0. GP_Bulletin_2015_7_30

GP Bulletin
For Action
Mers CoV suspected in Manchester
Following the publicity relating to suspected cases of MERS CoV in Manchester we are taking the opportunity to recirculate the link to PHE guidance to all care providers across London;
The algorithm for use in Primary Care settings is available at;
Please ensure all relevant staff are aware of the clinical guidance regarding risk, diagnosis and management of
suspected cases.
DON’T FORGET TO SUBMIT your National Diabetes Audit data for 2014-15 before you go on your
summer holidays
The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) is a major national clinical audit, which measures the effectiveness of diabetes
healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines and NICE Quality Standards, in England and Wales. The NDA collects and
analyses data for use by a range of stakeholders to drive changes and improvements in the quality of services and
health outcomes for people with diabetes. The audit is supported by the National Clinical Director for Diabetes, Dr
Jonathan Valabhji and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCCGP).
Submission of the NDA data for 2014-15 will support achievement of the Long Term Conditions Scheme of the GP
Delivery Framework for 2015/16.
Practices can submit their data from now until the beginning of September.
We have been informed by EMIS that the National Diabetes Audit 2014-15 search will be downloading into your
EMIS library from tonight (30.07.15) so practices should have access within the week. Please contact EMIS directly if
you have any problems with access to the search
For further information on the NDA and how to upload your data please visit http://www.hscic.gov.uk/nda
30 July 2015
Cancer Clinical Network Lead
A new opportunity has arisen to join our Clinical Network as Cancer Clinical Network Lead. For more information and
an application form, please go to:
Please forward to anyone who you think may be interested - closing date is currently the 30th August 2015 to allow
for people being away over the summer period.
Outpatient Strategy Workshop at St George’s Hospital (please find official invitation attached (1))
You are invited to our Outpatient Strategy Workshop on 2 September 2015 1.30pm-4.00pm. Please find attached
the official invitation.
St George’s are currently developing a 5 year Outpatient strategy to ensure they are delivering an optimum
outpatient service to all patients across all sites. To enable them to develop a successful strategy, they are engaging
with key users to find out more about experiences with accessing Outpatient services. The event will take the form
of an interactive discussion from which to take away some productive and innovative ideas for the future.
FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION (FGM) (Please see attached letter (2))
Please share with all clinicians the latest information and guidance on FGM over the school summer
holidays from the Department of Health
Malaria Updates (Please see attached posters (3a-3e))
Public Health England have recently published the 2014 data for malaria cases in the UK – 1586 cases of imported
malaria were reported last year, a 5.7% increase on last year. Locally malaria in returning travellers continues to be a
public health challenge. In 2014, South East London had the highest case burden of all the English regions – with
almost 300 residents notified as having malaria.
The majority of these individuals reported visiting friends and family as their reason for travel. This is often the case
as people returning to their “home” countries may not perceive themselves as being at risk and yet having lived in
the UK for some time they do not have any natural immunity against malaria.
The summer provides an excellent opportunity to remind anyone travelling home of the risks of malaria and how to
protect themselves. We hope you will support us in communicating these messages to your residents/population.
We would be grateful if you could action this as soon as possible to catch people before they travel.
We would be really interested to hear how you use these materials and whether you found them useful to inform
our future malaria campaigns. Feel free to email me or jane.deburgh@phe.gov.uk with any questions or comments.
30 July 2015
King's College London GP survey on constipation
We would like to invite you to participate in an online survey conducted by Queen Mary University of London and
King’s College London on the perception of General Practitioners regarding the diagnosis of constipation, its
treatments, as well as use of probiotics for constipation.
If you decide to take part in our survey, we will ask you to access the link below which will direct you to our online
survey. You will be asked about what symptoms you believe constitute a diagnosis of constipation, what symptoms
patients think are most bothersome, and the treatments you recommend for the relief of symptoms of constipation.
There will also be questions on probiotics and whether you have ever recommended them as a treatment option for
constipation. The survey should take no more than 8-10 minutes. If you are still interested in taking part, please
access the link below or paste the link into your browser:
On completion of the questionnaire, you can choose to enter a competition to win a 16GB iPad. If you would like
further information please email Susan Neville at optigut@kcl.ac.uk.
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Website
At Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust we are reviewing our website (www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk) and
we would like to know what you think. Please help us by completing a brief online survey at
Your answers will help us improve the information and online services that we provide.
The closing date for responses is Wednesday 12 August 2015.
If you add your email address at the end of the survey, you will be entered into our free prize draw for the chance to
win a pair of tickets to ‘The View from The Shard’.
If you have any questions about the survey or our digital development plans, please do not hesitate to contact
Martin Flynn (martin.flynn@gstt.nhs.uk)
For Information
Quality Alerts Feedback (Please see attachment (4))
Please find attached an update of quality alerts reported during quarters three and four 2014/15 and the actions
taken to resolve the issues raised.
30 July 2015
Guy’s and St Thomas’ plans transition to new Chief Executive (please see attached press release (5))
Trust Chairman, Sir Hugh Taylor, has announced today (Monday 27 July) that Sir Ron Kerr will be stepping down from
his role as Chief Executive of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust on 1 October 2015. Further details
regarding transition planning to the new Chief Executive can be found in the attached press release
King’s College Hospital - Low Globulins on Biochemistry Reports
Globulin on a Biochemistry report is calculated from a difference between measured Total Proteins and Albumin. A
high Globulin of > 35 g/L is highlighted to alert for further investigations for myeloma. Low globulins are less
significant and unless very low (<10 g/L) may in very rare cases, indicate a light chain paraprotein or
Because of the limitations in the computer systems to include all variables and not to cause further unnecessary
investigations, as from 21/7/15 the Laboratory will only alert abnormal globulin levels less than 10g/L and greater
than 35g/L. No further investigations are recommended inside these limits.
Dr Caje Moniz
Head of Department - Clinical Biochemistry & Clinical Lead Metabolic Bone/ Osteoporosis
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust cajemoniz@nhs.net
King’s College Hospital Outpatient Appointment Booking Issue
Over the last couple of weeks we have been experiencing significant IT issues which have led to delays in making
outpatient appointments. The OPAC (Outpatient Appointment Centre) team and the IT department are working
hard to resolve these issues but there is currently a 4 – 5 week processing delay.
Additional staff have been brought in to clear the back log but in the meantime we have put temporary systems in
place to process and track referrals to ensure patients are managed safely and within national standards.
This is a processing issue only and will NOT affect the patient’s appointment date and wait time. It does however
mean the patient will not hear from us regarding their appointment until we have processed their referral which
could take up to 5 weeks. Please ask patients to wait this time before chasing their appointment date.
Please note this does not affect URGENT and 2WW referrals.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your cooperation during this time.
If you have any further concerns or queries please contact Ben Frost, OPAC Assistant Service Manager on benjaminfrost@nhs.net or 020 3299 6404
30 July 2015
Electronic Mail from KCH
After investigating the issues with sending electronic documents (discharge summaries, clinic letters, A&E reports,
Respiratory test results etc) to GP's we have decided to revert back to sending documents via email. This does NOT
affect pathology/Radiology results. We will be using this method until further notice once the issue is resolved
SH:24 www.sh24.org.uk provides Lambeth and Southwark residents with free sexually transmitted infection (STI)
test kits, information and advice – 24 hours a day and is available for patients registered with your practice who live
in Lambeth or Southwark. Users can get tested for the four most common sexually STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhea,
syphilis and HIV. The service is quick, discreet and completely confidential and is fully integrated with local specialist
sexual health services.
Since launching in March this year, nearly 2,000 test kits have been ordered with 65% of people ordering a test
returning it and 100% if results being texted to the user within 72 hours. This compares very favourably to other
online testing services. Uptake amongst high risk groups is encouraging – 25% of users are from black and ethnic
minority groups for example.
SH:24 has received positive feedback from both users and individuals in the healthcare community including
Professor Kevin Fenton, director of Health and Wellbeing at PHE:
Promotional material is displayed in local clinics and GPs and pharmacies have been sent SH:24 posters. SH:24 is
keen to ensure residents are aware that this service is available so if you would like more posters/other promotional
material please email info@sh24.org.uk.
Be Clear on Cancer Campaign (Please see attached leaflets (6- 6b))
The next national Be Clear on Cancer Campaign aims to remind women aged 70 years and above about breast
cancer symptoms and the importance of seeing a doctor without delay if they notice these symptoms.
The campaign will run from 13 July to 6 September 2015 on TV, radio, print and digital advertising.
What is the main message of this campaign?
“‘1 in 3 women who get breast cancer are over 70, so don’t assume you’re past it’.”
Why this campaign?
Breast cancer survival is worse in women aged over 70 than in younger women.
Research shows that older women have low knowledge of breast cancer symptoms, and are more likely to
delay seeing their GP with breast cancer.
The fact is, the older you are, the more likely you are to get it, but diagnosing breast cancer early means
treatment is more likely to be successful.
30 July 2015
Evaluation of the previous national campaign in February-March 2014 found:
a 67% increase in combined breast referrals in the period February to April 2014, compared to February to
April 2012; this increase reflects a 64% increase in referrals for suspected breast cancer and a 75% increase
in breast symptom referrals
a statistically significant 25% increase in the number of breast cancers diagnosed following either an urgent
GP referral for suspected breast cancer or a breast symptom referral in the period February to April 2014,
compared to February to April 2012
A statistically significant 31% increase in the total number of breast cancer diagnoses recorded in the cancer
waiting times database in the period March-May 2014 compared to March-May 2012
What to expect?
The initial results from a regional pilot suggest that GPs may see more patients coming to their practice with breast
cancer symptoms or mentioning them during home visits. It’s difficult to predict the exact impact, but based on the
experience of local and regional pilot campaigns, any increase should be manageable.
Their support is vital to earlier diagnosis of cancer. This is what we have suggested to them.
1. Talk about breast cancer risk and symptoms. It may prompt women who have previously ignored symptoms to
tell you about them. It is also an ideal opportunity to remind any patients aged 70 or over that they are still
entitled to NHS breast screening.
2. Make the most of available support
• NICE referral guidelines for suspected cancer
• ‘Best Practice Diagnostic Guidelines for Patients Presenting with Breast Symptoms’
• BMJ Learning online education tools – ‘Suspected breast cancer: when you should refer’ and ‘Tackling late
diagnosis of cancer’
• Your local GP cancer lead – or one of the Transforming Cancer Services Team for London GP leads
3. Encourage your colleagues to support the campaign. Ensure everyone is aware of the campaign so they can
support it – there are separate briefing sheets for nurses, practice teams, pharmacy teams, local authorities and
community partners here
4. Promote the campaign. Put up the poster and display the leaflets. You can order more leaflets and posters free
of charge via orderline.dh.gov.uk or 0300 123 1002.
Local dissemination
30 July 2015
The Transforming Cancer Services Team is posting and emailing resources across London to: Community Pharmacies
and GP practices. We are also writing to Clinical Commissioning Groups, Strategic Planning Groups, Breast screening
services (asking them particularly to target women at their last appointments), Local Authority public health teams,
community partners and Age UK/Age Concern branches.
If you want to know more about the campaign or about early detection of cancer, please contact the Transforming
Cancer Services team at SECSU.tcstlondon@nhs.net or on 0203 049 9959.
Reducing medicines waste in Lambeth
NHS Lambeth CCG is launching its new medicines waste campaign this month. We are asking GPs and practice staff
in Lambeth to help support the campaign which aims to reduce unnecessary medicines waste in the borough.
The “It’s okay to ask about medicines” campaign is designed to encourage patients to only order what they need and
to tell their GP, pharmacist or nurse if they’ve stopped taking their medicines for any reason.
The campaign encourages patients to check what medicine they still have at home before ordering their repeat
prescription and highlights the risks to patients of not using their medicines properly, and the cost of medicine waste
to the NHS in terms of time and money. As you know, reducing waste is an important area of medicines
management as based on national figures it is estimated that medicines waste in Lambeth costs £1.7 Million a year.
This multi-platform campaign will take the form of posters, leaflets, desktop cards and pharmacy bags. Every GP
practice in the borough will receive materials in the next two weeks. The posters will also be displayed in all
pharmacies and community organisations across the borough as well as on bus shelters and in newspapers from 18
May. We’d be grateful if you could do all you can to promote the campaign locally by:
Displaying the posters and leaflets in prominent places
Putting the desktop cards on surgery reception counters or GP desks if you prefer
Adding this campaign message to your prescription sheets: Got enough medicines at home? Think before
ordering your repeat prescription and only order what you need.
Being aware that, due to the campaign, more patients may want to ask more questions about their medicines or
tell you if they are not taking them
Reminding eligible patients about medicines use reviews and the new medicines service in pharmacies
If online ordering is available, reminding patients that they can order their repeat prescriptions online.
In order to avoid confusion, we ask that all old medicines waste materials including last year’s ‘get the best from
your medicines’, which might contain outdated information, are removed from display.
30 July 2015
Training Opportunities
Inform Plus (INsulin For On-going PRactice Management) (please see attached flyers (7-7a))
This is the course for you if you are a Practice Nurse or GP:
If you have referred patients to the community insulin start groups
Have patients on insulin therapy
Want to be able to support your patients to self-manage on Insulin
Want to develop skills & confidence with Insulin Therapy
Support and manage people with type 2 diabetes/using insulin
This is a free course which includes:
The one day INFORM course
5 – 6 hours of Interactive e-learning
Use of a simulator to practise dose adjustment
And a follow-up half day workshop to concrete your learning and share case studies
(certificate only issued once e-learning is completed)
Dates and further details can be found with the attached flyers
Women’s services - Free teaching event for GP’s & Practice Nurses
Women’s services at Guy’s and St Thomas’ would like to invite you to a teaching event for GPs and practice nurses in
the Mc Nair Centre at Guy’s Hospital. Our clinicians will give multiple presentations to small groups directly in our
clinical settings. There will be demonstrations, clinical cases and networking opportunities.
Programme of the day:
After you reserve a place, we will ask you to choose four of the clinical topics you would like to learn about. All
attendees will be divided into groups and multiple workshops will be running at the same time.
Topics include:
Gynaecology- heavy bleeding, pain, vulval problems, colposcopy and ovarian cysts, endometriosis/pelvic pain,
menopause and uro-gynaecology
Maternity and obstetrics- 4D scanning, renal problems and pregnancy, normal pregnancy, VBAC, high risk ante
natal care
Places are limited to 70, so please book early. This workshop carries 3 CPD points and a certificate of attendance will
be given.
Date: Thursday 8 October 2015; 6.00pm-9.00pm
Venue: Mc Nair Centre, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
To reserve a place click here or on the link below:
30 July 2015
Free vascular update for GPs at Guy's Hospital
An evening event for GPs organised by Guy’s and St Thomas’ and the Royal College
of General Practitioners.
Mr Stephen Black Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Guy's and St. Thomas', will present on:
Acute and chronic deep vein thrombosis
Post thrombotic syndrome.
Date: Thursday 10 September
Time: Buffet from 7pm - lecture starts at 7.30pm
Venue: Roben Suite, Floor 29 Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9RT
To book a place visit the RCGP website.
Or link to:
Sexual Health in Practice (SHIP)
This interactive, practical, peer-led training in sexual health has been tailored for GPs and Practice Nurses in the
primary care setting. It will enable LSL clinicians to update knowledge and develop further skills in assessing sexual
health risk, by offering real life approaches to HIV and STI testing, diagnosis and management. Join over 240 LSL
clinicians who have benefited so far from SHIP in changing their practice to tackle our significant local HIV & STI rates
Delegates must attend all session to complete the training they are as follows:
Practice Nurse Sessions: PN1
Date: 14th October 2015, 12.30 pm - 5.00pm
Practice Nurse Sessions: PN2
Date: 4th November 2015, 12.30 pm - 5.00pm
Venue: Session 1
Akerman Health Centre
Room 045
60 Patmos Road
London, SW9 6AF
30 July 2015
GP session: Key Issues in Sexual Health
Date: 11th November 2015, 12.30 pm – 5.00pm
Akerman Health Centre
Room 045
60 Patmos Road
London, SW9 6AF
Final Session for GPs & PNs: General Practice & HIV
Date: 18th November 2015, 12.30.pm - 5.00pm
Venue: TBC
Download Application: http://selnet.org.uk
Contact: lornamullard@nhs.net
South East London Sexual Health & HIV Network Training Dates
IUD/IUS Workshop - Wednesday 9th September 2015, 14.00pm-16.30pm
Camberwell Sexual Health, Meeting Room, Denmark Hill, SE5 9RS
This popular ½ day course provides doctors and nurses with the opportunity to extend their role in service provision.
Course Aim - To give a comprehensive introduction / update on the use IUD/IUS, on the working anatomy and
physiology combined with practical experience on Zoe / pelvic models.
Fee: £50
This course is accredited by the Faculty Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. Application and further information on this
course can be downloaded from south East London Sexual Health & HIV Network http://selnet.org.uk/
Nexplanon Workshop - Wednesday 23rd September 2015, 14.00pm-16.30pm
Faraday Building , Lecture Room 2, Denmark Hill, SE5 9RS
This popular ½ day course provides doctors and nurses with the opportunity to extend their role in service provision.
Course Aim - To give a comprehensive introduction / update on the use Nexplanon, on the working anatomy and
physiology combined with practical experience on model arms.
Fee: £50
This course is accredited by the Faculty Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. Application and further information on this
course can be downloaded from south East London Sexual Health & HIV Network http://selnet.org.uk/
30 July 2015
Clinical Update in Sexual Health - Saturday 28th November 2015, 09.15am to 15.45pm
Weston Education Centre, King’s College Hospital, London, SE5 9RS
This is our Annual Updating Day suitable for all health professional working in the field of sexual and reproductive
health, who is required to advise patient on wide range of issues, and who need to be fully inform about recent
development and current thinking.
The course programme can be viewed at
Fee: Doctors £100, Nurse & others £50
The course is recognised by the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare and is valid for 6 hours of re-certification
of the DFSRH also CPD. Application and further information on this course can be downloaded from south East
London Sexual Health & HIV Network http://selnet.org.uk/
Electronic Prescribing System (EPS) Refresher Workshops
The Medicines Optimisation Team is pleased to confirm the above workshops will take place in September 2015.
The workshops are being held between 12.30pm-3.00pm - click on the links below to book a place on your preferred
Tuesday 8 September 2015 in Lambeth Accord, 336 Brixton Road SW9 7AA
Wednesday 23 September 2015 in the Hideaway, 2 Empire Mews, Streatham SW16 2BF
Wednesday 30 September 2015 in Bolney Meadow Community Centre, 31 Bolney Street, Vauxhall SW8 1EZ
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) and EMIS Web are working with the Clinical Commissioning
Group (CCG) to deliver the training events to refresh your needs on EPS and answer your questions and the events will
 An opportunity for practice staff and community pharmacists working in Lambeth to ask questions, discuss
and share their experiences with EPS.
 A chance for GP practices to meet with their local community pharmacy to help resolve EPS issues.
 A chance for practices to support & share their valuable experiences with other practices.
 Specialist knowledge from both the HSCIC EPS Team and EMIS Web system trainer.
Confirmed speakers:
Ashik Rai, Senior Implementation Manager, HSCIC
Siobhan Murphy, Utilisation, HSCIC
Dawn Friend, EPS Implementation Support Manager
Nisha Patel, EMIS web Training Consultant
The events are for Lambeth practice staff including GPs and administration staff, Locality Care Network lead
pharmacists and Lambeth Community Pharmacists. Places are limited and we would encourage early booking.
30 July 2015
Lambeth & Southwark Cervical Screening Training Dates
All sample takers are required to attend update training every three years.
We have arranged three further bespoke sessions for current Lambeth and Southwark sample takers – nurses and
doctors welcome.
Please book yourself on to one of the courses below as soon as possible – places are limited!
23 September 2015
9:00 to 13:00
Waterloo Campus
19 November 2015
13:00 to 17:00
Guy’s Campus
19 January 2016
9:00 to 13:00
King’s College Hospital
To book please email Sarah Robinson (see below) with the following information:
The session you wish to attend
Your name
Your practice
Your email address
A contact phone number
As places are limited, you may be charged if you do not attend a session you registered for. We will keep a waiting
list so please let us know in good time if you are unable to attend.
Alison Pisani (Southwark sample takers): alison.pisani@nhs.net
Judi Costello (Lambeth sample takers): judicostello@nhs.net
Sarah Robinson (bookings): sarah.robinson@southwark.gov.uk / 020 7525 4336
30 July 2015
Annual KCH GP Paediatric Conference (Please see attached Programme(8))
The annual King’s College Hospital GP paediatric conference will be held on Wednesday 19 th August at the Weston
Education Centre on the Denmark Hill site. The conference provides practical updates on a range of clinical paediatric
topics which are highly relevant to a primary care audience. All of this is delivered by a faculty of experts who have in
depth knowledge of working in the locality. This year, there is an exciting new development as the conference has
evolved to include a paediatric respiratory masterclass. Attending this masterclass will ensure that you are ready for
the Winter ahead. Please click here to view the conference programme.
The conference is free to attend, however places are limited.
For registration and further information, please contact Rebecca Barnes:
Tel: 020 3299 5157
Free Welfare Benefits Training
Please feel free to pass this information to colleagues. It is likely to be of interest to health and social care staff , staff
in in agencies whose role may including provide advice and support on benefit issues such as housing support workers,
community support workers etc.
Workforce Development in Lambeth’s Adults Social Care offers a wide range of free courses on benefits. We
appreciate that it is difficult to keep track of which changes with particular benefits and to know what to do and who
to contact if things go wrong. Whether you have little understanding or a good understanding, our diverse range of
courses will help you give the best advice to your clients, so you can help maximise their income.
With recent welfare reform changes affecting many Lambeth Residents, it is important people who support them,
know about the problems people are facing as a result of the welfare reform changes, which include;
 understanding changes to housing benefit which reduce support available
 major changes to the assessment of disability and sickness benefits
 customers presenting in crisis with no income due to delays and sanctions
 changes limiting benefits payable to EEA nationals.
Those attending the courses have provided very positive feedback on the quality and value of training received.
Where staff lack these knowledge we would recommend front line staff attend the training course –
14 October / 11 February – Introduction to the welfare benefits – equips frontline staff identify what benefits their
customers should receive by providing an over view of the benefit system. The course equips staff to identify the
range of benefits their clients might be entitled to and develop a basic understanding of how to claim and how to
dispute decisions. The emphasis of the course is on recognition of possible benefit claims and ways of maximising
income for clients with limited income.
22 Oct / 26 Feb - Introduction to key sickness and disability benefits - This course provides a practical look at who
can receive these benefits and what level of difficulties are required to secure benefit and examines the problems that
may arise for many people when migrated onto the new benefits and how to prevent / resolve these problems
6/10/2015 - Personal Independent Payments: (½ day) - a practical course to look at who can receive these benefits
and provide tips on supporting people to claim PIP. Personal Independence Payment is replacing Disability Living
30 July 2015
Allowance for working-age people. This has already started for new claims, and soon16 year olds and people whose
circumstances change will have to claim PIP instead of continuing with their DLA claims. People making renewal claims
will also be affected from June 2015.
15/10/2015: Dealing with Vulnerable Claimants. This new course examines the range of problems that can cause
vulnerable people to present in crisis with no income and provide practical information on how to resolve and prevent
common problems.
20/10/2015 and 02 February - Changes to housing benefits and common causes of rent arrears - for hostel, housing
support and other support workers - This course looks at the more difficult and controversial areas of housing benefit
law. It will concentrate on the areas where problems frequently occur; the areas of difficulties with housing benefit
that lead to people developing rent arrears. It will provide an overview of recent housing benefit reforms and the
options open to people impacted.
Courses available for frontline staff who need a more detailed understanding of certain areas of benefit advice include:
20/11/2015 Sanctions & the Claimant Commitment - this is a new course. This course examines the current
conditionality regime for claimant of JSA and ESA and what the rules are for Universal credit. The course will help
experienced advisors navigate the current conditionality regime and advocate effectively on behalf of clients faced
with sanctions including dealing with delay & escalating complaints.
We will also be offering courses on Universal credit and will update you when the dates are confirmed.
How to Book
Staff book by sending an email to adult and social care learning to acslearning@lambeth.gov.uk .
If you are have any questions about booking onto these courses, please contact acslearning@lambeth.gov.uk or by
telephone on 0207 926 4686 or 4563.
We offer these courses because we appreciate that it is very difficult to keep track of which changes with particular
benefits and to know what to do and who to contact if things go wrong. Whether you have little understanding or a
good understanding, our diverse range of courses will help you give the best advice to your clients, so you can help
maximise their income.
30 July 2015
30 July 2015