HW #5 Example 7.8 SOLUTION STEPS: a. Determine: i. population and sample means ii. population and sample standard deviations. b. Review x data to understand how the number was derived c. The problem is normally distributed so central limit theory can used b. The sampling distribution normally distributed a. probability of P( x ≥ 65) can determine using the z score where i. Z = 2.50 ii. P( x ≥ 65) = P(z ≥ 2.50) 1. = .5 - .4938 (the area between 60 – 65 under a normal distribution) 2. = .0062 (the area under the curve beyond the mean of 65) c. Conclusion a. Observing anything beyond 65 is highly unlikely i. x = 73 can be classified as a rare event if µ = 60. Example 8.4 SOLUTION STEPS: Identify the given data o 40 random samples of 100 sale prices µ =$106,405 95% confidence interval Results confirm that 95% of the 40 samples do contain the µ value and should be within the upper/lower limits. Computer Implementation: n/a Example 8.5 SOLUTION STEPS: Determine type of distribution: o normal distribution contains a mean of zero A 90% confidence interval is subtracted from the total probability (100%) o 10% or 0.10 0.10 is divided by 2 to get .05. Find z.05. o half of the normal table we subtract.5-.05 = .45. Identify the value in the standard normal table for .45 o 1.64 corresponds to .4495 and 1.65 corresponding to .4505 1 Interpolating between the values The corresponding Z =1.645. Conclude the confidence interval is x =1.645 ± Example 8.6 SOLUTION STEPS: Determine the mean and standard deviation for the sample using Excel o =1.315 and s=.3658 Confidence coefficient for 99% = 2.58 Use the sample standard deviation, s o s is sufficiently large: 50 Identify upper and lower limits o Upper limit =1.3158 ± 2.58( ) = 1.449 o Lower limit =1.315 ± 2.58( ) = 1.18 We are 99% confident that the true mean ratio of sale price is contained within the interval from 1.18 to 1.45 Computer Implementation: Using the data analysis add-in package in Excel I was able to identify the values and upper and lower limits stated above. Example 8.7 SOLUTION STEPS: construct a 95% confidence interval o confidence coefficient given: z = 1.96 and x = 1.315 ± 1.96 ( ) = 1.315±.101. lower limit of 1.214 and upper limit of 1.416 o It can be determined the C.I. has widened or increased with the decrease in confidence from 99% to 95%. Due to the issue stated above the confidence interval coefficient must also decrease x = 1.315 ± 1.96( ) 95% Confidence x = 1.315 ± 2.58( ) 99% Confidence Computer Implementation: n/a Example 8.8 SOLUTION STEPS: 2 Determine the effect of a change in sample size changes from n=50 to n=100 o 99% Confidence Sample size n=50 Upper limit 1.449 / lower limit 1.18 x = 1.315 ± 2.58( ) x = 1.315 ± .1335 o 99% Confidence Sample size n=100 Upper limit 1.409 / lower limit 1.221 x = 1.315 ± 2.58( ) x = 1.315 ± .0944 The about results indicate the width of the confidence interval increases as sample size decreases Example 8.12 SOLUTION STEPS: The confidence interval from the computer program has a lower limit of 1.1766 and upper limit of 1.4538. o The confidence interval from my calculation was lower limit of 1.18 and, upper limit of 1.45. Actual data 1.182258 and 1.449343 Standardize how far we carry the decimal point then the results should be relative the same The computer program apparently uses the t statistic to calculate the confidence interval Computer Implementation: Excel mimics the same program used above with some slight variations. Example 8.13 SOLUTION STEPS: Identify equation parts: o Sample size is n= 576 respondents o 63 quit their jobs within 1 year after winning $50,000 p = the proportion of the sample x = the number of respondents that quit their job n = sample population Divide that part of the population over the total sample population o = 63/576 = .11 or 11% 3 o 11% of the lottery winners in the sample quit their job during the first year after winning Computer Implementation: Excel mimics the same program used above with some slight variations. Example 8.14 SOLUTION STEPS: construct a 95% confidence interval using the formula: p± o p=.11. o Coefficient is 1.96 (95% C.I.) o q=1-p o n=576 o The 95% C.I. is: 0.08, 0.14 where 0.11± = 0.11± 0.03 Computer Implementation: N/A Example 8.15 SOLUTION STEPS: Find the random sample of 165 families o 101 responded positively to the question asked. p= = 101/165 = .612. Use a 90% C.I. using p± .612±1.645 = .612±.062. o A 90% confidence interval of 0.55, 0.674) We can conclude we are 90% confident that the true proportion of TV families that watched the show is between .550 and .674 = Example 8.19 SOLUTION STEPS: Identify the given parts o Two type of bargaining strategies - competitive ( versus coordinative ( o Each sample n=8. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the difference between the buyer savings of the two strategies. 4 o Assume : 1. The population of each have approximate normal distributions 2. The variances of the two are equal 3. The samples were random and unbiased. Determine variance o adding the two together and dividing by 2. Substituting our values we get (-400±490) or (-890, 90) Result: with a 95% confidence estimate that the difference ( ) falls within the interval -890 to 90 Computer Implementation: The above calculations were performed in Excel (see below) using the Excel functions for average (AVG), standard deviation (STDEV), and variance (VAR) N Competitive Coordinative 1 1857 1544 2 1700 2640 3 1829 1645 4 2644 2275 5 1566 2137 6 663 2327 7 1712 2152 8 1679 2130 SUM 13650 16850 x 1706.25 2106.25 s 538 357 289,432 127,797 208,614 AVG variance Example 8.21 SOLUTION STEPS: Identify given that data and information o Find the 95% confidence interval for the difference in assertiveness for the two different training methods o Find the avg and s Avg 11.0, and s of 6.53. o Add all values to the equation 11.0 ±4.7 or (6.3, 15.7). Result with 95% confidence that the mean managerial assertiveness test scores fall within the interval 6.3 to 15.7 o Both interval limits are positive 5 method 1 produces a test score that is larger o In general the test scores for method 1 are higher Computer Implementation: Using Excel I was able support the average and s stated in the problem. Example 8.30 SOLUTION STEPS: Identify given data o x = 11.06 mg and s = 4.93 mg for 500 cigarette brands. Construct a 95% confidence interval for . of .025 Determine which formula to use o . Find the value on the table for chi squire o x2 .025 and x2 .975 with n=500 = degrees of freedom. values are 21.51 ≤ σ2 ≤ 27.57. Result with 95% confidence that the true variance falls between 21.51 and 27.57 Computer Implementation: By using the descriptive statistics function in Excel the mean, variance, and standard deviation were generated among other things. However, there was a difference between the average variance in Excel and the book, but the difference was mainly where the decimal point was placed. When the square root was taken for each number to determine the standard deviation the difference was decreased even further. 6