any
Assist in implementing reviews of this policy.
Our Visitors will:
have access to the Policy through a range of different media
appropriate to their requirements
be encouraged to actively support the Policy
be encouraged to attend any relevant meetings and activities related to
the Policy
Our school staff will:
be involved in the implementation and evaluation of the Policy
be fully aware of the Visitors Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy
and how it relates to them
understand that this is a whole school approach and support the Policy
Make known any issues or training requirements.
Relevant voluntary or community groups and partner agencies will:
Be encouraged to support the Policy
Be encouraged to attend any relevant meetings and activities related to
the Policy.
6. Disseminating Information
St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School:
Abusive or Threatening Behaviour On School Premises Policy
May 2015
The School will include in its prospectus advice to parents that there is
a Visitors Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy.
The Home-School Agreement will include information on expectations
and refer to the Visitors Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy, which
will be signed annually.
The Visitors Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy will be available via
the Schools website, or can be obtained, if requested from the school
7. Monitoring and Review
The Headteacher will report to staff and the Chair of Governors at any
time if the need arises, otherwise this will be carried out annually in a
written summary to the Full Governing Body; on the number and type
of incidents and behaviours displayed by parents and carers and the
outcomes of any incidents
The Governing body will review the Visitors Code of Conduct and
Behaviour Policy document every three years
8. Related Policies and Documents
Health and Safety Policy
Children’s Behaviour Policy/ Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy/
Governors Statement of Behaviour Principles
Home-School Agreement
Visitors & Volunteers Policy
Equality Policy
Lone Working Policy (LA)