Inclusive Schools Fund Guidelines

Inclusive Schools
Fund guidelines
September 2015
Document owner: Contracts and Procurement Unit, Infrastructure and
Sustainability Division, DET
Published by the Infrastructure and Sustainability Division,
Department of Education and Training
Melbourne, August 2015
©State of Victoria (Department of Education
and Training) 2015
The copyright in this document is owned by the State of Victoria (Department
of Education and Training), or in
the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials). No part
may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions
of the Copyright Act 1968, the National Education Access Licence for
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Authorised by the Department of Education
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2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002.
1. Background
2. Aim
3. Criteria
Example projects
Out of scope
4. Application process
How to make an application?
Supporting documentation
Costing and delivering the successful projects
5. Resources
Department of Education and Training information
International Resources
6. Contacts
Central DET Office
Victorian Regional Offices
1. Background
The Victorian Government made a commitment to establish Victoria as the
Education State where every Victorian has an equal right to the knowledge
and skills to shape their lives. Part of this work is to promote inclusive
practices in schools so they can better support all children and young
people, including those with disabilities and special needs.
Every child deserves a great education to reach their full potential,
especially those with special needs who already face additional challenges
in their lives.
The Inclusive Schools Fund (the Fund) is part of the Victorian
Government’s Special Needs Plan that aims to promote inclusive and
innovative practices in schools to better support children with disabilities
and special needs.
$10 million over four years from 2015 will be available for all Victorian
government schools to improve the inclusive nature of their facilities.
More information on the Special Needs Plan can be found on the
Department of Education and Training website.
2. Aim
The Inclusive Schools Fund provides funding for innovative projects that
promote inclusive school environments. Projects should support students
with disabilities to better participate and engage with learning in Victorian
government schools, based on evidence and research.
To achieve this aim, the Inclusive Schools Fund has developed the
following program principles:
1. Increase participation and improve learning outcomes for students
with disabilities through strengthening inclusive government school
2. Promote universal design (see Universal Design Principle resource
in Section 5 for more information) in classroom organisation and
teaching approaches that tailor to the needs of all learners on the
same basis, including those with disabilities.
3. Create innovative models of inclusive best practice for all schools to
consider in facility planning and design for students with disabilities.
4. Maximise curriculum and building access to students with
disabilities including leveraging partnership arrangements to
improve inclusive design elements where possible.
3. Criteria
In addition to normal value for money principles which will apply, the
following criteria for the Inclusive Schools Fund have been developed to
support the program principles.
Applications under the Inclusive Schools Fund must address all of the
1. Increase participation and improve learning outcomes for students
with disabilities through strengthening inclusive government school
Demonstrate how the project will create a more inclusive
environment for both the student/s with disabilities and the
whole student population
Applications will require schools to identify outcome
measurements to show how the proposed project will fulfil the
principles of the Inclusive Schools Fund, for example:
Survey data from students/parents to determine whether
the project increased the inclusive culture of the school.
Measure student engagement/interactions with one
another. This may include a range of methodologies to
capture information on:
Facilities usage
Student attendance
Student social participation
2. Promote universal design (see Universal Design Principle resource
in Section 5 for more information) in classroom organisation and
teaching approaches that tailor to the needs of all learners on the
same basis, including those with disabilities.
Link with the school’s inclusion policies and practices
Outline any changes to teaching approaches or curriculum
that would occur as a result of the project.
3. Create innovative models of inclusive best practice for all schools to
consider in facility planning and design for students with disabilities.
Where appropriate, the application should be supported by a
recommendation from a relevant allied health or other medical
professional (e.g. Occupational Therapist, Student Support
Service Officer, medical specialist etc.)
Reference research on the benefits of the proposed project
(see Section 5)
4. Maximise curriculum and building access to students with
disabilities including leveraging partnership arrangements to
improve inclusive design elements where possible.
Provide details of other funding sources or partnership
arrangements that will contribute to the project (e.g. local
government grants, community organisations, locally raised
Funding will be prioritised for innovative projects that leverage funding from
a range of sources (e.g. local government, community groups). It will also
be prioritised for projects that build universal design approaches that
celebrate and support the diversity of all learners, so that students with
disabilities are enabled to participate on the same basis as all students.
Students with disabilities
Where a student has a diagnosed disability but is not eligible for the
Department’s Program for Students with Disability (PSD), applications must
include confirmation of the diagnosed disability from a medical professional.
Example projects
The following are examples of projects that would be considered under the
Inclusive Schools Fund. Schools must consider the impact of and address
any issues associated with the proposed projects on their facilities
entitlement (see Facilities Schedules [restricted access]).
The value of projects is expected to be between $15,000 and $200,000.
Funding may be provided to increase the flexibility of existing learning
spaces to strengthen inclusive school environments, including through
joining existing learning spaces into single or adjustable larger spaces, the
subdivision of a larger space into more contained learning spaces or the
connection of the classroom to outdoor learning spaces. Proposed works
should be simple (e.g. does not affect support walls) and must factor in
asbestos removal costs where relevant.
Outdoor learning spaces and equipment
This may include creation of outdoor spaces or curriculum areas catered to
the needs of students with disabilities.
Quiet and supportive re-engagement spaces
For a number of students, a learning place where they can go that
addresses their sensory or learning needs can be an appropriate
adjustment. The learning place may be quieter than their classroom, and
have tailored learning equipment. These spaces are areas where students
can voluntarily go to and need to be supervised at all times.
Upgrades based on technological advances
New innovations and evolutions in technology that will have benefits for
student inclusion may be funded under this criterion. This includes
upgrades that may previously have been too expensive but have become
cheaper as the technology has evolved.
Out of scope
Please note the following upgrades are out of scope for the Inclusive
Schools Fund:
Upgrades to make a facility compliant to the relevant disability
legislation and standards – applications for these upgrades can be
made through the Accessible Buildings Program.
loose furniture and specialist disability equipment (e.g. specialty chairs
and toilet frames)
significant capital works projects, over $1 million (e.g. demolitions, new
buildings) as these are subject to the State Budget process
maintenance funding for wear and tear of existing compliant facilities
and/or works
reimbursements for works already completed.
Accessible Buildings Program
The Department manages the Accessible Buildings Program which
provides infrastructure upgrades to schools to make it easier for students,
parents and staff members with a disability to have access to education
These upgrades ensure schools and the Department are compliant with the
relevant legislation and standards. Applications to the Accessible Buildings
Program must meet the program criteria to be considered for funding.
For more information, see the Department’s Accessibility Policy or
Accessible Buildings Program Guidelines [restricted access].
4. Application process
Applications should demonstrate how projects will build and enhance a
school culture of inclusion as well as enhancing the participation of specific
students with disabilities.
A panel including representatives from the Infrastructure and Sustainability
Division, regional offices and the Disabilities and Additional Needs Unit will
assess applications and provide recommendations to the Minister for
Education for approval.
How to make an application?
The Inclusive Schools Fund will have four rounds, one per year from 2015.
Schools are invited to submit applications to the Department with a
proposed infrastructure project that will promote inclusive school
environments at a school.
The application form template at Appendix A should be filled out and
emailed to with the subject line:
Inclusive Schools Fund application – [School Name]
Applications for Round 1 will close at 5pm on Monday 16 November
2015 with successful applicants notified in December 2015.
Dates for future rounds of the program will be announced in early 2016.
Applications for funding should outline an infrastructure project that is
innovative, based on best practice research and should demonstrate how
the school will be more inclusive for all students.
Supporting documentation
Applications must address each of the criteria. Applications that do not
complete each section of the application form will not be considered for
Required documentation includes:
the completed application form with the endorsement of the school
a school map indicating the spaces and/or locations relating to the
reference materials providing evidence that the proposed project will
create a more inclusive school environment
Application process
Where appropriate, schools may be required to submit a signed allied
health or other professional report (e.g. occupational therapist, physical
therapies, psychologist or medical specialist report) as evidence of the
student/s needs. This report should include:
a summary of the student/s condition
the impact of this condition on the student’s ability to participate or
learn at the school
a specific recommendation to address this impact.
Costing and delivering the successful projects
Schools should include an estimated cost only of their project scope in the
After the successful projects are announced, the Infrastructure and
Sustainability Division will work with the schools and regional offices to fully
cost the project and develop the scope of works.
The Department will manage the implementation of the projects with
support from schools.
Where appropriate, schools with successful projects may be provided with
a grant for the project. These schools will be required to comply with the
Department’s acquittal process under the Fund which includes:
Evidence of purchase (e.g. invoice from the supplier)
Photographic evidence of the completed project
Acquittal form (at Appendix B) signed by the school Principal and
School Council President.
Works will be undertaken in accordance with the:
Building Code of Australia
Australian Standards
DET Building Quality Standards Handbook [restricted access]
Disability Access to Premises Building Standards 2010
Application process
5. Resources
Schools must use research that is from a reputable (i.e. peer reviewed)
source. This may include medical or psychology journals, research
undertaken by occupational or physical therapists or research on inclusive
school facilities from other education jurisdictions.
Department of Education and Training information
Disability Discrimination Act guidelines for Student Support Services
[restricted access]
Disability Standards for Education eLearning
International Resources
Designing for disabled children and children with special
educational needs
Resource lists on Special Education Accommodation from the
National Clearinghouse For Educational Facilities
Including Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Schools in
Ireland (OECD)
The 7 Principles of Universal Design
Universal design of schools and classrooms
Universal Design for the 21st Century: Irish and International
6. Contacts
Central DET Office
Inclusive Schools Fund Program Manager
Infrastructure and Sustainability Division
Telephone: 9637 3595
Department of Education and Training
Level 2, 2 Treasury Place
East Melbourne 3001
Victorian Regional Offices
South-Western Victoria Region
8397 0300
5225 1000
5337 8444
North-Eastern Victoria Region
Glen Waverley
8392 9300
8392 9500
North-Western Victoria Region
9488 9488
5440 3111
South-Eastern Victoria Region
8765 5600
5127 0400
Appendix A
Inclusive Schools Fund
Application Form
School Name
School Number
Project description (one line)
Financial Year
Description of student/s with
Attach medical professional
(if appropriate)
Project scope
Estimated construction cost
Project Criteria
1. Increase participation and improve learning outcomes for students with
disabilities through strengthening inclusive government school
Demonstrate how the project will create a more inclusive environment for both the
student/s with disabilities and the whole student population
Identify outcome measurements to show how the proposed project will fulfil the
principles of the Inclusive Schools Fund, for example:
Survey data from students/parents to determine whether the project increased the
inclusive culture of the school.
Measure student engagement/interactions with one another. This may include a
range of methodologies to capture information on:
Appendix A
Facilities usage
Student attendance
Student social participation
2. Promote universal design in classroom organisation and teaching
approaches that tailor to the needs of all learners on the same basis,
including those with disabilities and additional needs.
How does this project link with the school’s inclusion policies and practices?
Outline any changes to teaching approaches or curriculum that would occur as a result
of the project.
3. Create innovative models of inclusive best practice for all schools to consider
in facility planning and design for students with disabilities.
Reference research on the benefits of the proposed project (can include links to
research or attach copies of documents)
4. Maximise curriculum and building access to students with disabilities
including leveraging partnership arrangements to improve inclusive design
elements where possible.
Provide details of other funding sources or partnership arrangements that will contribute
to the project (e.g. local government grants, community organisations, locally raised
Appendix B
Inclusive Schools Fund Grant Acquittal Form
The School Council President and Principal of ____________________________________
[insert School Name]
confirm that the Inclusive Schools Fund Grant of $____________________________
[insert amount]
has been used to address and complete the works outlined in the Inclusive Schools Fund
Grant approval letter dated _____________ (attach copy of letter)
[insert date]
School Council President
School Principal