WVC CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda May 14, 2012 2:30

May 14, 2012
LeAnn McGinley, Chair, Assessment
Brian Tramontana, Social Science
Leslie Hotta, Applied Arts/Sciences
Cheryl Miller, Student Services
Robert Anthony, Business
Kuni Hay, VP Instruction
Brad Weisberg, Fine Arts
Herlisa Hamp, Admissions & Records
Paulette Boudreaux, Language Arts
Michael Byers, Articulation
Betsy Sandford, Library
Thuy Tran, Office of Instruction
Chris Dyer, Math/Science
Kevin Piedad, ASO
Patricia Louderback, PE
Guests: Kathy Arnold, Jason Challas, Sylvia
Ortega, Ann Marie Wasserbauer
Call to Order : Meeting was called to order at 2:35 pm.
Approval of Minutes of 4/16/12 and 4/30/12 TABLED
New Program Proposals
Proposal Time 2:30 - 3:00
Kathy Arnold/ Jason Challas/ Brad Weisberg
AA-T Studio Art
The Associate in Arts in Studio Art for Transfer is designed to provide lower division education to students planning to transfer
to a CSU with a similar major in Art Studio in pursuit of a baccalaureate degree. The intent of the degree is to assist students in
seamless transfer to a CSU in compliance with SB 1440 legislation. The required courses have been identified by the art
department as matching the “core” courses set by the “c-id” project in the Transfer Model Curriculum for Studio Art. The
Associate in Arts in Art Studio for Transfer is a 60-unit program which provides lower division education to students planning to
transfer to a CSU with a similar major in Art Studio practice. Students completing the program will be able to examine and
evaluate artwork in terms of strengths and goals, and create an art project that uses the elements of design (point, line, plane,
value, and other design principles of organization). Students must complete 60 units including the 24 units in the major, 34-39
units of Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or California State University General Education-Breadth
Requirements, and additional CSU transferable units to total 60 units. Brad/Leslie/ passed
AA-T Art History
The Associate in Arts in Art History for Transfer is a 60-unit program which provides lower division education to students
planning to transfer to a CSU with a similar major in Art History. Students completing the program will be able to attribute
artworks to artist, culture, country and/or style, give rationale for attribution, respond to artworks on both intellectual and
emotional levels, and analyze iconography. Students must complete 60 units including the 18 units in the major, 34-39 units of
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or California State University General Education-Breadth
Requirements, and additional CSU transferable units to total 60 units. Brad/Leslie/ passed
There was a discussion about using the c-id identifiers to match courses in the template, how courses are chosen
for use in the template, double-counting GE curses, and the importance of encouraging and supporting
departments in developing additional TMC. Kinesiology, English, and AJ are in the progress.
New Courses
Course Revisions
Proposal Time 3: 00 -3:15
Richard Shagoury/ Chris Dyer
CHEM 12 A.
This course is being revised to meet present Title 5 standards. All sections were reviewed and changes were made to Textbooks,
Student Prep and Evaluation, Basic Skills, Content Review, Course Objectives, and Lecture Content. Brad/Bob/passed
All elements of the course outline were reviewed and changes were made to Lecture Content, Basic Skills, content Review,
SLOs, Objectives, and Textbooks. Brad/Bob/passed
Proposal Time
3: 15-3:20
Robert Cornejo/ Brad Weisberg
This course outline is being updated to remove content related musicianship to align with the prospective Music TMC. The lab
unit is removed. The course is now 3 units of lecture. Changes were also made to lecture content, out of class assignments,
student prep and evaluation, catalog and schedule descriptions, SLOs and objectives. LeAnn will confer with Lou delaRosa about
the need for technology support if a different online platform is used for DE. Brad/ Betsy/ passed
This course enhances our commercial music program. It adds to a branch of the program we are building in
creating music for media, including film, tv, video games, and apps. This course is steeped in music technology.
Transferability to CSU is requested. Second reading needed for changes to recommended prep for consistency and
complete content review.
IV. Consent Agenda
Deactivations—Chris/Brad/passed all below.
ESL 975 A through D
CHS 31
CHS 77A, 77B
CHS 78A, 78B
LIB 100B
New Business:
 2012-13, 2013-14 Curriculum Chair election
LeAnn stated she was stepping down as chair. She explained that the Curriculum Handbook
states that chair terms are for one year. Cheryl expressed interest. Brad/ Paulette/ passed
Cheryl’s nomination and election as the next Chair.
Review of Courses in the Queue—Courses remaining in the Curricunet queue were evaluated:
 Remove from queue: Engl 905, ID 90, Human 5, Music 22, 36A, 39, 42, 56, 60A-F, 62A,
99, Photo 60, Photo, 61, Photo 62.
 Review: Arch 61, Arch 62, Couns 2 Couns 5, Couns 18, Couns 45, Engl 48, Engr 99, Math
1, Math 10, Math 103, Math 103R, Para 22, PE 1.13, PE 1.24 , READ 961.
 HED 12 (tabled previously)
 Thear 12 may have been previously approved
 Geol 1B may be ready for review
Old Business
 ESL 65 Courses Transferability discussion -- Sylvia Ortega, Ann Marie Wasserbauer, LeAnn
The ESL department presented information from CATESOL supporting the applicability of ESL
65 courses to the associate’s degree and for transfer as baccalaureate level courses. They also
presented comparable courses that are transferable from other colleges. Betsy/ Bob/passed
to maintain CSU transferability in the courses that were approved pending this decision.
ESL Non-Credit Courses-Kuni Hay
Kuni gave an update on the progress toward expanding ESL offering to non-credit to meet the
needs of more student populations in the community. Local dult schools that offer ESL
programs may eliminate their program. The intent is to align WVC non-credit ESL courses with
rubrics in use by the adult schools. ESL is also preparing a White Paper outlining their plans for
the credit curriculum.
Adjournment—4:29 pm