Name________________ 1 Class Period___________ CATEGORY Display 4-A Each element in the display had a functional and clearly served to illustrate some aspect of the project. All items, calendars are neatly, correctly labeled and spelling, grammar. Followed the format Provided accurate, easy-to-follow calendar with labels to illustrate the procedure or the process being studied. 3-B Each element had a function and clearly served to illustrate some aspect of the project. Most items, calendars were neatly and correctly labeled with correct grammar and spelling. Followed the format mostly Provided an accurate calendar with labels to illustrate the procedure or the process being studied. Data Collection Data was collected several times. It was summarized independently, in a way that clearly describes what was being discovered with each exercise. This also included BMI, Target heart rate formulas worked out. Data was collected more than one time. It was summarized independently in a way that was clearly described what was discovered. This includes BMI, target heart rate formulas worked out Description of Procedures were outlined in a step-by Procedures were outlined in a step-by- Calendar 2-C Each element had a function and clearly served to illustrate some aspects of the project. Most items, calendar as neatly. Somewhat followed format 1-D The display seemed incomplete or chaotic with no clear plan. Many labels were missing or incorrect. Did not follow format 0-F nothing Provided an easyto-follow calendar with labels to illustrate the procedure or process, but on key component was missing. Data was collected more than on time. Was not very clear of discoveries or how they used the formulas. Did not provide calendar or the calendar was quite incomplete nothing Data was only collected once and did not clearly identify and use formulas nothing Procedures were outlined in a step- Procedures were outlined in a step-by- nothing Comments /scores Name________________ 2 Class Period___________ procedures step fashion that could be followed by anyone without additional explanations. step fashion that could be followed by anyone with some help from another person. FITT Identify FITT and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone without additional explanations can follow it. Identify FITT and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone with some additional explanations can follow it. 5 components Identify 5 components of fitness and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone without additional explanations can follow it. Identify 5 components of fitness and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone can use it but with some additional explanations can follow it. TOTAL SCORE by-step fashion that could be followed by anyone with a lot help from another person. Identify FITT and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone with many additional explanations can follow it. Identify 5 components of fitness and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone can use it but with many additional explanations can follow it. step fashion that could be followed by anyone with direct help from another person. Identify FITT and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone with complete additional explanations can follow it. nothing Identify 5 components of fitness and use this principle to develop their fitness calendar. Explanations show clear understanding and fashioned that anyone can use but needs complete additional explanations can follow it. nothing Name________________ 3 Class Period___________